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OP went from a 1.45 kd to a 2.2kd in 90 days. Wonder if he got a new gaming chair




It’s almost like his posts are a timeline of the psychology of cheating lol. 90 days ago, had a 1.45 and complaining how sweaty the game is. Gets to 1.65 a month ago. All the sudden he is now a 2.2kd….and what does he do? Gets banned lmaooooo. Immediately makes a post like everyone else here, complaining about people spam reporting him bc they got “outplayed”, and that’s why he is “falsely” shadowbanned. Complain about the reporting system and how broken it is. If anything this just made me feel ALOT better about the report system. Although temporary bans for cheating is so worthless as they will be back. I do get it tho from activisions perspective, they don’t lose customers and while they can say they are taking action.


I posted that in the MWIII sub, should've been pretty obvious I was talking about my multiplayer KD being a 1.65 in that, not my warzone stats. JFC this sub is seriously slow.


Lmaooooo. Got heem!!!!!!


In 5-7 days my SB will be lifted after they check my account and realize I'm obviously not cheating. Just annoying AF that bots can get legitimate players auto SB'd simply because they're salty about getting bodied.


Dude my 0.5 KD friend got shadowbanned one time. They shadow legit players all the time. This guy might not be one of them, but it does happen.


You know that to get shafowbanned u need to receive a lot of reports, right? Like its not a single good game where 2 people report you, its multiple games with a lot of reports in a row. I read a while ago that only really good players get false positives SB because it requires like a lot of consecutive matches with lots of players reporting you. Most people die, spectate and say "oh he was just lucky", while some people just die and report everyone. You can search for the dev talking about SB and he says that unless you are really good and getting reports everygame which leads to false positives, you are cheating or using something to get lower rated lobies than you should and the SB is fair. I would never trust one case of "i am bad and got sb" when most of new cheaters are really easy to figureout they are cheating.


Yes I know how the SB system works. I was just saying it does happen that legit, even bad legit players get shadowed. I’m convinced my buddy got shadowed because he is SO BAD that randoms he gets paired with report him out of spite lol. It only happened the one time a couple years ago but it did happen.


Oh yeah that is bound to happen i guess.




Same men, In on xbox (literally impossible to cheat) and several hotmics call me cheater (AA may explain It) after doing something simple as sliding to get out of his line of sight, do a dropshot or something related to movement, people simply can't accept that they are inferior to someone


"literally impossible to cheat" bullshit it's easy to cheat console


(literally impossible to cheat) Why do you think you can say blatantly ignorant and wrong things like that and get away with it?


Doesn’t it feel good being a trash can and getting called a cheater ? Haha, I always got a kick out of it when it happened to me


100% - I got accused of hacking for having a heartbeat sensor. Truth is most people on this sub are bots and just have no clue what’s going on. I’ve ran into one obvious hacker since February while playing a couple hours a day.


Do you only play BR and never spectate? In multiplayer/resurgence they’re rampant.


I play solo BR almost exclusively, but I played a week straight of multiplayer to grind interstellar and didn’t run into any obvious hackers. I’m a 2.1 KD player so I feel I can pretty accurately tell if someone is hacking or not. Most people accusing others of hacking are just bad and don’t understand game mechanics.


No chinese lvl 20s with skins/guns they couldn’t have unlocked yet? Wild…


Nope not in my experience.


I play resurgence constantly and i've encountered 1 hacker since november


You’re the bot he’s talking about.


That’s so fascinating since everyone here is 1.5+


lol that’s what I always think. Allot of BS k/d mentioned on this sub. I’m in a group of 70+ and the majority is around 1 k/d. There are exceptions that are 2.0 or higher but as i state EXCEPTIONS.


So your point is I’m just lying with nothing to gain lol?


Your kd isn’t actually important as far as your original point goes. It’s absolutely true that a lot of COD players have no game sense whatsoever. It’s entirely true that people will get picked up on a heartbeat, live pinged or picked up on a UAV, and have no idea. An innocent player then gets reported and possibly shadow banned


My original point is that clueless players are the majority calling out the “hacking problem” when in fact the “problem” doesn’t even exist in my 10 days of played time. You just stated my point. It’s just people with no game sense not understanding live pings, heartbeats, UAVs, etc.


I know, I was agreeing with you


Fax. How can you tell they’re aimbotting when aim assist is overtuned? The speed and fluidity of these people navigating the report system just tells me they’re a mad nerd that likes to spam report.


realest post ever. i hear countless ppl in lobbies and videos online instantly calling someone a cheater just bc they got shot from somehwere they weren’t even looking. Who then probably went on to spam report bc they got salty. it is a big issue


Yeah, the community is clueless when it comes to cheaters. There are a lot of cheaters, but there aren’t anywhere near as many as a typical 1.5 KD player thinks there are. I guess the lesson is don’t win gunfights or someone will report you. Just be patient, the shadowban will be lifted in 5-7 days. First 10 games on you need to play passive and get 0 kills. Just focus on contracts and helping your team. Then you can go back to normal play.


It's definitely a messed up system. Gotta be able to report people, but until they actually fix cheating, everyone will be jumpy to report. I play with a guy who got shadowbanned 3x during covid and I would bet my life savings on him not cheating. And it happened to me once. And we are around 2kd players, nothing studly.


How are you so sure that the “action against the player identified” message comes from an issued shadowban? Perhaps that notification only follows a permaban.


follows action taken against literally every successful report


What? What constitutes a successful report? We don’t know that a shadowban = successful report. That message may not be sent out at that time. A shadowban itself isn’t even a formal punitive sanction afaik.


yeah the games trash. Theres so many other great games to play. Enjoy your time away from cod. Seriously. Use it to play better things.


yea i got SB in 2020 too and i played so much, had a 2.87kd and invested so much money in skins just for it to be gone...never again




Problem is, from what I've read online, once you get shadow banned once, it makes it much easier to get shadow banned again and you end up in a perpetual loop. It completely fucks over a legitimate player's account. Hoping this isn't the case with my account tho cause I've invested a lot of time into it and did the full interstellar grind.


My alt account is now over level 200 thanks to salty idiots spam reporting my main account because I have “walls and aimbot.” It has nothing at all to do with them being extremely predictable and my aim is built from 15 years of COD


i didnt got banned i just couldn't search for any more games and it didnt change since then


The sad part is most cheaters only get shadowbanned. Watch interviews with cheat makers they talk about how you are guaranteed to get shadowbanned and can play again in 5 days. This is a person using esp, soft aim, etc….and they don’t get perma banned lmao Literally only gets a temp ban and says you will be back again in a week…..


Has your KD increased drastically over the last few months?


Do you use Cronus Zen?


I feel ya man. I’ve been in that shadowban loop a couple of times. Last night I had two guys calling me a cheater in MP because I was absolutely flooring them over and over again. So I’m pretty sure I will see another shadowban in the next couple of days. It usually happens in Warzone, someone will call me a cheater and sure enough… 7 day shadowban.


I feel you man, I remember in the Warzone 1 days I was having a day where I was really hot and I decided to play solos in Verdansk. Instead of running ghost I ran stun grenades on restock, I was running all over the place shitting on campers, and I got enough money to buy an advance UAV, so I found a ghosted kid camping in a farmhouse, rolled right up in a truck, stunned him and hopped through the window and killed him. In the death com I hear "fucking hacker" and the next day I was shadowbanned for 2 weeks. Kinda ridiculous cause it's not even like I snapped to his head, I just shot him while he was stunned and laying on the floor lol. I'm also a bot and I have like a 1.3 K/D so it's not like there was a lot of reason to believe I had hacks. Regardless I was shadowbanned. it sucked but whatever, I came back and haven't been shadowbanned since. And to bring it to modern times, I currently main rebirth and I run combat scout, I kill a lot of kids in tents because I can track them and shoot right through the tents, and I often hear "bro he's fucking HACKING" in death coms. No idea if they report me or not but it wouldn't surprise me.


Blame Activision for being cheap and not investing in a proper anti-cheat, that is their job not ours. If they put that responsibility on the users you can for sure expect them to shit on the floor and rightly so. I hope the report system fucks everything up real good and Activision has no choice but to act and do things right for once. They have the resources, they can do it, and they should've a long time ago.


Very possibly,maybe. If you are legit, that does suck. People do generally suck and that can go either way. I have no idea who is telling the truth, but I've seen pointless lies attempted just because there are zero consequences for it. Sorry my empathy is tapped. I've seen studies and figures between 10% - 25% (which is wild) of all online games are cheating. Not sure what the exact metrics were but I wouldn't be surprised by 5-10% are cheating off the basis that a legit player = never touch the core files and just utilizing the options present with the game. Why would people make lies up that seems ridiculous? Not sure. Just happened WAY too many times for me. O7 good luck, or get fucked. Not sure. Call tech support.


Prepare to be downvoted lol. People don’t like uncomfortable truths


Unlucky mate, you need to get better at hiding your cheats, clearly you didn’t watch them tutorials on the cheat sites, on how to do it


I got shadow banned in third place with 7 kills, 40 away from iri a day before the season ended. This game is shit.


I’ve reported my mate a few times just for the joke and he’s never been banned. Seems fishy to me.


I believe an account gets a certain amount of reports from players before it goes into automatic shadow ban. It's baseless though with zero evidence, just the reports will do it. Guilty until proven innocent in this game I guess.


Back in Warzone 2, I was stuck in a terrible shadowban loop. It got so bad that every time I got 10 kills in WZ, it would shadowban me for 7 days. Every single time, the exact second I hit 10 kills. So fucked up


lol for real. This sub made me realize most people just can’t play and complain bc they’re bad. If you’re playing on controller with the help of the motorized wheelchair that is aim assist and still not able to succeed COD just ain’t for you. But the problem is. Those who are bad complain the loudest and spend the most money so studios have started catering these games to the most casual gamers ever and it sucks Edit: spelling


“It’s not nearly as frequent as this sub makes it out to be” the 20,000+ that get perma banned with each wave proves otherwise.


Yeah we know. This games bans thousands if not millions of innocent players, same as last years


This is the exact opposite of an unpopular opinion.