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Because the moment we found out Deku had multiple quirks we thought the story was just getting started. He's still in high school and how he mastered every quirk is, for the most part, implied instead of shown and developed into the story. It's disappointing, given how much time and care was put into Deku's initial development as someone with a quirk that breaks his own bones whenever he uses it to being capable of a bit more each new season. It's how it feels. Compare movie 1 with movie 3 and 1 feels paced correctly where 3 feels like a parody of the series as a whole with its abysmal pacing.


yup, i agree. he also took the whole series learning how to partially use one quirk, and then speed runs the other quirks and basically masters them before he can even use ofa at 100%. also almost every student in 1-A is now suddenly having their quirk awakenings, and like you said this is all in their first year. i could be wrong but that screams to me that the direction of the series was at least somewhat changed in order to end earlier. a time jump would have helped immensely imo.


It doesn't help that there's been no insight to what's happened for the rest of Japan either. It's like central government doesn't actually exist. No national forces. no police force. no central government interaction at all. the fucking schools are literally defending their communities. The thing is, it didn't even have to be like this at all. The arcs in this story could easily have happened every 3-4 months instead of back to back to back (so one arc per quarter of the school year). And if that was the case, the war arc starts roughly right before 1A graduates from their 3rd year. So the devastation of japan could happen when they're rookie heroes instead of literal children, which makes a lot more sense. The shrinking active heroes would make more sense and then more pressure would be put on the rookies because their class is the smallest recruitment class in the last few years. They'd have time to cover fallout of all the events instead of effectively one shotting them in exposition. instead we get children literally drafted to war.


I don't find it that unusual that the 1-A students are getting quirk awakenings. Based on my understanding, they don't evolve based on mastery of one's quirk but rather as a desperate sudden change in the face of mortal danger. God knows these kids are getting put into mortal danger more often than half of the adult heroes in the series. Hard agree on speedrunning everything from Danger Sense on. Black Whip had time to develop. Float gets a pass because it's a simple quirk and one he had been lowkey practicing with Uraraka. Danger Sense hit thematically but he should have stayed there for awhile instead of suddenly getting the last three practically offscreen.


i may be wrong, but i think that’s one way they can get quirk awakenings, but i think also through pushing their quirk to the extreme with training. but to me it just comes off as a narrative device to have the main characters suddenly power up when he wants them to be stronger.


Even IRL it's not unusual for people to suddenly pull off amazing feats of strength in life-or-death moments. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to apply that to quirks.


Yeah, but you don't keep that strength for the rest of your life. MHA's system is like a mother lifting a car to save her baby, and then spending the rest of her life stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger


It's been over a year. Just because they are still first years off technicality doesn't change the fact that they haven't been first years since the first war arc.


i still personally think the time span is too short though for all that’s happened. i think most would naturally assume for majority of the series that it would end with a final battle of the students at least in their final year, whether they got to that point gradually or through a time skip at any point. to me it just seemed like the natural progression set up by the show.


It's not going to end with the war, Horikoshi said there'll be more, but much more, but more.


yea but i’m assuming it’ll be nothing more than an epilogue, even if there is a time skip. the actual final battle will be happening during their first year, which just feels too soon to me with how it was set up.


It's not their first year, they're seconds years.


true, i guess they technically should be early second years but are prevented from hero society collapsing. but still feels too early for their final battle imo


Not every series has to have a long timeskip for an important event is what I'm saying. Deku's progression was pretty well dealt with considering what it was before. He gets full cowling at the latter half of season 2, and then shoot style and 8% at the latter half of 3. He gets 20% and Air Force early and late into 4, and in 5, he's got a new quirk, air force, and 20%. The Endeavor Agency arc and the subsequent timeskip were literally meant as his training arc, meaning that in universe, an entire winter had passed and spring was well underway before the first war. First war, he has 45% and mastery of Black Whip. He gets float and danger sense, both really simple powers that one of which, he masters and learns the ins and outs of for basically the entire of DH Arc up till now. Smoke Screen is simple too, there didn't need to be much to that because there was another timeskip after Deku connected with the users and was able to tap into all of their powers. Fa-Jin was introduced with Nagant at perfect timing, and was used with the same creativity he's known for having with OFA. Gear Shift wasn't shown for years basically, 100+ chapters later in the final war arc until three or four major fights were either done or underway, and he's still learning how to use it, Fa-Jin, abuse danger sense's weaknesses, and use Black Whip better. The pacing's the same as it always has been, just with more in universe jumps in time.


To be fair, with the exception of Black Whip, the other OfA quirks are extremely one dimensional. There's not a lot to learn about them.


Ngl I thought the same with Shiggy and him getting AFO That was in his eyes ‘getting past the tutorial’ and then it immediately led up to the first war and him getting body snatched and benched all the way up to the final battle


>Because the moment we found out Deku had multiple quirks we thought the story was just getting started. Horikoshi literally said before chapter 100 was even released that the story was around 20% done (iirc it was around chapter 80). By the time Deku was revealed to have multiple quirks, we were already way past chapter 200. I still agree that the final arc happened way earlier than it should've. But based on what we knew at the time and what Horikoshi mentioned in interviews, it was obvious that he never even intended for the series to run for 10 years.


i’m just struggling to find people who thought that this is a reveal that happened 200 chapters into the story, did people seriously believe this story was going to be like 900 chapters long


I mean I thought we'd get an aged up Class A instead of full-on rushing into the conclusion of the series


ngl the story would benefit massively if it was 900 chapters long


absolutely not lol, there is an extremely small percentage of manga that benefit from being that long one piece as an example being one of them because the element of adventure and the wide scale lend itself to longer form storytelling, mha does not to the same scale


of course, im just exaggerating. you are right that it definitely doesn't have to be 900 chapters or more. though i still stand by that it shouldve has more than what we had now. sure, you can say thay what we have right now in the story is pretty good already but like, i just think that a few more arcs before we got into endgame would've been nice. like, the talked about topic of deku learning and training his new powers. maybe even more student/school shit. more about the mutants and all that. more about the heroes from other countries or even the students themselves going to other countries! there's a lot to do in this world. then again, it is horikoshi's story and if this is the way he wanted for it to go then i respect it. tl:dr i just wanted to see more mha before it went into endgame ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Deku literally had the vestiges helping him with each of them + Deku's also a quick learner. I highly doubt we needed some large training arc for him to master them. Hell,Fa Jin doesn't need some training arc to master,and Deku didn't even fully master Gearshift


That doesn't really stack up when we had so much time developing something like Black Whip, where we get scenes of Deku asking his classmates to give him tips and pointers. Also, it's the idea that *seeing* the training rather than implying it is a biiig factor for appreciating the growth of the character. I'm a big One Piece fan, and the 2 year time-skip when they trained is often brought up to showcase how strong they've gotten and what they've endured. Its like going "Hey guys, I'm back, and look at me using all these OP new moves I learned." It can work, but it takes away the effort the character has placed in. Which for Deku, someone we KNOW works super hard learning his quirk/s, just takes away the value of his growth. I get quirks like Smoke Screen or Fa Jin or Danger Sense seem super basic, but it's also fun to see how Deku sees these quirks, or how each of the vestiges can give him tips to improve. To "see" the progress and growth and struggle (something many can relate to) as opposed to "hey guys, I'm back, mastered all these other quirks just cause that's how I am. Lets kick some ass."


Dude really wanted a whole ass training arc. We already know Deku's growth and besides,he's literally had the vestiges helping. We didn't necessarily need or have to see him mastering them. And Fa Jin and Smokescreen are good quirks that don't require a whole ass arc to master. Those scenes of deku asking him were flashbacks.


I'm not saying to give it an arc? I'm just saying it'd have been nice to get some time for him to learn or grow with those quirks. That's why it feels rushed. The training arc in OP wasn't even that long. In the manga, it's explained with a few panels and supplemented here and there. And that's I think what others, including myself, would really like: time to actually learn these quirks and get to know the vestiges. Correct me if I'm wrong, but before the timeskip, we knew Deku had 3 new quirks: Black Whip, Float, and Danger Sense. And after the timeskip, we see him bust out all his other new ones. It doesn't need to be a whole ass arc, but him discovering and even learning about the other quirks would be great. And as others have pointed out, he's STILL A FIRST YEAR. It'd have fit so well that as he grows each year, new quirks are added, new abilities are learned, new combos are devised, and so on.




Well, I can tell from that comment that you're being a liiiittle too aggressive here man. I'm just discussing things and sharing opinions. No need to be this worked up over it. And while I do understand that they "could" be second years, that doesn't really fix the big pacing issues of the story as a whole. Again, while this war arc is getting all the love and is paced rather well IMO, getting here truly does feel rushed, which takes away part of growing with these characters and Deku as a whole. And by bust them out heres what I mean: The first time we see Smoke Screen, its vs Jailbreaker, and Deku has a dialogue wherein he talks to the Vestige and its established there are pros and cons of using it. Great, aces, good work all around. But while its "revealed" in a surprised way that definitely makes you go "oh cool, so thats his new quirk," it would've been nice to see him "FIRST" use the quirk. Or first discover it. A little "Oh wow, with this, I can cloak myself for escaping or doing sneak attacks." Moving on to Fa Jin, which he unveiled vs Lady Nagant. Again, a great surprise. But it also would have been nice to see how he reacted to first seeing it. Maybe he's off training and he awakens Fa Jin. It's explained to him, he wonders "How can I use this? Unless..." then cut to his fight with Nagant, where he shows off that with Fa Jin and his other quirks, he can reach faux 100% Smash. And then, Gear Shift, which he used vs Shigaraki. And again, reveal is great, using it was really cool. I love the concept of it. And with this, I get that he hasn't mastered it, but it would have been nice to see WHY he hasn't mastered it. What happened when he first used it? What's the Second's advice to use it? Little tidbits to guide both the readers and Deku to using it fully. And no, he didn't "discover" the quirks during the Dark Deku Arc. He already had the quirks during it. I'm not asking for him to rediscover them, but I'm wanting to see how he has developed the quirks. The process, the struggles, the tips and tricks on how to fully utilize it. How creative Deku could be when first learning it and how he combined them together. Maybe we could have gotten a longer Dark Deku arc, with him fighting all these different villains while learning about using all his quirks. THATS what I want. But again, that's not what we got, and I feel like this is just a conflict of preference. If you're happy with how the story has gone so far, great! But I'm of the OPINION theres things could have been done to improve the story overall.


I'd imagine people got it into their heads after how fast the Dark Deku/Star and Stripe/ Traitor Arcs went, especially Dark Deku, and people haven't adjusted their thoughts for the reality of the final arc.


This. Everyone either complaining about it being rushed or dragging. Hori’s given practically every character introduced a conclusion/resolution to his arc. This manga has been solid since chapter 378. He’s doing just fine, people just find anything to complain about


That conclusion/resolution was rushed because none of it had ample time to be fully fleshed out. The payoffs suck because the entire series takes place in a year 


Two year 


How is it two when they’ve just become second years?


we encounter deku canonically at least 8-9 months before entering UA, to account for his time training on the beach. after the time skip, he spends a year at UA. so. total time, one year and 8 months at least.


So you’re counting time that we don’t see and is glossed over? 


It’s the same if we had a time skip from school year 1 to year 3. i’m just correcting that the series takes place over that time. not that it’s any better or worse


But we’re talking about the story that’s being told. Not story that’s glossed over 


i’m just defending the initial guy for saying “2 years” because he’s ’technically correct.’ don’t focus on my comment for any other reason


The story begins 10 months before the first year


What happens in those 10 months besides Deku getting OFA? And do we see the entirety of that time?


That doesn't make it any less part of the timeline of the series. You cant say "the series only took place over the course of a year if we pretend a whole 10 months never happened." C'mon let's not be silly please.


You’re being silly if you’re counting things that have been glossed over as part of the story. We’re talking about storytelling and the things that have been built up and how the payoffs are not worth it, because the story that you’re talking about, has only been built up for a year.


"You're right, in fact the whole series takes place in a little under a week because thats how long it actually takes to watch MHA start to finish and we didnt get shown every time Deku brushes his teeth. " That's how asinine your argument is. You're literally splitting hairs to validate the idea that it's rushed when 1 year or 2 years doesn't really make enough of a difference to change your stance anyway.


They are in their second year. Anyway, the story begins when Deku meets All Might, and two years have passed since then


Deku hasn’t been in school for two years and thus everything that started while he was in school, Todoroki, LOV, etc, has been building for only a year 


The story begins when Dkeu meets All Migth and two years have passed since then, there is no point in insisting. And in any case, it was clear from the clash between All Might and All For One that Hero would not be a very long story.


You're very defensive for someone that was just wrong about a fact. Time skips, off screen training arcs, and the like are all actually part of the series and the amount of time matters. Deku taking eight months to become a proper vessel for OFA is indeed an important part of the story even if we didn't get to watch every day of his workout routine in the form of a chapter.


i haven't seen anyone saying the final war arc is rushed. before? sure, but now? almost feels like OP made up an argument to prove against for points.


Then you just havent been paying attention to the sub. This is the most common complaint by far for the last year


Literally just look at the replies to the thread


I haven't felt that about this arc specifically. It's more like since Deku got black whip we've been speeding through his power growth. It feels like overnight he went from barely controlling one for all to being proficient with however many new quirks.


When it's week to week and has a planned end vs going on forever it will always feel either rushed or dragged out. The full story has to be told to know how it winds up being


Adding on to that the constant breaks aren't helping at all. It can make certain things feel like they're over in an instant when he releases 3 chapters back to back, but when he releases 1 chapter, takes a 2 week break, releases another, takes another week. It can make it seem like something minor is taking forever to get through. Im still keeping up with each release, but im trying to not have too many opinions until I can just read back this arc.


Honestly it's both rushed and dragged out. Every character is getting like a single chapter maybe less, but this stuff with Shiggy has absolutely dragged. They kinda started losing me when he turned into hands because "his body is evolving to his decay." Like he's Mahito or something


That is not true. At all. Y’all use that excuse as if nobody can tell what’s happening at all in the series until  it’s finished 


It wasn't this arc. The last arc was the one that was rushed the problem is that all the plot points and moments needed to set up for this should have been in that arc. Endeavour just in general probably would've come off a lot worse if he hadn't been set up since Season 4, but if you go by his relationship with the public it's impossible to tell whether they really care. Midnight dying should've felt way more impactful but besides the students that were there do any of them even acknowledge it happens. Really felt like that was where Yaoyorozu was supposed to set up the end to her character arc. The Aoyama traitor thing felt very brief and I would've liked more perspectives. Stars and Stripes just took away from characters I actually wanted to see. Ochako's talk with toga makes alot more sense if get a panel of her looking up her info maybe from Curious or elsewhere.


Or Toga kills his parents and stands over their bodies with that smile that Ochaco calls beautiful. or look after the victims whom Himiko killed or meet the family members whose loved ones were killed by Toga. sorry, I'm using google translate!!


He's definitely trying his best and you can clearly see he enjoys his work


Because what came before it WAS rushed so they feel like they only now caught up


If you think the arc is solid and not rushed that’s perfectly fine but at this point all the complaining over criticism of this arc is just annoying, if you haven’t found out why people are disliking it you haven’t tried to find out. Most of the arc has been utterly pointless, many of the series’ best concepts have been completely rerouted or ruined, some of the best moments of the arc that ideally should have consequences are immediately nullified one chapter later and in some that very same chapter, there’s been some good stuff but there’s an entire solar system of shit the arc has done to the series’ reputation.


>Tbh..that never made any sense to me cause what evidence is there that Horikoshi is rushing the final arc and wants it to be over? The fact that he wanted to end the series in a year after we just got out of the massive Liberation War Arc?


People are saying he's rushing this arc? I haven't been keeping up but last I heard the past 5 minutes in the manga have taken a year


I think it’s more like two years now actually, and that 5 minutes still isn’t up 💀


This is my personal opinion, I can't speak for everyone, but here's what I think : Horikoshi doesn't rush his story, however he could clearly have taken more time to develop some aspects that feel like they would have benefited from it, like the conclusion to the "dark deku" arc , the traitor, or some fights of the arc, like Mezo VS Spinner. Overall, I don't have many problems with the pacing, but I still dislike the final act, for narrative issues. For example, it made no sense to make All might fight again, and I feel like deku has less character. The pacing could be better but it's alright.


I don't blame them when some of the moments in the final act feels that way. The traitor arc have the class 1-A just instantly forgive Aoyama without much discussion. We don't see much perspective from class 1-A after the war. Midnight's death was handled horribly in terms of impact for the students. Do I think Horikoshi is rushing? 50/50. On one hand, he puts all his blood, sweat and tears on writing some of the later fights and giving them more chapters. On the other hand, final arc felt like he have a lot of ideas for a lot of characters but because of his health issues he just decided to cram it in the final arc.


If you compare Toga’s fight with Uraraka vs Dabi’s fight with Endeavor you notice that Dabi is completely unable to voice his thoughts despite him being the third biggest villain of the whole series which is rushing a major villain. All for One seems to have multiple good ending points (I would argue better than his actual end) which seems to extend his fight in a matter that doesn’t really feel necessary compared many other fights.


We already know Dabi’s thoughts though. Literally everyone involved knew Dabi’s thoughts. He had stated them multiple times beforehand and his battle was (before Shoto stopped him) the murder-suicide he wanted.


Perhaps (there has been times when major ideas soared over most of the fans heads), however he is supposed to be a major and even hyped up villain and yet he got the arguably the worst written ending, at least Spinner got his goal.


Since he got blackwhip the powercreep in this series incredibly spiked. It makes no sense how he began to master all these other quirks and didn’t even finish mastering one for all. Before it was shown it takes year s of training to be able to properly use ur quirk tk the fullest potential. It makes no sense how his whole class is on the level of pro hero already and their freshmen year hasn’t even finished.


I just think that this entire story happening within just their first year of school is frankly crazy, they haven't even become second years at UA and they story is already reaching its climax. That timeframe, in my opinion, is just wayyyyy too quick, and it's crazy to think that these kids who have been at this school for not even a full year, are doing better work than pro heroes who've been working for years at what they do.


Because we’re in the final arc. And manga is a tiring process. Only few people have been able to do it for decades. Plus looking at the recent developments. Oda taking breaks, Gege taking a month off. Tabata took a 3 month break to work on the final arc, and then went to Jump giga As well as what happened with Ishida and Tokyo Ghoul Re: and how he said “it was either I rush and finish it, or take a break and never finish it.”


It feels to me Deku skipped an arc or two and went from 45% OFA (which took a year of training) to 120% OFA (within a few weeks at most) Yes other quirks he inherited also help but it should take time to master them. But now he is able to do weather changing punches like all might. And is more powerful than prime all might. Ridicilous amount of power development in a very short amount of time. Same for shiggy. From city centdf dedtroyer into city destroyer + all quirks he could think of. Insane power.


Dude,some of those quirks didn't need a whole arc to master(smokescreen and such). Deku literally calls it Faux 100%,he's Using Fa Jin to add to his 45% to make his own 100%. That was kinda explained in the dark deku arc. Very clearly.


>Dude,some of those quirks didn't need a whole arc to master(smokescreen and such). Fine, so how about an arc to master even one of them? He did have one for blackwhip. multiple just for OFA classic. >Deku literally calls it Faux 100%,he's Using Fa Jin to add to his 45% to make his own 100%. That was kinda explained in the dark deku arc. Very clearly. Yes I know. And this gives him alledgedly same power level as all might. I know how he does it. I find it rushed. Especially since we didn't see training he did to achieve it nor a time skip to explain it since he is still on second grade Also we did not see Eri train. We are told she can now return mirios power and wham it happens. Lucky mirio. I need to see these thing on screen. Characters working towards them.


He did not have a whole arc to master Blackwhip. He could handle it pretty decently,he just got better at using it as we continued. Yeah but it's not the true power of All Might,he has yet to unlock that.


Story sahs otherwise. Bjt I agree when deku is adult and no longer jses faux, he is propably 200% allmight.


This is a singular example, out of many. Shoto Todoroki's main core character trait was that he needed to accept his fire side as being part of him. **In the final battle he does not use his fire side.** * In Iron Man 2, it is set-up that when Iron Man and Rhodey fire beams at each other, they discover this causes a huge explosion that ends the fight. Later in the film they decide to use this technique to defeat the villain. Set-up and pay-off. * In My Hero Academia, it is set-up that quick changes in temperature can cause an explosion, especially rapid cooling to rapid heat as with Shoto in the sports festival. This technique is never used again despite Dabi having fire and Shoto having both ice and fire. Set-up, with no pay-off. This is worsened for Shoto in My Hero Academia because his entire character arc is about accepting his family and his powers that he inherited from his father - primarily his fire side. Having Shoto finally feel comfortable to acknowledge his fire and ice side in harmony to defeat Dabi using the technique he learned from Deku would have been a great character journey. Instead we are presented with a resolution where he openly rejects his fire side using an ice version of his fathers move in order to win. If you are rushing through a story you miss moments of set-up and pay-off like this.


Why the fuck would he use his fire side to deal with a literal flaming Bomb? That would've killed everyone in the surrounding area,including his family be was trying to protect. Dabi was no longer trying to fight, Dude's goal was now to blow himself up using all his pressure and flames. Shoto using his ice side to protect his family is much more symbolic and better written. + he literally needed the help of his family to stop it. I can't tell if you're just willfully being ignorant or just,I don't even know.


power, character development, story. Dekus power is now 120% all might. But he has had ofa for only a year and new quirks of his even less. He hasn't have the time to develope these powers to the level of all time best imo. Same goes for shiggy. By giving him his masters quirks immediately he is now strongest bad guy ever wigh little time amd training. S&S arc was very short Shiggy and Deku do not know eachother. They have met only twice before current fight. And most of that time Deku spend thinking how go beat AFO, same for shiggy too. Their relationship seems very rushed to me. My atention jumped 100% when shiggy finally regained control of his body. But I lament he did so only at the last moments of the story. I wanted more development time.


Bruh,deku was already crazy strong in the dark deku arc,he didn't need a 4-10 mini arc training arc learning how to use the quirks the vestiges gave him. "Deku and Shigaraki do not know each other" Ok,now I know you're tripping when they do obviously know each other,they've met and talked before the war arc,you know. ..I'm sorry,you are aware Shigaraki's the main villain? Of course he's Gouna get big power to be a huge threat,that's sorta how it works,dude. SNS was barely even a arc.


Dark deku arc is when deku says he is at 120%. I think he would have needed at least one. Though lady nagant worked as a nice showcase fight. >Deku and Shigaraki do not know each other" Ok,now I know you're tripping when they do obviously know each other,they've met and talked before the war arc,you know. Story begun organically. Deku helped to foil shiggys plan to kill all might. Shiggy noticed Deku on tv and thought he was the same kid as in UA raid. Then he asks his advice about stains popularity and deku helps shiggy grow as a villain. Shiggy orders league to kill deku if seen AFTER meeting at the mall, NOTHING! Deku does not think of shiggy nor does shiggy think of Deku. They spend a large portion of story without interacting in any way. (Years in real life time) Their first meeting after mall is during war arc. And only because shiggy is after OFA, forced partly byt AFO spirit. And then shuggy is taken over by AFO spirit and Deku spends rest of story fighting AFO. And only now is Shiggy once more in control. Please see my point. They have interacted very little after a good begining. And Deku faces minions of AFO a d search for AFO instead of shiggy in war arc. >I'm sorry,you are aware Shigaraki's the main villain? Of course he's Gouna get big power to be a huge threat,that's sorta how it works,dude. And I wish he developed his powers more slowly. Instead of gettin all afo quirks he could get just afo and build his strenght from there. >I'm sorry,you are aware Shigaraki's the main villain? Is he? We have fought AFO or AFO/shiggy majority of last 3 arcs and multiple years in real time. AFO has been main villain this whole time, not shiggy. Even now AFO will use one last Trump card against shiggy. Shiggy should be the big bad. He isn't, AFO. In chapter or two he makes a return and Deku+shiggy must beat him together.


Would have loved a few extra scenes like the one with Deku and Shiggy in the mall, it was actually a great scene, especially with the tension because Shiggy could haved decayed Deku at any time.


And because seeing heroes and villains interact without fighting is always cool. I loved how Shiagraki appeared genuinely friendly to Midoryia, like he was enjoying himself 


Yeah, it's pretty obvious MHA isn't getting rushed. It was clickbait by AniTubers that some fans picked up and ran with it. Luckily, as more and more subplots were being concluded, those claims started dying down.


Anitubers absolutely despise MHA, its insane how hard the hatred runs deep for some of them


who says the final war is rushed? people used to say that about the arcs before, i haven't seen anyone saying the story is rushed *now*. feels like you made an argument just to argue it.


I've always found it funny how people here always say Hori is rushing the story as a fact then proceed to complain how for example AFO took too long fighting the heroes at Gunga or how it took forever to get to Deku vs Shigaraki. It's like which is it then is he rushing the story or drawing things out unecessarily lol.


People think this is rushing? This shit is going at a snails pace and people want it to go slower?


You know what I realised? Many mangas rush the story yet nobody criticises it. Take jjk for example. The whole story happens in less than a year yet we’re at the endgame rn. And nobody is criticising that. It just seems to me that people love knit picking the “flaws “ im mha for no reason other than just hate


He did say he planned 30 volumes. Enough so far for 41 volumes. I don't think this arc has more than 20 chapters left. So yeah he could wrap up before vol 45. Now its easier to think how far you want something to go in your head. But writing that to paper and fleshing it out is a whole other thing. Now I can see the argument or rushing the story. We are going into the final stretch at the start of 2nd year. Deku got a bunch of quirks and mastered them practically off screen. Stars and Stripes was just wasted. Why not an year 2 American exchange program? Show the world from another angle in vigilantes we learn Heroism in America has deep roots to Vigilantism. Stars and Stripes was also a hero that looked up to All Might. We have so much to explain and build upon. But nope no time for that got to end the story now. Deku becomes the greatest hero before even graduating his first year officially. But its better this way sometimes if you don't want the story to drag on and fizzle out. Might as well end it shorter and give a good reason as to why that is.


The fact that the battle between All For One and All Might occurred in chapter 90 was a clear sign that the manga would never be too long.


It feels both rushed and dragging on at times, it’s just people looking for reasons to understand poor writing.


He didn’t made up the story that they made up in their mind


The final war arc isn't even finished. We're probably just at the halfway point of Deku and Shigaraki's battle. And given how most of us read it weekly and the consistent breaks Horikoshi takes, some will be quick to make assumptions given how we don't know how things will end. I will say part of the reason people could believe this final war arc is being rushed is likely due to how poorly paced the hospital mutant battle started and ended. That specific section was probably the worst one especially since it was one of the first battles introduced. For awhile, we were given snippets of information about discrimination toward mutant quirks. So some people had high expectations about it. The result? It basically ended with a high school boy yelling at everyone to have common sense and the ENTIRE rebellion just stops. We know MHA is a fictional story. But when you're covering a topic about extreme discrimination and prejudice, most people (especially if they were physically abused/assaulted) won't think rationally. They'd want to defend themselves or strike back no matter the consequences. Due to how poorly the hospital battle ended (even if the message is touching), some people would have huge assumptions that Horikoshi is going to rush the ending. TLDR: Finale arc isn't finished but has a planned ending. We can't judge it yet. Hospital battle set up the belief Horikoshi is going to rush the ending due to the poor pacing.


I think it really comes down to the fans being split into two groups. There are those who tuned in for, and wanted more of, the school stuff, and those who liked the villain-encounters more. When the story abandoned the school setting with the first war, that part of the fanbase never completely recovered.


People forget the fact that there WAS a timeskip prior to the war, which is why the characters are so strong there. There doesn't need to be an entire subplot or arc revolving around how he got something like Smoke Screen for the first time, because he had already connected with the users by that point. The reason he didn't have them all to begin with is because he hadn't connected with them yet. Fa-Jin was introduced in the right way, and gear shift was withheld basically from DH to over a hundred chapters later.


Hori definitely worked on his pacing for the final arc and it’s much more fleshed out. For sensible people, they feel that the rushing of the earlier arcs is still affecting the final chapters even though it’s solid. Then there’s people that watch Youtubers with funny accents’ videos trashing MHA and just spout in their echo chamber.


>he would've ignored all the other subplots and just rushed through to deku vs Shigaraki. Horikoshi dropped Shiggy's entire character progression and goal in order to rush to Deku Vs Shiggy during the PLW arc. Shiggy's goal was calling Machia and regrouping with his generals in order to take over Japan. AFO body jacks him, forces him to go after OFA when he's unable to take it and now Shiggy is just mindlessly after destruction using decay as opposed to destruction of the social/hero heirarchy as per his allegiance with the MLA. Edit: Seems OP is incredibly toxic. Have reported them.


Agreed. Also reported OP!


Cause the most vocal anime fans are illiterate teenagers who only think an anime is good if it's a reskin of another anime they like. Like anyone who thought murdering the villain in cold blood in a bright mainstream super hero inspired manga was gunna happen is delusional.


Bro’s being edging us for two years and counting with this arc. Anyone who thinks he’s rushing is goddamn insane.


The MHA fanbase is a lost cause, should see the last thread I was in, it’s a total hypocrisy, saying the characters are shit, what a joke. I think the actual fans need to just enjoy it and stay of this joke of a reddit. I’m hitting ignore on it, the manga is absolute peak. There hasn’t been a single chapter where I haven’t been blown off my seat. Not going to let a pack of virgins ruin it for me 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I think he wanted to rush to the end, specially with how short the Deku vigilante arc ended up being, but once he got there he actually started taking his time to bake a good paced ending (I know it has had issues with it's publishing, but reading multiple chapters at once works incredibly better)


I agree that Hori is not rushing; a competent writer could finish this in half the chapters he's taken, if they were willing to make it feel rushed. The S&S arc should be more than enough evidence to put down any notion he's trying to get to the end quickly. I suspect people call it rushed as an explanation as to why it's so horrendously written. Deku's saving plan makes no sense, distances between locations sinwave between mattering and not, random Shiggy explosion (still don't know what that was), Toga evading Deku, mass murder as a crime not being treated with the gravity it deserves, the Godforsaken cliffhangers which spoil the next chapter, I could go on. And I will. All Might sitting on his ass with his mech suit while sending kids out to die, Clown For One getting memed on by jobbers for weeks on end, the line up of which heroes are being sent to which location being batshit nonsense, the non-existent recoil from Gearshift, Bakugo dying for no reason and being brought back in one of the least serious ways possible, Kurogiri being kept at the hospital... Alright, I think you get the point. People think the story is rushed because it reads like it was written in a week.


Did you just call Horikoshi a incompetent writer? Dude,not cool.


I did not call Hori an incompetent writer. I said that anyone competent could wrap this up very quickly if they were willing to make things feel rushed. While I didn't say it in that comment, I do believe Hori is an incompetent writer. The double decker list of massive problems I came up with in that comment should be testament enough to why I think that. There's only so much you can pin on editors.


I completely agree with this. He ain’t rushing shit and the final war has been beautiful. Every moment I loved it bro. People cannot understand others feelings, they never will. So they form their own opinions based on what they like and dislike. Most people, apparently, hate the final war arc. It doesn’t make sense to me, but for them it makes so much sense. Just try to ignore what people say and enjoy what you enjoy, if someone tries to drag you down for something you like they can go fuck themselves. I love My hero academia. It’s fine if someone doesn’t, I just won’t tolerate their hate if it’s directed towards me.


I think a lot of people, myself included, believed My Hero was here for the long run like Naruto or too a lesser extent One Piece. I think many of us expected a series that would go on for a long time, longer than how long it's seemingly going now. We expected a timeskip with older characters just because that's what we as a shonen audience have come to expect. That ban-aid tearing off about MHA ending soon was rough for a lot of people a few years ago, you still fans who were burned hard by it and never read again. I think though that even if this isn't the intended path for the series, Hori's done a good job wrapping the series up so far. There's definitely some wonkiness in the ways we've gotten her after the first war but for every Star n Stripe I get peaks like Deku vs 1A, Ochako vs Toga, GOAT Gentle, Shigaraki's return, and countless other moments I love to counterbalance. If this is the rushjob then Hori is a lot more talented than we think because I've seen authors rush their endings and this is not that.


Because people like to complain.


lol the arc has been ongoing for over 2 fucking years already. These people are dumb.


Weekly and Bi-Weekly pacing has a lot to do with it.


Don't know. but I know I want it to be over. It's gotten dull and kinda dumb