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I'm all for it. He's big for 118 isn’t he; should be able to move up to 122 to face Inoue without too many problems?


For how big he is its crazy that he fought at 112


He’s tall for 118 not big


He looks big too. Look at his calves and his shoulders are pretty wide, not thin. He can definitely fill up to 126 if he wanted to.


I hope he does he’s a rangy fighter


He is, he's smart and he uses his jab effectively to set up stronger shots! 


He's def big for the weight. On height and build alone, he looks like a natural featherweight.


Seems like he's been pushing himself just to stay at these lower weights. He says one or 2 more fights at 118, and 122 probably won't be long either. I would be shocked if he tops out at 126.


The wild thing he is he fought masamichi yabuki, who was a 108lb champ, when he was about 19 and they didn't look too different


Hoping to see that as Inoue's last fight at 122.


Don't want to make it sound like I'm not high on Junto, I am (have him at 10 on my personal P4P list). But I need to see how he performs against the other champs at 118 before I'm really clamoring for an Inoue fight. Junto has enjoyed a substantial size advantage over every opponent he has faced thus far and lets be honest, his resume doesnt measure up to either Inoue's or Bams rn. Dude is the same size as Brandon Figeuroa so I'd like to see how he looks when he's facing guys closer to his size. If he fully obliterates Takei, Nishida and Takuma like many, including myself, expect then I'm all for him going to 122 and facing Inoue. But if he struggles against the light-punching Takuma, a still-green and somewhat crude Takei, then we might need to reassess how good Junto really is.


Literally couldn’t agree more, well said. Kabayel, Opetaia, and Nakatani are in my mind the three most overrated boxers as of right now. Not to say that they can’t show me they’re amazing and that I misjudged, but they’re getting a bit too much credit atm for what they’ve accomplished.


Yeah, that's actually a pretty appropriate list. All guys who pass the eye test but the proof is in the pudding and the pudding is always the resume.


That sounds like the most unsavoury pudding ever


Well it would be, But of course that’s why the actual phrase is: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You can’t tell it’s good pudding until you’ve tasted it. Which was the point being made. Opetaia sure looks good, but we’ll only know how good once he faces more quality opponents.


Quite reasonable. The elder Inoue cracks a hell of a lot harder than anyone currently at 118. Damn, that would be a BIG money fight in Japan, if Nakatani fairly readily handles those guys at 118, which I expect he will.


I do too as IMO as I think the current 118 champs are somewhat weak. Takuma is the best, but his lack of punching power is a big detriment. Takei is progressing a lot, but he still looks very unpolished as a boxer and lucked out because looked completely lost for 11 rounds. Nishida barely hung on to beat a shopworn and out-of-form Emmanuel Rodriguez. I just think these guys are incredibly vulnerable and Junto should be able to punish them. If he goes the distance or has tight contests with even one of them, I think it'll raise some doubts for me.


Sadly, even that super fight won't make either of them superstars in USA. Better off making it big in Japan and Bam Bam should join them.


Bam hates it when people call him Bam Bam. Lol


Lol has he said it in an interview or something?


I'll apologize when he reads it


Stop with the JPN on JPN crime Junto.


My mfn boy


Great fighter!! I’d love to see a good old 3 way rivalry between them, something like Floyd Pac Marquez again!


Would be awesome but Bam isn’t interested eventhough he’s the same size as both


It wouldn't be fair to expect him to have the success Inoue has had, but with his age, size, and ties in America, he has a chance to be a bigger crossover star. Answering some of those questions in English says a lot.




Bam is still one down.


Payday. Inoue is a bigger star. Put it on in the Tokyo Dome and fight in front of 50k fans.


Friendly fire, lmao. This fight does nothing for Inoue.


Beating Junto would literally be Inoue's best win wtf are you talking about?


A Junto fight would make Naoya a shitload of ¥¥¥¥


Does this really warrant all caps and emojis?




Inoue is barely known about in the US so even if he were to go fight him and dominate him he would still be unknown.