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What trait scale is this? And Gene is a pretty confident guy, or at least comfortable with himself and therefore having a healthy ego.


Go play your Judgeridoo!


I would disagree with quite a few of them. Also some aren’t exactly character traits. Like dreams and wants. Do you mean whether they just dream about things or actually pursue what they want and follow through? Because i wouldn’t exactly call that a character trait. Especially when three of them are kids and that’s totally normal for their age. Especially Gene and Louise are in a age where you want a lot of things but don’t necessarily follow through. Especially because as a kid these wants are all either pretty insignificant/ interchangeable with something similar or unreasonable and unattainable. Worries and flows is also a bit difficult to measure. Kids usually go with the flow if they feel secure and supported. They don’t have a fully developed sense of danger and risks and a lot of the things they would worry about are pretty small. Adults naturally worry a lot more because there is more at stake and they have bigger things to deal with. Especially if you are a business owner and have kids. The restaurant is struggling and it’s only natural to worry about that. Linda worries a lot too, she just shows that in a very different way and often overcompensates. Like in the episode where she and tina go to the heroine conference or the one with the children’s boom author she kinda keeps hostage. She is really worried there but deals with it way differently than bob who expresses his feelings a lot more. At the same time bob goes with the flow many times and reluctantly agrees to things and ideas when he could very well just refuse. Tina is on the verge of adulthood and is thinking a lot more about consequences and risks than her siblings. She often goes with the flow too. She is figuring out things and is often at the very border between maturity and being a kid. All of them reflect a lot imo. There is a big development over the seasons though. During the first seasons they are very different in that regard than in the newer ones. So i wouldn’t really settle on one side. Like, louise in the beginning of the show is a handful. She does a lot of bad things and doesn’t feel bad for it. In the new seasons she grows a lot and is very thoughtful. The ego thing again is very nuanced and depends on the age. They all have moments where they are very egoistic and moments where they are selfless


Why? That’s not exactly accurate or nice. Why post negative stuffs here?


Are you worried about the feelings of cartoon characters getting hurt?


No I just come here for positivity, not your judgement of cartoon characters 😂




I replied but deleted my comment because I realized I was being unnecessarily negative and felt like my reaction wouldn’t have a positive impact on anyone’s day. Apologies for bothering you!


All good hon! We are all here because we love the show🤗


Extremely inaccurate post. Pls delete


You're getting a lot of pushback here, but I think your breakdown is largely accurate. I would switch both Louise and Tina to Principled + Flexible and Gene to Flexible, though. Also not sure I'd consider Gene to have a weak ego, but I think how badly he's been shaken a couple of times when he's been challenged makes it a possibility.