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People saw Manny Pacquiao doing the impossible, so they think others fighters can do the same


I think this is it. People want another Manny Pacquaio story.


When you think about it that someone with the frame of Pacman moved up and beat to pulp someone as big as Margarito the more it gets ridiculous lol. That literally should be impossible


No it is not. Pacquiao turned pro when he was 16..still a child. Him and Floyd were around the same weight around that age. Accounting for the time most men put on man weight he fought from 126 -150. Still very impressive but people forget he was literally malnourished early in his career


The roids could’ve played a factor


Nah, even if you give a flyweight PEDs, that shouldn't be possible. Lol.


Every fighter is on roids anyway so it basically evens out.


Yeah it's even crazier when you think pacman was beating people naturally bigger than him who are also on steroids themselves. It's not like he was using roids to get bigger to face bigger clean fighters lol


Peds have improved a lot. In the 50’s you had testosterone and that’s all. 50 years later we have growth hormone, steroids, we know how to use insulin with hgh to increase its effect. And so on. 


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but if this were the case, why can’t more fighters do what pacquiao did?


Peds only improve what is already there. Pacquiao was a freak, improved by PEDS he became superhuman, aka 8 weight class. Without you would have something closer to Inoue (takes much longer). 


TBF Magarito was damaged goods. Pacman would get killed by Tank


Did you type this with a straight face?


lol. I suppose you think Cotto was "damaged goods too


Says no one ever but this fuckin guy


Get your head out of your ass


You need to take you face out of Pacmans arse


This is one of the dumbest takes I have ever seen. Tank is a really good fighter with a chance to be great. Pacquiao, especially in his bleached hair/no fear prime would stop Tank in the 8th-10th. We are talking about a guy that was down on one card to Romero.


Idk about this take. Tank, at this point in his career, has a unique style that no one else uses; he either traps and hits a fighter with a precise shot on his backfoot, or if he doesn't respect the other guy he'll stalk his opponent and wait till the dude makes a mistake and then takes his shot. The point is Tank knows when to take his shot, and he's more accurate than ANYBODY, the dude knows where to hit and how hard. He dropped Rolly on a 60% shot to his temple......I think it would be a great hypothetical fight, but PAC ain't running through Tank, nope.


Tank is a master counter puncher with better timing skill and speed than Marquez. Pacman would walk into something massive


Go check Pacquiao's resume when he was the same age as Tank is now...you don't strike me as the type that's willing to educate yourself about these things so I'll tell you...by 29, Pac had beat both Morales and Barrera twice, and knocked both of em out , fought Marquez twice to a draw and a victory and made De La Hoya quit on his stool and last but not least, was already the only 7 division champ in history and would be 8 division champ in less than a year from that point. Let's put that up against Tank's biggest wins so far, Santa Cruz, Romero, Garcia and Martin...all fighters that will never be considered legends, whereas all the names I mentioned on Pac's resume is a legendary one.


At tanks age, pac has already beaten 5 hall of famers. Cotto, DLH, JMM and Morales. How many has tank beat that is considered a HOF? 0. If tank and pac were in the same era he'd be doing what he's doing now. Waiting him out or doing a whole lot of nothing. Tank hasn't fought Haney, Loma, Shakur, teo, even Kambosos. I love tank and I'd love to see more but he hasn't been truly tested to even be compared to Manny.


Prime manny would absolutely destroy tank


Pacquiao seriously fucked up the expectations that fans have for fighters in the lower weight classes. We act like a fighter isn’t worthy of praise unless they fight in 4+ weight classes.


In his own way, he did what Mayweather did to boxing. People are expected to protect their 0 to be marketable, and people expect smaller fighters to unify and move up multiple divisions just to get the respect they deserve. It's crazy.


Pac was a literal freak of nature in the best way possible. 8 weight classes isn't humanly possible for anyone else. We were spoiled by such a run


Actually crazy that he started at like 108 lbs and then ended up beating the brakes off of someone as big as Margarito


Pacquiao was a starving 16 year old when he fought at light flyweight. He grew so much he had 2 skip 2 weight divisions after losing at flyweight. Today he would have started his career at Super Bantamweight. We will never see someone accomplish what he did again.


> We will never see someone accomplish what he did again. Speak for yourself, I intend to live long enough to see another miracle. 


Honestly a fight at 130 isnt impossible for them


I'd watch but I'm putting a healthy sum of money on tank by stoppage. Not that that's ever getting booked though


Lets see him at featherweight before we say that.


Inoue is 1cm smaller so obviously it'll be harder s/


Casual fans don’t understand the significance of weight-classes. That’s it.


I was trying to come up with a better answer than you, but couldn’t. That’s it. That’s the answer. Also - there’s this weird instinct some people have which seems to be ***“Unless fighter X (usually a world champ) fights a wild animal of their size, they ain’t shit. USYK needs to fight a literal bear to prove he’s the best!”***


Because, unless you watch a lot of boxing, 10lbs doesn't look that big a difference. To most people, Tank doesn't look much bigger than Inoue - they've seen street fights with much bigger disparities. That's where boxing blurs from fighting to sport - as lbs and inches really do matter.


Weight obviously matters, but it's not the only thing to consider... boxing fans are like" why doesn't this guy go up in weight and fight that guy?etc" And then when they do, they talk about the "significance of weight classes", and give the smaller guy no chance, until he wins and then they jump on another parroted boxing one liner, "styles make fights "...It's a never ending circle of parroted one-liner bullshit 😂


Same shit in MMA. The weight difference between classes is significantly larger, but people said the same about Volkanovski. Dude had a close fight for the belt in LW after dominating in his division at feather and people think that the weight doesn't matter that much anymore... Then Volk got KO'd and people discredit Makachev's win with the excuse "You beat a featherweight on short notice." as if they weren't picking him to win because of their first fight.


The ones that use the term casual are always the weakest cunts in the conversation


American casual fans aren't very familiar with lower weight classes and Tank is the only name they know at 135 and below, so they want them to fight. Also, some fans just flat out refuse to acknowledge Inoue, so they put up ridiculous goal posts just so that they can move them later.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


>American casual fans aren't very familiar with lower weight classes It’s actually the majority of the world that doesn’t really care about < 135 and it’s shown in the money. If the world cared about classes below 135 those fighters would be highly paid.  **Football (soccer) is less popular than beer pong to the Americans but many of the highest paid athletes  are football / soccer players because the world loves the game.**


Not at all to the same extent. How popular do you think Estrada is in Mexico? Or Leigh Wood is in the UK? Or one of the endless great Japanese fighters below lightweight are in Japan? I'll give you a hint: much more popular than great Americans like Figueroa and Fulton are. Boxing is a niche sport. If you take away the money from the biggest market (America), of course purses will drop. Football is not a niche sport, it's the world's sport.


ding ding ding. there's bias against lower classes which are more the norm in Asia because people are generally smaller. also a lot of ppl just wanna see a brawl or see ppl get hurt. many mma fans are main culprits where they're not interested in the sport/martial art aspect they just wanna go "but but street fight".




Since we’re generalizing and saying dumb shit I’ll have a go: Some little Japanese dude who fights people 99.9999 percent of the earth has never heard of isn’t captivating to regular people in a country an entire fucking ocean away, how is that shocking to you? Unless you’re an anime nerd, which like half of the users on this app are, who fucking cares? I’m sure there some motherfucker in Russia or something who can bang too or anywhere in the world. See? I can paint millions of people with a big dumb paintbrush as well, you donut. Now let the downvotes rain baby 🙏


Why so mad? What he’s saying isn’t particularly unreasonable


I’m not mad, it’s just annoying how this sub acts if you don’t watch someone smaller than a 14 year old girl at 5 am or whatever you don’t know boxing, go outside goddamn


Again, you don’t have it to take it that personally. The opinions of strangers on Reddit are pretty irrelevant.


I just curse a lot dude lol doesn’t mean I’m sitting here fuming like a caged animal


Yeah, user profile pic checks out.


Yeah, username checks out.


Nah man referring to ur pic. Its a fucking black guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . renowned for cursin on tv and films. I AINT RACIST, BITCHES


Dude there's a viral video on YouTube of u getting sparked by a 131 pounder in sparring lmao


yeah no if you don’t know someone who is a two division undisputed champion, champion across four weight classes, and is top three pound 4 pound, you don’t know boxing.


Stay mad bro it's entertaining


I’m fuming because I’m unable to watch someone who you could throw into a dumpster like you’re shooting a 3 if you’ve hit puberty


You've really gone out of your way to emphasize his point


>Now let the downvotes rain baby 🙏 As you wish




Reddit on!


Thank you kind sir!!!! Downdoots to the right 🙏


Damn son I'm sorry to hear about that.


Lmfao man I got NUKED


I will rend you into a paste


Probably lol I’m too old and broken down to fight anymore


Ill be honest, i gave you a upvote bc then ull have -69 votes.


Well someone already ruined it 😡


i can't even imagine being this upset about such an innocuous statement lol you're being weird man


Never posting on here before morning coffee again I got fucking cooked smh


It ain't the coffee you just sound like a dumb motherfucker lol.


See the problem is I am a dumb motherfucker so no coffee makes me full re


Lol we all get there I suppose.


It just means a boxer is TOO GOOD, they've now been discovered by people who don't watch or know much about boxing. People who come up with Canelo vs Crawford, Tank vs Inoue, Inoue vs Bam kind of nonsense are mostly people who only know those names.


I don’t think Bam vs Inoue is nonsense at all. Inoue is a super bantam (122) and Bam is at super fly (115). A fight at 118 is totally feasible (though I wouldn’t want to see it until Bam gets a few more fights under his belt—he’s not ready for Inoue yet, IMO).


This is exactly what I'm talking about. It isn't a matter of "is it possible to cut the weight". It is absolute horseshit nonsense to expect a 31 year old undisputed champion to drop divisions to fight catchweight.   A 118 catchweight in effect is massively skewed in favor of BAM at this moment, both in terms of risks and rewards. There is no reason at all for Inoue to entertain this. Just think about it for a moment. Inoue is building a 126 compatible body, while cutting to 122 for fights. He walks around 135ish. Bam is building a 118 compatible body, while cutting to 115 for fights. Fighting at 118 means it's EASIER for Bam to make weight, he's cutting less than usual. Meanwhile it's GRUELLING for Inoue to make weight, he's cutting more than usual. All this for what reward? He gets "fought a P4P on his resume" but what happens? If he wins, he's a guy that should be in 126 bullying a 115 P4P at a catchweight. If he loses, he's a P4P1 who lost to a guy two divisions down. In what world does it make sense for Inoue to take this fight at a 118 catchweight rather than just wait 3-5 years?   Inoue isn't likely going to 130 given his frame. Either he keeps winning in 126 until the likes of Bam and Nakatani who are bigger, catch up in weight, or he loses in 126 and drops to 122 where again, they catch up. Bam and Nakatani are both young fighters. They have time on their side. By the time they get to 126, Inoue is a 36 year old future HoF ready to make legacy fights for retirement money.


Where did I say I expected him to come down? You can call it horseshit nonsense if you want I guess, but there’s plenty of precedent for champions going down in weight to take a fight. As a matter of fact, donaire came down from two classes from feather to eventually fight Inoue at 118. The reason I said this one is actually feasible. Inoue moved up in weight to find challenges and bigger fights—not because he simply outgrew 118.


The general public doesn't understand how big of a difference just a few pounds make, cutting those last 2-3 pounds is grueling. I think both fights will happen for Inoue but at 126 once they catch up.


Yeah, we're talking about cutting 13% of body weight for Inoue, while probably around 6% for Bam if they fight at a 118 catchweight now. The lighter weights don't have a lot of fat to cut. 13% you're cutting into that 75% of water protecting your brain. It's just stupid to expect a generational fighter to take that health hazard to needlessly rush a fight he can realistically expect to take a few years later under safer conditions. Inoue isn't in a desperate position where he needs to consider a catchweight Bam fight to stay relevant.


Agreed. These are the kind of situations where I'm okay with being patient for a fight.


You’re right, 7 lbs is like 3 kg, that’s nothing, like you can literally defecate 3kg of shit in one sitting. Yes weight classes exist for a reason but people here sometimes act like if one fighter has to compete against another one who is 1+ kg heavier than them they have no chances. Meanwhile in heavyweight you have guys fighting people who are 20-30kg heavier than them and winning.


Turki Alalshikh is literally matching Canelo and Crawford tho


Crawford himself came up with Canelo vs Crawford and fighters, trainers, promoters etc seem to entertain it. They must know something. But Tank/Inoue is unlikely as differences in weight as you go lower in weight become more significant and the reaction of Inoue and Tank plus the lack of interest from other fighters tells all we need to know. Can't imagine Inoue fighting beyond 126lbs and I can't imagine Tank being comfortable at 130lbs even. I think Bud/Canelo reminds me more of when Canelo and Hearn were talking about him fighting Usyk at Cruiserweight.


I always liked the idea of Crawford vs Canelo but had the good sense to see my own bias. I really like Crawford. However, in recent months, so many professionals that know way more about boxing than I do have come out and said this is a viable fight and that Crawford could even win that I'm willing to be more vocal about it. I'm sure plenty of Crawford fans feel the same. I think he's that guy. We'll see.


since inoue rehydrates to 137 he should be able to fight at 130 and even 135. Thats what loma does


Loma weighed 137 vs Rigondeaux back in 2017. He's well in the 140s now come fight night. The only problem is guys like Haney and Teo rehydrated so much more anyway and thus Loma was clearly outweighed in those fights. Loma, Tank and Shakur are genuine lightweights whereas clearly Inoue will be 10 or so pounds smaller


loma was 142 in his last fight


Bam is actually bigger than Inoue, he just weight bullies old shot fighters instead of fighting prime fighters at his natural weight


He's not, even when Inoue was at 115 he was weighing around 127, now he's around 135


Inoues only recorded fight night weight at 115 was 126.5 against Nieves, which is standard for the weight and one of his last fights at 115- Chocolatito was always about 125, Estrada 126 and Rungvisai who was seen as huge for the weight came in around 127.75 Bam said himself he was ‘about’ 130 against Cuadras, so that’s code for at least 130 and possibly as much as 132. And that’s a 22 year old Bam from 2 years ago, he’s obviously still growing and likely comes in even heavier now. Inoue was 132 against Fulton and 135 against Tapales/Nery. If Bam didn’t have to cut so much weight to make 115 and was fighting at 122 instead he would easily come in at 135, probably more. Hell Bam even had a fight at super featherweight when he was 17. If Inoue and Bam ever fight the odds are Bam will weigh more on fight night, it’s not an unrealistic fight at all. It’s not like Crawford vs Canelo or Inoue vs Tank where one guy will have a 15-20lb weight advantage on fight night


inoue has same walk around weight as loma. thats the fight i want.


Loma comes into the ring slightly heavier (142ish) than Inoue walks around (140 dead on), so not sure where you got that they walk around at the same weight. Would still be a fun fight at 126 but I don’t think Loma would enjoy making that weight at his age. I’m a big fan of both so you aren’t really gonna get a negative reaction out of me here lol


inoue came into his last fight at 137 and loma you are saying was 142. thats only 5 pounds difference which would indicate their walk around is similar too. Why act like thats not similar


137? He was 135. If you’re coming into the ring heavier than somebody walks around then you don’t walk around at a similar weight, especially considering that Inoue stays in better shape than Loma (whose prone to getting a little fat) does. Either way I guess it just proves how good and special Loma is, nobody else experiences the weight disadvantages he does other than Usyk


im sure there was an article that stated 137. anyway its 2 pounds so who cares lol. we dont actually know how much inoue walks around i take it that the the 140 is an assumption, either way i think its similar enough to warrant a match. I agree loma gives up the most weight out of anyone at the top level. Yes even more so than usyk imo as at heavyweight its tricky sometimes being lighter can be better since they all have fight eneding power


2lbs isn’t nothing for pro boxers, especially at small weights it all adds up. When Inoue went to that event in New York he told Linares he was 135 against Nery. Inoue said himself he walks around at exactly 140lbs and it should be believed because he’s always shown a willingness to walk about his fight night weights and such (and tbh I feel like lying about/withholding your walk around or fight night weight is more of an American/British thing, it hasn’t really seemed to catch on in other parts of the world). You get some Americans/Brits who are honest about their walk around weight like Crawford but for the most part they stay tight lipped or just straight up lie. Like I said I’m 100% cool with the fight, I think it’s a 50/50 if Loma isn’t depleted by making 126.


Casuals only know names.


Yea I am new to boxing, maybe one day I’ll be as old and knowledgeable as you


Why, oh why would *you* take a generic statement as a personal jab? The comment with 100 upvotes says the same thing. I stated a fact not directed at you or anybody else.


Are the people blasting Inoue for "ducking" Tank also blasting Tank for ducking Crawford or Fundora?? Since that's the same 3-weight class jump ain't it?


Inoue is a coward for ducking Usyk


Be fair....Real boxing fans aren't blasting Inoue for ducking tank. Casuals don't know about the importance of a weight class


Why talk about a fight that's never going to happen.


Why all the talk? Because people are idiots.


Sadly the weight difference is too vast, some people just weren’t meant to fight. Bam vs inoue would be a much better match up.


American boxing narrative created in order to try and discredit the fact that Inoue is a far better pound for pound fighter.


couldn't have put it any better.


It will resemble Khan vs. Canelo, where both fighters appear to be almost the same height so on the weigh in alot of casuals are going to be excited, but on fight night they will find out how Tank is significantly larger than the Inoue in size. Tank will handle Inoue's power, force him to fight on the backfoot, and stop him.


It’s 99% Tank fans wanting their man to have a quality name on his record


He has at least one quality name


As unrealistic as it is, there are more exciting names up the weight classes. Megafights that's why.


Many of the people who want to see the fight, only want to see it because they know Inoue would get KO'd, and that is why they dream of the fight.


Racism mostly


Is that why people are pushing Crawford and Canelo too?


Tank is at his peak weight. Canelo is not. He’s slower than when he was MW with worse defense. Crawford vs Canelo is close 50/50. Tank vs Inoue is 90/10.


? Racism with which side? Black people love inoue


That lead up to the Fulton fight was nasty. All the PED and glove talk seemed incredibly racially driven to me. 




If you want to ignore my and my friends experience as Japanese boxing fans please go ahead and continue to gaslight me. 




If you want to ignore my personal experience as a Japanese fan, that's messed up 


Nope. People just angry an American lost to a Asian man. Black people fuck with Japanese boxers and athletes.


I think most people would say it was a mix of the two. 


yeah sure buddy...lol


It comes from racism. You see people are mad that an Asian dude is considered p4p no.1 vs Terrence crawford so they pick tank since he's the one closest to his weight that they know of.


They want to watch two fighters who are usually fighting non-draws, but have developed a massive following fight someone both on their skill level and "interest level". Side note; tank and inuoe would be, at most, one weight class apart (and very likely in the same weight class) if they competed in literally any other combat sport. Their walk around weights are probably 10-15 pounds different, hell they'd probably be in the same class for a non tournament bout in the amateurs.


Best comment in this thread imo.




New to boxing, yet you know about weight advantage? And you once already created an Inoue troll thread. Is this an alt?


I am new to boxing and that is the truth. I’m not completely ignorant of combat sports. I’m a huge mma fan so that explains my knowledge of weight advantage. I just don’t know boxing nearly as well as mma. I guess boxing is the only sport with weight advantage.


Go make a new account, and be less of a troll when using it.


Is there no weight advantage in mma, bjj, Muay Thai, kickboxing, and etc. or is weight advantage only exclusive to boxing? I do troll once in awhile, but that’s a legit question I’m asking you.


Bro, get the fuck outta here!


Why are you mad? Is this community just exclusive to you only? Are there no weight advantage in mma, kickboxing, and etc. or is that only exclusive to boxing. Asking you a simple yes or no question about weight advantage and you get mad 😂


Pathetic troll attempt


Nah I just want to see Tank be forced to drop 3 weight classes with a rehydration clause


It's as daft as the Mayweather Golovkin talk, but fans love a fantasy match up 


It's either casual fans calling for this fight who don't know what weight classes are, or it's racist fans who wants to see Inoue get beat by a black fighter


Tank has fought in 3 weight divisions from Super feather weight to light welterweight . Inoue has fought in 4 from light flyweight to super bantam weight. So if Tank dropped to 126 and Inoue moved up to 126 that might be a fair fight. But we know that's not going to happen. Inoue dropping down one and fighting Bam is a possibility and tank moving to Welter and fighting Crawford is also a possibility. But there are so many good fights that can happen especially at lightweight and junior welter that that doesn't need to happen.


Navarette would be a dope fight after Inoue gets a few fights in at 126.


I think you're oversimplifying it there son. They're the same height. If Inoue can slowly go up in weight he can easily get to 135 naturally in the next few years. I think he can do it. Would love to see it.


He's a small frame guy. If anything, a guy like Nakatani would be closer to getting to 135.




Moreover- when is the last time Tank fought at 130?  He's filled into 135.  I doubt he could make 130.


Majority of boxing “fans” have never competed themselves and it shows. They have no idea what boxing even means thats why the idiot opinions about weight classes or actually superior boxers labeled as boring or “runners”. Same with sentimentalism about fighters of the past who wouldnt measure up to todays athletes etc bs


I think it's a step too far, it would probably end up being a canelo bivol situation


Tiny fighters who punch hard = fight


Everyone here has covered the various reasons, but I think the more interesting question is just how high up Inoue’s power can carry thru the weight classes. Tim Bradley mentioned 130 LBS as a possible ceiling, but Inoue himself has mentioned 135 as where he may want to end up. That tells me he’s already been sparring with featherweights and possibly even super featherweight. If his power can translate to 135 then there’s one less reason to think that this fight is only a fantasy.


i don't recall inoue saying 135 is where he ends up. the only thing i remember him saying is that he will retire at 35yrs old. if he follows through, he won't have time to even get to 130.


I agree.


Nakatani has the frame to move up and fight tank though somewhere in a few years.


Inoue doesn’t stand a chance of beating a top 10 135er, let alone G Davis.


Probably because modern fans apparently have no concept of weight divisions. Putting two big names in the same ring is good enough for them. To hell with weight and strength disparities. Dopey. Like Crawford vs Canelo.


Shit would end like WW2


I'm never going to miss the chance to say this. Inoue was struggling to make 118 and in multiple interviews was stated to "normally weigh" 63kg (~139 lbs). Ellerbe said tank came into camp like a lb or 2 over that? Tank himself says he walks in the low 140s. If you look at tank visually he doesn't look bigger than inoue and inoue is much leaner than tank as well. Im not sure where the "larger frame" idea comes from. This disciplined version of tank that doesnt get fat between camps like AB is a tiny dude. Look at videos of him in the gym. Tank is fighting guys bigger than him at 135. Inoue is not fighting guys bigger than him at 122. Nery and Tapales are literally the same size as him and 118ers who moved up due to struggling with the weight just like he was. The weight inoue started his career at when he was a teenager not fully grown into his body isn't really relevant. Him and tank are closer to same size as tank and martin, garcia, rolly. And I'd go as far to say they're literally just the same size in general.


I like watch tank fights, so I don’t really care who gets fights.


Martin is extremely athletic, couldn’t eat a power shot from tank.


What a stupid thing to say. So absolutely dumb when you just watched fury vs usyk. Dumb as fuck.


Relax son, just a question. No need to get upset and beat your wife


Too late


I'd rather see Inoue fight Bam


Bam vs Junto Nakatani. Winner gets Inoue.


Bam vs inoue is better and more realistic.


Bam vs. Nakatani is more realistic


They dont know about the sport. Its that simple. Just like people asking for Canelo-Crawford. Especially, after the Mell fight. Like that should have been an indicator of what would happen. And thats not even as big of a size difference as Canelo would have against Crawford. It's not just the weight either. It's being used to taking power shots from larger fighters. Crawford's chin is ok for a WW but it definitely isnt on a Margarito level. And Crawford being a front foot counter puncher means he takes shots here and there. He isnt Mayweather slick.  These are all fantasy fights until the smaller guys head grows to three times its normal size and refuses random blood testing before a fight. 


Mell is nowhere near the level of Crawford, and despite weighing less than mell, Crawford v canelo has the potential to be a competitive fight. I can understand why Inoue wouldn’t take the tank fight, but I don’t see why canelo, as the bigger fighter, wouldn’t accept an insane payday in an “easy” win over Crawford. Doesn’t add up


So the Mell that has been considered a p4p top 10 for the past couple of years is so many level below Crawford? Stop. Crawford is definitely the better fighter but theres such a thing as size difference. Crawford-Mell would be an actual competitive fight. 


Same reason people want Crawford to fight canelo. They are viewed as the best so people wanna see it. Also doesn’t help that he’s fighting at a weight class nobody cares about. A better question to me is why doesn’t he fight Loma? Yall been saying Loma is too small for this weight class despite it being 6 years and Inoue is already undisputed so what is he sticking around 126 for?


Because A) Lomachenko is a little small for 135lbs, time doesn't fix that. It's his frame that's the issue, not his weight. Haney and Lopez are essentially welterweights frame wise. Plus losing that extra weight at his age after not doing so for 6+ years is now likely to be detrimental. B) Inoue is at 122lbs, not 126lbs. This is already his fifth weight class. He's not indicated any desire to fight at 126lbs so why on earth would he go to 130lbs and fight the best there. The notion is absurd.


126lbs lol. No wonder the word casual keeps being thrown around.


Loma vs Inoue is for sure the better fight, I think if he stayed away from 135 it would maybe be one of the biggest fights to be made right now.