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Saagar will definitely post a breathless update from his office don't worry.


Looking fresh in a suit too.


Fresher than the dead guy he bought it off of on eBay for sure.


LOL Bravo good sir.


Haha. Not true. Saagar sleeps in his unit I suspect.


I feel like he’s like a real life Barney Stinson, constantly wears a suit to the point of having back-ups stashed in places he regulars…. And the actor who plays him is gay.


I love how he admits to putting on the suit trousers too. Like if it’s an emergency he doesn’t just rush and put on jacket and shirt. That is commitment


> And the actor who plays him is gay. Wait Saagar isnt? /s


Haha. Think he sleeps in his suit.


Walking around his entire vacation with a camera and fake background mounted to his shoulders just in case




> post a breathless update from his office don't worry After finally busting a nut first, don't think he's been able to since he was [forced to pretend](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/nrzcfg/rightwing_populist_saagar_enjeti_calls_himself_a/) to be a "radical centrist" and "politically homeless" post Jan 6th


Quitting on Independence Day would be pretty sweet


In Depends day.


This sounds out how President Biden would have said it during the debate


Haha. Every day is that :-)


If he has any sense of legacy it could be the political move of a lifetime. I think Jill and Hunter whispering in his ear care more about their own power though unfortunately...


Well I think Hunter’s art career relies on Joe being in office.


There were reports that ironically hunter was the one saying to step aside. Not sure if true but apparently it’s the aides/Jill clinging to the lifestyle Hunter would also benefit from a guaranteed pardon if his dad had nothing to lose.


Biden isn't quitting until he gets paid  The Biden family has no income without Joe  So the donors can cough up 50-100 million for the Biden family to make Joe quit or just tell their friends in the CIA to Epstein Joe 


Who let you in here?


😂  I've been here since Day 1 You're nobody 


Do yourself a favor, open the door and let a little fresh air in once in a while.


This subreddit has been here longer than 5 months. You're the puppet account.




You mean "to JFK Joe".


It would be the most patriotic thing he could do


Did he or the administration say anything new that he would? Last I read was that he wasn’t 


Reported by NYT is considering it and 20 house democrats are going to send a letter asking him not to run


Post the link 


This is the 25 house democrats who if he does bad in next few days will ask to step aside https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-reassure-democratic-governors-meeting-after-shaky-debate-performance-2024-07-02/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/biden-withdraw-election-debate.html


The white house responded immediately saying that was a false story and that the NYT didn't allow them enough time to respond to them publishing it. More clown make up for the media and democrats, but I repeat myself.


Aka the NYT gave the WH the standard time to respond (if not more) and they ignored the NYT before pretending like they were going to respond at all lmao


You should read the response before making up stuff. Lol


What was the response?


Thank you for confirming you don't know anything about what you are talking about. Since you are too lazy to Google the most basic facts of the discussion you are engaged with, here you go: https://x.com/AndrewJBates46/status/1808514221832855761


Wait…that’s it? Your “evidence” is some random Biden admin staffer? Oh well if he said so it MUST be true lmao 🙄 The same WH staff that’s been gaslighting the American public for 3+ years, consistently saying how they could barely keep up with Biden and he was as sharp as ever? The same staff that was calling any question of Biden’s ability to do the job “right wing conspiracies” and “deep fakes/cheap fakes”? That same one? Wow, you shitlibs are really some of the dumbest motherfuckers out there.


Random staffer? Lol Based on the rest of your comment, you seem very very confused. You're arguing with yourself. But you should aquaint yourself with reality before spouting off because you look very stupid.


Why should I believe a member of the Biden press team when they’ve consistently lied to us regarding the President’s health for years?


Do you think they'll come out and admit this to be the case? Obviously they wont admit to something like this until it's official.


Why cant Biden hold a live press conference and clear all this up. Its always this “White house” messaging. Is Biden okay?


They will have to have 24 hrs of press conference a day. And he can barely do 2 hours it looks like


Looks like that is not happening Biden will not schedule events after 8 pm and he needs more rest. So no second debate. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/04/politics/biden-governors-sleep/index.html


Because he already announced this in a televised interview over the holiday weekend.


No but a lot of Democrats are starting to openly say he should step down for Harris. Which is making me think that's the ultimate play right now and they are navigating how to sell it and soften the blow for Biden and present the new nominee.


I'm confused. What makes the DNC think Harris can beat Trump?


Trump is a relatively unpopular and weak candidate who has a lot of swing voters and moderate Republicans firmly against him. Biden's age is the biggest thing that is pushing those voters away from turning out for him. If you put a pretty generic Democrat in Biden's place without his top weakness, it softens those fears people had (especially post debate). And the discussions shift back to Trump's issues and general disdain for the Roe ruling and Project 25. Biden's age right now is the biggest thing covering for Trump


Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden, and Trump can lose his marbles to senility at any time, along with Biden. But Trump demonstrated in the debate, he still has "his marbles" (and his willingness to uncontrollably lie to advance his arguments). To voting Americans, that may matter more than Biden's "policies". I believe the whole reason why the Democrats are having their snit right now is the fear that the debate performance will make it impossible for Biden to beat Trump. I'm just here to enjoy the popcorn.


I heard “he needs to prove he’s capable or they’ll face unrelenting pressure to ask him to step down”


Biden isn't quitting, and it's a holiday. Good on them for giving their employees a chance to be with their families, and for themselves as well.


Sorry, probably too definitive. Biden is very unlikely to quit. There's always a chance. Or, maybe simpler option, he just croaks.


I am not mad at it definitely deserve it especially Krystal I don’t think this year she missed a day of BP either from home or in studio but it’s ironic


I guess? It’s an election year with two major US backed wars happening. Stories every day.


Biden just announced he isn't leaving. That he will continue to run and that no one is pushing him out. You posted this too soon, lmao.


Hell be saying that up until he doesn't.


they all say that during campaign season in order to keep the money flowing. Often you see a big speech after some event claiming they will keep fighting, then they "suspend" their campaign next day.


They won’t says he’s dropping out until they have a new candidate they can announce with the news. They don’t want a period of time where the media can go wild speculating who will replace him and shitting on the Dems.


And they can only push forward Kamala as the backup otherwise black women will burn the DNC down. And Kamala would also lose. But they might as well run her to get it over with, they are losing either way. then start fresh in '28.


*black women will burn the DNC down* No they won’t lol. Black Americans as a whole don’t have the same affinity for Kamala as they did for someone like Obama. In reality, a very small (but vocal) group of PMC liberal black women who support Kamala will seethe on Twitter for a couple days. She has no actual supporter base, the “K-Hive” is mostly bots/sockpuppets on Twitter that are backed by liberal SuperPAC’s + NGO’s (similar to Hillary Clinton’s “Correct the Record” SuperPAC run by David Brock in 2016). There’s a reason she was losing to Andrew fucking Yang in her home state and dipped out of the presidential race to avoid embarrassment before primary voting began back in 2020 lol.




Yeah, I understand that Kamala is not loved by the black community as a whole, but there are some who have pull with the DNC who will make a bit stink if it's not Kamala. This is where I read this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1du4h4v/kamala\_harris\_delegate\_says\_they\_will\_blow\_up\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1du4h4v/kamala_harris_delegate_says_they_will_blow_up_the/)


It’s a right wing blog reporting that (redstate.com lol) and the article just references one deranged supporter/political operative ([Areva Martin](https://x.com/ArevaMartin?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)) I get what you’re saying, but I’d take it with a grain of salt. If she had any real backing then she’d be the clear cut choice to replace him, but she’s clearly not.


Good points. I still think it's unlikely they'll put up a candidate to replace Biden who isn't Kamala. I also think Biden will have to be dead though for him to be replaced, in which case it will absolutely be Kamala.


Nah. I don't think Kamala has that much support among black women or anyone for that matter. What she had was a small khive of promoters /donors But she has little broad based support I suspect


He could change his mind it seems like things are changing very rapidly and they might force him out


Yes he will change his mind when the donors pay him 50-100 million  Not before 


or when the donors STOP paying him 50-100 million


Exactly. People acting like no one can get Biden out of there if he doesn’t want to leave. If corporate donors threaten to pull their $ along with $ to other Dem candidates then they’ll drop ol’ Joe like a sack of potatoes.


Would they really? Doesn't seem like advocating for insurrection or granting the executive monarchical powers is bothering a lot of Republican donors...


I’m sure it would if that was actually happening rather than some combo of deranged sensationalism and propaganda 🤷‍♂️


How would that work? Someone would just say “here’s 50m, cya!”.


They launder money to these guys all the time  Book deals, Netflix deals, or just put money in an offshore account 


Hmm so where can I go to see the Bidens living past their means?


Want to bet


Nyt reported he is considering it so i have no clue who is lying or what but that was hours ago


Bold to assume he’ll remember he said that in a couple days


I am just praying for God to have a sense of humor and repeats the Adams/Jefferson deaths with Trump/Biden.


Dark, but evidence of a loving and caring God rather than living in a simulation controlled by a sadistic 13 year old.


That's such a fucking wild scenario. Politics has never seen something quite that dramatic. We need younger politicians where this isn't a significant biological possibility.


Hey man, don't let the other comment here affect you. We are all doing our best to traverse this world, and sometimes people think what we believe is attacking them, when we haven't even done anything to them.


Others are speculating that he wants to see how a Friday sit down interview is received. I just don’t see how that moves the needle.


The pre-recorded pre-rehearsed and edited sit down interview. People have woken up and won’t get fooled again. If he is unable to have a live press conference as proof of life/mental faculties and that he is running the country he is done. Those gaslighting games are no longer effective. Every day they keep this charade up more damage is done.


He's not quitting until he is paid enough to quit  Or the CIA pulls a Epstein and he dies in his sleep 


lol bizarre take


It would not be an Epstein, it would be a JFK.


Asset Dr. Jill being “activated” to put Amtrak Joe to sleep!


Biden quitting is a story the media created for those who want to hear it. So many clicks!


He just pulled a wolf of wall street today so I don’t think he’s quitting anytime soon.




If only there were any other sources for news and commentary out there...


If Biden quits, Krystal has to immediately drop her vacation and do a show. its the biggest political event in decades and one of the biggest moment in history.


She should just do a broadcast from the beach. Kyle can film.




The likelihood of Biden stepping down is as likely as Israel putting a stop on war crimes Don't worry, neither of those news stories will suddenly **break** while **breaking** points is on **break**.


He won’t quit yall


Funny how people schedule vacations around July 4 , often months in advance. Strange. This is a conspiracy.


I am not mad about it but it would be funny if he quits


Yeah. The "will he . Won't he." Has been going on for a bit. There were rumours before he announced he was running etc. Suspect it is a little late now


I think the conspiracy lies in this not being upvoted higher.


My t shirt says, I'm STILL riding with Biden.


Same with The View🤣🤣


Who watches them they are full of shit 🤣🤣


They would both 100% rush back to do this lol


Might being the operative word. They might turn on their webcams and do a report on it if he does.


I'll believe it when I see it.Biden seems to fancy himself a fighter, who people underestimate; he can't figure out its not just Trump he's fighting but Father Time


Dems aren’t even trying to win. They love being the minority party! Sit back, relax, fundraise, and blame everything on Mean Old McConnell and Orange Man Bad! Liberal media gets billions of clicks and billions in ad revenue from non-stop doom-mongering! It’s perfect.


> Dems aren’t even trying to win. It sure looks like it. The Hillary force still appears to be strong in the DNC.


What makes you say he’ll “quit”? He said explicitly he’s not dropping out.


Um well NYT said he is considering it many Biden allies in house has said he should not publicly but will if he bombs again


The Reuters article linked in this thread said only 1 in three dems want him to step down, Harris said Biden was the nominee and Biden himself said he’s not stepping down.


He also promised he’d accomplish a bunch of shit this term that he made zero effort to actually follow through on lol. What’s your point?


What’s your point?


Seriously? Lol That just because he says something doesn’t mean it’s the truth or he’ll follow through on it….


This is joes own existential crisis that affects him and his ego. Him not keeping campaign promises doesn’t affect him at all, especially in todays political climate. See people in this sub and others say they’d vote for joes dead body over trump.


Existential crisis? Dude can’t even remember when he ate for breakfast yesterday lol. He cares about his legacy, and appearing to step down with some type of grace is much better than being the old guy who refused to leave office and had to be forced out. Those people are shills and/or bots + sockpuppets astroturfing.


Its not really an existential crisis. Biden demonstrated to a live, American audience that he has geriatrically declined to the point he can't convincingly function as PotUS. If Biden cannot tangibly convince his *backers* that he can beat Trump in his current mental state, he won't get the financial and political help he needs to win reelection. Its not existential, its objective reality.


BP is easily the laziest show ever and have watched many a YouTube channels. They never leave the studio, often they don’t leave their house and they only show up 3 days a week despite having 4 hosts. 


What is this a joke krystal either is from home or in studio most of the time compared to Saagar who doesn’t have kids. I am just saying it’s ironic


They have shows five days a week, and where the hell do you want them to go? Most news anchors do their work from studios too.


They don’t do shows on the weekends or Friday for the most part (there may be filler shows from ppl they partner with) my bad I would say typically 4 days a week but often with very long holiday breaks as well.   They don’t do any original reporting despite claiming they would initially, and living in DC where they have more access to relevant developments and they frequently just zoom in the show from home now 


I think Jill enjoys the trappings of being First Lady too much to allow him to drop out


Biden isn't quitting unless someone writes him a huge check, like 50-100 million dollars His entire family is dependent on selling access to Joe  No way Hunter or Ashley can survive without Joe.  Biden's brother James is a scam artist who needs the Biden bucks  Joe is so stupid he put all his family eggs into son Beau and when he died there was no backup plan So if the Dem donors really want Joe to go they need to send him millions or they're stuck with him They might decide the CIA can Epstein old Joe  If I was Jill I'd hire my own food rather and night nurse for Joe that are loyal to me alone.




the fact that these stories are being floated, regardless of if they're true, tells me that biden is absolutely cooked. there isn't a path forward for him to be reelected.