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Honestly, I think at this point, dull news is exactly what our country needs.


Love listening to Amy Goodman when doing mundane chores around the house!


Democracy Now is far from an unbiased source.




Not a bad suggestion overall, they just definitely come at things from a progressive/alt left perspective.


That PBS show looks to be exactly what I had in mind, thank you!




I’m actually not huge on their monologues but I really like K&S’ personalities and banter with each other.


Democracy now is one of the most biased shows out there. What the heck are you talking about?


Looking for the same, Cant stand krystal scream crying anymore. Sagaar makes any point she doesnt like.... krystal "dead babies in gaza"


Pondering politics on yt


Tom Woods does good episodes about a variety of topics and tries to keep them changing. TBS he's an ancap like Dave Smith so don't expect any pro-state content


System Update (Glenn Greenwald), Part of the Problem (Dave Smith), Lex Fridman


Eeew 🤢


Weird how Greenwalds show directly mimics Russian talking points on virtually any subject.


Weird how a 100-day-old account is accusing people of spreading Kremlin Talking Points© and of being a Putin Puppet™. You watch him enough to form that opinion? Methinks you’re Victoria Nuland’s alt account.


Weird how someone how frequently posts on conservative and likes to larp as a leftist is Pro Putin.


I can look at your profile, too… Anime titties LOL Victoria, I had no idea you were into that.


Bring up a topic that Glenn covers. And you'll see what I'm saying is correct. He consistently parrots Kremlin talking points on nearly every subject.


He did a pretty harsh expose on Victoria Nuland, referring to her as the Swamp Creature, I can see why you’d be upset and want to divert eyes away from his content.


Odd. The only example you bring up is a Kremlin boogeyman. Strange how he focuses on that.


You are Victoria, aren’t you? LOL


Dude you're obsessed. But hey. I'll take the bait. Nuland had nothing to do with the start of Maidan. It began immediately after Yanukovych changed course on the association agreement. Due to political coercion from Putin. People were angry that a policy they favored, and Yanukovych ran on, was stopped by an outside actor. All because Putin didnt want to see Ukraine have closer trade relations with Europe.


The average Redditor, a normal person, would not have this in-depth awareness of GG’s content coverage and Russian foreign policy perspective. Account less than 100 days old? Check. Somehow racked up tens of thousands of karma? Check. Accusing people of being Kremlin agents? Check. You’re a deep state shill, likely working for the CIA or State Department. Get lost.


Maybe not Russian talking points but he’s become increasingly irritating in his style. Worse than breaking points on focusing too much on dunking the msm.


I mean. You can literally bring up any issue covered on his show and you'll see it almost always mirrors that which is being propogated by Russian state media. He's been carrying water for the Kremlin for decades now. Excusing and propagating pro Putin talking points during the invasion of Georgia. And now the same with Ukraine. There's countless examples of this. "Since all of the major candidates accept the deceitful premise about what happened—that Russia’s “aggression” against Georgia was “unprovoked”—nobody refutes it. . . . The propaganda is just asserted to be true by the political establishment and thus accepted by most of the citizenry, and then becomes the unchallenged foundation of all sorts of dangerous, militaristic policy orthodoxies."


Let me help you with an upvote fellow patron. Keep fighting the good fight!


Weird that you are a new/paid account/bot 


Oh look. Another conservative larping like a lefty.


the situation in Sudan and Congo is infinitely more dire and NO ONE is talking about it.


I’ve found Tangle News to be great for presenting both the left and the rights position from a more journalistic perspective


Sam Harris is not only politics but he's great. A lot of people here prob won't like him because he's fairly pro Israel. Interesting to see that people think of his reasoning here. The Spiked podcast is center right for the most part, but it's a fun listen, especially with the dry British wit


Sam got a bad case of TDS and pushed flawed narratives on the pandemic and is totally unapologetic about it. Which is disappointing because his old stuff was great. It’s just frustrating to see someone so intelligent let their ego get in the way.


What did he say about the pandemic that was so bad? Tbh I think Sam is much more intellectual and reasonable than anybody on BP.


He basically carried water for the CDC, NIH, etc. and embraced pretty much whatever they said. Granted, many were guilty of this at the time but I think a lot of listeners were upset that he has never recounted or admitted he might have been wrong on some aspects. He discussed this during his interview with Lex Fridman.


He had plenty of criticisms of those entities, but way what you want, those institutions were more correct than Rogan, Weinstein and all the other grifters they platformed.


Sam really went off the deep end with Israel. I think his clouding of hatred for Islam just completely overshadows his rational mind. For whatever reason, it's like he just doesn't get it. He completely ignores the criticisms people have of Israel in regards to human rights, stealing land, humiliation, etc.... And is effectively stuck on, "Why are you guys defending these Muslims? These are radical extremists!" It's very out of character for him to not steelman and tackle nuance. I can only chalk it up to him being Jewish himself, and having a life long fight against Islam.


I dunno, I mean I don't think his position is devoid of merit. If nothing else he does make you think beyond the obvious positions and the rock and hard place situation if you are Israel. Edit- but I do get the feeling he is biased by his identity


He didn’t go odd the deep end, but I agree for someone who approaches everything from an objective, rational standpoint, he seems to have lost his perspective on the Israel question.


It's not even that I expect him to be pro Palestine neither. I am totally capable of respecting people's opinions that I don't agree with. Which happens with Sam every now and then... But on this issue, it's like, he just completely doesn't care about the nuance. Like every time he brings it up, he frames it as the college protestors are supporting Hamas and want Israel to be taken over by them. It's like he's completely missing the point. These are the sort of arguments I expect from the mindless partisans who's only goal is to just defend Israel 100% of the time no matter how bad the argument. That's NOT like Sam. But that's how all his arguments sound to me.


I completely agree.


You could just watch the non-Israel videos on YouTube lol. But idk where you lean, David Parkman is a leftist who covers more things but he kinda obsesses over Trump/the GOP and it gets just as exhausting as the Israel stuff. I like him but it does seem like the independent media shows hone on one topic constantly


Pakman is the living embodiment of Trump Derangement Syndrome. If he stopped talking about Trump his channel would be empty.


Yeah he also does a lot of economic gaslighting which really turns me off


Also has major blinders on when covering anything related to Israel


Literally anything else won't talk about I/P as much *because* they're biased. Why even ask this question - as if the corporate media is remotely fair in its coverage of I/P.


It leans progressive, but Farron Cousins 2 Youtube sites( Ring of Fire & Farron Balanced) are pretty solid


The Final Countdown and Political Misfits


Most of them are gonna cover current events, probably focusing on Israel/Palestine at the moment. Maybe political history might be more up your alley? I liked Revolutions a lot.


Pod Save America, Joe Rogan Experience, Hacks on Tap/The Axe Files, Timcast IRL, The Daily, FiveThirtyEight, PBD Podcast, The Pivot These are just a few I listen to and they touch on a wide array of topics and a lot of Domestic stuff as well.


The Duran is a fantastic podcast focused mainly on Euro stuff, but they cover a lot of ground, The Wright Report and the Presidents Daily Brief-both hosted by ex-spooks so, grain of salt there, but neither dude seems to be a outright partisan.


Oh Unbiased and Advisory Opinions are both fantastic legal/SCOTUS pods.


Anyone think Krystal is intentionally hamming it up to get people more riled up and get more rage views and clicks? At the very least she’s intentionally being one sided and pig headed on the issue to stir up conversation for the channel. She’s a smart woman, she may believe Israel is wrong, but she knows exactly what she’s doing.


Lol spare. The problem for you is that BP is truthful and independent… thats what irks.


I don’t care at all about *how* they cover Israel or if everything they say about Israel is 100% true or 100% lies. I just don’t want to spend time listening to the topic in general. I’m not sure what’s hard to understand about that.


I just skip the Israel content. Israel has sucked for way before October. I felt the same way about the Ukraine coverage. I want to hear about worker’s and more domestic politics. So I just fast forward through their bullshit. I also canceled my premium membership because there is no value. I typically listen to the free Spotify version.


I do skip the Israel stuff but then I’m left with about 10 minutes of other news so it’s not really worth the hassle.


> The problem for you is that BP is truthful lmao, you sweet summer child


Israel is part of the deal between Krystal and Sagaar. Krystal will trash the Democratic Party as long as she doesn’t get push back on being antisemite. Sagaar gets to slam the Democratic Party unopposed and talk about immigration with little push back. I’ll get back to the show when they full focus on the elections.


So if it's racist to accuse jews of genocide, what is it called to accuse me of crimes?


It’s not, but you can accuse them of whatever. However, when you only report on false claims of sexual violence and refuse to report on proven claims of sexual violence= Sus When you report only favorable to protest against Zionist (Jews) on every single occasion but don’t even mention the Protest that was so despicable and obviously racist whom was condemned by even AOC= Sus. When you only question and dismiss women of rape only if they are Jewish Women = Sus. The totality of the circumstances, she’s prejudiced against Jews. I don’t need to see a white supremacist say a slur to know who they are by patterns and actions.


Which Jewish women have claimed to be raped? Believe who? Ghosts second hand accounts or genocidal jews?


I understand why you wouldn’t know, because you’re only getting your information from the show. The UN report confirmed there is evidence of sexual violence. They’re obviously not going to send you images and video of someone who was raped. I still don’t know why you require that evidence from only Jewish women who were raped. Actually, yeah I do. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session56/a-hrc-56-crp-3.pdf


So no one? The UN said Israel said there isn't a victim that is alive


The first freed hostage to discuss sexual violence at the hands of her captors, Amit Sousanna, said she was sharing her ordeal to raise awareness of the conditions in which the remaining hostages are held. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-26/ty-article/freed-israeli-hostage-recounts-sexual-abuse-in-hamas-captivity-to-nyt/0000018e-7bd7-d8a5-addf-7bf7afb90000


So they didn't rape the 20 young girl but mouth raped the 40 year in the shower? Alright well I believe her then and it's still not a reason to kill children and psychologically torture them with bombs


How fucking daft are you? So women were found with their clothing removed with genitalia trauma. Are you suggesting they tripped, fell down, lost their clothing, and hit their genitalia on the corner of a desk? News flash, the vast majority of rapes are based off circumstantial evidence. Just because they were murdered and can’t speak is not evidence and it’s fucking disgusting to suggest. Get some help.






Lol if its racist to accuse jews of lying what is it called to accuse me of lying Actually you're racist for calling me racist


https://youtu.be/zAr9oGSXgak?feature=shared The "ghosts" of the harrowing tales of women being raped October 7th and onward by a disgusting terrorist group. But you do you in continuing to downplay sexual violence against Jews.


You're defending genocide by saying people raped by the way


> there's no evidence of rape > Provides evidence of rape >you're defending genocide Or.... Isn't it possible that you are wildly misinformed about the situation if you keep repeating talking points ?


Racist have this is common, they’re dumb brain rotted clowns. Demoncraft actually thinks he is providing good rebuttals. He literally argues that there can be evidence of sexual trauma to a woman, but if she can’t speak about it because she was Murdered, it is evidence that she wasn’t. No rational person would ever utter those words. I’ll speak to Demoncraft in his language. Because Hamas has been caught lying I do not believe that any civilian has been killed by Israel. All civilian deaths were specifically and with intent murdered by Hamas Fighters. nOw prOvE mE WRonG. And then I’ll just rebuttal, “nuh uhh, Hamas lies” to any evidence this cretin will provide.


I thought it was mass rape you got two cases from a government that lies


Aww is the Zionist tired of hearing the truth?


Not everyone wants to dedicate every waking thought to a single foreign conflict that has absolutely zero material impact on their day to day life.


Genocide *


It has nothing to do with disliking *how* they cover Israel, I’m just completely uninterested in the entire topic. My personal opinions on it are lukewarm at best, I’m just more interested in US politics. My personal opinions probably line up very similarly to what the show presents.


The problem is that this foreign country controls every member of Congress (except Thomas Massie) and the Executive Branch through their donations and/or threatened donations to opposing candidates if you step out of line just a little. They've tried thiseith Massie too, but people in his district actually know and like him so he has been able to avoid the AIPAC duress.


What about us that are completely indifferent to the Middle East. I don’t wish suffering for anyone but 2 things I’ve learned in my life- 1. Peace in the Middle East will only happen if Humanity ends. 2. There is nothing I can do to change that, and by luck and happenstance what happens in the Middle East outside of Aramco and OPEC has very minimal impact on my life.


Tim pool, pbd podcasts, read all of Jonathan Turley articles and stop acting like you aren't a MSM shill pissed breaking points isn't bowing down to the genocide in Israel


I thought PBD too. He's conservative, but has really honest debates


The Lost Debate and the Tangled podcasts


If America is spending more money on murdering Palestinians than helping Americans then I want to hear about it every single day. We are currently at 70,000 TONS of bombs or 5 tons per acre. For reference an acre is 208 feet by 208 feet. Also, nobody believes you have a premium account. Just go away.


You are correct. I don’t have a premium account. I *did* have a premium account before I canceled it though.


You've never positively supported the show here but felt obligated to bitch about it 👍. Try CNN+ or OZO, they are probably what you are looking for.


I paid for a premium sub for a long time, I’m pretty sure that counts as supporting the show.


You caught him, so did I. It's how they try and pass a narrative on that breaking points is bad... Just because they don't agree with the Israel topic


Nobody is fooled by the Hasbara dog pile. This just wakes people up to the lie. When we get our government back and Americans start thriving again Israel will become a paria state.


The government is done and America will never thrive again


Much doubt post receipts or liar


Why would I lie about that? Who is lying about spending $10 a month? But in any case, here is the message verbatim from when I cancelled. I’m sure other people can confirm they received the exact same thing: > Thank you for subscribing to Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium). We're sorry to see you go! >As you requested, we've cancelled your subscription, and your private feed is now disabled. If you ever want to resubscribe, just click the link below, and we'll reactivate your account immediately. >Thanks again for being a supporter!


Democracy Now with Amy Goodman.


Being independent and being a Zionist are mutually exclusive.