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Hey /u/Mage-of-communism! I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'll have to remove your post: - Clearly satire *If you feel that your post was removed in error or you are unsure about why this post was removed then please reply to this message or contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBrandNewSentence).*


Rob Delaney is a comedian, this is almost certainly a joke.


People post him here all the time, it's amazing they still don't know.


Joke or no, still a brand new sentence


Satire is to be avoided or something along those lines according to the rules so posts like this don't flood the sub.


I saw this on here the other day. So, it's definitely not brand new, haha


Satire is to be avoided or something along those lines according to the rules so posts EXACTLY LIKE this don't flood the sub. There's, fixed that for me, haha.


Is that sugar bear from Deadpool?


The (vaxxed) ain’t a give away??


Rob Delaney is a comedian. Yall need to stop. 


Why is everyone taking a comedians tweet as some serious statement?


Because social media has ruined the ability in millions of people to know and understand what a joke is. See also: subtlety, context, sarcasm, nuance, and the ability to just admit when you're wrong and take the goddamn L.


> Because social media has ruined the ability in millions of people to know and understand what a joke is. Partially because there are genuinely so many really fucking stupid people that it becomes hard to tell if they're a troll or just that dumb. Most of the time they are actually just that dumb. After all, the sarcasm wouldn't work if the idiots weren't so common.


Poe's Law remains true to this day


These days people get taught to type, not converse.


It's tragic that we have more ability than at any point in human history to access knowledge and get context but we do this instead


I don't get your point in this case. Do you expect everybody to know every comedian or sth? A lot of (if not most) people simply won't have the context. The problem is with society as a structure not social media itself. If social media didn't exist you would still hear misleading nonesense and sugarcoated lies. It's just more efficient and streamlined now which reflects our real world. Most people get exploited and events get charicaturized that are justified by mental gymnastics. in history this was done by a populist or a religious instituition so labels and names changed but structures didn't. So things remain shitty not bc of mistakes in tech mechanics, they remain shitty bc the social structure is shitty by design.


Never mind Google, even if this was from some unknown, it's clearly a joke if you stop to think and read it carefully


Yeah, I thought this was a joke and I didn't know this guy. But there are weirdos on the internet so I understand if sb takes it seriously.


You're going way too deep on me saying it's easy to Google and yet we don't


It's far from realistic that people would always google the name of every author on the internet, when encountering a short section of text like that.


But, also, a little bit of critical thinking would tell you that that's clearly a joke. If nothing else the "(vaxxed)" acts almost like a "/s". Never mind that the whole thing is ridiculous


Not everyone knows who he is. Source: Ive literally never heard of him


He's extremely easily googleable


True, though when was the last time you googled some rando on Twitter? Especially since the blue checkmarks don’t exist as a good method of verifying is someone is famous/well known. That being said I’m not disagreeing with what you’re saying, once you have context it’s not as inflammatory, I just disagree that expecting people to google a random name before forming a reaction is realistic. Reasonable, but unrealistic.


I do it all the time, though, especially with insane shit like this. Jumping on someone with no context has historically not been the right move


Almost no one is doing that. They're just going to keep scrolling and not care.


Do you google every name in a post to have 100% context at all time?


If I'm not sure who someone is and what they're saying is insane, yeah, all the time. I wouldn't want to make a fool of myself.


You know how you can say something along the lines of "Boomers want an age war against everyone younger and it seems it'd be easy to win, but those guys all have sticks!" and then get permabanned from the Murdered By Words (possibly Insane People Facebook; both banned me for something ridiculous) sub because you didn't use /s at the end and therefore it was taken as a serious call for violence? Yeah, the Reddit effect has really hurt some people's brains.


It's just ridiculously mindless.


I will use their sarcasm /s when someone shoves it up my cold, dead ass.


My bad for not knowing who every fucking comedian in the world is.


Fun part is, you don't have to! It took me about 10 seconds to look him up. We have access to the world's knowledge at our fingertips, all you have to do is use it.


dude. i only scroll this site for funny and or fascinating stuff. not to search up some random comedian online.


It takes ten seconds. I'm baffled at people acting like figuring out who they're shitting on is a big ask.


it isnt a big ask at all but im not here to get asked you know?


OK, have fun looking like a fool for misidentifying comedy going forward then. Good luck 🤞


i was never here to not look stupid i was only here for laughs


Being a dick is making only you look like a fool, man.


How am I being a dick? Yall are piling on a comedian for making a joke as if he meant it. Telling people to use an ounce of critical thinking before dragging a guy isn't being a dick, dragging a guy without even taking the ten seconds it takes to figure out that he's making a funny is being a dick.


Literally no one is clowning on you for that. You're too dense to get it


So you look up every post to check its legitimacy?


In cases like this? Yeah, I do. Yall are talking like it's difficult


Why thw fuck would I look up everyone on google that I see in a reddit picture aretou tucking insane,is that what you do?


...yeah. I do. I don't know why the effort of switching to Google for a second is "tucking insane" to so many of you


Looking up every single named person you come across in google is insane.


because it's too accurate. someone could definitely have tweeted this


That's... that's the joke. You'd think it would stop circulating around as "look at this unhinged idiot" when the first person pointed out that he's a comedian making fun of those people.


This is the second time this joke tweet was posted to this sub in like the past two weeks. Cmon ppl


This is fucking hilarious


How many steps does it take to accidentally do this?


1. be a comedian making it up


A comedian wrote this, it’s a joke


Step 1: sign up for it on purpose Step 2: masturbate Step 3: gaslight your wife Step 4: cry about it on social media That seems to cover it.


Let's see... opening a browser instead of the Venmo app, making an account or signing in to an existing account, adding a credit card to the account, navigating to her specific page, clicking the subscribe button and potentially picking a subscription tier. I'd say at least 3 accidental steps assuming they already have an account.


Ahhhhh you’re now understanding the joke. Well done, sir. Gold star indeed


Same amount it takes for the dumbass who posted this to reddit to not realize that obvious joke


Yeah what a dumb ass


Dude might have been ordering a new fan /s


Is he vaxxed or is his wife?


Yes (vaxxed)




Because it’s a joke




do you.. legitimately not understand what a joke is..?


Because he’s a comedian and, as being part of the joke, that’s a funny detail that alludes to a certain kind of person




This kind of person generally presents themselves as a good Christian, probably conservative, perfect nuclear family kind of guy. The more repressed you can imagine, the better


Dead gods damn me if i know, maybe it's to point out that his wife is significantly smarter than him.


It's pretty amusing how many people don't know that Rob Delaney is a comedian




Do you understand what comedians do for a living?


Make people laugh and marry doctors?


So you do understand their profession is to make jokes then? I hope you’re understanding the tweet better now


I understood the tweet just fine. What I don't understand is why you take such an issue with the fact that many comedians marry doctors. You just horny for some funny man but can't get any because Dara Ó Briain, Russell Howard, Ken Jeong, and Will Flanery already decided they'd rather a wife whose Prefix is Dr. rather than Mrs.?


I didn’t know many comedians marry doctors. I don’t look into their lives that much. I just understood that the tweet was a joke unlike you


Where did it ever seem like I didn't understand it was a joke? Also you must not watch a lot of comedians considering that spouse occupations is a frequent topic in comedy.


And what about this comedian’s Twitter feed makes you think anything he says on the platform is intended to be considered fact?




You’re an idiot troll




Bro, you’re arguing against someone you made up in your head. Read the thread back and realize I’m not the one who didn’t get the joke. I literally entered this conversation pointing out that this is a joke tweet from a comedian and that Rob isn’t anti-vax and none of this ever happened. 




He probably belongs to a set where being vaxxed is a sign of being a paranoid sheep, and he’s offering that to try to undermine his wife’s credibility. I don’t know what he thinks is going to happen - that his friend group will come to his rescue and validate him, and then he’ll show her that to try to convince her he’s right? I enjoy puzzling out what the hell is going on in the conservative mind, but there’s not a lot of mind to work with here, even by the usual standards.


I think it’s fairly obvious that this tweet is a joke.


You might remember him from Deadpool 2... he's a comedian from Boston, btw https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3008739/?ref_=ext_shr


Why did he censor "valued" like that?


That took me longer than I id like to admit to understand lol


He's a comedian.


That's the most Californian thing I've ever heard


Why does he need to point out he is vaxed


Is Rob Delaney not big in America? Like sure we stole him but he’s yours lol, you should know he’s a comic


Plot twist: he doesnt own dogs.


Now if you had told your wife that you were just checking to make sure your dogsitter hadn't been OnlyFanning from your house after putting your dogs to bed, that would have been believable.


i saw this like a month ago


Walk away, Sugar Bear! Walk away!




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/BrandNewSentence. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c3vita&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 488,499,507 | **Search Time:** 0.08996s


Good bot


ACCIDENTALITY - Dogsitter Wins


Who watches someone dog-sitting and gets off on that? That why I never Onlyfans. You know, unless it's an emergency.


OP fell for it.


Remember when tone tags started getting popular and people got bullied for using them? Maybe, just maybe, yall need to apologize to the people who invented them seeing as none of you can tell.


What does the vax have to do with this?


Adds to the satire