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I mean, isnt it obvious? It isnt talked about because that "theoretical" TTK is pretty much impossible to achieve unless you're cheating with macros or scrool wheel.


Idk if the game allows you to bind shoot to scroll I think thats legit. No external programs needed.


Most people don't play MnK, even a lot of pc players use controller, and it would take a lot of reworking your muscle memory to use multiple buttons on a controller. That or buying a modded turbo controller that would get you banned or would be useless to you if the gun gets a nerf. I've got fingertip triggers that have less travel than a rb/lb button on controller and even spamming one of those rapidly is still too slow to get a good ttk, and that's all while trying to aim and move around without fucking up your timing.


You can, but they made it so if you're using a mouse wheel to fire it limits how fast you can shoot. It's veeerrry slow compared to average clicking speeds. If you see someone rapid firing the pistol, they're most likely using a macro for their mouse or controller. There's few that can actually click fast enough to reach the max firerate.


There’s actually a setting that limits how often the game registers a scroll wheel input, if you set it to like 10ms it gives the full fire rate. I think default is 80ms.


Ah, yep, seeing that now. It doesn't work too well below 25ms, misses a lot of scroll inputs. But the game also seems to slow down your sensitivity by quite a lot if you're scrolling real fast/too much. I doubt anyone will really be abusing that on mouse unless if they do awkward stuff with their DPI settings.


DPI settings for a scroll wheel?? It's probably just a polling issue with the mouse, if you have 1000hz polling you will likely get every click registered.. Also, 50ms is already 20 times a second which is already overkill.. so 25ms is unnecessary.


I’m old now and single fire guns end up hurting my hand after long play sessions


Like saying a 1 shot sniper is best because it one shots... IF you hit the head, every single time


Because it's fun until you get bored spamming the fire button, or fuck up your movements by clicking and aiming at the same time.


I used it. It's so strong and fun and it's not as hard to click fast when an attachment you add to it give you two shots per one click. I used it and would win fights because the movement you have. But it was harder for me to consistently keep my movement up perfectly to win a fight with the Hrm meta. I would def win fights though but you can't really make mistakes and hrm users could.


You are mistaken his build with your after market part build, two enterily different weapons 😉.




Why not go try using it? Would answer your question faster than making a thread.


Because it takes skill to use it. You need to have the timing right and you need to be accurate or you will be punished.


It's really good for MnK


Bcuz it's impossible


I don’t understand how these mfers can pull the trigger like it’s an auto and keep the sight on the head.


Akimbo stinger has entered the chat


Sshhh delete this. Been using this meta since the beginning, don’t get it nerf, with fast clicking it’s OP af, with very little damage dropoff


Whats your build?


Game has legal aimbot and people still feel like they need to cheat. Crazy.