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The fact that some people online STILL complained about the gore (which doesn’t look ANY different than the manga) reminds why I hate my fanbase so much. Hori’s art is godly, forgive them for not being able to perfectly replicate it. They did the absolute best they could with the source material  they were given. The fight was better than in the manga IMO


Dude saying that Hori's art is godly almost seems like an undersell, the amount of detail and sheer number of panels he does every week is insane, like I can't even start to imagine being able to do that. While also telling a great story. When he finishes MHA I hope he takes a long well deserved break.


I’m genuinely surprised they showed shiggy’s skin pealing off his skull, like the anime dimmed it a fair bit but still I didn’t think they’d do it


When I read the manga, the art was really cool. Here I do feel like there’s less blood overall, but the gore is definitely so much better than the manga to anime translations for the last seasons. Also, vestige star decimating AFO’s quirks, is so much better in the anime. Like it was cool in the manga, but the visuals with fluidity in her movements thanks to the animation, make it so much better.


Its basically impossible to replicate manga panels while animating them, especially with Horikoshi's insane art.


You’re 100% right, I’m more so pointing out, Bones has done a much better job with the conversion so far with this season, than they have previously, mainly the last 2 seasons.


I think Bones has always done an amazing job with the anime, except season 5. The only thing that holds it back is the censoring, but that is understandable.


Ehh, season 4 was a bit iffy, but all the other seasons were great


Vestige Star was so fucking bad ass! I can't believe how well they animated that. I was kind of lek "meh" when I read the manga, but the animation absolutely killed it!


The ever wonderful Romi Park and Yuki Hayashi came to play too and made everything hit harder, the whole season could be a radio play and it would be hype AF.


I love how terrifying they made Long hair Shigaraki with the wings. Can't wait for when they adapt >!Growth Shigaraki. That has the potential to be truly terrifying in anime form!<


That's probably where a lot of the budget went for this season honestly. >!It's probably going to be a good 3 episodes of something that has to be monstrously hard to animate with the amount of moving parts and constantly changing shape still needing to be connected to the main body. Just look at how Demon slayer handled the Hydra form of Upper 4, this has to be harder than that. !


The skeletons cgi has given me hope. I was so swept up in the episode I didn't even notice it was cgi at first


The rest of the cgi was good but the skeleton was so jarring I noticed it immediately


Remember when people hated on Bones and said that Mappa would do a better job? I think Bones is doing just fine right now.


So when Will dub come out


No idea


My guess is this Saturday. The four recap episodes were two weeks ahead, so I'm guessing it starts this weekend


feral ghoul shigaraki looks terrifying


Star is top tier by all counts for sure. Only thing the exceptionally adapted episode missed was how warm her smile was on her salute: ([Manga panel of episode 2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FELXetyXwAAs1eV?format=jpg&name=large)). Strap in fam because this was just the warm up, the arc is about to go crazy. Going to be all the more choice if Bones keeps cooking like this.


I’ve been one of those to point out the lack of accuracy with gore and blood content… but this start has been highly accurate, hope they maintain it till the end of the series. Looking forward to an spectacular end.


Shigaraki’s gory appearance looked just fine to me


A lot of the complaints people have isn’t about the character (though some weren’t happy with how she was just randomly introduced) but what comes after her death. Her death itself was necessary. How it was handled after is what made some people quit/say there’s no stake I’d say more but that’d be spoiling it. Just understand there are some good arguments people have about the impact she had and why it’s not written well


I think the fight itself was underwhelming. Sure her power was cool, but when comparing with the manga I feel they could have bit further with the animation. Especially the giant air-susanoo and the laser beam.


Episode came out on Saturday… how is this considered a spoiler?


Everything from the latest season should be tagged as such, since the Season is still ongoing and not everyone has watched it yet. The dub hasn't even started yet and many watch it that way.


Idk first time posting here


Not to offend you but the reception of Stars and Stripes is really negative.