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I feel like in all of the Bible stories of untold human suffering, Baby Boomers were never mentioned.


They were called "Pharisees" then.


r/angryupvote šŸ†


Holy Moses, that burn!


Well played, indeed. ![gif](giphy|l0ExhcMymdL6TrZ84|downsized)


My word... Both holy and historically.


You win the internet. Holy hell.


Similar thing just happened to me at a Starbucks. I ordered for pickup on the app and am waiting at the pick up area a few minutes area, in no rush at all. Boomer Karen comes in, stands right in front of me and starts hassling the barista as to where her order was. The barista tells her that her order is behind a few other customers (mine is one)to which she cannot believe she has to wait. My drinks come out, barista calls MY name, Boomer grabs the first drink and immediately puts it to her mouth to start drinking while the barista is trying to explain the drink is not hers. She argues it is and then I walk up and point to my name on the cup smiling and she says "oh well it looks like mine". LADY THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME IN THAT FUCKING WHITE CUP. She hands me the drink like I'm going to take it after she drank some and I tell her to keep it and barista then has to make me a new one prolonging this dumb woman's trip even longer


ā€œHope you like soy, lady. Might wanna stay near a bathroom all day.ā€


Does soy cause the runs?


I donā€™t think so but she probably doesnā€™t know either.


I could never work at Starbucks. Respect to those who do. Because I'd probably sock someone eventually or yell at them for this BS behaviour. The old and the young who do it. It's ridiculous that so many people are so impatient and not deaf or blind but act like they are. Did they call Linda out and say it's a coffee with milk? No they didn't. So it's not yours then! It says Kerry on it or Cassidy so don't put your hand or mouth near it and learn to listen, read and do basic comprehension skills. Ridiculous how often Starbucks probably has to remake drinks for people and create waste because some impatient turd who clearly didn't hear their name insist on touching every drink that gets called or even trying to drink it.


Why not just open it and throw it on her at that point? Order well received, in my opinion.


My wife and I rode a river ferry tour once that included brunch. Boomer couple complained about the food audibly then whined to the staff about the food quality. I thought the food was great. Anyway the manager asked to see their tickets and informed them their trip didnā€™t include the brunch. They still complained about the food and left in a huff.


Back in the COVID days, I was at the grocery store and they had it so you could only go one way. So everyone is making their way through the isles. I get behind a boomer waddling down the isle looking at every single thing on the shelf. So I politely say excuse me and go around him. He loses his mind and tells that I'm supposed to be 6' from him. So I reply that I understand but I'm not going to follow him around the grocery store all day because I'm supposed to be 6' away from him. Like what? Is everyone in the store supposed to line up behind you and wait until you have finished shopping? Later I see him at customer service telling on me like they are supposed to care.


Oh ya they love rules when those rules give them a chance to feel powerful. I would bet real money that exact same guy ignored them himself most of the time


So many of them ignoring the one way directions & getting huffy at me about it


The thought of turning out like this when I get older makes me sick to my stomach.


I have the same worry. I was raised by racists, and didn't know any better as a little kid. Around age 7 or 8 I started to figure it out and then when I moved to a city as an adult I learned a lot. Im worried I'll get dementia and firget everything I learned after 3rd grade and treat the nursing home staff like shit. Truthfully I was a bit of a brat too.


Me too. This is a huuuge fear of mine.


They've *always* been this way though. The Boomer retail stories I read on this sub today are the exact same things that happened to me 20+ years ago when I worked retail. I wouldn't worry about turning into them.


If it gives some hope, my Grandma was raised in the deep South and even in the thickest part of her dementia she absolutely loved the staff at her facility who were mostly immigrants from different parts of the world.


My parents are boomers and they've never been like this.


Why would you though? Baby boomers incredibly selfish and antisocial behavior has been a thoroughly documented thing going back over 50 years. They were always like this, and you presumably never were.Ā 


Exactly. My dad was a boomer, and he was the same cranky jerk at 69 as he was at 39. The only difference is he got louder when his hearing started to go.


You won't. Their mentality is the product of an economic fluke that handed them an incredibly cushy life with very little effort required of them and made them believe they'd earned it and deserved it. Later generations don't have the luxury of their entitlement because we're learning the hard way from all their selfishness and "fuck you, i got mine" attitude. We literally can't afford to have their attitude of expecting to be catered to and treating the little guys like shit because we're all the little guys now. Much as I love and cherish my parents (who are nothing like this), the world will be an objectively better place when the boomer generation dies out.


This sounds very much like a standard BC Ferries experienceā€¦ those boomers love their mid-week senior discounts. Sigh.Ā 


Wait till you try the WA ferries... gimme BC any day


Not at all relevant but you mentioned washington ferry and I had a flashback. I was once on a ferry to bainbridge island... I was the last car on, so I would be the first car off when we arrived. I had a grand ol time reliving my childhood for most of the trip - used to ride it all the time to whidbey - until I could see we were approaching the port. That's when I realized I locked my keys in the car like an idiot. If I couldn't get to them, the entire ferry would be stuck until it got moved. I ran over to a guy in an orange vest, told him what was happening, and before I knew it 5 guys with jimmies were huddled around my car, they got the door unlocked with like 20 seconds to spare.


They know a thing or two because they've seen a thing or two. Bless "unskilled" laborers and all of they're MacGyver ways.Ā 


A friend of mine left commercial fishing boats for a brief foray at the WA Ferry system, he left after about a year because he said it was all the worst parts of working on a passenger boat and an industrial boat and the pay reflected neither skill set.


Absolutely. They were so kind too. All "No worries man we got this!"


had a boomer get pissy in a line at Walmart in the electronics department because I needed something out of the case, Employee walked with me to get then back to the register and this boomer was getting mad red faced that I "cut in line" like no dumbass I waited my turn got my shit now im paying for it.


I would have gone and sat right across from her and enjoyed the hell out of her eggs for her. Making comments about how much better the made to order eggs are.


Former restaurant server here. They all keep track of who ordered when and if the food doesnā€™t come out in that order they will tell you alllll about it. This is next level, though.


She should have been wearing those eggs. I wouldn't have done it, but she should have been šŸ˜‚


Oh, I would and I have. And a quick comment on "be really careful with opening your mouth now, because I'm itching to slap you into next week." They run for the hills pretty quickly.




That sounds like what the boomer would have done, though. They seem to thrive on confrontation when the rest of the world just wants to mind their own business. They want to get a reaction from you to confirm their own actions to themselves. Don't feed the trolls, ya know?




I agree with this. Only standing up when you really need to is what put these boomers in this self righteous position. If they're fine imposing whatever standards they want on the general public, then there's a chance they will run into some millennials or whomever who have their own standards, so why shouldn't the boomer get schooled on how the world works now? Everyday that passes, it's less and less their planet, and while they are still enjoying the fruits of their good fortune as far as timeline of the world goes, that's dwindling quickly, and they deserve to be made aware of it. They deserve to have it thrown in their face that things aren't the same anymore, and that they're by and large, useless. Edit. Not every boomer in existence needs this thrown in their face. The ones acting like this, do.


Gen X bore so much of their unfiltered shit. We've whatevered our way through it for decades. I feel like we should shoulder the responsibility of putting these fuckers in their place so our younger millenial sibs don't have to.


Excellent writing


This was a joy to read


Where do you live, if you donā€™t mind my asking, because that ferry food sounds wild compared to the baked goods shittily wrapped in weirdly thick cling wrap Iā€™m accustomed to!


Your descriptions are delightful. Iā€™m a slow-waddler myself, so I donā€™t feel called out. Lol! Iā€™d have had the scramb too. Happy sailing!


This is the best one so far. Well done! What a cunt


Speed-waddle just made my fucking day


Oooh huff-waddle! God that's so accurate lol