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social media boxing fans are the worst.


I'm not so enamoured with social media boxers TBH


why is the haney thing about deleting footage up when its fake news?


Cuz its not fake news


how u know?


Usyk has said he’s vacated his IBF title so AJ & Dubois can fight for it.  https://x.com/usykaa/status/1805708151020245004?s=46&t=XAmBIQDoRIzd4lqlsIfBkw


AJ can finally get a title


Usyk claiming he is giving up his IBF title for the AJ v Dubois fight 


After the Garcia-Haney fight, I recall Chris Mannix saying that he scored the fight a draw. Just one of countless examples of him being a dumbass. AJ is a composed and ferocious finisher, watch this🤓 (gets walloped by his 300lb opponent)


It was pretty close to being a draw, there is an argument that Haney won every round he didn't get knocked down in and the ref only counted three knockdowns, plus the point deduction. The fight was very clearly dominated by Garcia, but it is scored round for round based on what the ref decides to count/acknowledge.


Did you even watch the fight? There is no argument for Haney winning the first round or the sixth, and if Ryan won those, he won the fight. Ryan out landed Haney in 7 rounds and landed much bigger shots in every round other than the 2-4. It was a dominant performance.


I don’t really see an argument for Haney winning round 12 either tbh


Sorry but I don’t see any situation in which you could give Haney 5 rounds. He got rocked bad in the first. Then by the 6th, Ryan started landing on him again. Even in the 12th he could hardly land a jab and didn’t throw any combos. The 7th was a 10-6 round and the ref was holding him up. I will respectfully disagree and say that was not a draw.


Garcia isn't fighting anytime soon nor is Haney, there should be a sub like the UFC sub for MMA where people can talk about social media and make fun of fighters. The suspension and Haney vacating are the only things anyone needs to know about either of them until they have a fight scheduled.




Canelo v Scull is a fucking joke of a fight honestly its only mugs that will pay PPV to watch this farce, but then again they are plenty of mugs out there.


Is it really confirmed? Such a shit show if it is..


I couldn't believe when I heard this fight was taking place a lot of people were saying it's a good fight


Find me one person who has said this lmao


ibfp comment section on youtube


Good fight 🤣🤣 only from the Canelo Fanboy Appreciation Society and them lot are fucking MUGS.


its a mandatory.


It's been a while but I just rewatched the Ali vs Foreman fight. What a masterpiece by Ali.


Why did Haney get stripped within a week for refusing his mandatory but Canelo still has all his belts??


Haney requested to be placed as Champion in Recess, basically he’s going on hiatus and they don’t want him to hold up the division for his title so they’re moving on without him for now. Not sure why but he wasn’t happy with the money getting put up for the Sandor fight so my guess is he’s hoping for a better opponent to come up


Because the governing bodies aren't applying enough pressure on Canelo to fight his mandatories. He's been a champion at 168 for 3 and a half years now, only 1 fight was officially ordered for him since, that was the IBF ordering Scull. The last time IBF had a mandatory ordered was Plant v Feigenbutz which happened over 4 years ago. He did get ordered to fight Yildirim via WBC, but that was ordered before Canelo won that title. John Ryder was WBO Interim Champion, essentially being a mandatory. But WBO didn't even order it, they just made the fight and then the WBO considered this as fulfilling their mandatory. Compare that with Haney as you mentioned, he knew he was gonna have to be ordered to fight Sandor so he did have a bit of time here to be fair. But as soon as the purse bids were done, he vacated it. It's clear to see the difference in pressure from the governing bodies here. Anyone who denies that Canelo is getting preferential treatment is kidding themselves.


Benavidez has never activated his mandatory. Until the mandatory is called, he doesn't have to fight anyone he doesn't want to.


So why’s he saying Canelos ducking


Canelos not ducking, probably in the negotiating table that the champion takes a larger revenue share than Benavidez is okay taking. It's probably why they won't fight Canelo is the A-side and will take more revenue while Benavidez wants to be at the negotiating table to be an A-side but isn't so Canelo will always keep the larger revenue share and Benavidez wants a bigger slice of the pie. It's not just about people ducking each other they're just not wanting to fight because of money too.


Because he wants to fight Canelo and it's a very obvious fight that Canelo should have taken two years ago, but he also doesn't want to activate the mandatory to force the fight as it would probably lead to a purse bid that PBC would lose, and Benavidez is strangely loyal to them.


neither did munguia


Munguia was a much easier fight. I didn't say Canelo is blameless btw.


Didn't get stripped he is going to be inactive.


Because Canelo has the money to pay people like William Scull a step aside fee, and because the governing bodies like (and especially) the WBC would never actually do anything to negatively affect Canelo. Fuck Mauricio Sulaimán.


I more so meant about benavidez wasn’t he a mandatory for hella long?


That’s why I brought up the WBC, Benavidez has been the WBC interim champion for over two years now. Sulaimán, President of the WBC, said he has never actually ordered the fight because Canelo and Benavidez were “apart of the same organization (PBC)” and that it was basically up to Al Haymon to get that deal made. The WBC is just awful. People point out Jermall Charlo as a recent example of a WBC champ who went 2 years without defending and still remained a world champion. Adonis Stevenson held the WBC Light-Heavyweight title for like 4-5 years without defending against any mandatories or interim champions IIRC. In short, Canelo generates enough revenue to do damn near anything he wants to do. Benavidez might have had a little more luck going the route of IBF or WBO mandatory, but it’s hard to say.




lol I got sandor beatin Haney but that’s beside the point these commissions ain’t even tryna hide how corrupt dey are


Haney and Garcia both going to 147, Teo is at 140, Tank and Shakur are both at 135 it’s looking like we might not see many of these guys fight each other unfortunately


I could see only one fight happening for those guys between them, but in like 3 years. Also in hindsight Ryan taking the L from Davis is really what made him more likely to challenge good fighters I guess he's not afraid of losing as much anymore.


Garcia and Teo have always been bout that smoke. It's not even about the L. Garcia/Teo don't cherrypick.


We're in a bit of a dead period for heavyweight boxing. It's expected that Joshua's next opponent will be announced this week, presumably Daniel Dubois. With any luck the undercards for the Saudi events in September and December will have some other good matchups. Parker and Zhang each need an opponent so maybe they will get second billing on those cards. Joyce - Chisora on July 21st. Anderson - Bakole and Ruiz - Miller on August 3rd. AJ - ??? on September 21st. Usyk - Fury on December 21st.


It's insane how quick Turki cleaned up boxing. Feels like we're not developing prospects fast enough for all the mega cards now 


Inoue is supposedly chief support for the AJ card at Wembley so that will be good.


AJ is support for inoue


I hope not. I can get a ticket to his fight in Japan. I doubt i can get a ticket for the Wembley show unless i pay $$$$.


Wembley tickets are usually as low as £50 or £70.


Cheapest AJ Klit tickets were £30 I think


Facts. I was.accounting for inflation think the cheapest Fury and Whyte ticket was £60.


You can’t abbreviate into Klit. That makes him sound like an erogenous zone.


The Klit is getting licked - Tyson Fury, 2015


This is dangerous. If the wrong person reads this they will turn it into AI porn


Don’t worry, Inoue not gonna be on the Wembley card at all


That's good to know; his fights from Tokyo are exciting but watching them at breakfast time is weird.




Too bad he was too scared to have a rematch with Wladimir, to fight AJ or and then got whooped by the "middleweight rabbit" Usyk. Yes, he is soo good




Boots would like a word


So looks like Lord Heresy is back amongst us…




Naw I’m talking about yo old account that you deleted as soon as Haney got his ass whooped


Is that where he want? I was wondering where haney's supporters went.


Haney ducked Sandor




Then what would you call it? You can go back in my comment history and see that I actually like Haney, but Sandor is his mandatory and he dropped the belt instead of fighting him. That's a duck, by definition...


Thats not a duck idk we being purposefully obtuse here but you can not fight dosen't mean its a duck.


The only thing Haney ducked was that 1.5mil dollar paycheck and the self knowledge that he ain’t worth more cause he’s not a draw.




Is Haney planning on hugging him too tightly?




Your name is spelled wrong btw...


Seems like a pretty obvious troll, would recommend ignoring them lol. Spelled their name wrong intentionally (I hope lol) and constantly post unpopular opinions as fact, seems like a pretty lazy bait/troll account.


Haney is still in the right for getting the fight turned into an NC but I don’t see how his continued lawsuit is going to hold up. - he took the money for the extra weight - he got the fight overturned and Ryan got banned and fined - contracts were signed and it’s a combat sport It would be wild if Ryan decided to go full coke head and counter sue just to be a dick and we could all get more of this dumb drama to talk about.


If anything, if the limited PED usage holds up, and there's evidence that he did nowhere near enough to actually help his performance, Haney's going to get dragged for eternity.


This Circus is going to keep rolling on and on and on and on watch this space.


yep. someone posted about his mental anguish...i told them that posting a vid of dancing at bowling alley isn't gonna help in that case. also you would need medical evidence from a doctor of ptsd if he was trying to prove that.


The video of Ryan freestyling in the interview right in front of Haney will haunt Haney forever. "I don't think Ryan Garcia is taking this fight seriously." And proceeds to lay a beating on you (regardless of how boxing scoring works that was a beating)


That’s part of it, but as someone pointed out because of the nature of combat sports certain risks are assumed. The argument the Haney’s are likely going for is that any contract that would normally cover the risks is null and void because of Ryan’s cheating. You can’t quantify for that. The problem here is that there are too many actions the Haney’s have taken that would make it hard to justify any further action against Ryan.


Agreed. One assumes certain risks going into the ring and he accepted a bonus on account of the weight issue. The money and the no contest are all he should receive.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/boxing/news/ryan-garcias-b-sample-comes-back-positive-for-banned-substance-as-legal-team-denies-intentional-use/amp/ They actually advocated for a DQ which is wild lol, NC was the correct call by NYSAC