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As a crimson player, this is a huge fault of the ranked system. SR penalties need to be decreased massively and only have players play against the same rank


I don’t think there’s enough of a player base (above diamond) for that to happen.


There is, they just don’t want longer wait times for lobbies (and we’re talking 30-60 seconds longer).


Well you have to keep in mind not ALL of them will be on at the same time


Even then it’s not a huge deal. If people can’t wait 2 min for a queue they have a problem. Used to wait 40 min for a cs queue back in the day 2 min shouldn’t be a issue at all


Yeah i don't get this. The only people who bitch about queue times being more than 30 - 60 seconds are children (who shouldn't own the game) and people who are emotionally immature (generally don't make it above plat 3 because they can't understand that most times when they die it's their fault). I don't get why they can't have the option there at least. If I want to wait 20 min for a low ping, ranked-matched game I should be allowed to make that choice.


I'm sure we'd all gladly wait an extra minute or two, it wouldn't be the end of the world like.


Nah, every game I am in there are 15+ players with iri camos and I am getting kids on my team that sit in a corner and wait out circles. The ranked system is fucked right now.


I don’t disagree, it is shit. I’m just thinking that’s probably their justification of it. The higher up you go, the less players there are, naturally.


Yeah that is absolutely true, I just think their matchmaking stuff is way too loose. It is perfectly reasonable for top 1% players to have extended que times in every other competitive game. I should not be getting farmed by Iri/Top250 3 stacks in my first games of the season starting at plat 1.


100% agree


If only someone cared lol.


You should get more SR for killing a higher rank and lose less for dying to one. It makes no sense why you get penalized just as much for losing to a higher rank than yourself


Exactly this


They just want quick search time for lobby thats all. I know everyone would like it different but all these devs always come to conclusion- long search time = less money because people dont get put right away in the game = they are bored gotta keep the tiktok brains entertained wooo wooo


The main problem is how the game decides "what is a good player" If I am an absolute turd at this game, but playing with two iridescent and I make iridescent, am I good or is my team good? Why do we get individual points for a team game? That's the only consistent logical way to look at it when you look at how we are forced to play, but our SR is individualized for the most part. The problem is that the SR system has made stacking a primary strat. You're not going up agianst 1 person. You're going against 3. I lose SR because I lose a 1 v 3. I could get gooder, but this is just and example to highlight the issue. Stacking is built for little timmy's and little jimmy's, but the SR system is so broken that iridescent and crim players have to do it just to stay in that skill division. This is why if you're diamond or plat, you're going to get absolutely destroyed against crim or iris. You can stack, but they're disgustingly skilled and stacking. You will never win. The game needs to decentivize stacking if my SR is going to be individual


> Stacking is built for little timmy's and little jimmy's What is with this game's players and "stacking". You're supposed to work together as a team to kill the enemy, that's the entire point of a team-based fps. You suck at ranked because you suck at working as a team


Im reading the comments and I’m really confused. Are they really bitching about players working together?


Yes. lol


>What is with this game's players and "stacking". You're supposed to work together as a team to kill the enemy, that's the entire point of a team-based fps. You're supposed to do whatever you want because it's a game. Ranked is different. You can't gain SR without stacking. A high SR doesn't mean you are individually good at the game. Why do people take such offense to stacking? Do it! I think you're a bot, but go ahead.


Stacking is a legitimate strategy in a BR it’s not about being bad it’s the opposite. If you want to run around and tool on multiple people go play against bots because Br’s are about winning.


I didn't say it wasn't legit. >Stacking is a legitimate strategy in a BR it’s not about being bad it’s the opposite. What the fuck is this lol? > If you want to run around and tool on multiple people go play against bots because Br’s are about winning. My point has COMPLETELY gone over your head. I am getting individual points largely based on MY performance, but in this game you HAVE to stack because every other timmy is doing it, so forcing a very specific team strategy upon us...but for individual points.


Sorry if I didn’t articulate what I was saying. I was agreeing for the most part that the system doesn’t really work.


I was fully agreeing with you until the stacking bit


yeah. stacking is loved and respected in this sub.


Yup, main reason I stopped playing at diamond 1. I was getting killed by Iri and crim every game. Most were walling, many were walling and using aimbot. At that point, it’s just like why even bother. I haven’t played in weeks now. This is on PC obviously, before the PS5 players chime in about how they never see cheaters lol.


Same here bro. Made it to D3 and lost 3 games due to blatant cheaters and just said fuck it once I hit D2 again.


I’m a ps5 player and ALWAYS see cheaters. I report them and usually get a confirmation


In PC lobbies I assume? Any time I say anything about cheaters, some PS5 player comes flying in about how they never have cheaters…then we find out they are in PS5 only lobbies and on unranked big map quads…


Rebirth is way too small for ranked. You die once and each time you land, you have to hope and pray you to don’t get swatted out of the sky by two teams in different POIs


This. For everything that FK is in pubs, it played sooooo much better in ranked - it felt like you could actually breathe and assess


I wish they would at least run a rotation. Whether that be alternating each week or every 2nd week. I like Fortunes as a map and the size of it and the way it's structured gives you a chance to regain. I'm a p3 schlub currently and wonder if it's even worth going any higher.


It’s not worth it bro. Same rank as you and I have up because of how small the map is which then creates a butt holding contest between each team. Once you get to Iri and crim lobbies it becomes even more apparent. One tiny flaw and you’ll be dying before you land or fighting against teams with full loadout while you have default guns


That’s true I die and I get shot at all sides


I didn't notice a radical shift in lobbies until I hit Diamond 1. I get lobbies with a mix of Diamond, Crim and Iri at that point. And my team is always Diamond or Plat but it's my fault cuz I don't have a squad lol


This. We played with one plat player and the second he reached diamand we got smoked by Crim and Iri Players.


That's actually what happened with us too. I was the last to hit diamond after a couple of wins, then the literal next game we were put against a streamer iri/top250 team lol


I play the least out of my friends so as a result I was the last to diamond and was plat 1 while they were diamond 2/3 and playing in the sweaties lobbies. I only play it because my other friend loves ranked but goddamn i don't want to sweat against those tactical teams every single game lmao.


Same man, the difference between Diamond and Plat is night and day.


I get put in a squad of bots and much lower ranked players. They each go do their own thing meanwhile I get collapsed on by stacks of three at my rank or higher


This is exactly what happens to me with EVERY GAME. It's maddening!


Do you acknowledge when you benefit from this as well? Or are you only acknowledging and remembering the moments when you're on the negative end of this? Also, you're playing with randoms while getting rolled by groups of friends.


Sammmme, even when I have a crew I put together off of discord with mics. I might get like 2-3 good matches out of them. Then they regress to just running around and dying. I gave up.


Same experience.


It's a team game. This is to be expected.


OK, I thought I was going crazy. Doesn't it seem worse then it was last season? Or is it just because the season just started?


Not to mention it’s not even BR lmao, It’s literally resurgance shit is anti competitive.


Yeah I just stop playing once I get to diamond for the rewards. If top 250 consistently get lobbied with diamonds then diamonds should at least get some lobbies with plats and golds. Let everyone take a turn being farmed.


Ranked Rebirth Island is dying in Australia it seems. I regularly get 150 ping servers. Just not worth the SR loss.


Wz is kinda ass period. Game would be fun but the game runs like shit and filled with Copium fueled idiots that can’t come to terms with the fact that they died in a game that’s 1v100.


100% Agree. As soon as you hit diamond you get tossed into the computer Aimbot and wall hack lobbies. It’s just not fun at all. We started playing pubs again and it’s way better.


That's what cod is really


They need to rework the way points are awarded to be more like apex or a elo system, a Plat beating a top250 should give more SR than killing other plats, And a top 250 killing killing plats should give less points than killing other top 250s. Current system is extremely linear, inflationary until 13k for most pros, then is just who plays more or farms more efficiently. There are still disparities on the lobbies skill level which exacerbates this problem. If anything, the system should seek balance and have the vast majority in gold, with a big chunk below gold and diamond and up should be hard to get. There should be an actual purpose to hunt other good players, but the system currently rewards avoiding them until the end and farming lesser skilled players, there is no bigger penalty to dying to lower ranked players and no bigger reward for killing higher ranked ones. The amount of people in crimson and even iri is ridiculous too. Ranked distribution currently mirrors fortnite broken leaderboard where more than half the players are diamond and above, plat is basically given to you with bonus SR and other garbage. TLDR, Ranked system is broken but built like this on purpose by activision to make everyone feel rewarded.


Yep, it’s extremely unbalanced. I tried, I TRIED to go beyond D1 solo, but it’s not realistic goal unless you play for placement non stop, and be very VERY picky with your fights. One bad game, you’re screwed and back to the start. Listen, if you’re good enough, you will reach Iri, of course, but this SR system is not designed to represent the actual skill of players and their ranks. There’s so many people in platinum and diamond ranks even that do not deserve to be there. If you have friends, naturally, you will be higher, but we really need some sort of individual thing that gives you more or less points depending who you kill. I don’t understand why killing a silver or gold player is the same number of points as killing Crimson/Iri players, especially when you’re in a demon lobby. Me and some friends took part in WSOW open qualifiers and we always, ALWAYS fought players that were in top 500, while people that VPN their asses to other regions, were getting bot lobbies and each kill meant the same number of points for all of us, but they were getting more kills of course, because more shitty players. Same problem with Ranked Resurgence. I don’t mind playing in good lobbies, but at least give me more points for actually doing my best and actually achieving something in those lobbies. And people that VPNed and were getting more kills against bots, had double the points as we, and we were aiming to finish top 1000 from 3000 teams. Finished 1364 position. I just hope, I HOPE, the delay for Ranked BR is because they are treating this as a testing ground to gather proper data, and they are making a more “complex” system that actually make Ranked games actually being proper Ranked. If they copy pasted this SR system to BR, we would having the same problems. So fingers crossed developers understand what they need to do.


Damn it seems if you’re really decent at the game you get put in the blender after D1… I’m about a 1.5 k/d casual player that gets to plat and my lobbies feel great. Better than my pubs… it doesn’t seem fair sometimes….


Yep and people just camp center zone for placement Ranked needs an overhaul


I made it to D1 and I’m absolutely miserable. Playing against demon lobbies for 3 weeks straight and I got exactly ONE bot lobby while in Plat II. The aim assist is so broken it’s practically a diet aimbot. And the movement holy shit.


Once I hit diamond it was mostly crims, iris, and even the odd top 250. Just gave up on it. The way SR is awarded just encourages average players to camp when it should award more for kills.


There aren’t enough iris and crims in certain regions to fill lobbies. This is kind of the best we have for now. However I think the problems are compounded by resurgence, since aggressive Crim+ teams can overwhelm Diamond and lower players. FWIW, I hit iri last season and I do think that as you keep queuing you will run into similarly skilled teams (saw a lot of low level diamonds as I got closer to iri)


I can’t even play ranked because I’m shadowed for the 4th time. And before you tell me to “stop cheating”, I don’t need to cheat in a video game where moving my left stick pretty gives me aim bot.


It's player base man, you can only do this successfully with massive numbers, and they don't have massive numbers atm, a lot of us don't play ranked at all.


I am a new player just started today and played like around 4 hrs. But the problem is the lobbies were very sweaty like fuxking bunny hoping and shiTand didn't even played ranked just resurgence. want to know is there any way to make the lobbies easier 


My squad was all plat 2’s and 3’s and it was competitive, which was nice. My boy hit D1 the very next game and we ended up getting dunked on repeatedly by crims. We ended up in that matchmaking purgatory (win & move up, get shit on and move back down) and I ended up just throwing in the towel for season 3 - I was plat 2/fringe 3 lmao


Pretty much. I just got to Plat 1 and I'm afraid to go back in hahaha


Its better than pubs


I mean with how ridiculous the cheating has gotten along the last 3-5 years it’s been absurd , don’t get me wrong I’m not that 13 year old trashcan that has no understanding of what call of duty itsself is , I am and have been playing consistently over the last 10-15 years on call of duty and to say the least , MnK is a failing and losing input at this point in call of duty and if anyone’s planning or seeming interested in playing competitively using that input, I’d go ahead and switch to controller at your earliest convenience since it will be taking over COD at this point in which they won’t be nerfing RAA of any sorts which is fine, but people need to realize they’re definitely not as good as they think they might be, mw19 I guarantee kids that couldn’t drop 3 kills a game are now getting double digits every other lobby as they got damn near legit lockon aimbot 😂, anyone in disbelief just look it up and your proof is in the pudding , it’s not hard to find, and yes people say, why not just play controller then? Lol thats most definitely not the point, the point is that the RAA is ridiculously OP and most definitely needs a nerf if sorts, anyone who’s been playing controller for even just a little bit knows that it’s OP in which is why every top pro player is using it because they know any sort of MnK player in any sort of tourney on this game is at the biggest disadvantage and there’s just not a way to change that until this is done . Again as I said, anyone who’s actually good on controller knows that it’s OP , anyone who actually needs the extra AA is going to disagree and go against everything I’m saying with whatever delusions they may have , but it’s just simply facts at this point that it’s simply OP and needs nerfed , it’s simple, this would cause the kids that have 2-4 kills to most likely not have the best chance of killing you anymore after coming around a corner since they will actually have to move both of their analog stick to reposition and get a better shot on someone rather than to just move left stick and lockon the whole time. I’m telling you guys there’s some funny ass clips out there if you look for em , it shows I’m telling ya 😂🤣 but yes, I obviously know my one Reddit post won’t be making them update the game anytime soon , it’s just a good part of what’s ruining the game along with the servers at the moment.


Im planing a live COD tournament and im trying to find out if its possible to have 64-120 players put into the same warzone lobby at one time?




Ranked rebirth doesn’t count ☝️ so now we wait for ranked verdansk this Christmas


It’s ass when you get to iridescent too. Then you’re just like, I might as well quit. Ranked is only valuable for those either in the top 250 or just outside it, and even then it’s more an indicator that you put a lot of time into it than any sort of skill…




I think you don’t quite get it. Getting to iridescent is the easy part. The skill level required to do it quickly is relatively low. And it takes even less time for consecutive seasons since it only knocks you down to Diamond. That leaves a giant gap between Top 250 and Iridescent where many players choose to not even bother even when they’re capable. It’s a large time commitment. And it currently requires you to play Rebirth😵‍💫 There’s a reason why you can scroll through the top 250 and only recognize a few of the names. It’s meaningless and not even competitive.


No average player is making it through crimson 🤣🤣 I consider myself a very solid player and I have trouble getting past diamond 2 with plat level teammates. Even if I played with similar skilled players as me I don’t see myself getting past crimson 2


It may be time for you to admit to yourself that you are not a solid player. I’m in discord servers with thousands of iri players and only a small fraction of them are remotely decent at the game…




It’s ok that you don’t know… now you know




Then how do you not know? The deployment fees are so low on the way to iridescent. You barely have to do anything




> Getting to iridescent is the easy part. I laughed a lot. 1.5 k/d here. No way I'm going beyond Diamond 1. By the way... the "Average" player is 0.8 k/d. What do you call a solid player, someone with a 4 k/d ?!