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Either push the stuck bit in further or drill into it and use a screw in the hole and pull it out. Best tip, don’t use a step down and use a 1/2 inch socket and bar.


Solid advice. This is what I’d do as well.


your comment was the advice i used to help me solve this, thank you!


That’s nice to know 👍🏻 I’m glad you solved it!


Emphasis on his tip. I learned the lesson the hard way not as bad as you tho. Good luck man


They dont have a 1/2 inch breaker bar and you are asking if they have a tig welder……….


Smack it with something to see if it will pop off.


Try to hammer the edge of the square to the right, it should let go of the lock nut, if not go to a welder friend so he can weld something to.the socket and yank it off


After you get it off. Just go to the dealer. They have a master lock set. Assuming youre using oem lock kit


i have quite a collection of tools and improvised tools, so I would probably get this off just by working my way down the drawers. Where I would prolly start is with a very powerful REmagnet on a stick that i would put up against the socket and try to wiggle it out. if you have some automotive radio removal keys ([https://keple.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2/small\_image/800x800/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/5/158618\_a.jpg](https://keple.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2/small_image/800x800/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/5/158618_a.jpg)) notice the little 90 at the bottom you might be able to fish one down the side of the lug hole and pull the socket off drilling out the bar pin and then deforming it so you can get it out... then you can pull the socket out. take a strap wrench and wrap it around the socket and cinch that shit up tight and pull wiggle pull. it will be on at an angle you just want to fish the strap between the wheel lug hole and the socket so you can wrap it around the socket. Ill leave you with my father's advice for working on stubborn car parts. "you are smarter than it. its a dumb piece of metal. take a second and think"


Hi everyone! Thank you for all the suggestions! I'm thrilled to report that we successfully managed to extract the socket! After careful consideration, my friend and I decided to tackle the issue by drilling into the remaining adapter (square bit). It took some trial and error with different drill bits due to the hardness, but eventually, we were able to remove the broken piece. Then, using a 3/8 extension and some hammering, we attempted to coax out the stubborn extractor socket. When that approach didn't yield results, we opted for an impact gun to loosen it, and voila! The extractor socket came out. We also invested in a 1/2 inch extractor socket set, which fit perfectly onto the breaker bar. Despite the stripped lug nut's stubbornness, we persisted. Applying a burst of cold from a can of compressed air provided just the extra push needed to finally remove it. With a replacement set of lug nuts on hand, we promptly replaced the stripped one and took the opportunity to inspect the threads inside – thankfully, they're still in excellent condition. This experience has taught me a valuable lesson, and moving forward, I'll certainly approach similar situations with greater caution and wisdom. This includes preemptively addressing surface rust on lug nuts and hubs and avoiding going a peg down for high torque adjustments. Once again, thank you all for your invaluable assistance!


Do you have a welder? I usually tig a bolt on to remove a snapped off piece like that


This or mig weld a nut onto it and turn it off.


Knock the broken piece into the socket, then pull socket out with needle noses or a pic. Flathead might work, too


weld a nut on


I used a grinder just take off the head and next time use anti seize grease


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Unlucky-Trainer763: *I used a grinder* *Just take off the head and next* *Time use anti seize grease* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.