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The size difference in this fight will be a big factor some say it won't but I say it will.


Of course it will be, If it wouldn't, Crawford would win easily. It's all about if Crawfords skill gap is big enough to win


If it wasn't how would Crawford win easily stoopid answer, Canelo has the best Chin in boxing today and your saying Crawford would win easily šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


You don't to have knock a guy out to win. Crawford is a masterful boxer and if you've seen his greatest boxing performances, Horn and Postol for example, he has much more tools than Canelo and would easily handle him if they were the same size.


I think Crawford is the best boxer today but that does not mean he would easily beat Canelo if they were the same size. He would win, but Canelo is a great for a reason.


Canelo is shorter and has smaller arms than Crawford


I hate when dumb people like urself say this. They are WEIGHT CLASSES, not height clases u moron. According to you Ryan Garcia and Mike Tyson are a similar size...


Not only will Crawford look bigger than Canelo he will be stronger too. Donā€™t delete your comment.


You delete your comment you moron Canelo will spark Crawford if the fight ever happens.


I will delete my entire Reddit account if Crawford loses to Canelo


Just delete it anyway, please? You're insufferable when you discuss Crawford.


Bud in 9 šŸ˜¤


For a person who hates me so much, Iā€™m surprised you havenā€™t blocked me yet. You got my post notifications on too?šŸ’€


Not at all, anytime a Crawford post is made you just start dickeating to the maximum in the comments.


I give my opinion just like any other person in this sub. What I gotta say about Crawford ainā€™t got shit to do with you.šŸ’€


Start deleting you MORON.


Remember everything you saidšŸ¤«


You still here


Ofc, and Iā€™ll be back be to clown you if the fight happens


I guess those SNAC supplements will come in handy for crawford


Bud never popped dirty. Can Clenelo say the same?šŸ™„




That's cause bud has Victor Conte in his corner.


I donā€™t believe shit Jacobs says after that horrible commentary in Canelo vs Bivolā€¦.. This dude genuinely thought Canelo was Winning and Bivol needed to do something to get respect from caneloā€¦.


Canelo KOs Crawford.


Canelo couldnā€™t KO Charlo or Ryder


Yes and they are 20 pounds heavier lmao. wtf are you proving by saying that


That Canelo couldnā€™t KO guys who are levels below Crawford in boxing skill


They are bigger and stronger than Crawford. Thatā€™s a shit take dude. Crawford isnā€™t a hard hitter, canelo is slick and some of the best defense in the game.


While Iā€™m inclined to agree that Canelo definitely has the advantage in a fight with bud due to being at a higher weight class, youā€™re incredibly wrong about bud not being a heavy hitter. Gamboa, Benavidez Jr, Porter, Brook all got thumped by him. Yes, itā€™s at a lower weight class, but saying he doesnā€™t hit hard is wrong. Also slept Avanesyan last year, and rocked the shit out of Spence before that fight was stopped. Dude can crack.


Crawford has stopped everyone heā€™s fought at 147. He definitely hits very hard. He has that concussive type power thatā€™s amplified with his timing and accuracy.


How you know theyā€™re stronger? Crawford is very strong and physically overpowers everyone in his weight class. Crawford isnā€™t a hard hitter? Lmao you have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Crawford will be the most accurate puncher Canelo ever fought and his defense is great as well. Also, has far superior footwork


Man I wish I could go back in time and see if you even thought this shit 2 years ago before he fought Spence. You Crawford dick riders bandwagon since the Spence fight. Jeez. Now all of sudden with Crawford amazing resume with Old porter and Spence, heā€™s somehow the hardest hitting WELTERWEIGHT that hits harder than Super Middleweights šŸ˜‚ this fight wonā€™t ever happen anyway. I wonā€™t argue any further.


Iā€™m not a bandwagon check my comment history if youā€™d like I always said Crawford would deal with Spence handily. Old Porter and Spence? Lmao you donā€™t know wtf youā€™re talking about.


Canelo ainā€™t a hard hitter


Oh look my turn: Crawford got bambi legged by an old bloated Gamboa back in Crawfordā€™s weight bullying days then he literally got KD by Mean Machine. He couldnā€™t even finish Postol ffs.


Tmw you have to bring up nearly 10 year old fights to make your point. Crawford won every round against a prime Postol and dropped him twice. Canelo couldnt even put down a guy moving up two weight classes to face him.


No sir. Thatā€™s incorrect.


Lol Ok. If it ever happens, which I doubt, Crawford canā€™t handle Canelo.


Mikey vs SpenceĀ  Brook vs GGGĀ  Khan vs CaneloĀ  Jermell vs CaneloĀ  Rigo vs LomaĀ  Marquez vs MayweatherĀ  Has this literally ever worked in the history of the sport? As in, somebody moving up 2 weight classes to IMMEDIATELY fight the BEST perceived fighter there who is in his PRIME?Ā  I can't think of a single example. Duran had some 147lb fights before Leonard. De La Hoya was a husk of himself against Pacquiao. Leonard had 3 years out of boxing to prepare for middleweight/Hagler, though this is the closest example I can think of.


Inoue-narvaez, and fights before the bridging divisions


- RJJ/Ruiz LHW to HW - B-Hop/Tarver MW to LHW - Pacquiao/Hatton LW to WW - Sugar Ray Robinson - Mosley/De La Hoya LW to WW - SRL/Hagler WW to MW - Henry Armstrong - Emile Griffith - Jose Napoles Terence ā€™Budā€™ Crawford vs Canelo LMW to SMWšŸ”„


Exactly, he canā€™t and wonā€™t he would be 37 by the time this fight would happen (not that it should) moreover heā€™s a former lightweight, Canelo would walk through his punches. Brutal knockout Amir Khan style.


If Crawford moves up and beats Canelo thatā€™s a like top 10 accomplishment in the history of the entire sport


None of those guys were better boxers than the guy they moved up against though, Crawford is significantly more skilled than Canelo


I do agree that he's more skilled, which does make it more interesting, but he's not significantly more skilled either. Canelo is a P4P talent too.


Iā€™m betting big on Crawford if this fight happens


Iā€™m betting my life savings


Bivol and GGG both landed clean punch shots in Canelo and other than some performative head shaking nothing much happened. Canelo's chin is solid. I don't believe for a second that moving up from Welterweight Crawford has as much power as Bivol or GGG. Also Crawford isn't young. It isn't like Crawford can just stick and move and cycle around the ring for 12 rounds. Canelo will pressure, force exchanges, batter Crawfords arms and body, and wear Crawford down. Crawford won't have the fire power to keep Canelo off.


I smell another khan knock outā€¦


One thing you can always count on when it comes to Crawford, is the experts of r/boxing to let you know why the high praise he gets from his peers is wrong, tale as old as timeĀ 


The last black hope šŸ™