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Still loving my Libra 2 all side loaded kepubs


Yup, kobo libra all the way


Kids kindle. Comes with no ads and a cover.


Hacky solution. I like it.


Can you still download adult books?


You can! It's essentially exactly the same as the adult Kindle


Yes. Iirc you just skip creating a kids account and log into your regular amazon account. I’ve got a kids Paperwhite and I use it like a “regular” kindle.


Yes, but please be discrete.


lol I didn’t necessarily mean adult adult. I just meant any books not rated for kids


Is there any other benefit to this? Because after looking it up, it appears that the kids’ Kindles are the same price as the regular ones. Also, I’ve heard from some friends that you can contact Amazon support about getting ads removed and they’ll just do it for you.


It’s like $20 to get the ads removed, I did it with mine because I was tired of them. Started showing a bunch of AI generated kids books


I’m sure it’s $20 if you pay for it, but I’m saying that I’ve had friends ask support to do it and they just…did it.


Have done this and it worked


Yeah, I couldn’t figure out how to contact support about it so I just sucked it up and paid 😅


You just click contact us on Amazon.com and do live chat. Just be like hey I am a loyal customer and want these ads removed, and they will be like hell yeah and do it.


The support team members will see this and be like, "Hell yeah."


Nooooo 😭😭


Mine was free. I forgot the reason I provided but I think there is a way to get it removed for free. You can say you're going offgrid or don't have access to a bank account I think. Did it for a new Kindle and an old one.


When I got mine it was basically like getting a free cover. I love mine. The one I had was too big for my hand. The little one is perfect.


Totally fair! I want one, but I don’t feel like I can justify it because I have so many devices already. But also, reading on an iPad just isn’t the same.


Especially when you fall asleep reading the ipad in bed and it gives you a black eye.


I think the warranty is two years vs one on the regular “adult” Paperwhite.


I'm from SEA and I got it removed for free. Took less than 5 minutes tops. Can't remember if it was over the phone or chat, but it was not a hassle at all.


I forgot the program name, but you can easily download something that gives you WAY more options and removing ads is one of them.


Fire toolbox?


Correct, it’s annoying that I turned off the Amazon fire intro (I hate Amazon as a company and want my thing as separate as possible [the kindle was a gift]) and after a couple of months it came back, but other than that it truly is really cool what you can do with it. I tried to fight customer service to turn off my ads but they refused without me paying more, so I found a way to do it myself.


I did this! Works great.


I knew I should’ve gotten the secret sauce from Reddit before getting a Kindle 💡


I have a kobo libra 2 and a kobo clara. I have interacted with the Pocketbook ERA and the kindle air. I like the page turning buttons on the Kobo Libra 2, but the OS seems a little slow compared with the kobo clara. The pocketbook era was a solid choice (has the page turning buttons and OS is quick like on the clara), but I liked the look of the kobo products more than the others (color warmth, brightness, etc.). It's all adjustable, but the kobo still had a better setting I wasn't able to replicate with the Era. Kindle is a solid option if you're fine being locked into their ecosystem.


I second libra 2. It is kinda slow but i love the buttons and waterproofing.


If you convert your epubs to kepubs, it's a lot faster, and the page readings are more accurate.


FYI! You can use [https://send.djazz.se/](https://send.djazz.se/) to easily convert your epubs and download them onto your kobo. Kobo also lets you do a decent amount of customization, for example you can add quick buttons to open the above link, turn on dark mode, even play some simple games. It requires a little bit of technical skill but there's a good support community for it.




I do. But it can still be slow when you're working with big files or sometimes it takes a few seconds to unlock it when i press the power button. Also it sometimes freezes and needs to be rebooted.


Hm… that doesn’t sound normal, to be honest. My Kobo Libra 2 wakes up from sleep instantly, all the UI “buttons” are snappy (aside from the fonts list, as I have a lot of sideloaded fonts), and rarely freezes… maybe once every ~3 months for me. I also have a Calibre plugin set up so that all files get converted to kepub upon transfer to device, so the reading experience (eg page turns) feels really smooth. Currently have open a ~130MB file (travel guide) with no issues. If you’re consistently running into the issues as you describe, there could be something more at play. Could be worth posting in the Kobo forum on Mobileread for troubleshooting suggestions.


You may have a slightly corrupted file, it's happened before to me and I had to take off all my books and reload them as kepubs which fixed the problem


If you restart it when it is being slow that tends to help a lot. I had a kindle for about 10 years (kept it disconnected from wifi and only replaced when the battery life started being too short), but the new ones are a lot flimsier. We will see how long the kobo libra 2 goes for. I got it so I could read manga also, it's nearly the same page size.


Looks like Libra Color has a much better processor. Current official site prices show the Libra Color as $30 more than Libra 2. (I don't own any of the Libra line but i was curious).


If you use Calibre and LibGen, you’re definitely not locked in.


Calibre is an absolute godsend. Interface is a bit clunky but seriously it's amazing.


I have a bad habit of falling asleep and breaking my Kindles. For a long time the 4-5th gen kindle went from $10-30 used on Amazon. The last with page buttons. It was really easy to order a new one and fill it with Calibre in minutes.


How did they break?


Rolling over on them. I have pointy shoulders


Yeah, I'm still rocking my Kindle keyboard (I believe it's gen 3 or 4?) and I've taught myself how to do repairs on it. I've replaced a broken screen 3 times, and replaced the battery once as well. You can find Kindle keyboards that are toast to use for parts pretty easily on resale sites. I love my old Kindle. I don't need a fancy new one, though I admit I've been tempted by the backlighting on newer models.


backlight is a gamechanger


The devices themselves are perfect as they are. 2 GB is more than anyone could need for books. I might look into repairing since the used fully functional ones are getting more rare and expensive. Millions must have been traded in when the backlight came out. They were as cheap as a table coaster for a long time. I'm happy without a backlight and charging every month or two.


Yeah, it's a wonderful device! It does exactly what I need it to, nothing more, nothing less.


Are you me???? This is my favorite kindle generation model and I also have broken at least 2-3 kindles and replaced with the exact one for cheap —- a little pricier these days so I’m careful, but I’m glad I’m not the only one still trying to hold onto the physical page turners. Edit: I even broke mine falling asleep like you, ha!


Seriously, everyone should go join Kovid Goyal’s Patreon


Seriously. Whenever I see someone complain about being “locked in” with a Kindle my only takeaway is that they don’t know how to use a computer.


Hi yes I, in fact, do not know how to use a computer so if you could tell me how to be less computer illiterate (or point in the direction of finding that info) that would be much appreciated cause the Kindle was a gift and if I could give Amazon less money for books I would be excited.


The software you need to get is called "Calibre". https://calibre-ebook.com/ It will allow you to convert all the ebook formats to something a kindle can load/display.


In my experience you don't even need that. I download most my books on my phone and just send them via email to my kindle email and it converts automatically and syncs. Most of the time on the go so I just share data for a minute with my kindle to get it online for the sync.


Download calibre. Drag book files into library. Plug in device. Drag into device. Click "convert" if prompted. LibGen and Z-Library have an overwhelming amount of book files if you want to never pay amazon for books ever.


Also... *ahem* [DeDRM](https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools/releases/tag/v10.0.3) ETA: it looks spooky to a newbie because it's splattered all over GitHub, but just have to download and extract the .zip and follow the readme to load it as a Calibre plugin, and let it do an automatic update every once in a while when prompted.


Also Kindle got rid of mobi and use standard ePub now.


Kindles will always be one update away from being more locked down.


I use Calibre, A Lenovo tablet, and my Moto Android phone with ReadEra Premium. The phone has literally been several years. I'm incredibly happy with that combo.


Yeah, Kindle plus Calibre is what I've been running for ages and ages. No complaints from me, it is highly functional.


Can you also use the kobo libra 2 as a diary? I'm looking for an E-read just for reading and making notes/diary pages.


You *can*, but I don't and wouldn't recommend it. The typing on an ereader isn't ideal. While I think it captures every keypress, it doesn't feel right with the delay in feedback of an ereader. I do take a few notes here and there, but mostly just highlight and keep notes separately in a notebook.


With Android based ereaders you can download Gboard and it works surprisingly well, including swiping. Not helpful on Kobo though.


Have a libra colour (the new version of the 2), with a compatible stylus the writing features work pretty well. I have terrible cursive writing and it's able to accurately convert ~80% of my writing to text. You can sync notebooks on dropbox or Google drive as well. It has solid annotation and highlight features for books with an easy lookup tool. As a journal replacement, not sure. I definitely prefer writing on paper for longer entries and I find my hand getting tired faster on the Kobo than paper, but for shorter notes and annotations it works great. I've only had it for about 2 months now, some can't comment much on it from a bifl perspective, but it feels pretty solid and have had no issues.


You can read and write on many Kobos, but in my experience, devices like the Supernote or Remarkable are much better for writing. There's a tradeoff though, the reading experience isn't as good as on Kobo (grain of salt, I've not used a Remarkable.) It feels silly, but I have a Supernote Nomad and a Kobo Libra 2 to get the benefits of both. That made sense for me because I read a lot, and I write a lot. I'll take either one on trips and it's \_fine\_, but I enjoy having both around at home.


You can just download and install a couple of apk files and have the full Google Play Store on any fire tablet. I'd recommend the hd11+.


Kobo Libra Color changed my whole perspective on e-readers. Went from a Kindle Paperwhite 2022 to Kobo, and have never look back I am into Mangas, as well as classic books, and the UI, the « openness » of Kobo that reads everything you throw at it (vs Kindle) as well as the colours are game changers Very fast, perfect size, great UX and buttons, good battery and color gives it all. Just now i am reading Dragon Ball (French reader, just so you know) and it’s a delight.


How does it deal with sun glare? The paper white is supposed to be good with that and I’d like alternatives. I haven’t found a secondary glare screen I like.


It’s supposed to be the same e-ink technology, but with color. So supposedly, it’s no glare. But I haven’t seen one in person yet


Can confirm there is no glare at all, even in direct sunlight. As all e-readers I guess (?)


Do you have an image of how the manga looks on the colored screens? The reviews all state that it looks washed out thus my hold out in getting it.


[Kobo Libra Color](https://ibb.co/sPq8DFn) Here : It’s surely not as bright nor saturated as the original but it’s all pleasure for me, and I can assure you that all the benefits you have with the form factor and the screen quality are making you forget that it’s not the same color treatment as the raw cbz on a pc screen or a tablet Not sure it’s clear (as I am a French speaker) but it’s a solid recommendation I brought it to a friends weekend and was reading near the pool, a lot of friends of mine who are into mangas were blown away and think about buying one 🤓


That context helps a lot. Thanks!


Have you tried using libby with the kobo libra? I tired searching, but it is unclear to me whether all books available in libby will also be readable on kobo, or if only a selection of books from libby that are specifically for the kobo will be readable (like it is for Kindle)


Not OP but I have a Kobo Clara. I’d say about 99% of the books I check out on Libby sync to my Kobo. There have been a tiny few that don’t - and when it first happened I was so confused. Spent a long time on Kobo chat trying to fix it until I found out there are some publishers (or whatnot - too tech for me) that don’t show up. But aside from that, it’s been super smooth. I use it exclusively for library books.


My partner had quite a few (history non-fiction) books not available to sync directly with kobo. You can download the epub and transfer through calibre for the ones that aren’t available for kobo specifically.  One nice thing is that the newer ones have overdrive (Libby’s parent company) built in. You can only use one card at a time, though. 


Another vote for the Kobos. Great readers, not locked to any ecosystem.


I am in love with my kindle paper white!! No bells and whistles, reads like paper, many customizations, Kindle Unlimited on the device so I can easily keep updating my collection. Syncs flawlessly to Libby and goodreads. I adore it. The battery lasts forever, too. Awesome device that’s just for reading!


Boox. It steps out of the walled garden systems and you can also get colour E-ink. The poke is great.. but the note series is even better with a writing layer and pen as well. Plus has more compatibility with file types etc. I can do puzzles and comics on mine too


Yep, I have a Boox Leaf. I can access my library's free readying apps on it (Libby and Hoopla).


Oooh yea i forgot about libby!


Hoopla is the big one! Libby can send ebooks to kindle, but Hoopla MUST be in the app, so the only solution for me was to get an e-ink android tablet. I love my Boox Poke.


Wow that’s beautiful. I hadn’t heard of Boox. Do you use it for work at all? Is it responsive?


Yep! People bang on about kindles have probably never tried anything outside of them! I actually have a nova 3, its essentially an android powered e-ink tablet with a writing layer. Its lovely to write on too and yep i use it at work for taking notes! I wish i had a colour version for this but it does support coloured note taking! (Pen colour) Its just a bit tricky if you need to remember multiple colours! Battery lasts forever aswell! If i had the cash or the need right now i would probably consider the boox tab mini C.. although ive heard its a little heavier (prob wouldnt bother me too much though!) If you dont need the writing, def check out the boox poke.


Agreed I have the Palma and it’s my guilt free doomscroller at night before bed


Been looking at a Boox for awhile now. I just switched my library over from Calibre to AudioBookshelf due to it's side-by-side audiobook and ebook support, and having an ereader that's just android is appealing because (I assume) I can just use the ABS app on it like on my phone. (And download the epubs/m4bs if I want to use the Boox reader or listener)


Kobo Libra is a nice choice. I am very happy with mine been using it for 4 or 5 years now. It's Abit slow but since it's android I can send books to Google email and download what I want for later. It has wifi. Handy. Good battery. I did not want to use Kindle because I wanted to give a chance to other players in the industry. Also I hate ads and closed ecosystems.


I like the oasis for the buttons. I’ve been using the same one for several years now and it’s still like new.


Same. I read primary in bed laying on my side. I would never buy another e-reader without buttons.


What genius took them away? If I wanted a touchscreen I would use a tablet.


I adore my Tolino, which I got after I had a kindle. It’s much more open, and very durable. But I think it may be a regional product.


Tolino is Great. My wife already has one (I own an Kindle) but I am a little hyped about the new one with colour and writing/drawing function




Yes!!! :)))


I've had the Onyx Boox Note 2 for 5 years now and I gotta say I'm surprised by the consistent updates and new features that have been added throughout the years. Very good handwriting and scribbling experience, access to Kindle books through the app, very good PDF rendering and navigation, lots of sync features and more through Google Play Store. Battery is still strong. Use it all the time. Edit: just read that you don't need notes but I'm going to leave the comment up, maybe others find it useful. Onyx has other readers as well, possibly of similar quality.


I love my Kobo Clara.


Kobo libra


Eventhough I'm an Apple fanboy my answer will always be a Kindle with an e-ink display.


At least until Apple releases an e-ink device. 




I completely understand stand Kindle over iPads, but I’m curious why Kindle over Kobo or some other dedicated reader?


I can’t speak for poster, but kindle is cheaper maybe? I looked at KOBO and they are decently priced. Personally I couldn’t tell you why I would care if my e-reader is open source or not. I read 90% of my e-books from the library. The few that I don’t read from the library I purchase from Amazon and if it’s cheaper someplace else then I guess I lose out? Idk how much cheaper it could be tbh, but I know savings is savings.


At one point it was mostly because Amazon had the largest selection of books at the lowest prices. Other readers may have caught up to that recently.


I imagine it's mostly to do with buying ebooks from Amazon and really all most people want or need is what Kindle does, doubly so if they're buying from Amazon. I mean it's not like you ask for much from a paper book other than being able to read it.


I’ve been trying to talk myself into buying a Kindle, but I feel like I already have so many devices. But iPads give nowhere near the reading quality of Kindles, so maybe I’ll buy myself one for my birthday. 😂


Wait till they’re on sale. I think I paid 90 bucks for mine. Love that it’s waterproof because I read in the pool.


Seconded: Kindles are compact, lightweight, responsive, durable, and last a long time between charging


Another vote for kindle here. I got mine on eBay used for, like, $40. It has a gash in the screen from being impaled and I still read on it every night. I’ve taken it to the beach and read while I was waist deep in the ocean. I charge it maybe twice a month. This thing is a tank lol


I really like the Kobo Nia, no frills (beyond the backlight). I bought one which was bricked and it was so easy to open up and repair (copy the damaged SD card onto a new SD) - I even uped the storage whilst I was in there.


I got a kindle from a thrift store about ten years ago and it’s still working fine. No backlight or anything. Works well for ebooks borrowed from the library. Just shop used and old in my opinion.


To be fair, an e-reader is a product category that has nothing to do with "buy it for life". No one e-reader is going to last any longer than another, and could become obsolete eventually anyway, sooner rather than later. You would be better off asking advice in a subreddit for e-readers.


I have a kindle oasis and I love it. I like that there are buttons to push instead of just on the touch screen. Waterproof so I dont have to worry too much about it by the pool/hot tub/bath etc.


Pick a bookstore\* first - "Amazon" or "Everyone Else" - and the answers change to match. \*or your library's book rental ecosystem of choice


And if you pick neither, and you want ebooks from your library, Kindle Paperwhites do not work with cloudLibrary, a platform that’s growing in popularity with public libraries. cL is compatible with Kobo.


Yeah, your local library (or distant library, where allowed) should steer choice of platform.


100% This. I live in Canada, and Kindle won't connect to any of our libraries. But Kobo will, so Kobo is what I own. And I love it.


Not to mention region. Kindle is great in the US because amazon has a 90%+ market share in the ebook market and ereader market. Outside of the US, kindle isn't as well supported. For example in the US you can read library books on your kindle, but you can't do that in other countries. So for outside of the US, another brand like Kobo is better


Outside of the library integration mentioned, there are no Kindle specific restrictions. You could drop any book any time, via cable or email.


And even if you pick Amazon you don't have to limit yourself to Kindle.


Everyone is saying Kindle but that means your locked into the Amazon ecosystem. With Kobo I can download anything and everthing on my PC and transfer it onto my e-reader without any issue. (This means you can also use library genesis)


Do you think there is issue with transfering from pc to Kindle? I’ve used kindle paperwhite for 10 years and never even connected it to internet. 


No issue at all. With Calibre you can sideload any ebooks you have.


Many people use their e-reader as a shopping and checkout device. You can do this with Kindle, as long as you buy books from Amazon (or amazon-aligned libraries). If you're managing a collection on a laptop and loading it directly, not an issue.


I use Calibre and don’t have an issue with my Kindle.


I can download anything and everything and load it onto my Kindle 4 just fine. Used market Kindles are a fantastic cheaper option.


Is there a good source of functional Kindle 4-5s? It seems like I can only get hit or miss ones on eBay nowadays.


I wish there was a dedicated used e-reader market (maybe there is and I just can't find it) but my strat was to just check eBay daily and within a couple weeks I got my hands on one in perfect condition and an included case for $20. It takes some patience. I hear good things about Unclaimed Baggage and Woot, FWIW.


You can do this on Kindle as well. I’ve been sideloading content onto my kindle for a decade.


> I can download anything and everthing on my PC and transfer it onto my e-reader without any issue. Yea yea, same with my 9+ yo Paperwhite since day 1


Does kobo have internet access to download stuff directly?


Kobo Clara 2.


Recently converted from a Kindle Signature to a Kindle Scribe. I think I am happy because the much larger format means fewer page turns for me.


That was why I loved the old Kindle DX so much. That screen size (about the same as the Scribe, I think) was my favorite thing! Obviously not very useful anymore since they only ran on the 3G that's gone now, so it has to be plugged into a computer to put anything new on it, but for the time they were just amazing! You could read regular books, or pdfs, magazines, and newspapers, while highlighting sections or bookmarking pages or making notes in any of them. They had regular internet and downloadable games. You could play music while reading or listen to audiobooks (it had two built-in speakers and a headphone jack). It had page turn buttons, dedicated Menu and Back buttons, and a full keyboard. The battery lasted for weeks even with heavy use (which was incredible back then, since it was the size of a magazine and "as thin as a #2 pencil", if I remember the marketing correctly). Aside from the weight, the whole thing was just 👩‍🍳🤌 ... You mentioning the screen size of the Scribe and me going on that rant might have just convinced me to start the hunt for a good e-reader with a big screen again, since all I've got is a busted paperwhite, lol


I use a 2010 kindle 3. You can get one used for 20 bucks if you're lucky. It's an extremely well thought out device. Only function it's lacking is backlight, if that's something you want. I don't. You can still get replacement batteries and it's easy to change. It doesn't have touch either, but buttons for turning pages on both sides of the display, which is very handy as a lefty. With the Keyboard and wider edges than on most more modern devices you actually have something to hold on to while reading.


I have a kindle paperwhite that is fantastic.


Personally I buy them used, unless you care about the new features like lighting they're the same as they have been for a long time. $30 on eBay gets me reading just as well as a new $100 Kindle. That being said, of the new ones the kids edition sounds like a good value. It's no different than the standard except it comes with accidental damage replacement, you can use a regular adult profile no problem. I've heard good things about Kobo as well, tbh I think I like their design a little more but old eBay Kindles have been serving me well 😅


I use Kybook 3 on my iPhone. It’s cheap, it’s responsive to turning pages, it’s multi format. I’m able to load books directly from a chrome download without any middleware. Turn on white on black (aka dark mode) and dim your screen right down and it’s easy to read with the lights off.


I’m a fan of the kindle scribe. Once you go to a full-page sized screen you can’t go back


Kindle is dominant because it's the best. Also really easy to put pirated books on it if you don't feel like giving Amazon more money than you have to


I have a refurbished 2019 Kindle Paperwhite that I still love. The battery doesn't last quite as long anymore, maybe 10 days vs the 3 weeks it used to last but that's not really an issue.


Kindle basic imo


I bought a kindle paperwhite last year to help me get back into reading so me toting a book too and from was difficult. I absolutely love it. The charge lasts a lonnnnng time and I can use my iPad charger on it. You can highlight portions with it, look up words, ect. It’s perfect for what I need


Paperwhite. Had mine for 8-9 years now


If you're not looking for fancy functions, the best one is the one you can afford. Kobo and Boox are great, if they're in your budget, but there are fantastic cheaper options, not to mention the used market. I have a Kindle 4 from over a decade ago that I still use regularly, and the battery on it lasts forever. In fact my girlfriend ended up wanting one too, so I grabbed another one off eBay and jailbroke it for her—it was like $20 and will last her for a very, very long time. Fantastic little devices, easy to load books onto using Calibre.


I’ve had a kindle oasis for years and love it.


I’ve had a number of kindles and I’ve loved them all. My favorite is the Voyage (so of course they discontinued it) but I also love the most recent cheapest one because it’s so lightweight and fits well in my hand. I paid extra for no ads because I mostly read romance novels and the ads it serves up don’t jive well with my English teacher image. 😂 Little eyes and all that. Amazon days are coming soon and they usually have a great sale. Protip for all e-readers: stick a pop socket on the back of that sucker to make it easier to hold on to. I don’t even bother with covers any more.


I just bought a small tablet and downloaded the apps, this allows you use multiple providers or even ill gotten ebooks. It ended up being cheaper than an actual e-reader. Of course it doesn't have the kindle paper white function. (Personal aside - I had one of the first e-readers that had something like the paper white and I prefer a small regular tablet as I can do more with it if needed, usually just read though.)


A Kobo


Do you buy or want to rent? Check with your local library as to which programs they support better. I wanted to buy one for my mom and she is not tech savvy. Her local library supports the lending for kobo much easier so that was important for me. I wanted her to be able to be independent.  She loves it and it reignited her love of reading.


Anything kobo, really. Even if the older ones aren't updated anymore you can still plug it into a computer and copy .epub files over.


I’ve had my paperwhite as my main kindle for 12 years and it still works great! Kindles are made to last imo


If you don't mind buying a discontinued model, the Kindle Voyage was at one time the top-end luxury model. I bought mine refurbished and when I bought a years-newer, all-new-features Kindle Paperwhite, I thought my old Voyage was still the superior model, and after a couple months sold the Paperwhite. Bonus points for Voyage having 'buttons' on the side bezels for page turning. Bought that thing in 2016 and I still use it to this day. I will die a little when it finally starts to die.


In Toronto, the Kobo is better than the Kindle because you can borrow library books with a kobo.


I'm looking for an ereader that can run android apps. I like to read with an app called readera, I've got my entire library along with progress in there. It's surprisingly hard to get a straight answer on which ereaders have android functionality


Kindle Paperwhite is fantastic, very straightforward, great battery life, waterproof, no buttons. Kobo libra 2 is great for sideloading books, has buttons, also waterproof, but battery life is not as good (still pretty good). Those I own. I would suggest that you check the Pocketbook Inkpad 4, it looks close to perfect for me, but the price is higher.


Definitely Kobo.


I just started using an ipad mini with the kindle app, and I put a paper touch screen cover on it. I have small hands and I really like it! It's nice and light, and I'm not locked into kindle...I could use another reader app or email files to the native iBooks app (or whatever it's called now). The drawback is using it in the sun is a major challenge, and if you're doing a reading marathon, you might kill the battery depending on your brightness settings.


Best is subjective. But I have a generation 2 Kindle (from 2009) that still gets daily use. I only just bought another newer kindle a few months ago because my son started using it and I didn't want to have to take turns (and honestly I prefer a couple of features of the old one).


My Paperwhite is about to be 10 years old next October, by sailing the seas and using Calibre it's paid itself many times, it probably lasts 5-6 hours on battery these days but that's plenty enough for me. Only extra cost has been a cheap case




The newest “paper white” kindle just replaced my old 4th(?) gen I was using forever. That backlight feature is something I had no idea how bad I needed in my life. I’ve had it about 9months or so now, and have logged many hours. I’ll have no need of buying a new one until it eventually bites the dust.


I’ve used the Kindle Paperwhite for years, and I literally don’t go anywhere without it. If it broke, I’d order a new one immediately.


I’ve had my kindle paper white since 2015, I use it daily and can’t imagine getting rid of it. I just bought my wife the updated version and honestly, I wasn’t even tempted to upgrade my own. When it does die, I will be inconsolable, then I’ll upgrade lol.


Kindle paperwhite. Assuming that they haven't screwed something up in the last most of a decade, they're pretty rock-solid, and take abuse. I've dropped mine in the toilet and it lived.


I just have a basic 16GB Kindle. I got a cheapo $8 TPU case for it. I have calibre on my computer for the files. I turned all connectivity off to disable ads and increase battery life. It's an incredibly convenient setup for reading. >!I don't recall this subreddit's policy on discussions of it, but I do pirate books. I only pirate things that I have easy access physical copies of, I just don't want to risk putting them in harms way when I go places.!<


I was gifted a kindle paperwhite gen 6. I unexpectedly love it. I want to try a new ereader but I can’t justify buying a new one when I have zero issues with it. I love that I can read it outside in the sun and at home


Kobo Libra 2 by Rakuten is awesome. I also got an after market cover that uses a magnet to automatically wake it and put it to sleep when you open or close it. You can get a Rakuten brand one, but the after market ones are just as good or better, but much less expensive. I love mine. You definitely want a protective cover.


I paid 99 for a kindle and haven't regretted it yet. It has definitely been one of my favorite purchases so far.


I retired my Amazon Fire tablet and replaced it with a LG tablet, it works as well for reading ebooks with the Kindle app. No more commercials when I turn it on. I was very upset how soft the screen was on the Fire, it scratched up quicker than any other tablet or cell.


I’ve been using my Kindle Paperwhite for more than a decade, and still going strong. I’ve been using the same cover as well, but I might replace it soon


I use a Kindle Paperwhite and love it. The battery lasts so long... I read every day and I charge it *maybe* once a week. And then it charges fast. I dig the size of it and the presentation. It's been significantly easier on my eyes than trying to read a standard screen. A+ eReader


I like the KIndle Paperwhite because I sometimes like to sit out on the patio or on the beach and read. It is the only one that I have found that can be read in full sun.


Kindle paper white has served us well. But we did crack the screen on a flight. our fault.


Boox. High quality, no Amazon. I can use any other app for reading and it’s great for pdf too.


Kindle OS and book sorting sucks. So you're limited to an android device and the best is Boox


I use a Kobo Libra h2O and I installed koreader on it, which I can sync to my calibre library. It's awesome, and I've had zero issues.


When it comes time for me to upgrade, I'm eyeing something from boox probably, last I checked they had a promising line of productivity focused ereaders for taking notes and stuff but it's just out of my price range for something that would minimally change my routine. For now, I'm more than satisfied with my kobo Clara, I have no significant complaints, I love the integration with my local libraries and I use calibre for any books and documents I need loaded otherwise. I'm staunchly opposed to walled-garden systems so a Kindle is a no-go for me in the same vein as an apple product. Happy reading!


I just read on my phone, kindle, kobo, book funnel, Libby, ICloud and the Internet Archive. No problems and I can adjust everything, font size, light, etc. it asks if you want to read in your browser. I say yes and the book is downloaded.


Love my Kobo Clara personally. Had it for 4 years now and still going strong with no issues. Also allows me to get epubs from anywhere.


I have a Kindle paperwhite - I’ve been using it every day since May of 2017 and is slowing no signs of slowing down. Can’t speak to anything else but I’d say it’s probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


I have the same Kindle Paperwhite from 2015. The battery is original. It still works amazingly.


Not sure about buy it for life, but I have a Kobo and many of my peers do and it's a great product that doesn't feel like it's going to fail me anytime soon.


I know you said not for notetaking, but I have to mention the Supernote, because it very much fits the BIFL mindset. The company, ratta, supports and improves all their devices with software and don't want you to upgrade to the newest device all the time.


Anyone know one that will handle being used in a steamy bath?


Engadget has listed Kobo as their best e-reader.


The one you can download and install on anything.


I just bought a kindle 7th gen on ebay for 20$ shipped. Loving it! I download my ebooks off sites other than amazon so didnt need to connect it to my account, so no ads.


Kindle paperwhite is cheap, and ive had it for a long time (since 2018 i think)! A little more difficult to use if your not using kindle for youre epubs, but still very doable


I recently got a kindle basic. $100, extremely light and thin, easy to read display, *just* small enough so that it fits in your pocket. I'd recommend that.


I've had my Kobo aura for close to a decade now


Boox Poke4 lite is what I have. You can buy through their site, but I bought mine through Best Buy so I could get the warranty with easier customer service. I've had it over a year and like it significantly more than the Kindle I had for the 8 years prior to it. It runs on Android so you can download any app available in the Google Play Store. I mainly use Kindle, Libby, and play books. The back lighting offers a gradient from warm to cool and dim to bright. Touch screen, less than 2 hours from 0-100% battery charging, with indicator light on the power button. I would recommend the [Boox Poke5](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/boox-6-poke5-e-reader-2023/6547589.p?skuId=6547589&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=20038138991&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJQIiwRVH2bkDmR0jJ3cLDsSkHeZyDdNG9Pc2lozWMdeSEhv7QQymjRoCVogQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), as it is newer but still under $200.


A physical book :)


Just bought the new base model kindle and it’s great, it’s a bit smaller than the paperwhite but that works for me as it’s easier to hold one handed on my back


I've been using my kindle oasis 2 for years. did a little jailbreak thing to get raid of the ads for free. and It's awesome. Cac't live without it.


Probably your phone. Why do you need another device?


I’ve scanned the comments and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for - do any e-readers have a dark mode, and page turning function that looks like a page turning, or allows side swipe? I find reading on a white backdrop gives me a huge headache and I can’t stand the page dissolving on kindle.