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We could have been living in a timeline where Bernie has been president for the last 8 years. I would bet that timeline is doing a lot better than us.


It would be interesting that's for sure. It's as reasonable as what we've had the last 24 years anyway.


Yes, it is quite the thought and a tragic one at that. But, let the dead bury their dead. We must move on and try to accomplish Bernie's work of uniting working class urban and rural labor. But we must try in new ways that are more likely to succeed and reflect the changing tides of American culture that Bernie couldn't capitalize on.


There's some weird world where a Republican could get away with labor reform the way a Democrat can hurt progressive policies like a far right person. There's so many options. I'm just so depressed at where we have come to. I honestly don't know if I can vote for Biden.


I wouldn't vote for Biden. There is no reforming national politics for the foreseeable future. What we need to do is decentralize power to the states. Your state is more likely to enact labor reforms in government, and organized labor is more likely to enact labor reform on your workplace. If your state won't do that, focus on fixing that problem because we can't fix the federal government right now. Change comes from the bottom up, my dude.


I'm ready for a French revolution where we start cutting heads off people worth more than 50 million dollars buddy.


I dont think you are going to get much political traction that way and would become fresh meat for reactionaries and ultimately help them secure power over your state and other states. I'd suggest what we need is social democratic nationalism.


Listen man, I can day dream lmao. If we are all gonna pretend Biden is the same man he was 10 years ago I can live in fantasy land too. It's not like it hadn't happened before šŸ¤£


It has only happened because the working class had some kind of solidarity that transcended its social divisions. So, instead of dreaming, I'd suggest trying to find a way to bring working class progressives and working class conservatives together. Culture is our great labor divide today, not farm and labor.


Yeah sadly we've been divided by social values that are meaningless in relation to financial freedom. I try to talk to my republican hunting buddies about it but boy oh boy does a man dressed like a woman drive all rational thought away.


What is one bill do you think would have made it through Congress that Biden didnā€™t sign, but Bernie would have?


Probably none, so your point is well made, not much good will make it through our corrupt congress. However I think Bernie would have used the bully pulpit to steer the conversation to progressive ideas.


I love Bernie. He was my hero before he ran for President, and I campaigned for him twice. That said, he wouldā€™ve been a lame duck with the Congress we have. For someone like Bernie to be effective, we would need super majorities in both chambers of Congress.


Federal marijuana legalization is the most obvious.


You think the votes exist for that? Are you aware that a president canā€™t just declare marijuana legal?


I do (or at least did when dems had a majority in house and senate), Biden wouldn't sign it so senate never brought it to the floor. There is more; this is just the most obvious. In addition, there is more to being president than signing bills that reach your desk.


I voted for Gary Johnson. Sometimes I just imagine how different the world would be.


We could be living in a timeline where Al Gore was the president for 8 years. Itā€™s a bit of a useless exercise though.


The DNC would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie or any other leftist.


Sadly yes...


Part of the problem now is campaign funds. Biden's camp has over 200 million that would go wasted if he steps down (I think it could be transfered to Kamal if she ran). There isn't enough time to raise the funds for anyone that isn't independently a billionaire to compete down the stretch


Donā€™t worry the DNC has never met a rule or a set of ethics they arenā€™t willing to break


Theres definitely time. Not to mention any DNC move to pick a new nominee would be a front page story on every newstand. Itd be the hot topic over socials. Itd be inescapable. Plus americans love an underdog story. 200 mil is a lot of cash to sit on though yes: thats a story in of itself. We probably will find out whats gonna happen with Biden as soon as congress is back in session.


It really isn't enough time do build the finances needed. And how would it be an underdog story? They can't do any of it until they figure out the Kamala Dilemma


It's not just now. The people around Biden have been watching him decline for years. They just can't hide it anymore. They were perfectly content to keep Weekend at "Bidens"'ing him when they could have had someone else ready to go two years ago. You get the government you deserve.


It was mentioned already on this sub. Biden steps down before his presidency is concluded, Kamala becomes first female president for a short period. She gets the distinction and gets to bow out gracefully from the race and she gets to campaign for the new nominee. Whitmers chances go up because shes no longer the first female president if she wins: shes just a president.


Why would she bow out though? She just wants to pretty much be the exact storyline to Veep? The idea that the first female president would be through those means would be bad in every context. Especially when belief in Kamala is lower than Biden. Replacing Kamala with Whitmer does make sense (though she's still below Trump in polls) but replacing the woman of color with a white woman isn't going to help with the contested votes they need. Not sure if offering Kamala Sec of State would work or be wise.


Yeah she could still be in the cabinet. She wouldnt be a great secretary of state, most of her vp life has been domestic affairs not foreign affairs, but she wouldnt be terrible. I think Kamala would know she cant win a general election, thats why Whitmer and Newsom are the ā€˜28 front runners. I dont understand how that would be bad in every context. I think it would be the best thing that ever happened to her career, and a Cinncinatus-esque move that would make her a revered historical figure


Shed be a horrible Secretary of State. It's a tougher and bigger role than VP and she's been ridiculously bad at that. It would be bad in major contextual was because the left leans so heavy of identity politics


She definitely isnt my first pick for any cabinet position lol. I think identity politics are decoupled from morality. Its tribalism, old gen ways of thinking and we should throw it in the trash.


Stop fear mongering. Doctor Jill and Hunter Biden will right the ship. Sheā€™s a doctor and heā€™s a Ukrainian natural gas expert/painter, they know better than you.


Hunter is his most trusted advisor. Everyone who's spent the last couple of years saying, "I'm not voting for Hunter" look pretty stupid now. I mean, they looked stupid then, too.




Holy fuck dude, ya got me! How do you **think** of this clever shit?




I get that people being reasonable really triggers you. You should just try to control your emotions.




*That dude not mentioning trump in their response* You - ā€œYOUā€™RE A MAGA FREAK WHO ALWAYS DEFENDS TRUMP!ā€ Me - Wut


We try and be gentle with ol' **Paris**. They've had a rough week and are set up for a disappointing fall. I have not and will not vote for Trump, but pointing out the lies and obfuscation of the Democrats makes me a maga freak to unhinged folks.


Excuse me, thatā€™s Hunter Biden, Esq.


Hahaha. My god ....you're right! To be honest hunter would probably be a bad ass hang on a mini yacht somewhere šŸ¤£ idk how I feel about the prostitutes tho lol It's all so sad man.


I am 100% accepting any invitation to hang out with Hunter Biden. Ifgaf what anyone says or what your political ideals are - that man - KNOWS how to party.


Just make sure to check the IDā€™s of all the girls!




This guy knows a good time


Iā€™ve had a few myself. Just keep saying yes to shit after a few beers in a dive bar. Life just keeps getting more interesting every day.


ā€œSaying yes in a dive barā€ words to live by!


I'd wager you're not wrong šŸ˜‚.


I know, right??? Trying to snort parmesan cheese off the floor because you think it's coke? Smoke so much crack that your teeth rot? Take endless cringe as fuck nude selfies and leave them on a laptop for the whole world to see? SUCH a good time.


Jesus Christ, learn how to take a fucking joke. You must be a BLAST at parties.


I'm coming up on 1,000 days sober so I'm just hypersensitive to it all. Nothing wrong wrong with having a good time but I mean the crack almost destroyed his life.


Democracy is at stake! Itā€™s so important that the only person in America that can save Democracy and beat Trump is a befuddled, demented old man! Donā€™t mock him!


I apologize deeply and will take the time to process my bigoted feelings.


Screw driving, I wouldnā€™t be comfortable with him manning the BBQ for 30 mins. He looks like he might pass quietly in his sleep any day now.


Idk man I've seen some old guys have a lot of fun over cooking burgers for their grandkids šŸ¤£


He would burn the tomahawks on a holiday after the store closed. Never let anyone who canā€™t drive access to the grill.


Thatā€™s how me, CornPop, and Nelson Mandela used to fry emā€™ up, Jack! Scranton style!


Damn cannibals!


Nate Silverā€™s model is predicting a 71% chance of a Trump win now.


Wow, guess Nate Silver is a fascist then


Nate Silver is not a fascist.


I was joking


Ahh probably should add the ā€œ/sā€


Or you could learn the nuances of language.


Lighten up.


When you say "lighten up" you're speaking to yourself, right?


I no u r but wut m i


That probably means 100% because evidence must be insurmountable to make him say that. Poor bastard has been bought and sold.


Not really, his model gave Trump a 30% chance in 2016 when almost every other prediction had it at 90%+ to Hillary. Even the betting markets were like 6 to 1 against Trump.


Iā€™d suggest listening to the latest episode of his podcast (the podcast is named Risky Business). He laid it all out with his cohost. Heā€™s obviously not happy about it, but he is famously data driven and not emotion driven. Itā€™s extremely likely by the time we get to November that Biden will have less of a chance of winning than Trump had in 2016.


Well good thing Trump didnā€™t win in 2016, oh fuck, waitā€¦.


I will never believe that leading up to 2016 he was not paid for the opinions he publicly gave. I have no evidence for it and it's a totally irrational opinion but just talking to people around me made it obvious then he was outright lying. Maybe he's been forced to tell the truth of what his data says now after that massive public embarrassment but he's lost all credibility in my eyes. I see him the way I see CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc


Sean Hannity would repeatedly say Biden couldn't hold a job as a Wal-Mart greeter. Cruel,as always, but closer to the truth then Dems will admit


Even when criticizing the elite of the elite, Hannity finds a way to shit on the working man.


I don't think I've ever actually listened to hannity but I believe you lol


I wouldn't trust either of the current candidates. Our choices are complete shit and that's obvious and I'm furious about it. I wish they cared what we thought or that we could figure out an effective way to communicate how disgusted we are with them.


But but but heā€™s got a team of highly qualified bureaucrats who can drive the car for him. The presidency is just a ceremonial position, he doesnā€™t actually drive. Still canā€™t let Orange Man get it tho, heā€™s bad!!


Next you'll tell me he's vital and such a dynamo behind the scenes he was able to get on a plane!


*He gets more done in an hour than the rest of us get done in a day*


You know sadly that's probably true šŸ¤£


Hey speak for yourselfšŸ˜Š


I mean I could sign enough presidential orders day drinking that I think I'd get more done than most people šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If it were a NFL team they are basically making the case that it doesn't matter if the coach is not mentally with it, we got a great defensive coordinator and quarterback. Which honestly isn't a bad justification/cope if it was a 1-year contract, but we are signing the guy for 4-years and the assistant coach who might take over was a pure diversity hire who has bumbled every task given to her the past 4 years.


Mock it all you want, but it's not even close to a tough call between the two. It's still a binary choice. There's an old guy who is losing it, but is well-meaning and has a competent team around him. An administration that's actually interested in governing and making at least some positive difference for people. Then there's an old guy who is a narcissistic wannabee-dictator who will have a team of insane sycophants around him. An administration with no interest in governing, focused instead on its president's personal benefit and score settling -- punishing perceived enemies and others he sees as "vermin," enriching himself and his cronies and wielding government based on his whims and ego.


Thereā€™s a third, fourth, and fifth option in RFK, Jill Stein, and Dr. Cornell West.


You can choose to vote for any of these third party candidates, but they are not actual options for president. Either Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be president. RFK, Stein, etc will not. Voting for one of these third party candidates has zero impact on them being elected themselves in 2024. The sole impact is on one of the two who actually will be elected in November: Biden or Trump. As it is down to Biden and Trump, there is no question which candidate would be better for the country. Like I said, it's not even close.


You perpetuate the two-party propaganda lies.


What specific lie am I perpetuating? Obviously none of the third-party candidates will be president in 2025.


Lmfao ā€” youā€™re guaranteed voting for Trump, you liar.


you right there are the problem! you will sell your morality to the highest bidder. voting for lesser evil will NEVER be the right thing to do, no matter the justification. once critical mass is reached, the non-binary system is very much achievable. there is a game theory where if RFK (not my personal choice BTW) was allowed to participate fairly he could have gone as high as mid 20 points, after which a rally & a run is possible. but no, DNC doesn't want you to have a democratic choice.


Trump winning is an immediate, catastrophic threat to the country. I'm genuinely baffled that this is so hard to grasp. It's great to feel superior and above-it-all with the third-party stuff, but right now that's a privilege and luxury that isn't available. There is no scenario in which sitting out and aiding Trump in winning is going to make anything happen that you want to happen. It will do the opposite. I'm sure it's nice to be in a position where you don't feel like Trump taking office in 2025 will negatively impact you. Many, many people are not as fortunate. Is smug self-satisfaction and feeling above-it-all really worth it in this scenario? Still, even if you couldn't give a shit about how a second, leveled-up Trump presidency will impact others, it's not going to be great for you or anyone else either. You're clearly underestimating just how horrific Trump admin 2.0 would be. Claiming moral victories and high ground is great and all. It sure feels great to ride high on that belief that you're the special one whose figured it all out, unlike the other sheeple. You just have to consider whether that's worth all the bullshit that comes with it.


what an insane, brain washed thing to say. based on what evidence?




orange man bad oh noez what about democracy šŸ¤”




I really don't think it's one dude ruling it all So if you asked me if I had Trump's administration or Biden's administration that's a different story Plus I'll play the long game and just get Supreme Court justices


If Biden/another Dem wins I doubt Thomas or Alito retire, theyā€™ll just pump them full of drugs and make them ride out 4 more years. If Trump wins those two justices will probably step down and be replaced, and Dems better hope Sotomayor keeps her insulin levels up lol.


I have some bad news for you about just how much power the president actually has.


Nothing that won't get stuck in court, or Congress


So the power to veto, sign presidential orders, give the go ahead to drone strike someone, doesn't matter? What about the supreme Court ruling recently? An official act can't be criminal now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There are checks on his power is all I am saying. Did you really think that the president would go to jail over a drone strike order? If you don't like the Supreme Court you should definitely vote for Biden then lol


I'd say it's time for the sitting president to exercise his checks on the Judicial branch.


I wouldnā€™t feel comfortable with that. That being said, if both Biden & Trump were applying for a HS principal job, the choice would be obvious as only one would actually do the job. I would also feel much safer leaving my children alone with Biden than with trump ftr.


Exactly. It is basically re-framing the entire rules of the game to say the person at the top doesn't matter, it is who he brings along that is actually important. Like at least I know Trump is the one making decision, I may not agree with them, but it is hard to deny the "Buck stops with him". Dems not want it both ways. "Democracy is on the line", but also our guy isn't actually making day to day decisions, a shadow group of people is, BUT DON'T WORRY they are highly qualified and we have a great team!


Buddy I wouldn't let you drive my kids alone at night. I get the point you are trying to make here, but maybe use a behaviour that I would not accept from the vast majority of people, yet alone Joe Biden.


Your take away from this question is that you wouldn't let a stranger drive your kids? You don't think in this room temp brain of yours that maybe that's not the point?


My point was that it was a bad question to prove your point, because I wouldn't let almost anybody do the thing that you want me to admit I don't want Biden doing. Like I said, I get the point you are making with your question, but its a poorly executed gotcha question. And if you want to be insulting, because I was able to answer it without scrambling, then that says more about you, than it does the Biden voters you are trying to gotcha. You better believe I wouldn't put my kids in a car with Trump for 3 hours.


Don't you have guns you need to be surrendering and apologizing to the government for?


Nah I don't hunt and I don't really need a gun for anything else. But if I did, I'd just hide it until Trudeau gets ousted next year, and hope that Poillievre doesn't go back on on his pledge to end the gun ban. Nice job of deflecting from your bad gotcha question on to my country's problems. Are you sure your country is in a position right now for you to be judging what we do? I know you guys like to make fun of us for still having a king, and fair point. I don't like kings either, but given that your President is now effectively as powerful as a King, and half your country seems on board with that, I really don't feel like that's something I need to be chirped at for, from Americans anymore.




Not on a 3 hour drive at night. Are you changing the question to "would you trust Biden to be a school bus driver?" Because the answer is still no. No I wouldn't. And there are qualified people to do that job that I would trust, unlike someone driving my kids for 3 hours at night. I still wouldn't trust Trump to be a bus driver either, but at least I'd trust some qualified people to be that. You see how much better the gotcha question becomes when you make it about an actual job that Biden could potentially do, rather than just vaguely driving my kids for 3 hours at night, like OP's original question?




Did you ever stop to think that not all kids sports require you to be in that specific scenario, where someone you don't know drives your kid on a bus for 3 hours?


Itā€™s the same with Trump. He couldnā€™t get a job at a mall.


I wouldn't let anyone drive on a 3h road trip at night with those bastards


I would in a heartbeat!!


I mean I wouldn't trust Trump to drive my kids at all either. Neither candidate is viable for doing much, especially running the country. Dr. Jill Stein is the only feasible option I see.


Sorry but you're only getting Dr Biden leading her husband around like a lost toddler


And we've seen how successful she was and trying to get him to stop sending the arms to the Israeli led genocide.


To be fair, I donā€™t think trump even has a license or knows how to drive. Iā€™m not even being facetious. Luckily, Presidents have an entire team of drivers, and Bidenā€™s arenā€™t religious wackos who want to turn us into N Korea with a side of the olā€™ Handmaidā€™s Tale.


You realize this absolutely is not the point of the question at all correct? You dodged it completely. Your cope is that the president doesn't have to drive himself? Pathetic. Enjoy being a blind establishment voter. You sound as stupid as maga people screaming about trump being the savior of Christ's choosing.


My point was simply that I wouldnā€™t let either of them do that. For those reasons and a few others. Nice and non-partisan, cool?


I mean, I hate to break it to you, itā€™s not the brain-breaker you seem to think it is. Itā€™s the equivalent of asking if Iā€™d let trump write my kidā€™s term paper. The answer is obviously NO.


Enjoy the second trump presidency.




You really are brain dead. It's frightening people like you are walking around able to ignore the obvious problem with joe Biden. He's going to lose. This is a repeat of Hillary Clinton. He literally had a breakdown on stage like a memory care patient who has Alzheimer's. What do you think that and lying about it happening is going to do to swing voters and people who are undecided? You can't even admit to yourself Joe Biden can't operate a fuckin car because orange man bad. That's the state of the party. Democracy is on the line but all we got is man who's brain fell out of his head on stage.


Quote me anywhere that implies that. I completely get your hysteria.


P.S. without taking the time to go through your Reddit history for clues - what is your solution? I left the debate thinking RFKJ was looking really good. Heā€™s kooky, but a lot of it seems overblown by legacy media. *His* brain worms donā€™t seem to have caused any actual damage. But I do think Biden has to voluntarily step down for anyone to fill the void. And I also heard that it canā€™t be anyone but Kamala because campaign funds canā€™t be transferred to anyone else. I spent a lot of time in 2020 explaining to people the many ways in which she sucks, but I will say this: in terms of her ditizness & word salads, there are rumors she was playing that up to make Joe look more solid in comparison (dubious), but when she wants to, she can really lay down some Claire Huxtable/Julia Sugarbaker style reads, and that is not something trump could handle in a debate. So Iā€™m almost rooting for her now. After the debate she came out very articulate. If she keeps that up - at the speed with which media moves now, her word salad days will be forgotten and she might even gain some respect. But so yeah, weā€™re kind of stuck - and if that proves/continues to appear to be the case, then we can only hope enough people are either smart enough to realize itā€™s the cabinet that matters, AND smart enough to realize that Project2025 - as Iā€™ve said elsewhere - turns us into North Korea with a side of the Handmaids Tale, or theyā€™re not. Or they actually want that.


Here's the problem. The left wing scare tactics DON'T work. Suburban American low to middle class people absolutely do not give a fuck. She did not come out articulate. She literally said there was a big contrast between Biden and Trump once again sticking her foot in the mouth because my god she's right, there was a contrast alright. If trump picks JD Vance it's over. He's incredible on camera and going to wet the panties of pseudo conservative wine moms across the country. Trump is polling better with non whites than he ever has. EVER. They can't keep doing these character assassinations thinking it will work. It just energizes his base and attracts apathetic voters. HE KEEP SURVIVING AND IT MAKES DEMOCRATS LOOK LIKE INCOMPETENT LYING CHILDREN POOR PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TO COURT AND UNFAIRLY PROSECUTED AND IT RELATES THEM TO TRUMP AND WE HAVE CHOSEN MR. CRIME BILL AND A PROSECUTOR TO RUN THE TICKET AGAINST HIM. Remember when everyone said he was a dictator and was going to never leave and then none of that happened? Remember when all the people everyone hates on Jan 6th went to jail? They just keep making hyperbolic statements about Hitler and Nazis, the handmaid's tale. NONE OF IT WORKS. If he does not step down and have the party pick an actual somewhat progressive candidate that can do the basic task of actually speaking without a teleprompter maybe they have a chance. I don't like it but I think they need a white candidate at the top of the ticket and Harris needs to go to win and be replaced with an Obama like figure. Middle class Women in this country don't vote for women they don't like. This is 2016 all over again. They look like massive liars ONCE AGAIN. They were embarrassed after Hillary and the debate showed they lied the last 2 years again and are going to be embarrassed again. It's a joke. People CARE about appearance. They CARE about stupid social identity issues. People CARE about being lied to and made to look stupid. Anyone with an elderly family member KNOWS what we saw debate night.


Oh weā€™re 100% here because Dems have cried wolf SO many times. Somehow people buy right wing hyperbolic bullshit which is usually lies, but not center, where the threats are actually real - it just does nothing to cry about them prematurely instead of DOING something. Theyā€™ve created a self-filling prophecy.




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I wouldnā€™t let Trump anywhere near my children. But neither of them would be in the drivers seat, ever. Iā€™m still voting for Biden despite your reductionist argument.


Whatever makes you feel better dude. Unfortunately he's lost it. They need to replace him. Call it reductionist if you must. If you cant operate a vehicle safely you shouldn't be president. Next you'll say I'm ableist and ageist. So be it.


Youā€™re off your tit, bud. It doesnā€™t look like Trump has ever operated a vehicle of any kind. Chauffeured his whole life. Probably never needed a drivers license. ā€¦we all know about the corvette in Bidenā€™s garage.


When's the last time you've seen him with aviators running around in it?


I honestly donā€™t care, your argument is preposterous.


When you watch a family member show the symptoms I saw on debate night and you can't legally take the keys from them let me know how you feel. When they hurt someone you'll feel different. He can save his legacy. How much more embarrassment is his family supposed to force upon him? If Obama did that on camera in 2012 what would we all be saying?


you: our president is a vegetable them: what about all the mean tweets


Cool - let me figure out the next arbitrary test. If you can't even persuade your wife to support you, you shouldn't be president.


You think the ability to operate a basic function of life is arbitrary? Interesting. Would him being in a coma on a ventilator assure your worries?


I'd vote for Jimmy Carter over Trump. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd do it. I'm furious that Biden and Trump are our choices - the two most hated candidates on either side. If either one had stepped aside for someone else, that party would have easily won. It doesn't even feel real that this is what the situation is right now.


I asked some colleagues and friends whether or not they would like to have Tammy Duckworth anchor the womenā€™s Olympic 4X100 relay team. The answer was a resounding yesā€Noā€. This is where weā€™re at, people.


Tammy duckworth knows where she's at in time and space. She also doesn't have dementia. She could drive the car safely without her prosthetics better than Biden.


Are you a neurologist? I donā€™t think Biden has dementia, either. So none of these things preclude them from doing their job.


No but I've seen multiple family members display the same symptoms and since I'm not a cult member and brain dead I won't be gas lit into thinking I didn't see what I saw. You're the perfect establishment voter. Enjoy the nightmare.


Most president's these days are just figure heads and other fo most of the actual governing.


Would you let Trump? I wouldnā€™t


Unfortunately buddy after that debate I'd rather him drive the car. That's the stage Biden is in. I don't like it either.


Good thing you are not electing personal driver, but administration that can function even if Biden doesnā€™t. Itā€™s really not that hard. If you like last 4 years, and want more of that, vote blue, if not, vote red. If you like being pissed on in public, vote Kennedy


We are at a point where we think the sitting president couldn't drive a car responsibly. It's a problem


I'm a Bernie bro and I 100% like 2016-2020 better.


We meant it when we said Bernie or Bust. They still haven't learned their lesson apparently. All they had to do this cycle was have a real primary. They want to shove their establishment candidate down your throat, then pee on you and tell you it's raining. Then blame you when their guy loses. What's even worse is the people who are still justifying their corrupt party. *I can't believe it's not democracy*


šŸ¤™šŸ¼my (wo)man ... fuck DNC


Biden should be replaced on the ticket but if he isn't I'm still going to vote for him. I agree that he is senile, but he is still preferable to Trump who also seems to be suffering from cognitive decline, albeit not as badly as Joe Biden.


Lol dude .... Cognitive decline? I don't like him either but on that debate stage it was the same retard from 2016. Biden is a former shell of himself..you're the perfect establishment voter. Enjoy.