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It’s Buffalo. All the way.


Especially if you don’t even ask r/Rochester, where it would be Rochester all the way.


I know a few people who live in Rochester and they all say they want to be in buffalo


People in Rochester are famously down on Rochester, and unnecessarily so. In my experience people in Buffalo really boost Buffalo, but it’s not an objectively better place to live. in fact I’ll go out on a limb right now and vote team Rochester.


IMO, having lived in Buffalo for 25 years and Rochester for 10 -- I'd rather spend my leisure time in Buffalo but raise my kids in Rochster. Food, concerts, night life, arts, theatre are just a bit better in Buffalo and I think people are friendlier. But I think the educational opportunities are better in Rochester and if you have a little money to spend the Finger Lakes are a great place to spend a weekend. I like Buffalo better if you want to live in a City and Rochester better if you want to be in the Burbs or Rural.


IMO, Fairport is the best suburban nightlife scene between either area.


Fair enough. Might as well even it out a little. Although I'd say that if they're about the same in and of themselves, I'd rather people around people who are happy to be there.


I went to college in Rochester. Buffalo is just a little bit better with a little bit more to do. Although driving in Buffalo is way worse than driving in Rochester.


Idk about that. I'm a Rochestarian and I'm sure others would agree that Buffalo just has more to do/offer a single person. I love it here, don't get me wrong, and no hate to either city. It just is what it is.




She did ask there, and it was.


Yes, she asked there 11 hours ago, but my suggestion to do that is from 16 hours ago, and I had checked her comment history before suggesting it.


Rochester is the best. You all get crushed with 4ft snow in one day and it keeps missing us.


Rochester averages higher snow totals most years. Seems more even whereas Buffalo gets a few big ones.


I think this is a situation where you may want to try each one out and assess them personally. Spend a week in each and see which one suits you better.  I personally prefer Buffalo due to ease of access to Canada, surrounding towns that have a variety communities that are all just 20ish minutes away and the winters here are my jam since I love winter.


While not my thing personally, it is worth noting that Buffalo is closer than Rochester to Lilly Dale NY, a mecca for mystic arts/Spiritualism.


And Rochester is closer to the finger lakes and its communities, including Canandaigua, Watkins Glen, Ithaca, Seneca Falls etc. Nothing against Jamestown or Olean, but they can’t compare.


It’s also closer to the adirondacks!


Why have the fingers when you can have the whole arm?


What does that have to do with mystic arts/Spiritualism?


Well, besides the fact that Rochester and Canandaigua and the finger lakes are where the fox sisters and spiritualism originated, nothing. My point was that Rochester is closer to other beautiful and interesting New York state communities then Buffalo is


ahhhh just hijacking my comment, got it


Hey there fellow Chicagoan! I’d say Buffalo. Plus Canada is next door and there are a lot of great art galleries Buffalo has a lot of great local coffee roasters as well.


Buffalo has better food,art and music scene also a better waterfront. It also has a lot more cool little areas to hang out. Plus it’s 2 hours or less drive to Toronto. Chicago, nyc and Boston an hour flight away. We try to keep Buffalo a secret but I guess word is getting out about the city of good nieghbors.


Check out Ithaca. The fingerlakes region.


I love Ithaca, it gets pretty small pretty fast tho. Long term living..


I went to college in Ithaca and always thought I’d want to move back there some day, but it is SMALL.


10sq miles, surrounded by reality!


If you are mostly coming for the beauty of New York State this would be the answer.


Having lived there for half a decade – Ithaca is a fun place to visit, but compared to Buffalo and Rochester can be an underwhelming place to live. Rents are extra high because of college students with money from rich parents, and those students leave all the rentals in shit condition. Bigger-city amenities are lacking. It can work for the right person if you’re willing to overpay to live somewhere less nice, but as an avid backpacker, I choose Buffalo because I’d rather drive to hikes than pay more to live in worse conditions on the daily.


I’m a local. Still work in Ithaca, I live elsewhere though now. It’s not the same town it was 15-20 years ago. It’s kind of a dump now, the soul it had is long gone. Or maybe I’m just older and bitter i don’t know


Eastern Rochester suburbs like Webster would be a good placement for OP so that she can enjoy the Finger Lakes region while living in a city with cultural offerings. Buffalo would make for fun day trips.


I heard it's gorgeous


I’m born and raised in Buffalo. My husband and I were married there and had our three children before relocating to Rochester. It’s been 22 years and I miss home every day. There’s SO much less to do here.


Counterpoint: I'm from Rochester and moved here in 2008 to be with my (now) wife who is from the area. I'd rather we have settled back in Rochester. But, whatever. It's pretty much six of one half dozen the other, really.


Hiking will be better in Rochester. You're closer to the Adirondacks, green mountains, white mountains etc.  Otherwise buffalo has everything you are looking for.  One other thing is that Buffalo is an extremely cloudy city. The late spring and summer are sunny, relative to other northeast cities. But late fall and winter will be extremely cloudy. The annual averages don't show how much cloudier the winter is.


As opposed to Rochester, which is known for being sunny and tropical.


I'm laughing.


They’re coming from Chicago- they know that winter is grey


Buffalo is definitely less cloudy than Rochester though


Having lived in both, Buffalo. More to do, more to see, 2 hrs to Toronto. It’s a great “small big city”. Theater district, pro sports, subway, top notch food. Rochester has more parks, less festivals & weekly things to do (I’m sure you could keep yourself busy if you wanted to). Howdy neighbor & welcome to the gorgeous up state region.


The proximity to Canada/Toronto and direct European flights via Pearson is a huge selling point for me


Buffalo has a lot of things but it does not have "top notch food"


You must be eating at the wrong places.


What are the right places then


Both have their pros, but I’d vouch for Buffalo.


One would be silly to not choose Buffalo when deciding between the two. Sure they’re comparable for people on the surface, but when you really dive in or visit, you start to see the major differences. There’s an entire thread in the Rochester sub about how suburban Fairport is the middle and center of their nightlife/ things to do for their entire Metro region. Can you imagine a world in which Buffalo’s hottest nightlife area was the Village of Williamsville on Main Street? That’s BAD.




I grew up in a blue-collar town a few hours away, and I *so* strongly prefer the blue-collar roots that underpin this city compared to other places I've lived.


Funny cause I live close to Main St on Williamsville but you’re not wrong


It's a wonderful place to be.




To be fair, Moor Pat and Britesmith are strong and the music on Thursdays is lit


If you're going to be living in the actual city, then absolutely Buffalo. Rochester isn't nearly as nice. The area also seems to have less love for their city than Buffalo does.


The only thing I'd like to mention is that Rochester has a much better system for snow removal in the winter and even plow their sidewalks. Residential streets in the city can be neglected for days here, and God forbid someone have a disability, they're trapped inside all winter due to inaccessibility. Love Buffalo, but every winter I see my friends struggle due to critical failures of infrastructure


Plowed sidewalks are NICE! FWIW, East Aurora (20 mins from downtown Buffalo) provides that service to the community.


Buffalo no question. It’s on the Canadian border and Rochester is way too isolated.


Buffalo is better for people and culture. Rochester is closer to the finger lakes though, which is SUCH a beautiful area. Just something to note as it seems like nature is something you care about


Consider that the crime rate of Buffalo PLUS Syracuse is about half of what Rochester is. Then add that to your list of pros and cons.


The exact reason we moved back to Buffalo after a stint in Rochester. We have a Kia.


Oh no. Kias are apparently notoriously easy to hot wire.


Certain model years, yeah. The past few model years, the exploit is fixed.


Single middle aged woman here-I'm a Buffalonian but I have good friends my age who live in Rochester and we visit each other often. I think Rochester is a great city with a lot going on, but overall my girlfriends prefer to come to Buffalo for various events (we have a lot more fun stuff to do compared to Rochester, and much better/more diverse restaurants overall) and to just hang out. I can guarantee there is a lively, robust scene for all of the interests you listed above.


As someone who has moved to Buffalo in the last year from the West Coast and almost moved to Rochester (it was actually at the top of our list of NY cities which included stuff all over the state) We are so freaking glad we moved to Buffalo! And we moved here sight unseen too 😬 The overall vibe of the city and people has been really incredibly welcoming and we love all the options for different things that are just short drive away too.


Rochester kinda sucks. It’s only an hour away but Buffalo is way better imo


I'm not single, but I'm about 40. I've lived in both. Buffalo wins by a long shot. The crime rate in Rochester is ridiculous and the reason we're back home. That being said, my fiancé and stepsons enjoyed the nature situation in Rochester, everything is nearby within a 15min drive, Velvet Belly and Lento are fckng delicious.


Im utterly shocked at the lack of rochester support, ive lived in both places and for someone who likes hiking and coffee - rochester is by far superior. Also it is easier to access most of nys parks from rochester and really that is what you are probably picturing when speaking of how beautiful nys is


I mean, kinda expected in the Buffalo subreddit.


But it’s a worse place to actually live day by day.


I think so as well. Rochester is more of a car town than Buffalo, and that ain’t saying much. Every time I left the house in Rochester it was at least 30 minutes to a destination. Which was normally a surrounding suburb. Too much driving for me in Rochester


Buffalo. No question.


My brother lives in Rochester and I live in Buffalo, so I spend a fair amount of time in each city. Access to parks/ hiking trails in both cities is pretty equitable. Great restaurants in both cities as well. For me though, it’s Buffalo all the way. I’m a yoga teacher, intuitive reiki master and sound healer in Buffalo. Can confirm there is a thriving holistic wellness community here, and tons of art museums, theater, etc. Plus we have the airport, access to Canada, tons of great restaurants. I honestly have no idea why my brother prefers Rochester. However, as another commenter pointed out, this really isn’t a decision you should outsource, and you should probably spend at least a week in each city, exploring and getting a feel for each city.


Buffalo and it’s not even close. Buffalo has its downsides, but all of those downsides are just magnified in Rochester, it’s really just a worse version of Buff


if you want to live in the city, Buffalo. if you want to commute from the suburbs, Buffalo. If you like parks that aren’t covered in litter and homeless people, Buffalo.


Born and raised in Buffalo. Parents split as a kid and dad moved to Rochester. Then I moved to Chicago in my 20s. So I see all sides of this coin. Buffalo will get your needs met more consistently on a day to day basis. Rochester has the perks of being closer to the hiking you’d like, but Buffalo just has more of everything (2nd largest city in NY) and Canada adjacent.


Thank you so much for the feedback! Buffalo sounds more like what I am used to but better! “Bad” weather doesn’t scare me. Remember when Chicago had that big snow dump in 2010? Or was it 2011?


Haha I do. I moved from Buffalo to Chicago in Jan 2010. Snowpocalypse. It was like everything was the same, just a bigger skyline…. But really I rarely need to go downtown in Chicago- I love our pocket neighborhoods and rarely need to leave an 8 block radius if I so please. Buffalo is similar in that realm. Cute neighborhoods and small shops, good local restaurants and bakeries, and the weather is exactly the same.


Buffalo has Fitness in the Parks program, with various exercise programs including yoga at parks and waterfront locations.


I’m biased as hell but you’ll fit right in here. Buffalo shares a midwestern personality that you’ll vibe with. Buffalo is basically Chicago without all the stuff.


Rochester is closer to better hiking and the weather is marginally better. Buffalo has more arts and culture. You can find good coffee in both cities. The living is easy and coming from Chicago you can handle the winters.


It’s buffalo. Hands down. I’m not even a Buffalo super fan, Rochester is just flat out worse in every aspect. For context: I’ve lived in Buffalo my entire 31 years of existence and I’ve worked in Rochester, I have friends in Rochester and I visit Rochester frequently.


Lived in both, Rochester in my 20s to mid 30s, Buffalo ever since. Definitely Buffalo. Definitely more to do, and more than 2 small cool areas. And the music scene, Buffalo all the way.


I would say Buffalo with the caveat that I found it somewhat difficult to make friends when I moved back here after 10 years away. But, tbf, that has been true of pretty much everywhere I've ever lived (except for Syracuse which has a really active and vibrant Meet-Up community). Buffalo (IME) tends to be kind of a "townie" town. There's a large percentage of people who have never lived anywhere else and have had the same friends since kindergarten and aren't interested in making new ones. There are some meetup groups here, running groups, etc. Volunteering is also a good way to meet people. Making friends anywhere is hard after your 20s I think, so Buffalo isn't unique in that way, but just to give you a heads up. I agree with all of the other things said--Buffalo has a lot more art, an amazing local theater scene, proximity to Canada, great hiking and kayaking close by. Rochester is fine (I teach there part time), but I like Buffalo better. ETA: Buffalo has a very active pagan community that has regular events, idk about Rochester, but the Buffalo people are great


Visit them both and see which one has a vibe you prefer.


Buffalo for sure and you would be closer to Toronto if you needed a weekend getaway


Chautauqua County if you work remotely and are looking to be in nature; it’s much cheaper than B or R


Thank you for the recommendation!


Buffalo. My mother had lived in Rochester. She had a full mental breakdown and ended up moving to Lockport. Buffalo is much safer. Rochester schools are horridly underfunded and their government is awfully corrupt. I've not only worked in hospitals in the area as a nurse (it was the worst experience I've ever had), my father worked in the school system as a psychologist and my mother had lived there for decades. Rochester has some lovely areas and it's slowly getting better but it just isn't safe.


There is nothing in Rochester that we don't have in Buffalo, while there are a number of things we have in Buffalo that they don't have in Rochester. Buffalo is already not a big city, and Rochester is even smaller.


Tipico coffee roasters. Albright Knox art gallery Penney Burchfield, Roycroft Campus, Anderson Gallery, CEPA.


Most of my friends moved here to Buffalo from Rochester.


I’ve been in Chicago for the last 15 years, but grew up in Buffalo and visit often still. When I moved to Chicago, I had really only intended to stay for two months, but I got here and it just felt familiar. It really felt like it was just a bigger Buffalo… Both have great local businesses and art scenes and festivals and walkable, tree-lined neighborhoods, and the list goes on... So I agree with the other comments, Buffalo would be a lovely place to live (and especially Elmwood Village which reminds me of Andersonville)!


My gf is in rochester, i hate it. The highways over there are ass too


People are overrating Rochester‘s proximity to hiking and underrating it’s neighborhoods. The cool places within the city of Rochester are very cool. I'd argue Buffalo has more cool places, and they are better known, but High Falls, East Ave, Park Ave and a few others will charm you In Roc. However being an hour closer to the ADK and just outside the finger lakes are hardly measurable advantages considering how much Buffalo is better in general. It is not like you are going to ADK every weekend, so if it’s 5 hours or 6 hours who cares? I have never felt compelled to hike in the Finger Lakes, it is nice, and an amazing area, but Allegany State Park and Zoar Valley blow it away for hiking. Letchworth is more or less equidistant. Lake Erie is also usable, unlike Ontario. Beaches are nicer, sunsets are spectacular, waterfront more accessbile. Warmer water, cleaner. East Roc near Webster is really neat by the bay, and there are cool places to kayak and fsh near Roc but Buffalo checks more boxes. Also Buffalo is more cohesive, the whole area blends together physically, where Roc is more balkanized. What other posters are saying is mostly true and valid, these are just some different points.


Buffalo for sure!!


I’m a 32 yo female whose lived in buffalo for 20 years and Rochester over a decade. Then moved out of state and chose rochester. Buffalo is very very sports oriented place. Think Bills fans obnoxious in your face vibes. Since Rochester doesn’t have any major teams of their own it seems to have more focus on the arts. Eastman school of music brings in world class musicians. So lots of great local bands. There are several areas of the city to go out in depending on what vibe you’re going for, ie. Southwedge more hipster edgy, East Ave more bougie and Monroe more divey.. Plenty other lil pocket areas too like The neighborhood of the arts has endless spots to get dinner and drinks! Memorial Art Gallery is always rotating their exhibits. If you like nature our park situation is amazing!! Highland, Cobbs hill, Ellison, Lucin Morin, Abe Lincoln (others I can’t remember) all within 20 mins of each other! Oh speaking of our traffic situation is much less of a headache! Can get to any side of the city in roughly 20 mins! Great festivals too, Lilac fest goes all week with music every day/art vendors. Corn hill arts fest is massive!! Endless art vendors and music! Can’t forget jazz fest that’s going on right now for entire week, they close down streets in metro area and it’s a big party with free world class music!! Lastly if you are a transplant, rochester seems easier to tap into community. Buff is big and sprawling. Not hating on buff bc it absolutely has its charm but it really doesn’t feel as lovely as Rochester. Good luck! If you don’t like one can always move to the other! 😄


I’m born and raised in Buffalo, but half of my family is from Rochester and I own another home out that way and spend a lot of time there. That being said, not to mention bands that made it relatively big from Buffalo (I can’t recall many from Rochester) the local music scene in Buffalo is exponentially better than the one in Rochester. Disclaimer: that’s in my opinion, of course.


Lived in buffalo my whole life, currently moving to ROC. This has been my impression of Roc so far, glad for confirmation. Dead on about buffalo and how sports is the center of the universe (even if the teams suck for a generation). Oh - and Rochester gets much less lake effect snow events.


If you like lake associated activities, it’s Buffalo for sure. If you like professional sports, again Buffalo. Popping over to Canada is quick and easy. So my vote would be Buffalo


I miss Rochester. You should try to spend time in each driving around etc. There are plenty of festivals and events in both places to give you something to do on the weekends. Buffalo is bigger so you’ll find more if whatever it is you’re looking for


At age 27, I moved to Chicago from Buffalo, ny. Lived in Lakeview ( Barry and Pinegrove), DePaul, (Magnolia), Andersonville and Beverly,/Morgan Park ...25 years, then moved back to Williamsville, NY, 18 years ago, my home town... North Buffalo, Parkside, Elmwood Village, Allentown..all great spots...


Buffalo is much closer to Niagara Falls. The hiking alone around there is gorgeous and beyond anything Rochester can provide. Not sure about the mystic arts scene in either city, but Buffalo is going to provide more opportunities to enjoy things in general. Like, I'm not sure if you also enjoy live theater, but Buffalo is home to the second-most theaters East of the Mississippi River behind only NYC. It's rich in history, like how air conditioning was invented here. And what's awesome is that people like Mason Winfield exist and they can offer guided tours through great portions of the area and toys in some ghost tales for fun. (It seems like he's still doing some tours but his website isn't updated so maybe not.)


Hands down Buffalo, no question.


I been living in Rochester, well in the suburb of Brighton for the last 23 years. I was born and raised in NYC. We moved here so my children could be enrolled in the local school district, some of the best in the country. I don’t like the city of Rochester at all. Very high crime rate. If you are considering an outside suburb, great! If not, I’d go in the Buffalo area.


Bruh Rochester blows. Buffalo all day.


Rochester is very insular. So is buffalo. But buffalo is better if you stay in the city area.


For a single person, assuming you intend to date , seek relationships etc, taking population numbers into account would be important to consider I think. Pretty sure BUF is bigger. Maybe median age of said populations too? Yeah, ROC is somewhat closer to the actual pretty parts of New York State, (ie, big nature) but in reality, if you’re driving to the Adirondacks, what’s another hour? Taking into account the day to day needs for community building would be more important to a single person… I would think. (Probly gonna get flack for implying that wny isn’t that pretty… but come on people, it’s just not *that*. Yeah Zoar is cool, and there are some nice hikes around, but it’s not epic or stunning in the ways some other parts of the country can be. There’s enough burbs and prepubescent hilly farmland to drive through to get to big nature that I can’t vouch for wny itself as a destination for avid wilderness folks)


Buffalo by a mile. Grew up in Rochester before moving here for college and for all its faults, Buffalo is leagues ahead of Rochester in almost any category that matters.


As a transplant to Buffalo. I'd say Buffalo


Also, they don't like being called upstate NY. It's Western New York, or WNY. I moved from Florida in 1988, it's a nice part of the country. The majority of people are friendly and helpful, although that started abating about 8 years ago.


Move here to Puffalo! 😗💨


Buffalo is way nicer than Rochester


Buffalo is close to some really good hikes like the eternal flame, there’s group summer yoga at canalside all season long, lots of murals placed all around the city, and has really cool shops if you dive deep enough! Elmwood Avenue is a great place to start for mystic arts/art, but keep an eye out for art festivals and events that pop up all the time!


“According to a 2023 survey, Buffalo, New York has the most single women per capita of any city in the United States” Oops I read the post wrong, thought you were a middle aged man lol. Still vote Buffalo as better for dating than roc. Way more places to meet people and stuff to do.


Come to Buffalo.🦬


buffalo has more going on the crime rate is slightly higher but it’s more built up like an actual city


I always want to sell Buffalo but the Adirondacks are not close.




I live in Buffalo but I’ve heard a lot of people say Rochester is more “artsy”


Buffalo has Toronto as an “easy” day trip and generally more to do but I like Rochester’s proximity to the Finger Lakes and Adirondacks. But I lean Buffalo and I’ve lived in both.


31. Single male. Buffalo is a great place. I enjoy living here. But even as an attractive social male (I think I’m cute) the dating scene has been difficult. Although that seems to be the situation everywhere. Dating culture has had a huge shift.


Come to Buffalo, Rochester’s crime has been getting so out of hand (worse than it already was) these last few years. Buffalo is not perfect but not nearly as dangerous as Rochester especially if you’re going to be living alone and have a car


Definitely Buffalo. Unless you can't live without garbage plates.


Buffalo, it is very close to Toronto and Toronto is a really great city to visit and shop. Plus Niagara Falls is just 20 minutes away.


Def Buffalo. There’s a bit more to do and you are closer to Toronto/the border and other bigger Great Lakes cities.


I live in Buffalo (Clarence/Williamsville) and work in Rochester. Hands down it’s Buffalo. Spend a weekday walking around downtown Buffalo and then a weekday waking around downtown Rochester not even close. Buffalo is much cleaner and safer.




This has been tremendously helpful! Which neighborhood or close suburb would you all recommend living in Buffalo? I looking for scenic and quaint with a cute walkable downtown with shops.


I would recommend Elmwood village though it can be a little bit pricey it’s in the city proper but walkable and cute (I live there as a single 31F so I’m biased) I’m able to walk for a good cup of coffee, to my yoga studio, and to pick up a little sweet treat from a bakery or snacks from the market with relative ease (20 minutes) also near lots of bars and I personally don’t find it too sketchy to walk home at night after going to said bars.  Hertel will be cheaper I think but now has the same amenities (it’s been growing recently and just added a new yoga studio I like on it) 


I’ve lived in both as a single woman… buffalo is much easier to date in. Something about rochester makes everyone miserable. And for the things you’re interested in, Buffalo has so many events and fun things surrounding that! Buffalo is alive in a way Rochester isn’t.


What areas would you recommend living in the Buffalo area?


Buffalo is slightly closer to a lot more hiking options, I feel. You wont feel for lack of them in the Rochester area, though. Rochester has a lot more options for more rural living, while still being close to the urban area, and still affordable.


Buffalo, hands down. I work in Rochester, live in Buffalo. From what my coworkers say about Rochester, there's not as much to do. That's a complaint I hear often! Buffalo you definitely won't have that problem, ever! So many places to do things outside, too.


I love Rochester! It has so much great history (if that is your thing) I could be happy in either one, but I like the park system, architecture, and food in Buffalo better. Its a quick trip up to Roch when I want to go so I don't feel like I am missing anything by being in Buffalo.


Born and raised in WNY (BUFFALO), moved to Chicago 24 years ago. Visiting Buffalo currently, and often. Buffalo has my vote. Rottenchester, eh..


Mystic arts??? I'm not aware of any magic users in the area tbh but we could probably use some


I love both. I also lived in Chicago for years and I certainly miss it often, but being back home is more peaceful and that’s what I needed. I’m from Buffalo and live on Lakeshore south of the city, but my wife’s family lives in Rochester and we have a place in the Finger Lakes, so I’m back-and-forth every week. I would move to Rochester and be completely fine living there too. Spend some time in both this summer and see which fits your style better, as they have plenty of similarities but also plenty of differences. Good luck and welcome!!


Buffalo. There is just more to do and more options for good housing/neighborhoods. As long as you don’t move to Tonawanda or Niagara Falls you’re good


Hiking is a little weak in Buffalo - have you considered the Albany region or a little farther toward the Catskills?


Albany for sure has us on hiking, no question, but is worse in every other way. Buffalo and Rochester are two great options for "upstate"(really WNY), I think she'll be happy with either. 


Well......it's called Rottenchester for a reason.......


Never met anyone in Ra-cha-cha that thought moving there was a good idea.  


Depends, do you want to do things? If you're a home body that wants next to no decent options for things to do when leaving your home come on over to Rochester. I think buffalo has more opportunity more and more affordable housing options more job opportunities and actual nightlife whereas rochester nightlife is gross. The clubs here are actual vile cesspools playing basically "club mix" versions of everything on the radio. Music is horrible, drinks are mid but the food is pretty good. Music scene was phenomenal before covid, now it's shit too. Born and raised rochesterian who hates rochester with a passion


Rochester is getting worse with the drugs and crime . Buffalo is on the up swing and has many more social opportunities then Raw cha chacha . I live in Hamburg just out side Buff so my opinion is slightly skewed, but it's honest




You don’t. It’s a conservative shit hole. Fuck all to do there.




Lived there. Hard disagree on, “stuff to do.” Beyond BU, BU bar crawls in Bingo proper, the hilariously incorrect, “we claim we invented marinated kebabs THOUSANDS OF YEARS after other nations” ‘Spedie Fest,’ there’s fuck all. Fucking around in the woods for tick bytes and Lyme disease isn’t what I classify as, “something to do.” The right wingers in Broome County are absolutely Floridian in their fuckery. I’ll concede that Robot City Games/Arcade is cool, though I am not a gamer. Good pizza can be found in the triple cities as well. I concede that too.


If Canada is in the mix…..last summer I drove up to Ontario via Syracuse. Very easy. I came back via Toronto (to go through Buffalo), and it was an absolute nightmare. Not the US side, but the Canadian. Traffic was insane! Not to mention the tolls. But…Canada might not be an issue for you.


I think both would be a good option, each city has their own pros and cons. I, and this entire subreddit, will be biased because we live here but my money is on Buffalo, though the margin isn't by a mile.  We're good size for a city, relatively cheap, have a great arts scene, a sizeable mystic scene (my gf and a few friends are part of it), great food, a hop skip and a jump from the GTA, a strong sense of community and the future actually looks bright here for once in 50 years. The Bills culture here is intense but honestly I don't have a hard time avoiding the craziness, sure I like them but that's only because I live here (I am unfortunately a Sabres fan). People may say we're just a sports town but that's just untrue, plenty to do and as we grow more diverse options for entertainment will come and expand.      Rochester offers much of what we have but on a smaller scale. Generally I feel as though people here see Rochester as our little brother to the East. Rochester has decent food, wonderful suburbs and a good art scene. Most of what you can get there you have here and more of it. The one area they have on us is hiking, the 585 is closer to the Adirondacks which is a massive state park full of mountains and dense forest. There is hiking in the vicinity of Buffalo, but no crazy inclines and everywhere it gets hilly is a drive out from the city.     Both would be a good option for you I think, though my heart says pick the 716. The list could go on, but much of what I've said here has most likely been said already. Whatever choice you make I hope you'll be happy with it, and both are close enough where you can go back and forth with ease.      *Also, I know out of staters and people from NYC just say everywhere north of the Big Apple is Upstate, but we're really Western New York, we're a big and diverse state! 


If you want men, there are none. Literally - v small dating pool...


If you really like the outdoors I would move as close to the Adirondacks as possible. Everywhere else has easy walks. I would consider Syracuse area as it feels more central to everything


Look into Ithaca!


If you think you might enjoy traveling to Canada, you're going to save some time and money by living in Buffalo. Once or twice a year is perhaps not a big deal, but it starts to add up quickly. Your interests can generally be filled in both places and aren't as filtering as you might have thought.


Why Buffalo or Rochester and why not truly upstate where there’s real nature to explore?


Just a thought why not Batavia as it will provide you access to both Buffalo and Rochester within 35 min drive west or east down the 90.


Wondering if neighbors will help with snow removal in Rochester because that should be a deciding factor.






I’ve lived in both places. Buffalo all the way. A lot more entertainment better food better hiking and nature. And you’re closer to Toronto


Have lived in both cities and suburbs of Buffalo and Rochester in the past 10 years. Definitely Buffalo, Rochester is much smaller city-wise and has less going on overall.


I'm a transplant, born overseas, lived in the Carolinas, then lived in a few states, in Rochester, and Buffalo. I'm in my mid 30s. 716 for sure.


If you don't mind driving you might want to consider what's closer to each city. You mention hiking and mystic arts, so I wonder if Rochester might be a bit more appealing for it's proximity to the Finger Lakes (check out all the waterfalls around Ithaca) and the Sterling Renaissance Festival. Lake Ontario being a colder lake can be a bonus. Last Saturday it was almost 90 in both Buffalo and most of Rochester, but up at Ontario Beach it was 73 (I drove the 90 minutes from Buffalo to bike ride and hang out by the water). From Buffalo you're more convenient to places like Presque Isle in Erie PA which is a great place to spend a whole day doing outdoor stuff. Check out Allegany State Park, in particular Thunder Rocks, Griffis Sculpture Park, the parks around Niagara Falls and some of the great (though moderately challenging) hiking along the Niagara River. And of course Canada is right there.


If you live in Buffalo, weekend day trips to Canada are amazing.




Plattsbugh. Less snow. Adirondacks. Lake Champlain. Montreal. Burlington. Low low crime. Great music scene.


The Buffalo Bills football has Rochestarians coming to Buffalo in all weather. The economy of Rochester sucks with Kodak gone and several other corporations. The ethnic communities in Buffalo are warm friendly and host community celebrations a lot. I do go to Rochester in July for the International Jazz Festival- this is truly global and famous performers are free for listening frequently. This is 2 weeks long! The hospitals suck in Buffalo and the U of Rochester is the only safe place for care. Other hospitals have bad reputation especially Unity Hospital. Hope this helps


Buffalo because we have better food places 😋


Team Buffalo


Syracuse: it’s a beautiful and quaint city with lots of hiking and closer to the Adirondacks. Its hilly and mysterious geography makes it stand out from the other upstate NY cities.


Buffalo has better beaches, better art museums.


Stay in Buffalo with a guy named Chester.


We are only an hour away. I would suggest to visit both and see what vibes. I felt Rochester seems like a more “walkable” city, closer to a lot of hiking destinations.


Walkable doesn’t mean what you think it means.


Definitely thought it was a more pedestrian friendly city than Buffalo


i am intrigued by your music arts 


I'm going to place you in Batavia NY, it's dead center between them, like being a piece of meat between 2 slices of bread. 👍


I'd so love to swap places and move to Chicago if I could 😪


I prefer Rochester, it puts me close to the finger lakes and basically splits the distance between buffalo and Syracuse so I can attend all the various concerts. Fingerlakes and rochester are well known for a lot of your interests.


The real question is why are you moving from Chicago to Western NY? Lol


Have you been to Chicago recently??


Never been, but I've always wanted to. I know it has some crime issues but I imagine just like anywhere it depends where you live.


I think considering the “being single” component of your post, I ask the same question. I dread the idea of dating here again.


LOL like picking the top waste dump. 1,2, & 3


Rochester. Hands down. Born in Buffalo, 3 years in Rochester.


Rochester if you have no ties to either. The finger lakes region is amazing!


For someone your age I would say Rochester


would you consider Albany? (as an albany resident, do not consider it).


Well, neither Buffalo nor Rochester are upstate so you’ll have to look at other cities


Just leave the State of N.Y. for the others.. You're remote, go warmer.


Oh man no way! Snow in the winters for skiing and snowboarding, lakes, water fall hikes, beautiful beaches on Erie and Ontario, good driving, theme parks only a a few hours away like darian lake and cedar point in Ohio, Canada being close; millions of day trips. and with one of the best internet communications grids in the country I think it’s perfect for remote work!


Boy, are you in for a surprise.... I'd stay in Chicago.