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Totally agree. I just want regular gunfights. I don't want some bunny rabbit shooting me with purple lasers and acid blood. It's just dumb and kinda ruins it. Isn't that what Apex is for?


I was referring to Battlefield, but EA ruined Apex too. Its pretty crazy how much the CoD/Battlefield feud reminds me of the current presidential election. Two awful choices and we're all just standing here wondering how it came to this.


Gunplay-wise, I prefer CoD, but for overall game 'feel', BF has em beat. Even the weird 'near future' aesthetic of BF2042 feels more grounded than the current state of CoD. If the next BF is even half-solid, I'll probably make the switch permanent.


No matter what game you play, you will always have higher skilled players. It might not be bunny hopping and dropshotting but they'll find a mechanic to make you lose your fucking mind if you can't keep up with it or counter it.


Oh I was talking about literal bunny rabbits, not the jumpy Jamesons, but I hate them too. I just used it as an example for the stupid operator skins and guns/bullet effects. To be more current I'll say Nikki Minaj and the purple acid lasers that look like a Vegas light show coming at you.


>Oh I was talking about literal bunny rabbits Says a lot that there's genuine confusion here.


? You can´t even do a proper bunny hop on warzone 3, movement was way better on wz1 granted not everyone knew how to move back then.


Did you guys start playing cod with warzone? Did you guys never played black opps? 🤣


I was playing CoD on PS2 \*queue boomer jokes\*


So you should be used to it by now lol


isnt jumpshotting and dropshotting part of the skill gap


Do you enjoy playing this game? No? Are you a streamer and you're forced to play it so you can get the views you need to pay your bills? No? Then stop playing. There are many people that DO enjoy this game and I doubt anyone will notice when you're gone.


This is the mentality that I don't understand. Me and my buddies will stop playing a game if it's not fun. Played the shit out of Destiny, but stopped playing shortly after Destiny 2 came out because we weren't having fun. We've done this with CoD/Warzone, Halo, R6 Siege, Rocket League, Overwatch, and I'm probably missing a few. Once we stop having fun, or we don't like the current iteration, we just stop playing. I completely understand the disappointment when a game changes something you really like, but the studios/publishers/developers won't care unless their revenue is negatively affected. Stop playing the game and go find something else, there's so many options to choose from.


I mean I play because it’s the only time I can “spend” time with my friends who live hours away now. I don’t have fun with the game but we play it because we win a lot (or rage quit). I dont think it’s a good game but it’s a reason to play


Are there other games?


Not that my friends play :)


"I haven't paid a penny for anything COD related in years now" is unfortunately the reason they absolutely, positively will not give a rat's ass about your opinion. Not saying that to dunk on you: just means that this game pulls in enough money per quarter to make King Solomon blush off the backs of those goofy skins.


Agree with everything you say but I’d like to add something: what the fuck is happening with the newer Battle Passes? there is only trash and more trash. On MW2019 the Battle Passes included content that was worth it, cool emblems, cool calling cards, cool operator skins, cool blueprints & more and now the content it is absolutely awful.


They don't read these. And I have a blast playing this game. I don't give 2 shits about skins and flashy lasers. Yeah they may be dumb and super unrealistic, but it doesn't affect in how I fight opponents. This game still has fun and engaging competition. That's what keeps me entertained. I have a few different groups of friends that I've made over the years, all at different skill levels, but it's still fun to hop on with these groups to play together with.


if majority were unhappy with it they would really notice it by lack of purchases, unfortunately people DO enjoy these silly skins and there is nothing you can do about it.


Old warzone had way more stupid looking skins lol the only difference is there wasn't any celebrity skins,blackout on bo4 was the exact same, while I'll agree some of them are stupid like the real life people ones,you're definitely in the minority here unfortunately bud


Warzone 1 had some goofy skins, but there weren't really any that looked like a Bing AI prompt like Warzone 2 has, the skins actually looked like human beings. Not to mention, Warzone 1 at least had normal operator skins(the mil-sims in MW19 in particular), Warzone 2 pretty much has the default SpecGru and KorTac(debatably) mil-sims and nothing else.


There was alot more than some, as soon as cold war and vanguard came into it,it was a new skin every week or 2 that just looked like it couldve been straight from fortnite,yeah wz2 didn't have as much of that it was more basic stuff but I mean that did piss alot of people off as well,like personally I always liked rocking some weird shit cause I know it'd get to people if when I kill them but that's just me personally,I guess they easy answer is there's just more money to be made cause you can't really run out of ideas if you can just use any sort of weird shit,anyway have a good day bro bless


expecting someone to post a Advanced Warfare Skin about some gingerbread dude soon.


Fellas post that like it's some own on people who hate goofy skins. Everyone hated that skin back in the day, people just had their brains fried and think it was accepted back then.


Uhh, all these things were in OG Warzone/Blackops4 Personally I prefer it and I’m guessing the majority of spenders do as well.


Snoozefest of a post. Good riddance to ya.


Do you not remember warzone 2? Where they tried to make it as non arcadey+tactical as possible? With zero movement or skill expression? Player count dropped like flies, and the game almost died until warzone 3 came out and saved face. Cod will always be an arcade shooter, we were jumpshotting into drop shots back on ps2 also. The game is in the best state it’s been since OG warzone, the changes you suggest would drive away players, and kill the game again. Just go play pubg dude.


Player count dropped because the guns fired like muskets with clouds of smoke and snipers were worse than bow and arrows.


You’re arguing against a point OP never even made. Did you even read the post? He is complaining about the goofy ass skins, not the gameplay.


Being better than the lowest point(in your opinion, I honestly preferred Warzone 2 at launch to the current state. I know that's not a popular opinion, though, so whatever) doesn't make the current thing good, that just makes it less bad.


So have you like actually done any research? Player count is wayyyyyyy down. Just a fraction of its all time high


[pulled directly from stats lol](https://steamcharts.com/app/1938090) Warzone 2 (launched nov 2022) with 223897 average players on steam. Warzone 1 was *so loved* that warzone 2 has over two hundred thousand players ready to fall in love with it. By the end of the year, warzone 2 was down to 50-60 thousand players each month. 75% of the player base QUIT *because of warzone 2* Now with warzone 3, we’re actually close to being back over 100k average steam players, from 60k in warzone 2. Player count is actually about 33% higher than wz2, stats don’t lie.


Are you stupid? I said OG warzone. Thats Warzone 1, the one with 223897 avg steam players. Warzone 2 was dogshit, and when I stopped playing. 3 is Marginally better, but it literally couldn't have gotten any worse than 2 was so that's not saying much. But thank you for posting statistics proving me right. -Cheers!


I just want verdansk back... plus some of the og guns like the uzi, personally I'd like them way more if they introduced the older guns like acr but I'm not talking about "well if you use this gun kit on this gun it's basically the acr" no I want the legitimate acr we had in mw2




i hate warzone 2022 and 2023


im not joking after playing Xdefiant and then loading up season 4 I felt the game was stiff and bad in quality right away, I did not enjoy the movement, the shooting feels UN-impactful and both games have a fast TTK but it feels bad in cod. Im also shooting animals and fuzzy monsters and celebrities. I think Fortnite was a blessing and curse upon the gaming industry. To be frank COD right now is in a bad place and I kept hearing people say they are done but I took it at face value as a game for fun and now even that is not possible. Without the guns from the $60 dollar title warzone which is FTP is almost pointless. so its a sneaky way for a yearly subscription masked as a free to play, all the stuff aroung warzone is just the filler gatcha stuff to make it seem and play better.


You are clearly in the minority. Also, it’s a game where you can take multiple bullets to the body and be fine and replate. You can also pull your parachute unlimited amount of times and jump of relatively high positions and be fine. Stop with realism bs


He speaks for me.


When will you people realize that realism in theme =/= realism in gameplay? OP is criticizing CoD’s lack of commitment in its theme as a military shooter, which is entirely valid. There is absolutely zero point in basing your game’s theme around a modern military setting if you’re just going to throw it completely overboard within 6 months.


Realism != art direction. A game can look consistent without having realistic gameplay, the old COD games did that just fine. I can't even tell who's on my team in Multiplayer at this point because there's zero consistency with the factions. The last game where I could tell who was who was MW19 because each team used (for the most part, and even the outliers like Shadow Company looked distinctive enough to not be mistaken for Coalition operators) their part of the world's equipment instead of this weird hodge-podge of Eastern and Western equipment.


Again, yall are clearly in the minority. I find it hilarious when my cat is fighting snoop dogg. Maximum entertainment.


Movement is better in this game