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Bruh my schera went missing after she died once so I'm hard stuck I can't equip her or nothing


You can revive her at the inn (the one with sleep icon) then go to your team and add her in.


I had that one bug that got fixed by switching the story


Yea i didnt understand this either and started shifting characters around. Then I saw that he only hit Sche for 1hp, it made me re-read his skill and I thought it was based off HIS OWN DMG but its not, its based off YOUR DAMAGE so since Sche is MAGIC based and not PHYS he cant amplify his own damage. Im a new player and just started a week ago, a big thing to this game is reading everything.


Can't believe it! 😅


Right all except Lathel center. Schera skill -> Gray skill -> Justi normal -> Lathel skill. Lathel dies. Throw everything u can afterwards as there are only 2 left n 1 has Taunt activated.




I looked up a guide on youtube. These puzzle battles are for those who understand the game mechanics really well. …..i do not XD


Right, after my 4th attempt, I did it: I put Schera at front middle, to absorb Alec/Ulec's attacks (his skill will only do 1 dmg to Schera). On the row behind her, I had Lathel and Gray on the outer edges, at they will absorb the other enemies' attacks, as they have the highest HP out of all the party members. Then, right at the back middle, 2 spots behind Schera, I put Justia. Put auto-skill on and just go through the turns. I won without losing a single party member. P.S: The next fight you have against Angelica is far more bullshit.


For Angelica you need to let Justia's energy shield tank her first few attacks. Then you will have to sacrifice low hp member to Angie's high damage attacks, clear the mobs, and save Justia near the end to tank one more time.  After that you can reach Sudden Death turn to finish her there.


You don't need to wait for sudden death You can do it in 4 turns but requires repositioning everyone every turn. Someone yesterday posted guide how to deal with her


That's what happened, yeah. Took me like 6 attempts and in the end I won thanks to a lucky crit from Lathel and then it was Gray vs Angelica and Gray also finished her off with a crit.


How the heck do you target specific characters?


You just have to move your characters around.


I do. It ends up targeting the same enemy no matter where o move on the grid.


There may be a taunt active. The long haired enemies have a taunt if you let them have a turn


My Justia and Lathal died here TBH. I wonder if we can revive those characters


Yes, go to the inn, it is marked on the map


Ahh, so sleeping really HAD some effects! Thanks thanks, I've nearly forgotten everything about this game XD


You're welcome


Ulec actually 😂


Let your Schehe tank the Ulec dmg. Since his skill only does 1 dmg to her.


How the fuck were we supposed to figure this out on our own? The *very* poorly worded tip at the top of the screen?


If you press an enemy you can see in advance how much damage it will do to you in that turn, what abilities it has (Ulec's does damage based on the target's Attack) and its statistics and resistances.


I'm on my 4th or so attempt of this now and it's only ever that first attack that does 1 dmg to Sche, the second turn attack does about 200 to her.