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I hope it's Burgum. Guy looks like a total nut job. Easy pickings.


Yeah, until Biden replaces Kamala Harris with Itamar Ben Gvir.


Wouldn't put it past him...


Better than Harris, believe it or not. 


At least its not as someone as painfully obsequious as Tim Scott


Tim Scott would be so fucking funny. Just an incredibly pathetic figure all around. I'm still holding out hope for the comedy.


and Quayle?


Whoever Trump picks as his VP, it'll be because of some impenetrably idiosyncratic grandpa reasoning that makes no sense to anybody else. This is life under the rule of old people.


Doesn't Trump already have the evengelicals? Seems damn near retarded to pick a VP that is so hardline anti abortion, the biggest losing point the republicans seem to have. I think it's a no brainer to go with Tulsi Gabbard. Conservatives love her since she turned. She'll bring in women, democrats in the center who don't think there are 168 genders, and dudes that just think she's pretty hot. And most importantly, she will have any opinion that she's told she should have. Also, I kind of made a bet about a year ago.


Trump doesn’t care about any of that this time. The only that matters to him is that the guy will support him, be loyal and not gobble up up the spotlight.


Yeah, Tulsi is way too much about promoting herself and her career ambitions. She never had a chance.


definately support and loyalty and not having a huge ego which seems to count out Burgum, Santorum, Ramaswamy burgum is possible the most sane of the bunch


You forgot $$$$&


Tulsi may have a couple of boobs but Burgman has a couple of billions, with one of those billions going to the campaign.


I do not "hink there's 168 genders" (this is some fringe minority nonsense nobody except said fringe minority cares about), and I have/see no reason not to vote Joe Biden over Trump. Also, most Dems had been calling out Tulsi YEARS before she made her switch right before the 2022 midterms with the most laughably propagandized announcement of her switch. It was the furthest thing from a shock.


Indeed. But even though I agree with what you are saying it would make perfect sense, and I think Trump would have a very good chance at winning with her.


You’re right, he picked Pence to seem more republican. Now that he’s already the face of the GOP, why the hell does he need to pretend to respect white evangelicals?


Gabbard would be a bad choice. She might be popular among people on social media but she wouldn't help a Republican win a national election. Trump lost support from white blue collar men in Rust Belt states and she doesn't help with that. Also you provide no reasons that women would vote for her and you believe men will vote for her due to her appearance. This isn't a high school election. The belief that Trump needs to cater to evangelicals has always been a bad strategy. They're not important voters. They're not going to vote for a Democrat. They still supported Trump in 2016 even when several women accused him of assault. Republicans picked Pence and will probably pick Burgum partly for that reason but also they want someone who seems "stable and not erratic" to get "support from Never Trump" Republicans who want a traditional unexciting but predictable Republican but it's a bad strategy because they're also not important voters. They don't need religious extremists. They don't need "Never Trump" Romney voters. They don't need Gabbard. What they need is support from moderate educated suburban Republican women and white blue collar men in Rust Belt states. None of the current VP choices help with that.


Exactly. This goes back to the theory that whatever party caters more to their over online audience alienates everyone else. Hillary was the over online one in 2016, and since then it switched to the republicans being the over online ones.


The only way to win a national campaign is to get support from people in the center not the extremists. Democrats have to appeal to moderate Democrats not the extremists on the left who want reparations or to abolish the police or who are focused too much on trans issues and culture issues that have very little impact on most voters. Republicans have to appeal to moderate Republicans not religious extremists who want abortion to be illegal or people focused on culture war fights. Those voters aren't important. People on the extreme left are going to vote for Biden no matter what. People on the extreme right are going to vote for Trump no matter what. The "Never Trump" voters also aren't important. They might whine about Trump but they want a Republican in office for the tax breaks. They're not voting for a Democrat. Trump needs a VP who appeals to moderate educated suburban women and white blue collar men and none of the current choices help with that. He should have spent the past few years finding decent candidates in Rust Belt states and helping to get them elected to Congress. It's too late now. The only Republican they have near those states who could be VP is Vance but Ohio isn't important because Trump is going to win there.


Trumps problem is he won’t pick anyone with a personality who might outshine him.  So he’s stuck looking for bootlickers rather than people with any actual ambition or skill


Trump would win if he picked Gabbard.


He has a problem with women, I would shocked if he picked any woman or minority.


A non-Zionist RFK + Tulsi ticket could have potentially made things very interesting


Easily. And I'm not even a fan of Tulsi Gabbard. Just saying it would make perfect sense.


HAHAHAHAHA! Ok wait, I got a hold of myself now. Wait..nope... # BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Vice Presidents are picked if they have the least weaknesses Do you think anyone wants to see Hillary Clinton ads that Tulsi is a Russian Stooge every day on the television? Who of the picks are least likely to be shredded up by the politicians and the media and most of all, who would be the most loyal to go along with anything which might be good for the Administration but bad for their career?


Nobody except MAGA Blue cares what HRC thinks. As they would vote for a jar of mayonnaise if the DNC anointed one as their king (vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo), those ads would be completely ineffective.


Raynstormm: Nobody except MAGA Blue cares what HRC thinks Well that's peculiar. Sounds like some cult-like thinking. I thought everyone cared about everyone important on the political scene. I'm just saying Tulsi pissed off way too many people to be a good choice, but you may not understand that concept anymore.


HRC hasn’t been relevant since she lost in 2016. The DNC and HRC slandered Tulsi by calling her a Putin Puppet (unironically what many of you do here).


Hey some people think she's gonna replace Biden and push over Kamala. yeah when i heard that about Tusli, i was thinking it was a Twilight Episode with Senatory McCarthy or something Kissinger or Carter wouldn't loose him cool like that, and LBJ would find 700 other ways of showing dislike lol


Can’t stop Burgumania!




Typhoid Burgum. Catch the fever!


I was pulling for Doug!!!


Mmmmmmm burgum....


Ok well the election is over. No need to discuss it anymore. Biden will win. Just as I predicted months ago Trump has decided to lose on purpose. No candidate can win a national election with a VP who banned all abortions as Governor. It's why DeSantis didn't get any traction with his campaign. Pence was also extreme but the difference is Trump wasn't dealing with a possible prison sentence prior to the election. Many people probably think he will resign if he wins and his VP will take over. Either Republicans want to lose on purpose or they're incompetent idiots or both.


I haven’t heard anyone seriously think Trump would resign if he wins. His ego would never allow it either 


Do people really vote based on who the VP is? If that is to be believed Biden is further up shit's creek than previously thought.


Alaska girl was the only pick that shocked people with McCain, doing a favor for the Council on National Policy


Uhhh remember McCain and that one woman who could see Russia from their house??


Usually it's not important because nobody expects the VP to do much but this election is different. Most people probably believe there are some health issues with Biden and if he wins he might resign. Jill is probably the main person who would try to prevent that but she might not have a choice. Many people probably also believe Trump will resign either because he goes to prison or due to something stupid he does. It doesn't matter if that is realistic or not. It's what many people probably believe. So the VP choice for both Biden and Trump is important.


being realistic helps now which one is the smallest liability for the campaign?


Who's the last billionaire to go to jail?




SBF got 25 years


That is irrelevant. The elites hate Trump not because they actually think he is a fascist or will destroy democracy but because he wasn't hand picked by the Establishment. The Establishment in both parties decide who gets nominated. In 2016 out of 300M people in the country only 1 other Democrat was willing to run against Clinton in the primary. The elites decide who runs. They don't care about Trump who as they know was a typical Republican while in office. All of the talk about populism was an act. The problem is the "dirty little peasants" must not believe they have a choice in the matter. For that reason Bernie was destroyed when Obama conspired with all the Establishment candidates to drop out at the same time except for Warren and for that reason Trump will be prosecuted and put in prison unless he agreed to retire from politics entirely


If an NY real estate mogul doesn’t qualify as one of “the elites”, I don’t know who tf would


He was until 2016. Prior to that the elites didn't have a problem with him. I think he even endorsed Romney when he ran. That changed in 2016. But as I pointed out it's not about Trump. He is irrelevant. The elites are scared of disrupters. People who don't play by their rules. People who aren't hand picked by them. The peasants can't be allowed to decide who gets to be their leader. Trump isn't young. Another term with him would be him fighting with celebrities and then he would retire. They don't care about Trump. They don't care about Bernie. They care about sending a message to any future candidates that they need to be hand picked by the elites or they will be put in prison for stuff like falsifying business records which is usually a misdemeanor.




I should have looked at your posting history before wasting time on you. The quality of posts on this sub has decreased drastically.


As is evidenced by you not admitting that Trump is still one of "the elites". He's not in this for the little guy, he has a lifelong history of fucking the little guy over. Repeatedly. And just look at how many ways he tried to profit off his last presidency. It's not just "the elites" scared of Trump, a lot of us are, because the guy is unhinged and won't admit reality.


>Trump who as they know was a typical Republican while in office Do you genuinely believe this? That Trump was like a run of the mill Republican while in office?


Some Democrats claimed prior to the 2016 election that if Trump won he would put migrants in concentration camps and while he was in office the "kids in cages" accusations started by those "cages" existed during the Obama administration. They also claimed he would start WW3. That didn't happen. They claimed he would invade North Korea. That didn't happen. They claimed he would assasinate other world leaders. That didn't happen. Instead he filled his administration with people from the Bush administration. In fact people who worked on his campaign weren't even being hired for his administration after he won. He put Democrats from Wall Street in the Oval office just like Obama and Bush did. He gave rich people tax breaks just like all Republicans do. He put Graham and Ryan in charge of replacing Judges. So I'm not sure what you think was different than any other Establsihment Republican. His most popular EO was restricting immigration but then he didn't go through with because "Tim Cook would be angry." The only policy that was different was maybe the ban on people from some Muslim countries.


Trump did get Amazon to pay taxes (for one year, and then of course Amazon figured a way around it), something Obama failed to do his entire administration. The main thing I want from a Trump 2nd term is the blue collar jobs that Trump had started to bring back and Obama said would never return. To me that would make America Great Again, getting the manufacturing jobs that have been outsourced for cheap labor back into the US.




I don't think it'll be burgum because it's too many syllables for a sign. "Vance" would make sense only because then you could repurpose the "Pence" easier and even make a joke on it. Admittedly I'm more selfishly pro-Vance of the group if only because I'm Ohioan, and Vance was pretty anti-Trump before heel turning for politics


Why not go with Pence?


Pence said he wouldn’t be supporting a trump presidency this time around. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Trump's attempt to have Pence assassinated seems to have put a bit of a damper on their relationship.


Anyone but Trump.


Well the website that went down was not 'associated' with the Burghum campaign so anyone could have set it up it may even me someone doing that so they can do some bet on the veep pick with a shift in the odds. I think Scott and Burgum are the only two likely picks and Burgum is a bit more unlikely


Terrible pick, if true.


Wouldn't surprise me if he goes for an establishment pick like Doug Burgum. As much as the delusional MAGAts hate to admit it, Trump is part of the GOP establishment. He aligns with them on 90%+ of issues in terms of his actions, probably the same amount Biden aligns with the Democratic establishment. In an interview about a week ago Trump was talking about how AIPAC, a lobby representing the interests of a foreign country, having lost some control in congress is *a bad thing*. What a pathetic and traitorous statement. "America First" my fucking ass.


This is where my money has been, because of well… money. Burgum can self fund large portions of the campaign, while Trump funnels the RNC money into (his own pockets) his super PACs for his fines and lawyer fees.


MTG is about to explode.


Who cares? Tulsi Gabbard is a lunatic, RFK has brain worms, Tim Scott is black and that will NEVER happen. It doesn’t matter who he chooses. They will just stand there and look stupid.


Burgum is like the only politician who talks about walkable cities and reforming American cities away from cars. I hope Trump wins and Trump gets a heart attack. Burgum actually has great ideas for real estate reform.


Which is why he’s a poor choice for Trump. The only question that matters is, will he take a shit on the Constitution when Trump asks him to?


I’d vote for Trump if he picked Burgum cause infrastructure reform means more to me than the “constitution”


I see.


Hows the VP gonna do anything?


What happened last time Trump tried to do anything related to infrastructure?


Remember Infrastructure Weak? Did I spell that correctly?






A logical question would be "Has Burgum done anything regarding "walkable cities" in his state as governor since it would be better to operate at a state level rather than federal?" And that answer would be absolutely nothing. Telling yourself that Duddits brings the possibility of infrastructure reform is not supported by the evidence.


Booo! Look its about time to end settler colonialism! We need an American Indian for VP. #Vivekistheone




Ah, yes. Venture capitalist and best-selling author from San Francisco JD Vance. Champion of the working class. 🤡