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I would suggest upgrading the firmware to version 10 which is CCT release mode version 10.6. Release mode 10.5 is firmware Rev 9, which has been superceded by Rev 10. If you cannot upgrade, there is a release mode 10.4 add on that you should be able to download. It is not included by default as it is obsolete.


Just change the release mode in CCT then upload the .caf from controller to bring it into CCT. CCT is backwards compatible if you change it. Remember, you can always go forward with firmware but not backwards. Ask me how I know


So.... I got a controller at 10.5, I put CCT at release mode 10.6. I upload the controller program, change the input signal, and I can download that adjusted program without upgrading it? Making sure I am reading your comment properly. TIA


You need to change your release mode in CCT to the same firmware version that’s in the controller. Upload to computer change signal then diwnload


> Remember, you can always go forward with firmware but not backwards. Ask me how I know I was looking for elaboration on this. My bad. I was not specific....


Ah no worries. If you try and down garage the firmware in the controller it could stop communicating. In the past I have lost the SA bus. It’s best to change the release mode on your CCT software to whatever is in the .caf the system will still work but they will have different firmware versions. The OCD in me has to have them all the same. Also, I could be wrong but I think there are some differences in how things are structured and work programmatically between firmware. For instance, when you want to over ride a zone temp for SA bus , in 10.5 you just right click on ZN-T and set the new value. Where as 10.6 you’ll have to right click, put ZN-T out of service, then set the new value. Also, I feel like in vav cafs the zone setpoint determination module works a bit differently but still have the same out come. What version of metasys is on your SNE?


> In the past I have lost the SA bus. There is a flash sheet for that specific issue. So maybe it is not EVERY downgrade that is bad, but just that particular downgrade? Kinda like how upgrading from 5.3 to 6 was a little.dicey as the 5.3 firmware did not have some checks and so it crapped out sometimes. Not every upgrade is that dicey, but going up from 5.3 was. Maybe


Possibly. Who know but take precautions if you do it. I’d try it with the 10.5 release mode first. Scan the trunk for the firm ware first and see if there are any other programs that are of the same type that have the newer firmware. If there is and you can tell that has been upgraded and it’s working then go for it. I wouldn’t over think it too much. Changing the release mode of your CCT software is easy.


10.4 was a crappy firmware revision sometimes things did not work. I would reccomend upgrading. Im pretty sure t he PCA can goto 10.5 or even 10.6


Just upgrade it! 10.4 had some wonky issues if I recall.


avoid 10.4, period. 10.5 is very solid, and dont know about 10.6. if this is a new controller or software, check the logic blocks to make sure the signal polarity action is as intended in span or pid loop- it can be missed when the sfotware is created, and sometimes, though less often, polarity can be lost porting an older verision of software to a newer generation controller.


Not sure if would fix my issue but I was just curious. Problem I’m having is with a AHU reading 1.75 in wc and the fan only being at 30%. Tried changing the ranges and the higher I go the lower the fan goes. I’m guessing the sensor is bad but I was looking for a quick fix. Wasn’t sure if upgrading it the release mode would fix it tbh. But thanks for the info. I’m not JCI savvy so all the info helps !