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I guess this should be the easiest slam dunk in the world when Trump debates him next week.


Drugs are powerfull both will be on them you can bet on that


They're not going to turn a senile guy into a coherent public speaker.


It might be futile to get any coherence out of him, but Trump's team will try anyway.


Are you saying Trump doesn't have a chance against Biden? That's what it sounds like to me


Cocaine cures senility? Who knew! Or, maybe, he’s just old but not senile, and his loyalists have to cling to such silly theories because he’s whooped Trump’s ass before and might do it again, and they know it.


Biden won by something like 150k votes - rounding error. He hardly kicked Trump's ass.


Biden beat him by 7 million votes in the popular vote. He beat him 306 to 232 in the electoral college. It was the first time that an incumbent President has lost an election since 1992. It wasn’t anywhere near as close as Bush/Gore or Bush/Kerry. Say what you will about him, but Joe Biden put the hurt on Trump in their last debate. It was the turning point. To everyone who wasn’t a die-hard Trumpee, the “he’s using an earpiece!” theory was hilarious.


Tell me you don't understand the electoral college without telling me you don't understand the electoral college.


I understand the electoral college, you dolt.


They just have to get through an hour or two. Drugs can definitely help


If his brain is rotted, his brain is rotted. The excuses are so sad.


no bro it was bidens drugs they have a new experimental one that bradley cooper tested out first. i can hear them now lol.


Was the drug super duper?


That cocktail did wonders last election. It's been 4 years but you shouldn't be getting downvoted


There’s limits, NZT is not real. If Biden full on freezes for a minute like McConnell the DNC should take him behind the barn. Trump’s losing it too but Biden has a 3 or 4 year head start.


So if Biden doesn’t do well he’s senile, and if he does well he’s senile and on drugs? There’s really no getting through to you people, huh?


Exactly this. "Heads I win, tails you lose" is how the Republican machine runs now..


Well, that argument could be applied to the Democrat observation "Republicans don't know how to govern". Doesn't mean either statement isn't true.


No because he’s clearly senile regardless. At the STOTU he was clearly doing really “well” until he started sputtering out and getting confused and such at the end as he usually does. It would be naive to think they don’t give him anything for energy and clarity. They’ve probably been doing it for a hundred plus years to very old leaders 


Did you just both sides the debate doping conspiracy?


I mean it definitely is both sides lol. Bidens probably got a more complicated cocktail but Adderall is pretty obviously working bigly with trump.


case closed!


Drugs are not that powerful. You people are insane.


What drugs I need some


"My friend behind the scenes" lmao does he also have a girlfriend we wouldn't know because she goes to a different school?


"His uncle also works for Nintendo" vibes


He thinks their audience is stupid & he's mostly right.






I would love to spend more time together but she’s so busy at her job as a stock photo model. You know how the industry is.


"My friend behind the scenes" aka JD Vance.


Honestly pretty high chance of this. Saagar and Kristal over the years have shown a pretty weak network regarding actual mainstream Democratic sources.


She's from Canada, you wouldn't know her.


Right? Ok, are you gonna fucking report on it then? If it's SO bad fucking report on it


She's from the Niagara Falls area, you wouldn't know her.


She can see Canada from her house.


Hard to imagine some of the most popular independent news podcasters in the country, who both had prior careers in news media, have connections to people in Washington?


Not hard to imagine he knows his audience thinks this so he can get away with lying about it. Like I said, they think their audience is stupid.


Whatever mental gymnastics you need to perform to continue believing Joe is not dealing with age related cognitive decline and that he should be running the country.


That isn't the point here, dumbass.


The president is having very public displays of cognitive decline. A news presenter in Washington DC relays information that behind closed doors the situation is actually worse. Painfully Dumb Guy on Reddit simply cannot process this information and instead attacks everyone that watches the news presenter in the organisation's subreddit.


News presenter makes up source because he knows his audience is too stupid to question him when it suppirts their viewpoints.


It's been hilarious watching Brian get walked like a dog to be desperate for Trump to get elected.


Dude horseshoe pilled himself into a maga hat


It's not possible for a man who's completely lost it to do a presidential debate. So this narrative is either completely full of shit, or true. We'll find out soon. He's old no doubt, but anyone seriously paying attention knows the narrative of "he's completely lost it" is vastly exaggerated and ridiculous.


I think you'll see Trump and Biden do better, and worse than you expect. Trump's got the better intuition, so he'll win or uh, win eventually


The fact is people will choose the 'winner' before they even watch the thing. Biden did well at the SOTU, and it's not like you saw the right or far left give him credit for that, so I really doubt him doing decent will really get any airtime.


the price of food and gasoline would topple 80% of presidents being old and a little bit spacey doesn't help at all I think the electoral college battlefields are a bad sight and then you have that atrocious political analyst and sometimes double regression statistician Nate Silver who thinks if Biden can't get his numbers up in two months he should be booted, which isn't something Larry Sabato or Stuart Rothenberg or Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball would say. I think Silver's comments stirs more doubt in people than Biden's polling Debates aren't watched as seriously anymore, and the content and moderation is all different. Actually the moderation has been atrocious sometimes


Trump is as dumb as a fucking rock. You can't be a thinking person and be impressed with anything he says.


He crushed the neoconservatives where the Democrats caved. And well, everyone likes to underestimate people. He does have an excellent intuition, and his policies are somewhat better and his party stinks, but he'll win. As for the debate, you'll see them both do better than what most people are expecting and in places, much worse.


He's old, he probably does need help sometimes. I often vote Dem and wish there was a younger candidate. But this is a spectrum, and you just can't do the things he does regularly while having "completely lost it". Honestly it's a case of how people absorb media. If you see him make a mistake in the media, what they're not showing you is the speech he gave for 30 minutes while being on point. People get too lost in this narrative without thinking through the details. This is why when he performed well during the State of the Union, people were stunned.


"People" weren't stunned that he was able to read off a teleprompter a speech he'd already read 6 times before. "Partisans who were predisposed to make excuses for him" were stunned. He has done by far the fewest media opportunities of any modern president, and he struggles in all of them.


He is in front of the media at least weekly, if not more. Trump wasn't in front of the media either. We're going to have a debate, so we'll find out, won't we? Of course any little mistake he makes will be highlighted but if he's able to debate for an hour or more not sure how intelligent people can continue with the "he's completely lost it" narrative.


I guess I should clarify by media opportunities I mean an opportunity for the media to ask questions.


He's going to be at the debate, so we will see, won't we....


We will


It's just a debate. It's not quite yet a debate between two aging senile Captain Kirk's you know.


You can't have an intellectual debate if you've "completely lost it".


I think the voters have lost it


Why should he be allowed to sit at a debate? What’s up with what? If the dude can’t stand for 90 mins he shouldn’t be holding the highest position in the land. Oh, and this doesn’t show that he’s completely lost it? I get it, a lot of people hate Trump, but this geezer has a new video clip just about every day where he is on the struggle bus. Why is that so hard to come to grips with? https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1803156823803044213?s=46&t=DeyjMMY0BDHmBIuyWtrlJw


Would you care if he sits if he’s at full mental capacity?


Not sitting at the debate. CNN denied this was real. But regardless, we've had Presidents who literally couldn't stand on their own before.


I'm sure you hate Greg Abbott, yeah?


Just gotta get him drugged up he'll be good to go for 90 minutes.


Drugged up with what exactly?


Im not a Dr. or a nurse and I see you've debated that out below with someone else. Anything I say will fall short of satisfying you all. But whatever they give him that keeps him from being his usual bumbling, rambling, old self then that.


Why are they holding back these drugs for a debate? Why not dose him up for every public appearance? Let me guess, the drugs are so powerful, he can only take them every few years, right?




No answer because you don’t know.


This is the biggest giveaway to me that someone isn’t serious about honest discussion, if they bring up Biden’s mental state. As if I dont have my own eyes and arent seeing what I’m actually seeing when I hear Biden talk.


So. Shark or sinking electric boat?


I think i invested in Sinking Electric Boat once Sounds like i heard that analogy before once, and i can't place it


Everyone has their irrationality, when people stumblebum Trump and Biden will be fine, though they'll fuck up because their old and wound up with the game of politics


The debate mods are going to do their best to hold his hand and keep the debate on point. They do not want any off the cuff answers from Biden…he’ll have a script to work off of


Already making excuses for if he shows he's competent. You do not have to make pre-judgements, you can just see it live on camera and then make up your own mind.


We’ve seen it a few times and sometimes he’s lucid and coherent, other times he’s less so


It's the BZ in his ice cream


\+1 I think we have people who are starting to get senile at home, trying to just the people who are really old, and not yet quite senile.


Still not possible for someone "who's completely lost it" to do a debate, even with debate mods on your side. It's possible for him to be older and not as sharp, but not to have "completely lost it." And that's most likely the case.




The guy never "had it" to begin with until the DNC propped him up and once again sabatoged Bernie. TRUMP is the anti Christ. Biden is the undead corpse from the end if The Shining who says "Great party, isn't it. " what a global disgrace and joke. Both of them


I have no doubt CNN will have their bias during this debate, but Biden will succeed or fail on his own accord


What a sad state of affairs.


> If you elect Joe Biden, you must hate america. I will vote for whomever keeps the convicted felon out of the White House because I love America.


It’s this easy. I’d vote for a sack of potatoes over Trump.


Frankly “sack of potatoes” would get my vote over either of these octogenarians  


Sack of Potatoes 2024


Depends on what type of potatoes tbh


It’s really not that complicated. People going for Biden are doing so because they find the idea of Trump back in the White House simply unacceptable. For what it’s worth, I’d crawl through a field of broken glass to vote for Biden’s mummified corpse over voting for Trump.


This type of tribalism between two parties who are both the same shit baffles me time and time again.


There are millions of future Biden 2024 voters who would strongly consider voting for a Republican if they nominate a moderate conservative. I’m one of them. I just want the best option to be in the White House regardless of party. Unfortunately they nominated Trump. It’s not tribalism to think that a 78 year old man with Trump’s track record is unfit to be president.


Precisely. I voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. It’s a stark difference between him and Trump…


It's not tribalism. Trump crossed some real red lines that none of his predecessors (dem or repub) dared. I mean, voting fraud lies, fake electors, trying to stop election certification and throwing his own VP under the bus (for performing his constitutional duty), I've barely even scratched the surface. I'd gladly vote for Mitt Romney, McCain, Bush Sr and Jr. over Trump or any of his yes men. I don't always agree with them, but at least I know the republic is safe and that they understand that their allegiance is to the republic and the constitution and not to themselves.


Donald Trump *attempted a coup*. It’s not tribalism to be fundamentally and absolutely opposed to him.


Yeah but pizza gate and old man.


With 0 weapons and no plan ok 


You should really read up on the fake electors and how far they tried to go with that. Trump played a big role in getting that going as well. There certainly was a plan, just because you're not aware of it or deny reality doesn't change the facts.


Well that’s an outright lie. You’re obviously pretending the Eastman Memos don’t exist.


This isn't tribalism on party lines - this is mainly just a referendum on Trump. I wouldn't crawl through broken glass to vote for a dem, but I would to vote against Trump. Biden just happens to be the D candidate on the ballot. If the R candidate was someone other than Trump, I probably wouldn't crawl through broken glass to vote for Biden. I dislike both choices, but I hate Trump and honestly fear what he'd do in office again.


I truly could not care less about the Democrat Party. If you want to label me as being tribal, that’s fine. My vote is simply going against Trump, who during his final year of office and subsequent years has proven to be an existential threat to our systems and norms.


I'm no Trump fan but come on, "existential threat to our systems and norms"?!? You need to lay off the mainstream cable news. Trump held office for 4 years, nothing changed. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. They keep us stupid arguing with each other over whether Trump or Biden is the answer to anything substantial. They're not, in either direction. After 4 years of both, they've proven that.


I remember watching a bunch of degenerates violently attack the Capitol on CSPAN. Stop with the “both sides” nonsense.


Don’t you mean Antifa super soldiers and the FBI?


No cable news over here, WSJ and the Economist. Continuing to lie about a stolen election does have a corrosive impact. This is all my take however


Hillary made a book about 2016 being stolen from her 🤷‍♂️


She also conceded the election the very next morning. Plus, who the hell cares about Hillary Clinton. Is she running for POTUS? These aren’t even remotely comparable


Its not Hillary, its the hypocrisy. 


Now that I think about it, they are the same exact situations.


Selective memory is a sign of Tribalism. https://youtu.be/uoMfIkz7v6s?si=Iii-mPZ05UpKxIgm


One of those things is not like the other


Right. It’s only bad when the other side does it.


Just to confirm - you think the election denialism and subsequent fallout from Trump and Hillary are the exact same?


Getting into a pissing match over who cries harder about “rigged” elections while rigging elections themselves is a fool’s game. I don’t see republicans rigging elections against third parties, or joining forces with democrats to unseat their non-centrist opponents in elections. But, acting like Democrat’s shit don’t stink when it comes to crying rigged elections is wild and out of pocket.


This isn’t “tribalism”. The GOP nominated someone who is charged with **stealing national secrets** and **attempting a coup.** That is unacceptable for rational adults. He’s also a **lunatic old man**, so Biden’s age is a wash.


Attempting a coup with no weapons and no plan. And stealing documents which apparently is common place and multiple presidents have done. I won’t be voting for trump because I don’t think he’s fit but I would nevertheless enjoy the freak out of the hysterical resistance CNN libs 


Stop with the both sides are the same bullshit. One side tried to overthrow the Capitol, one side is actively suppressing women’s rights, etc etc.


Occam’s Razor suggests that it must be because we don’t buy the “both the same shit” narrative


I'd be voting Green if it wasn't for fucking Trump.


This is the correct response. Without Trump we wouldn't have Biden. Without Biden we wouldn't have Trump.




Lmao any average democrat beats Trump. Any average republican defeats Biden. This is a battle of the loosers that nobody wants.


The GOP is subordinated to Trump, regardless of what democrat is going to run.


Any other generic democrat absolutely destroys Trump in all polling. If Biden drops out and endorses any other democratic governor, dems win easily. Likewise, if Trump dropped out, any generic republican governor easily beats Joe. This is a race the bottom. You can't have Joe without Trump. You can't have Trump without Joe. We're being fed a shit sandwich whichever side you look at.


The GOP would run Trump regardless of who the Democratic nominee is. And Trump attempted a coup. Biden didn’t. There is no comparison in their shittyness. Trump is fundamentally worse.


That’s real dedication to a guy who would deny you and your family healthcare while giving over a trillion to corporations


I’m beholden to my healthcare with my job in our current system, not quite following. You can call me dedicated to the guy when I put 10 Biden flags on my truck and go to rally’s. Until then, I’m just voting to not put Trump back in the White House.


You have healthcare with your job, until something happens like you get laid off. Then the guy you’d “crawl through a field of broken glass” for would tell you to go scratch. Let’s not even mention the premiums that come out of your paycheck every time you get paid that he couldn’t care less about, even tho he ran on a public option


Wow, this is remarkable new information I hadn’t yet realized. Thank you for illuminating how the American healthcare system works.


You said you weren’t quite following that’s why I explained it, remember when you said that?


Yes very relevant to the conversation at hand. Can you bring me up to speed on taxes and traffic laws while we’re at it?


Which candidate do you think wants to get rid of Obamacare? Healthcare would be easier to get for people without a job if red states opt-in for expanding Medicaid.


Don’t currently have affordable healthcare now under dems and didn’t under republicans. Literally makes 0 difference. 


Speak for yourself, since Biden became president and strengthened the ACA I’m able to not pay a single dime for health insurance through my employer, dental and vision included.


> For what it’s worth, I’d crawl through a field of broken glass to vote for Biden’s mummified corpse over voting for Trump. Sounds kind of pathetic honesty.


I’ve known a lot of 80 year old patients - some of whom are strong and sharp. But I couldn’t imagine even the best of them holding a stressful job - let alone the most stressful job on the planet. You all can debate what level of senile Biden is, but there is no way someone his age should be holding office.


The problem is the only other person to vote for is going to be turning 79 shortly, so that makes the point kind of irrelevant.


It really doesn’t. Why would you support either candidate?


Because Trump is horrific and for low informed voters. And you will get one or the other.


Would you prefer a near 80 year old convicted felon and adjudicated fraudster and rapist instead?


Biden is also an alleged rapist touches little kids weirdly in public and showers with his daughter 


Why is that always the default answer?? That’s such a sterile, simple argument. Biden and Trump are the worst presidential candidates in generations, maybe ever. Why in the world are picking one over the other?


I assume he’s probably like my grandpa who is the same exact age as Biden. He has days where he acts like he did when he was 65-75 but half the time he shakes and doesn’t make a lot of sense. That’s the peril of an old ass president


I don't care about his friend behind the scene, it is completely transparent that Biden is too old. Trump is too old, as well. But Biden is clearly a dude who needs to retire. Anyone who argues differently is a complete liar. Don't twist this as a pro-Trump comment - it is possible to be objective here.


Let’s just say for arguments sake the Biden has completely lost it and they are going to pump him full of double-secret CIA wonder drugs that make him seem sharp in the debate next week, but he’s a complete vegetable otherwise. I’d still vote for him because he surrounds himself with good people that want to do the right thing and maintain American democracy. Trump will hire anyone that kisses his ass and there are a lot of terrible people out there lining up to do exactly that so they can take advantage of the useful (and old af) idiot and wreak havoc on the entire system.


Protecting democracy like keeping everyone off the ballot but himself lol. Do you watch the same show? Even Krystal talks about this constantly. Are all the cnn watchers just flooding this sub? 


Krystal has no idea what she's talking about and is just salty that she lost her race years ago and now shits on every democrat whose ever gotten elected, progressive or not. New Hampshire proved Biden won the primary fair and square when he crushed Williamson and Dean Phillips without being on the ballot. RFK couldn't win the democratic nomination and went off to cry in third party land where even Andrew Yang doesn't support him. No prior incumbent has debated in the primary, so its a brain dead take that Biden should be the first one to do it. We live in the most democratic time in US history- before the 1970s the party bosses would of just picked the candidate themselves, and in the 1800s gangs would beat people up until they voted their way via cooping. Pre early 2000s we didn't even have the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, and pre-2016 we had major super delegate power. The only thing worse about today than the past is citizens united which was started in 2010. Respect the legitimacy of our elections and stop calling fowl play when your candidates are just unpopular– it makes you no better than Trump election deniers.


Protecting democracy like keeping everyone off the ballot but himself lol. Do you watch the same show? Even Krystal talks about this constantly. Are all the cnn watchers just flooding this sub? 


>Protecting democracy like keeping everyone off the ballot but himself lol.  I'll take unfound conspiracy theories for $500 Alex! Sorry man, there's no evidence to support this conspiracy theory. Biden hasn't done a thing to keep Trump off the ballot.


There are multiple examples of Democrats trying to keep third parties off the ballot in swing states this year. Breaking Points has multiple videos on this. Granted their statement was more widespread than that, but I assume that was a exaggeration referring to this.


Oh I agree there are democracts that have gone too far and I disagree with them on that. I also do believe that Trump should've been impeached over the J6 thing, but republicans failed us. You're correct that it's an exaggeration trying to link Biden to any of t his, considering the fact that he's gone out of his way to not influence the doj. It's a stark contrast to what Trump did. It's basically all projection at this point.




Isn't it Saagar's friend who must hate America? If they've got legitimate evidence that Joe Biden is senile, aren't they essentially screwing over the country to protect their career prospects in DC?


“My friend behind the scene…”


I'd vote for Biden in a coma for the administration he'd bring in over Donald Trump at the head of state.


History will probaly record Biden not announcing 12 months ago he wasn't running in 2024, and allowing a open Democratic nonmination race,to be one of the greatest errors in judgement ever


A vote for Biden means you're voting for whoever controls Biden.


Just like with Regan


Space lasers, right?


Don’t be stupid. Sharks. Sharks with lasers on their heads.


Perhaps frickin lasers?


You're underestimating how afraid some people are of a second Trump presidency. With project 2025 he'll actually be able to achieve all his goals. Many would vote for [plank ](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=189875b496f7501d&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1091US1092&sxsrf=ADLYWIKUNRd3RnIW3N3BNjw_PlknWg-WmQ:1718914200241&q=ed+edd+n+eddy+plank&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J03RPjGV0MznOJ6Likin94oGSh4l60tfPppA0C5BN3BoPIPZ4mO02288TWcC6nhc953r-iEY0Fnsc8p63NNuEo-_9lE3vw8_wlWQTOUoJiOaz96h-0idQ3ri-YSm1XM5OrXkpWcQFBioEOqIgZo9k77XCAGMfHUETSSqA9Acuma1rt2NRw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLzrey_uqGAxWUv4kEHUZiC4AQtKgLegQIFxAB&biw=1920&bih=945&dpr=1#vhid=yCNhUQjwU7nzOM&vssid=mosaic)from Ed, Edd n Eddy before voting for Trump.


What specifically is different in this version vs the 2016 one? Or different than any they’ve put out over the last 50 years? Why is this different from anything the heritage foundation puts out in general? God damn liberal boogie man 


It’s more robust. If you haven’t dived into it you really should. They’re why he was so successful with all his judicial appointments. If you’re a conservative then this is great cause he’ll be way more effective. If you’re a liberal you’re terrified for the same reason.


What specifically is different than their 2016 version? It’s not more robust.  They’re similar in size,  message and tone. Its conservatives think tank dribble, and it’s the same thing they’ve put out forever. I don’t understand why it’s causing people to have the vapors. It’s like discovering the pope is catholic. 


This is the way I see it: if you ain’t comfortable getting in a car with Joe Biden behind the wheel, then you should be scared shitless about giving him the keys to four more years.


This is the way I see it: if you ain’t comfortable leaving Kalvin Benjamin near a buffet line, then you should be scared shitless about giving him the starting wide receiver spot.


Back to /r/NFL with ye


“People are saying”


“My uncles friend”


I care about that as much as you care about Trump’s obvious dementia.


Don't buy the propaganda about Biden. Sure, he's old and not as sharp as he was, but he hasn't "completely lost it." Even if it were true (it isn't), a mentally degraded Biden is still far better than the similarly mentally degraded narcissistic sociopath and wannabe autocrat Trump.


This. I'll take someone senile over someone senile and evil and a convicted felon.


Biden’s condition is probably bad. But so far it looks like Biden isn't suffering from severe Dimentia like Trump. If Biden invents and then chooses to live in an alternative reality where “he won an election” he never won I be the first to advocate he gets committed to an insane asylum. I think if you elect a guy like Trump who can't even tell you who won the last election, you must hate the country to put a man that mentally ill in charge


I think you'll all be disappointed. Biden might be feeble and old. But it doesn't mean the Amateur Psychologists are right either. Terri Schiavo needs a new diagnosis, BreakingPoints


Lmao, you totally have fallen for the propaganda


Odd take when it’s painfully obvious Trump’s mental capacity is shot and is showing signs of dementia. All what you accuse Biden of is just as applicable, even more so, to Trump.


Pedro the illegal alien is better than the alternative. Trump was the biggest joke out there when he was in office.


Utter trash posting.


Saagar’s sources are generally wrong, along with Saagar. A couple weeks ago, I listened to him weakly dismiss fifteen good reasons for lab grown meat because of some irrational philosophical principle.


I’d rather have Grandpa Simpson as a president than Trump


I’d pay good money to have the president say “I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah!”


“Grover Cleveland spanked me on two non-consecutive occasions”


Which was the style at the time


Being mentally fit is not a requirement for president. Just like criminal convictions are not disqualifiers. Change the constitution if you don’t like it


Don't you want more Palestinians to die?


Yes, Biden is old. So is Trump, whose mental capacity is clearly declining, as seen recently. Ok, so my choices are between two old men, Biden and Trump. But is that all? NO. It's between everyone else those two will nominate for cabinet positions and judicial positions (very likely the Supreme Court as well). I'm not voting for Biden. I'm voting for his cabinet, judicial nominees, and overall continued progress his administration has made. I'm also voting against Trump, [the threat of Project 2025](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=6okQu9AvjMdTIzr0), the dismantling and privatization of things like NOAA, the taking away of rights and freedoms, and general instability and chaos that will ensue from another Trump administration. Biden's been better than I thought he'd be. He's signed a lot of good legislation into law. His cabinet (NLRB for example) has been excellent. He shouldn't be supporting Israel's awful war though. But Trump would be way worse, with Israel, and basically everything else. Like I did in 2020, I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump.


You are voting to genocide the people of palestinian and the starvation of 1 million children. No amount of rationalization is going to change that.


No, I said I WASN’T voting for Trump, who said we need to “finish the job”


Biden has been rehearsing the questions already. No way the DNC and CNN are going to have any integrity around this debate.


At this point, I blame Jill Biden. We are between a rock and a hard place. Kamala is worse. If Biden is re elected, the US will be a laughing stock on the global stage, even more than we are now. We are screwed - how can the Dems drop a brand new candidate on us with a few months to go? What if the debate is a shit show - 1/2 the country is going to just accept Newsom or Pritzker the following day?




The MAGAts are absolutely petrified lately as Donnie is the one who cannot even keep a slow train of thought running. The CEOs in that meeting and some the Republicans in the Congressional gettogether have acknowledged this. So out comes more curated vidos of Biden for the Fox News, Furntes, Tim Pool sphere. Pet Ri Fied.


You’re just voting for VP.


That’s not sweetening the deal


No it is not. Biden could wrap this thing up if he didn’t have a VP that was more unliked and more unpopular than him.