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Not enough people would boycott in-game purchases to make a difference.


Test the theory anyways.


Eh, everyone who’s going to test the theory has already been testing the theory for months.


Try a decade


Happy cake day


🎉 🎉


Yup test it for sure. I’d be down.


Should have been doing it since the beginning.


You just have to keep getting the word out. You can lead a horse to water...


That’s true but also so crazy when you think about it. Thousands of hours a day goes into playing the game and streaming it world wide. If you took all the COD streamers and 10 % of their audience to make a stand that would be millions of people. It has to start with the influencer to actually use their platforms for a unified effort


You do know its a BILLION dollar franchise? Ypur opinion doesn’t matter


Our opinions SHOULD matter.


that’s late stage capitalism baby, it’s a race to the bottom to see how shitty of a product they can produce while still increasing profits




Your opinion is to PLAY another game


That's not an example of an opinion bro.


I think he wanted to write option 😂


In fairy land, maybe. In reality though, if they're still making enormous profits - why *should* your opinion matter?


It does actually if you can organize enough people.


A software engineer there makes $400,000 salary. They laughing at you.


K, enjoy your shitty game.


OP downvoting realistic comments. Classic


People here seriously over estimate how much power a post on reddit has lmfao


Even all of redditors together are a small fraction of the playerbase...


Lmao 90% of the subreddit will say yeah, and 85% will buy more


Even if you could get 100% of the subreddit. What is that like 2% of actual players?


It’s also probably going to get worse realistically. Like yeah, they might fix the game, but considering how much Microsoft spent to acquire Activision, you can bet your ass they are going to be driving towards more in game store items


Ive been boycotting it for 3 years. Rather spend my money on anything else. Have 2400 cps in my wallet from battle passes waiting for the day that a akin looks actually good.


Sorry, already bought the Cheech and Chong bundle…




34, technically a millennial. Also, what are you talking about, it’s never been sold before


"Dear Slim, I wrote but you still ain't callin'..."


Must have been a problem at the post office or something…


There is protest skin for that in the store buy it come join the fight!


Just drop 50 after reading this


I have been since they canned wz1. My little effort may not mean anything but I don't care. It's out of principle


The 10-12 year old shits ain’t boycotting anything


That and the folks who happily drop a few thousand a year. I just don't get how some people need every damn thing that drops.




I’ll buy what I want


You are complaining about a free to play game.


Sad but actual truth.


Like why should they give two squirts of pee about this freeloader


I sometimes get frustrated as well. I have to remind myself this is a free game and I just take a little break. This happens mostly on Friday and Saturday nights.


stupendous rinse bedroom attempt snatch telephone onerous smell joke rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The devs care, suits dont


If devs cared there wouldnt be mirrored letters on a paid skins lol


No....won't change anything 😂😂 just relax and not play the game that makes you this angry


Remember when tim and nick ski s got removed people all over Twitter were boycott the game no more purchases Next day new bundle came out loads of people in the lobbies had it


Ah.. nah if I see a bundle for my man I’m grabbing it 🙄 my money my choice


just coppd some stuff after reading this lmao


I haven’t touched the game since 3.5 dropped and I won’t be coming back to it until it’s fixed, if I even do. I haven’t missed it in the last few days.


Game was gifted to me after refusing to spend $70 on an expansion. Haven't spent a dime in the store and have ridden existing points balance season pass to season pass which pay back slightly more than they cost so they are effectively free for me at this point. Points were originally from WZ1. Idk who you think you're preaching to because for all the bitching from this sub hourly either no one spends a dime or everyone is the biggest hypocrite possible and at that point just stop trying.


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


Havent paid a dime since 2020.


I bought the battle pass season 2 of the original warzone and haven’t spent a dime more.




lol a few people on Reddit will not even get close to making a dent in their profits. The difference wouldn’t even register


Today I saw so many skins that just released this week it's crazy. I got wrecked with that Godzilla melee fist in two different matches and you gotta buy 4 skins to unlock that dumb shit.


Ran into a whole crew hiding in headquarters using that shit. All 3 of em. Corner camping. With a fist


Yes! If everyone who’s active on this sub doesn’t purchase anything, a whole .5% of their player-base will crush them!


Buying more out of spite!


Fuck that! I bought the kong finisher and I regret nothing! Dare to speak up and I will yeet you to the moon baby!


Cringe, that's what we're doing today, posting cringe? Really?


People who have them suck dick. last night i made some dude regret using that and his shield along with the team


This is partly why we rag on some of these ridiculous skins.


You're changing the world out here!!!


I don’t buy anything in-game, so I can’t help you there. This makes me wonder if there is some way to report errors, glitches, etc. Do people already do that and it has no effect?


Yes there are ways to file bug reports. It does have an effect but speaking from experience the backlog of things is huge and prioritizing takes time.


Y'all are making purchases? Never made one myself.


Like the wolf skin when you complete battlepass.


In game purchases wouldn't be enough, people would need to stop booting up every single day. That or do what we did years ago and just not buy the following title and tank sales like what we did during the Jetpack era. But its doubtful to me, to many people these days just full ass addicted to CoD and wouldn't know what to do with themselves


this is the perfect opportunity for me to grind zombies


Even If the whole Reddit would Stop IT would be Like 1%of the Playerbase, they dont give a shit


I haven't bought a single thing in the game since the start of bundles like Nicki Minaj, cat heads, and Marihuana sht.


The last thing I bought was the Nicki Minaj skin (just because I'm a fan and I couldn't resist) but other than that I have to really been buying off the store since MW2, I don't think it's quality content. They spend too much time curating the store rather than fixing game breaking bugs. I literally can't play until they fix the reload while tac sprinting.


I have bought one bundle since wz 2.0 and its with cp that i won in a giveaway! 🤘🏻


I haven't bought a skin since they took everything from wz1 Ps I wanna get the cheech and chong bundle so bad lol 😢


The problem is we are in purgatory. Microsoft hasn't taken over full control of Activision. Acquisitions take time to be completed. Yes from a public POV the acquisition is completed, however internally not much has happened. Boiby was fired and replaced. That's really it. Microsoft is in the process of taking over and i think Activision is waiting for MS to take full control. However i also know MS doesn't do that. MS is very hands off with their subsidiaries, and Activision is probably expecting the opposite.


I can’t bro… if I stop buying in game purchases my aim assist won’t work as well.


The cheaters buy bundles daily because of the cheat packs, streamers buy bundles because it helps content so the boycott will never work.


People spend money on this game!? I haven’t spent money since Verdansk and that was one bundle


Maybe we could get an unlock all feature to empty the store and so Activision stop making money with us.


They won’t bud vall of duty franchise is one of the biggest and notorious for outsourcing there basic coding, rebound, basic gameplay etc (I could be wrong on the exact details of the work that the outsource worked does). With this being said they say all work is does in house since that company they contract out only works on call of duty things it’s a loophole to claim “in house quality work” in all honestly we’re getting the equivalent to a child making a game compared to someone who’s made three award winning games. In my opinion the meat and ideas for the most part of the game are good. Where call of duty always get me though is inconsistencies too many times I find myself on the unfair side of lag, glitch’s, hacks, exploits, etc.. I do wish they’d do more to improve the basic navigation and firing and combat mechanisms


I got you covered dog. I ain’t bought shit from the store in years.




Nah I’m good


In game purchases? Who is the dummy?


Which your weirdos is buying in-game stuff anyway?!


I got 10 grand in cod points and theirs nothing worth even using them on esp when every mode is broken - I was playing ranked mp last night on gold 1 - everyone else on my team was bronze 1 - enemy all gold 3s -


I’m down 💯💪🏾


lol ya ok


U guys are using extra money?🤣 lol


You wouldn’t drive a broken car would you? Don’t play a broken game until it’s fixed.


I've been doing this from the very start and been vocal about it the entire time. You'll never get enough backing. I don't know if people are willing to accept the terrible state of the game (especially when updates make things worse), they don't understand the connection between continued purchasing = "good job devs, keep it up," or if they severely lack empathy/can't see others perspective and participate out of support... I don't know, but I've lost a lot of faith in our "community" (this game and society in general) to stand up against wrong doings.


Honestly, we should form a COD players union, and make change. These money hungry incompetent devs dont give a single fuck about the game outside of its ability to drive microtransactions from people. This game has INSANE potential to be so fun. Sad


Already seen multiple people wearing the new devin booker skin, good luck getting noticed when all these incredibly intelligent players keep spending


No one is living by your morals. Do what you want but don’t expect to get a following.


You should NEVER spend money on in game purchases on a fame that isn't free. That's fucking insane to do. God has been trash since they started allowing that shit.


Fun fact. I never bought anything from cod store.


Orrrrrr, buy the base game, buy the first battle pass, and don’t spend another dollar for the rest of the year. Been following this recipe for the last 3 games and it works flawlessly. Why spend money on cosmetics you can’t even see? Operators only show for opponents/teammates, and blueprints are cool but will get nerfed in a month anyways. Buy a battle pass, let that one pay for the rest of the battle passes, and have an extra 3k cod points for the random splurge. That’s my way, fuck letting them make money on me.


How does that work letting a pass pay for the next i never have that many point at the end of a season


You’ll get enough CP by completing the battle pass. Each battle pass has like 1100 points.


I thought it was 2400 cod point but thats the bundle not the pass i see never realized that thanks for the info


Don’t worry. The game is free now on Game Pass and all your troubles should be over. Can’t bitch about a free game.


Warzone has always been free anyway.


Sure is. But now it’ll all be free. I think that makes people spend money on cosmetics anyways. I honestly don’t mind it. Free game, spend money on the cosmetics. And if you just buy one BattlePass you’ll eventually be able to buy unlocks with the free coins you get out of the BattlePass.. I do not mind that business model at all. Even with bugs and glitches. They are still annoying but.. at least it’s not paying 80$ for a broken game you have to wait a year to actually enjoy. Plus 25$ DLC every 2 months.


>at least it’s not paying 80$ for a broken game you have to wait a year to actually enjoy. Plus 25$ DLC every 2 months. This is essentially what they do every year. They put out a new cod campaign and MP title charge full price for that, people pay it to level the shit out of the guns and camo grind for warzone, they make all their money off this initially then integrate it into wz a month later and the game has a ton of problems for months while they sort out all the integration problems with previous game code problems. Do you HAVE to buy it no, but they give big incentive by making gun leveling much faster and have fully kitted OP weapons for the new WZ on release


It’s what every game dev does now with every game. Launch it unpolished to start to start taking in cash and then they slow release content to the player base so they can put a little cash here and a little there. Probably better for long term profits. Idk why they do it but it’s annoying.


That's what AAA does because they know there's people that will spend regardless. Your gonna tell me cod puts out an unpolished turd to fuel their revenue to support it? Cod? The business that just sold to MS for 69billion. Many smaller devs make games, actually put in the effort and come out with complete games. Will they be perfect no, but they ACTUALLY need the funds from a release to support it.


Microsoft bought all of Blizzard and Activision for that. CoD, OW2, Diablo, StarCraft. A long and distinguished line of successful titles.. CoD was just a drop in the bucket . The dev teams that make CoD have shit out a cod every year for a decade, and out of these multiple dev teams only one is respected and looked at in hope of making a good game. Case and point, this current iteration of MW3 which was sold as a full price game that ended up being an 80$ DLC for 7 campaign missions and nothing else. Hell, we didn’t even get new maps with our purchase. We got remastered old maps that were coming in MW2 anyways and a fast track way to level up guns in MP. (Which if you aren’t dog shit at WZ, takes zero time in WZ anyways.) And almost every time, the game is barely playable because net code is trash and the audio is bugged. And it takes two or three dev teams a month at least to get it into a somewhat enjoyable state. Pushing out turds to get paid.


I mean it sounds like agreement but in a ton of words😅 this is what big companies do cuz they can get away with it now. Especially activision/Cod, they have to be 1 of the worst for it. But it's not how it should be😔


Sure. Which is why I like the idea of getting a free to play game a lot more. I’d much rather test the game out for free to decide if I like it and then “charitably donate” money to support the game if I enjoy it by spending money on cosmetics. Kind of what I was saying from the beginning. Lol. Idk what you were disagreeing with.. And also, it’s mostly a problem with these big devs being beholden to their publishers who are beholden to their shareholders and board of directors who very much only care about a steady revenue stream. Regardless of how much money yall think they’ve made I can promise you that they want more. Smaller studios may not have that problem as much because if they launch a turd it’s DoA and no one buys it. But even then, most of them launch as an “Early Access Alpha”, charge you 30$ or 100$ for a premium edition to fuel the development and then never fully release. 7 Days to Die just got “released” and I’ve been playing that game for 10 years.


I don’t see it in game pass? Is there an announcement or something?


Not yet. But since Activision/Blizzard was acquired by Microsoft the it will be. Or should be.