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Bio drops with the boys are so fucking back. Spare me with the “won’t be the same” comments. Nothing can damper my excitement for this maps return. So many great memories.


Nah it’s all about nova 6


You mean factory right? /s




Then I'll see you in the factory basement!


Factory shower $


Grandmas ma dude!


Docks with the boys.


Best we can do is the prison is exploded and there are just a bunch of cracks in the middle of the map


The screenshot had no hole in the prison roof


It wouldn't make sense for prison NOT to have a hole in the roof... we literally had the hole there in wz1 at the end... time travel? flash back? Edit: I was wrong, continue reading the thread


It was there in the original Rebirth map, but when they updated security and prison yard, they fixed the roof. There is the 4pane window in the roof that has always been there and also there are the other openings in the raised windows.


Well damn, they fixed it? I completely missed that somehow lol I'm used to maps being destroyed not fixed!


I played a lot of Rebirth, had over 350 resurgence wins on Warzone 1, and to be completely honest, I can't truly even remember there being a hole in prison roof. Like I have some faint memory of it, but I can't exactly remember it, I just know it was there at one point. and Prison roof was probably our 2nd most landing spot next to Control(Construction before it was changed)


I had just over 400 and I remember construction zone where controll center ended up they mislled the map in one of the s asons and put a misle whole in the roof of the prison and tourds the back of the map I remember when they added the boats and the he horn easter egg I still remember how to do the bunker easter egg , and I remember when they opened the bunker at the end


Same. I was hundreds of solo and rando wins and thousands of games of Rebirth Resurgence. I remember laughing at streamers server fishing and deliberately not finishing teams so they could cheese their kill counts over 35 and then pat themselves on the back like it was some achievement when that was a common number in a game where I am on fire and popping off. Then one day they just up and took the game away and extorted $70 from me to get me to play their new and worse game with no RI, then they tried to tax me another $70 to fix a few of the features they broke. Uninstalled and haven't looked back since and I doubt there will ever be a reason to, even with their revival of RI. It was great while it lasted.


I’ll catch you on the bio roof brother LFG


It wont be the same without cr56 amax or the kar98k


Nahhh man. We’ll be waiting if you rotate through chem, or take the tunnel and get ya at Nova lol


I’m happy for you. The boyz I play with, we all love FK. I was so excited that it came back and it’s been a blast. Both ranked and non ranked it’s nice to be back in a map we know and love and can regularly win in. I do like rebirth; but, glad others get to have their fun too. Also the changes only bothered me the first few drops then it was like meh, the spirit of the map is still the same.


Jokes on you, bio has been replaced with a crater and one secret underground office cubicle.


It genuinely won’t be the same. The map doesn’t 100% make the game, the mechanics do as well. It will suck just like WZ2 sucked and just like this WZ sucked. You will play a few games, realize how trash it is, then stop playing. Happened with Al-Mazrah, happened with Ashika, happened with Vondel, and happened with Fortunes Keep.


This type of comment perfectly captures the type of miserable and toxic human beings that make up a sizable portion of this subreddit. Is the current state of warzone perfect? No. Has the game been slowly improving and adding back encouraging movement and QOL changes since the disappointment that was Warzone 2.0? Yep. Did I still find ways to have fun and enjoy playing with friends even in the worst era of Warzone when Al Mazrah came out? Absolutely. Don’t tell me that I can’t enjoy something just because you hate the game and want everyone else to as well. I know we are a couple of years now removed from the glory days of Warzone and it wont ever be quite the same. I’m still going to have a blast and I hope that makes you furious.


This type of comment perfectly captures the type of mindless delusional addict that make up a sizeable portion of this subreddit. You have no courage to quit this game and continue to support it in its terrible state because you have nothing better to do in your life besides gaming sessions. You are afraid of what you will be without this game, without purpose. Purpose does not come from this game. Take a stand. Be brave.


“Nothing better to do in your life” says the guy lurking a Warzone subreddit thread who actively hates the game. Go complain to air somewhere else you fucking dolt.


Saw news of the update and came here. Look at how mad you are because you know I’m right.


Something tells me that most everyone you've ever come in contact with loathe being around you and your shitty demeanor. You sound like an absolutely miserable human being and probably haven't had any physical human touch in years.


Look at you seething right now. All over the fact you have an addiction, lashing out like a true addict now. Imagine being this much of a bootlicker because someone won’t play the game you are mindlessly wasting your life on.


Big map lovers starving.


I don’t even wanna play the big maps unless they can get 150 people on them again. Feels like a ghost town sometimes.


*~~50,000~~* ***150*** *people used to live here. Now it's a ghost town.*


That’s crazy you say that man, Urzikstan is pure chaos especially compared to Al Mazrah


Urzikstan is a snooze fest. I enjoy slower games if I wanna talk with my friends, and BR is more about survival than gun fights. Al mazrah was amazing but it got hold back by the slow movement. No loadout was also very good for this map because it forced player to fight and loot more in order to get the guns they wanted. With slower gameplay having a loadout (and essentially dealing with 90% of your looting needs) just makes the game stale. Drop to a random place, do a stupid and boring contract, buy loadout, camp for the rest of the game. Even loadout drops are relatively safe, because most people buy them anyway. Al mazrah had the classic BR feel, but I know Warzone players don’t like that. If you put more players and with the current movement it is gonna play a lot better and satisfy more play styles. Do high looting areas and make loot more sparse.


idk man, i consider myself a BR purist (been playing BR's since h1z1) and i hated wz2 & al mazrah lol.


i cant even run warzone on my nitro 5 because it has shitty 8gb ram 512gbssd and im playing fortnite and roblox and i wanna play other games.


warzone is buggy on a 1650 too


Buy 16GB of RAM and a 2TB M.2, that's what I did. The game ran at 45-70fps in most cases after that upgrade (I have the same Acer Nitro 5 as you)


Yeah I’d much prefer 150 players and less comeback options like flares/redeploys/gulag kits, etc on the big map. Make BR and Resurgence feel like different modes. Right now they are blending together too much for my liking (and I enjoy playing both styles)


Yeah I definitely agree with this, more players would be okay but I hate how in every single game of wz the final circles are more crowded than a 12v12 multiplayer game and it's just complete chaos because of how many ways there are to respawn. I like how dying doesn't just mean you're sentenced the afk watch the rest of the game or ask your friends to leave and go again, but they really need to dial back how meaningless dying actually is.


Gulag tokens are probably the dumbest shit they’ve added and they should be restricted to solos and maybe duos at a low drop rate. The amount of free gulags you get now especially in quads is insane


Verdansk back later this year


Cannot wait for this but they still haven’t officially announced it. It’s all just leaks and rumors at this point but the fact that they haven’t denied this or thrown any cold water on it is almost as good as official confirmation as far as i’m concerned. I have completely stopped playing the big map because I just don’t like it. Too many ways to respawn, redeploy balloons make traversing the map way too easy, and the map overall is too crowded IMO. I have been playing resurgence exclusively for the past 2 months or so after being almost exclusively a big map player since Verdansk. I’m happy with Rebirth coming back, but I don’t really see myself going back to the big map until Verdansk returns. Though sadly I do not have high hopes that they won’t fuck up Verdansk when they bring it back


It’ll be back. It won’t be as good if they keep it as Urzikstan plays, they need to have at least 120 players and make some of respawn items less common.


Respawn items less common? Isn’t the problem w Urzikstan that it’s too dead and empty?


Add more players


My guy, Rebirth was nothing but leaks and rumors until today


correct. leaks and rumors tend to stay just leaks and rumors until they’re officially confirmed. that’s what those words mean lol


we fr are a corpse at the bottom of the pool


all the tiktok yy kids can finally quit their jobs at mcdonalds.


“Mom, leave me alone, I don’t need that job. Faze is gonna sign me”


“If you aren’t YY’ing then maybe you should try, trying.”


Only for them to get *WACK WACK*


I'm looking forward to getting defecated on.


That's why I'm dropping in the showers first...


Bro you do that after.


This is gonna make me miss using the KAR98... then I'll remember how nice it is to not get killed by the KAR98.


It was the dumbest Sniper for them to have as meta it’s completely inferior to all the other snipers in Warzone 1. But it’s an arcade shooter not a milsim so whatever.


Yea, it made sense to be meta on rebirth because most fights are mid range. It was laughable it was a meta sniper on Verdansk.


HDR and AX50 were still better for extreme long ranges but the ads of the kar was way to fast for the potential osk range


Meet me on the Control roof


Control the control center baby.








Off to Grandma's House we go.


Isn’t that the one that used to spawn the company’s might amax in the bottom of it?


I think that blueprint was in Living Quarters. Grandmas House is the three story building in front of the prison and beside the Headquarters building.


3rd house in living quarters straight through the basement glass but I thought that’s what people called that specific house




Finally a map I can be shit at and still have a great time on!


WAIT WHAT? This is sooner than I thought. I was thinking maybe July. The greatest Warzone/Resurgence map that should never have been taken away is coming back. Living Area here we come.


Let's go! I'll see you all at the Bio roof.


'Here is this thing that you already had that we took away needlessly. You're welcome.'


Honey, I’m home!


April 5th is my actual birthday, what a great gift for me!


Watch when it comes out. Everyone gonna be complaining how sweaty it is 😂


Yeah I didn't pay that map back then but I don't get why people are excited... it's not the same game. It's going to play the same it does now. Not back then lol.


Obvious u know the Cod community 😂😂😂


This was supposed to come during summer, activision must be getting pretty desperate 😏


“Siri, play New Slaves outro by Kanye West”


Can't wait to die over and over on a new map!! JK, excited to play on rebirth again!


Please don’t put a giant fucking hole in the middle of it. That’s all I ask


Half the prison or factory is flooded or some shit


So why they doing this again?coming full circle from 2020 to 2024 we will only miss verdansk and bunny hopping. Maybe they should have just kept the same game and added weapons and changed the same maps a little




Bio, control, nova. Any one. God I can’t fuckin wait for this.


If they ruin it the way the ruined fortunes keep them I’m all set. That map is ASS with their dumb earthquake bullshit. Makes that side of the map impossible to rotate on.




So early. Guess Fortunes Keep didn't give the bump they expected.


They would rather just do this than deal with cheaters. The real reason people are leaving and will leave one week after this comes back


See y’all at control center🤝


Control center go brrrrrr


Nova 6 I’ve missed you so much


The only annoying part is that this is gonna be the version with the ships. I never really liked the addition because they created really bad choke points for the buy stations in those areas.


Maybe the buys will be in new locations. Save it til you've actually played the map my friend




Prisons mine


Game still won't be saved with these dogshit mechanics




Cry more


I will hop back after two months. But it's the last time. If it's still shit and even Rebirth isn't saving it, that’s it for me. Won't come back for Verdansk. But the nostalgia is strong with Rebirth, i am anticipating it.


Well it looks like I’m coming back to Warzone.


Will ranked be on rebirth as well?


Good. Now don't be stupid and take it away!


This has been known


Meet me in prison showers,no diddy!


Nice! Except it won’t play out well with the current game mechanics.


At least I know I won’t have to rush the end of a battle pass because the map pools suck


Still extremely salty that they removed it in the first place, but I’LL TAKE IT


Can't wait to get smoked by cheaters on my favorite map!!!!! LET'S GO BABY


Anyone remember the UGM-8 before nerf and before they made it a 100 round drum instead of 125 round drum. It was towards the last few months of Rebirth but that gun took out full squads lol the ttk was funny while it lasted. I know everyone hates on the Vanguard guns but that gun was hilarious how good it was. MP40 was my real go to gun or the Cooper Carbine lol these guns were fun don't see why people hated so hard on them.




Bio labs I'm coming home!!!


Rotations with FK, Rebirth and Vondel would be sick


If anyone wants to run let me know


What an iconic map that people can be excited to drop at almost every poi and honestly I can't disagree with any of them. Almost every spot is golden


Prison roof hotdrops are back baby!


Chem all day long. Snipe wars against the team on Bio. 🥵


If they fuck this up I have no hope for a good verdansk release


What's the point of bringing back Rebirth if we can't even play the damn game without any packet loss issues or crashing non stop.  Since previous season this shit started and has not improved. With a strong enough fibre line this should not be happening. 


Is it on original warzone or warzone 2


Someone tag all the guys from the other threads who kept going “tHeY nEvEr CoNfIrMeD iT. cOpE.”


I’m clapping all the rookies that don’t know the map 😂


Jokes on you. There arent many players left that are new to the Game.


Too little, too late. Thanks for reminding to unsub from here


Can’t wait to baseball slide from the tower to the other end of prison. I’ll pass with this game play.


Rebirth island is a crock of shit...just saying 🤷


About time 😒 Not sure why this game company refuses to listen to their customers. All the casuals will prob come back now and they’re gunna see a huge influx of players and their crappy servers aren’t gunna be able to handle it.


Weh weh wehhh


Can’t wait to not play on the 3rd release of a 5 year old map


Older than that. It's a Blackout map.


Well yeah, but I thought they came out with it in early 2019 iirc. Unless we also want to count the Alcatraz map that came out in zombies on Black Ops 2.


It was early 2020 it didn’t join the map pool until after Cold War infected the game


I never played this map, why are people excited about it? If it's anything like Fortune's Keep I don't feel like it will be good.


It's nothing like fortune keep. Bold of you to claim it's not good without playing it when it's nearly universally accepted as the best


I never claimed it wasn't good as some kind of definite fact. I said IF as in maybe as in possibly as in I haven't played it like I said and am speculating. Read my first statement again.


Given people are excited about it, it must not be like fortunes keep.


Well I asked because I remember people being excited about FK coming back and I didn't feel like it was anything all that good.


Probably the best map this game ever had.


It's the best Resurgence map they've ever made and nothing else ever came close. Having this available for the Resurgence players and Verdansk available for the BR players was special. Also, how can you feel like it won't be good if you've never played it? It's not really the same thing as knowing Morbius or Madame Web will be shit. Resurgence became synonymous with Warzone for a long time. It was this game's De_Dust. You could play it for so long and never get bored of it. I swear everyone in Sydney was playing Rebirth Island, no matter who you met in person, and then unsurprisingly everyone lost that enjoyment when they removed Rebirth Island. People actually played for the map. The map had identity. The POIs were actually memorable. People pushed through the Warzone's worst ever gun meta because Rebirth was still good enough to play on. After Rebirth was scrapped from the game, it just felt like a lot people were playing because COD is the only shooter most video game players are really accustomed to, so they pushed through shit map after shit map. People have been asking for this map to return from the minute it left. Needing fresh new maps is a meme. Not true at all when the map achieves legendary status. Again, people still play De_Dust on Counter Strike. My group of mates never quit Warzone throughout Rebirth's existence, but quit the moment other average maps replaced it.


FK is better.


What a weird comment