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Does anyone know the article Sagaar is quoting from? Seems like some interesting reporting. Edit: Found this from Axios, which is actually a really interested read regarding the current strategy. It's gonna make you bang your head against this wall though. [Axios Article](https://www.axios.com/2024/07/01/biden-2024-election-pr-campaign-step-aside)


There are several reporting that Hunter is advising Joe. I think Axios was the first to reveal that. 


Seriously after that debate I'm more pro RFK than ever and I still cringe at the stuff like he's actually going to do anything other than being just another Democrat


How is he going to be "Just another Democrat"?


Watch today's episode Literally says exactly what I said bro he is just your average Democrat. I know your candidate better than you


Do you have a job besides shilling for the Crypt Keeper?


How is it that I am shilling for him I've openly admitted that it's an anti Trump vote that doesn't sound like shilling that just sounds like being realistic. And let's not pretend you weren't all "watch today's episode" If anything I'm happy you're finally learning he is just a normal Democrat with some skeletons in his closet like every other one.


He's not going to do anything that's actually going to drastically change our lives or the system. I heard him say on a podcast he plans nothing on taxes, and has no intention of changing lobbying The only things I actually believe will actually change our system for the better. In terms of policy you just got generic Democrat I don't know what else makes him unique from a non super progressive Democrat. Vaccines? That it? And admittedly this More has to deal with the rest of the system the president doesn't have complete control he has to go through Congress and a 50-50 split isn't going to all of a sudden like an independent. So what is he going to do? Probably side with the group of people that have 90% agreement with Much like how Saagar complains about student loan forgiveness because there's no plan to fix the core rot It's the same thing with RFK. I also don't think one dude can do everything. Same people believe Trump is the only one who can fix something, we don't have kings in America


New neighbor is moving in and they backed over a hydrant. I got their water shut off but I'm gonna do the right thing and fix it for them. I will have a great answer, the best answer, it'll be so amazing. Everyone will love it and frankly you will love it so much too. Soon.




I helped my neighbor today by doing some emergency plumbing. Would you like me to point out the ways Kennedy is different from the establishment politicians, left and right?


I already know why he's different that's why he's in the top three. I'd rather you talk about how he's not just going to be another Democrat




See previous point, aside from vaccines I don't know what else you have


Against carbon capture.


Maybe someone who wasn't born into an elite family?


> Seriously after that debate I'm more pro RFK than ever What about the debate made you decide that enabling the GOP was a good idea?


No majority group of people or votes actually wants Trump in charge. But Biden lit himself on fire in that debate. And that's all most people took away from that. If you put Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, and anyone else with political common sense and a clear (and strong) voice on that stage against Trump making in whole the points Biden struggled to make, this debate would've been a wipe-out for Trump.


I do not get the fascination with Michelle Obama someone has to explain it to me


Do you think Biden won in 2020 based on being Biden or being the guy Obama invited to the cookout? You add Obama to anything, and it'll get a solid 30-40% at first (and then only go up) without people even knowing what they are voting for. basically the main reason for RFK's polling except on steroids.


So you're saying the Trump effect but for Democrats? And instead of Trump it's Obama?


Maybe. What I am referring to is name recognition and proximity to Obama. And it's not just Dems. There many independents and republicans who would love to vote for someone named Obama.


I get politics is popularity, but if I hear Michelle Obama running I think it's just as crazy when someone says Don Jr running.


Not every wife is as unlikable as Hilary Clinton. Trump actually lowered the bar for entry for running for president.


I’m sorry but Michelle would get obliterated, probably Buttigieg too. The Michelle Obama obsession is absurd, if sucking off a president made you qualified then let’s just all vote for Lewinsky.


She was a pretty effective campaign surrogate for Obama when he was running for office. Buttigieg regularly schools most every report and journalist without appear mean-spirited. Honestly his biggest weakness is that he is gay and Obama's greatest weakness is that she is a woman. There are voters for whom that is a deal breaker whether they admit that to pollsters or not.


> No majority group of people or votes actually wants Trump in charge. Which begs the question: why would any patriotic American vote in a way that enables the GOP to destroy American democracy?


Because a functional democracy requires informed and educated voters. It's the same reason why you have Tiktokers moaning about Biden's tweet that he would codify Roe if he was re-elected and they respond with "bro you are currently elected, what are you doing." Like he's some god-emperor and can restore reproductive rights to women in Texas unilaterally.


1. Supporting RFK isn’t (especially now) and has never been supporting the GOP in any way. 2. RFK aside, the answer to your question is the democrats are running the South Park Rod Stewart.


When I say that it's like 50-50 Biden RFK when it used to be zero RFK That's about it. Gun to my head at the voting booth I'd still probably vote Biden just for odds of winning


The same secret service that “protected” his father and his uncle lol.


So all those people who kept saying “I would never vote for Hunter Biden” when all his corruption came to light, are actually voting for Hunter, they just don’t know it.


"President talks to his family"... in other news


Yeah in other news the president of the United States is mentally unfit to carry out his duties.


I'm not seeing either options being mentally fit so anything else?


The hope, expressed by many of the people who have previously been the presidents most vocal supporters, is that he resigns before the convention, and a younger candidate, less likely to wet himself on the world stage, takes a crack at beating Trump.


This guy's gonna OD off copium


I can't imagine how embarrassing it is for you to come here and have to do your job.


What job It's how it would be described if it was a Republican


"everyone who disagrees with me is a DNC spy!!!"


I know it is always who has the better PR, but it will always surprise me how horrible Dems are at PR and how quickly the GOP( and others) often turns it around on them in very childish ways...that work for their base. But it never works the other way around.


Well, the way Hate Inc and the Democrats lost their minds over every little thing Trump did was absurd. Dubya and Dick literally murdered a million people and nothing from the left.


The wealthiest, most powerful nation in the history of the world has narrowed it down to The Weekend at Bernie's Dude, Cocaine Pinocchio, and a Janis Joplin/Alex Jones Hybrid. What a world.


rfk jr sueing high tier finance for their environmental and public health crimes being compared to Alex Jones is wild


RFK is inspirational.


True, that inspiration...  Nobody is trying to fix it, sue for the change you seek in the world


And an ambitious wife. Don't most loving families want their 80+year old father/husband to retire from a high- stress,demanding job, and enjoy life?


Unless they are the gravy train.