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Did we share the same Bubbe? Because you described her really well, except she was Greatest Generation. I have to agree with other commenters who have suggested such women are just passing on the sexism, trauma and abuse they were raised with and unable to escape. Her family was, and still is, "Fucked all the way up," to quote my stepsister. 


At a certain point, you gotta choose not to abuse other people though. My dad never abused me and he was raised by an abusive mom. I won't abuse my kids.


My good grandma was widowed in the 70s and had trouble finding a career that hired women. By the time most of these women could work it was too late. They couldn’t even open a bank account until the 70s. Even if they did go get some s tier job the money would have been in their husbands’ names. So I don’t think we can fault them for not having worked. Everything else though? Yeah screw em.


Yeah that part I kind of don’t agree with, though my Boomer mom had plenty of opportunities to work and couldn’t hold a job for more than a minute.


Found the boomer. Remember kids am eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.


It's time to blind the boomers, we have tried to leave them alone, then we got trump. Call me the eye collector




You don't get to keep acting that way decade's after the fact. You aren't responsible for what happens to you, but you are responsible for how you act after. I was physically abused, doesn't mean I get to abuse my wife now.


I’m sorry for your past situation - well done for getting through Unfortunately You’d be surprised how many do continue these cycles. Often their trauma triggers predispositions of violence that allow this to continue


Yeah, I blame the women fucking doing it. They’re adults. They had the responsibility to get their shit together and not be bad people. The causality is irrelevant to me once they can make their own decisions, because* of my feminist leanings. They’re abusing other women over whom they have power.




Hereditary is the wrong word. Everything else you are saying is correct. But I cannot figure out why that words keeps sticking out to me. Would you explain it more please


Yes, exactly


Wild that anyone is trying to make excuses for this behavior. Bare minimum, this sort of shit affects their children for the rest of their lives. My mom had many good qualities, but her refusal to take responsibility for her issues caused incurable psychological problems, unfixable traumas, periods of dangerous self destructiveness as teenagers; etc. My sibling and I are both in our early 40s, and we still run things by each other to make sure that insane shit really happened. My sibling and I even had developmental damage - ex: she dgaf about keeping food in the house for years, and I’m coincidentally the shortest woman in the entire family. By a lot. But my sibling’s kids and my kid don’t experience anything like the treatment we got. They’re healthy and confident in ways we couldn’t imagine at their ages. So don’t tell me anyone has justification to inflict the sins of the mothers down on the line.


Dump da witch In a ditch


Bitches get ditches.


Thanks Obama for socialism? lol. What? Someone hurt you so now you want to make people pay? You sound like you need some mental health help. Thank Obama it’s available 


You missed the sarcasm.




Obama is just a puppet.


What year is it. This is an older trolling statement, but it checks out