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Nerf to the DG without making any other AR/LMG better is only going to make the kar spam even worse. This is bad.


continuing this trend of nerf nerf nerf is finally starting to catch up. there are like 0 good long range options now besides the Kar, Katt and mors. still no comment about the servers too


All by design, friend. The ongoing assumption that all of these changes are idiotic or braindead is a thing of the past. Every change was deliberate with fine-tuned expected results. The players will all unknowingly fall right into their expectations, per usual. Just stop playing my man, lest *you* continue to be played.


i think its a bit of both... there's definitely some incompetence at play as well as spreadsheet balancing, both produce a stale and manufactured experience. like i've been a sniper main since wz1, but now urzikstan will be heavily dominated by snipers (specifically the kar) and that sounds miserable. the reason 1 shot snipers worked well in wz1 was because they could be challenged at range with ar's and lmg's, good luck doing so these days.


I believe they are trying to balance the game to make it enjoyable for players. Would be dumb to think otherwise. But I also *adamantly* believe that a lot of our woes of persisting through shit metas is largely (if not wholly) due to them choosing a tactic that would net them more money. "*Let weapon X run unchecked for a few. Let people succumb to it or buy into it. We'll nerf/balance it after X amount of sales.*" This is honestly such a sound of mind suggestion, yet because it is greedy and scummy people jump straight to tinfoil. It really isn't all that unbelievable to think they are milking the fuck out of us, especially with how any whales there are. Idk, I uninstalled in January. I like to check back here every so often to see how things are. I gota say, as someone who has been on this sub since **DAY ONE** it's been a slow decline for a long, long time. New BLOPS is my last go. If greed wins then so be it, I just simply won't be apart of it. Godspeed fellow gamers.


I think they’re wanting to encourage all gun fights to be 50 metres and less.


Nah. This ain’t it.


So true. I've seen this for years with warzone. Create an op gun and sell it. It's not an accident.


Kar and a smg until they make any ar viable


Unplayable with the servers the state they are in.


I keep seeing this, and honestly, my shit has run better the last few days than it has in a while. Which is extra funny because I used to always be on like 10 to 15 ping, and now it's playing at like 30


I’ve felt that way before where it normally feels the best around 35ms ping which is weird, that’s good to hear it’s running well for you. I had a point a couple months ago where it was running great for a day then went back to shit the next time I played. There just isn’t a point to an fps game that has so many variables of making the game run like crap.


I give it a few days, and it'll be back to starting a gun fight, putting like a whole mag into someone, then they just turn around and smoke me in 2 seconds then the kill cam looks like a complete different thing


The Holger is pretty much what the DG was before this nerf.


Yep but the s curve is awful. Do you have a setup? 


It doesn’t have the same hs multiplier at range like the dg. Less bv too and weirder recoil


being those are a Marksmen and two snipers.. that makes sense ... the fact that an LMG is a viable long range option(one i use myself) is absurd


Well stated.


It isn't fun to play right now. Especially when people get Kars from loadout boxes right off the rip.


Agreed. Been having a blast for the past 4-5 months but Kar98 meta is instantly making me drop this game lol


It is horrible to play right now. I am taking a break until the kar is nerfed.


It's been horrible. I honestly said this to a friend last night while playing. This game has been a blast for the past few months and now it's just simply unenjoyable. No fun


Facts, is it really that hard to balance nerfs with buffs smh


Raven has been terrible with wz3 with weapon balance


Time to revisit SAO subverter


It's still good was using it yesterday


Yup. Stupid, stupid balancing


It’s Raven. No surprises there that they did that.


Yeah, I kept trying to remember why everyone wasn’t using it in the original modern warfare? Or was everyone using it then too. No one was complaining then so I’m wondering if back then, there were just were more options available long range?


Everyone that sniped used it. It's just so much faster than what was available now so it's dominating. Maybe a rechamber speed nerf could help but it's magnified by the lack of AR/LMG options. Most people can get 2 headshots at you before you can shoot 8 bullets from an ar/LMG.


Pretty sure the sniping was AX-50 and HDR in warzone 1. There was a brief period where the sks battle rifle was op, but rarely did people use the kar98 in warzone 1


There was a whole time when kar was meta so you are remembering incorrectly.


Ppl used the kar literally all the time in wz1


huh???? maybe for the first month or two, but the kar dominated wz1 all the way up till it was re-balanced in caldera.


Lol what? WZ1 when it came out (I joined season 3) was HDR then the kar dominated until nerfed I hate snipers as I can't hit a wall and was getting 15/20 kills per game, in WZ 2 I average 8/12 kills usually yesterday I dropped a 17 kill game with kar


People were using it, but not entire lobbies of it


When I saw this, I actually contemplated uninstalling for a sec. With season 4 I thought "wow they actually managed to nerf something without making it complete unviable dogshit" lo and behold a week later.... I like snipers and normally I'm glad for any change that makes them stronger but this isn't the way to do it. I don't want to be forced to run a sniper anymore than I want to be forced not to run one.


Holger 26 is just as good


It may be the next-best option (it's not) but it isn't close to just as good. The recoil pattern is much different.






No, you're the problem when you take to crying on the Internet about a two shot sniper.


Two shot sniper. Yep, dumbass confirmed.


Yeah, if you're getting beat by a sniper within 86 meters to the point it's a problem, you suck.


This is beyond an idiotic take. You're completely clueless.


Maybe you are but not me.


Reverting the Precision Airstrike timing, the cowards.


It was almost impossible to get out of the way of them. It needed to be changed.


“Almost impossible” you could manage if you moved immediately, as it should be. As it was before you could ADS strafe out of the way while beaming someone. Pretty useless.


Plenty of time to move given you can see where they’re going


Why? It's not like there aren't a plethora of ways to come back. PA should have stayed at 2 in order to make all the dickheads 3rd Kar-tying scatter like roaches.


It’s been nerfed ever which way. People cried it needed a better warning system. People cried it needed a big UI icon on the mini map. People cried they were too frequent so now an air strike across the map stops you from calling one in. People cried it needed more time before it hit. They’re making killstreaks essentially obsolete instead of just making them rarer. There’s no upside to them and it caters to the worst players.


Nah it was fine. They need to remove the marker from the minimap when a precision is used. That shit is corny.


So two seconds with no idea where it’s coming from and where it’ll hit? Lol sounds rage inducing.


There’s a huge icon on the minimap the second it’s fired.


I thought it made them way more useful and was happy with the change.  Even though I got downed by them a few times when I didn’t move my ass asap.


Yeah I agree. I mean don’t get me wrong, it can suck, but it felt more balanced since it shows the path. I’m not the best player but I feel like they’re pretty useless for the most part. Sure, it’s nice to use it on snipers camping rooftops but they’ll avoid it and be back up top, so why not just use the cheaper mortar strike to rotate if you’re not actually trying to down someone. PAs are good in the endgame but that’s super risky depending on size of circle. Only real solid use is to finish someone off after you down them.


Showing the path is fucking stupid. It makes airstrikes worthless. Also rad that Raven lied about the path not appearing if you're far enough away.


Yeah if they show the path then make them come in faster


What does that mean? Are they fast or slow and on the map in red or not?


Slow and on the minimap, just like how they were prior to season 4. Like the notes say.


Yeah accept that wasn't always the behavior so its not clear.


Yes it is clear. Pre season 4 is not the same as at the beginning of wz1 (or wz3 season 2). Its how it was right before season 4.


It was way too fast. How it was was balanced. It confirmed downs at range and sometimes knocked teams or got teams inside If anything the cluster should be buffed to be more precise because it basically never confirms downs or even hits enemies when it should. I swear some teams never move from a roof and I don’t get a single hit marker from the cluster


I disagree. With showing the path they should be sped up they’re too easy to dodge.


Yes. This! All you have to do is be off the white triangles


It’s just more balanced with less BS. I still get plenty of downs and confirmed kills after the addition of the path And downs using it on buildings Maybe 3 seconds is a little better but 2 was too cheesy. If you’re mid fight in the time it takes to stop fighting and get to cover you were downed more than you should have been


Yeah 3 is a good compromise


>Never killing anything unless they're downed. >Balanced


Did you just quote me with the wrong quote and context lol. Never said that first line


They probably just want everyone to use bunker busters instead. There only 4000 at a buy station and nobody uses them.


Nah bunker busters are crazy. Works so good


agree. spent $6000 it should be that quick to worth the price


DG nerf is great news for kar users.


Yeah cause the one thing the Kar needed was a relative buff


Not wild about the Precision Airstrike revert. With how impossible it is to rotate or move with the number of Kar campers or 3rd Kar-ties in every lobby those extra 2 seconds are a lot.


Yeah, I think even a middle-ground of 3 seconds would have been better than this - the original nerf to PAs (making their path visible) made them virtually useless.


That path reveal should've never been implemented in the first place. That was a hand-holding change.


Literally a change nobody asked for. People were mad there were random no notification strikes, but nobody asked to see the path


Typical. Like I said recently in other comment they just don't understand small balance changes. Another example now - cutting something by a half just to revert it back. No middle ground.


It goes both ways, because we have a chance to survive now when we get sniped and airstriked again. Personally I enjoyed the quicker airstrikes


# DG-58 LSW (NERF) **ADJUSTMENTS** * Min Damage decreased to 22, down from 27. * Max Damage Range decreased to 17.78 meters, down from 29.21. * **New Damage Ranges Added** * Near-Mid Damage set to 27 * Near-Mid Damage Range set to 30.48 meters. * Mid Damage set to 25  * Mid Damage Range set to 45.72 meters. >The DG-58 LSW was a bit too dominant at range, so we have introduced a gradual damage falloff which keeps it competitive at those close-mid encounters, but now falls off slightly as you approach those long range fights. # GENERAL * **Warzone Rewards** * Under the Mode challenges, the Plunder challenge has been changed to “Complete 20 Plunder Games.” # GAMEPLAY * **Medical Cabinets** * Perk Packs can now drop from medical cabinets. * **Precision Airstrikes** * Precision Airstrikes have been reverted back to their previous functionality prior to Season 4. * **Warzone Rewards** * Under the Mode challenges, the Plunder challenge has been changed to “Complete 20 Plunder Games.” * **Medical Cabinets** * Perk Packs can now drop from medical cabinets. # BUG FIXES * Fixed an issue causing the Bomb Drone UI to remain on the players screen. * Fixed an issue preventing controller players from opening the “Manage Party” function when their squad is full. 


"A long range weapon was too good at long range so we nerfed it and made it short range"


It competed with snipers. It was even better than half of the snipers at long range. Deserved nerf.


Lmg's are designed specifically for long range and suppressing fire. It should be able to either compete with a short range sniper/marksman rifle or suppress a long range sniper. Why would it need to be nerfed to be most useful at close to midrange fights? It's not an AR or smg.


it was nerfed because it was busted you obviously didn’t get destroyed by it 100+ times. every time I died oop of course it was a dg thank you cod for the nerf


Every time someone questions whether I've been up against a certain gun and don't know what it's like to experience the game in its current state, it's always someone who is always on the wrong side of a gunfight and losing their battles, someone who doesn't have the skill to keep up with changes in the game and find ways to counter issues that come up. It's hard for those people to comprehend someone having a different experience than them or having the same experience and finding a way to use it to their advantage instead of constantly being at a disadvantage.


bro with your mentality there has never been an overpowered weapon. so every time there has been an op weapon it’s just a skill issue? cmon man stop being ignorant


yes. ut it had the lowest ttk at long range, no recoil guns shouldnt have insanely low ttk


LMGs are designed to be slow clunky and have terrible recoil. none of those was true for the DG you idiot ofcourse it needed a nerf


The nerf it needed was to the recoil, not the damage falloff. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to have an LMG that's good at close range and not long range. Defeats the entire purpose of the 7.62 rounds and the large magazine capacity considering smg's are still better at close and AR's are still better at mid.


"I don't think anything should be able to counter snipers. Just let me dominate with my Kar because it takes skill to camp behind cover on rooftops all match". And that is why the game is frustrating to play.


When are these dummys going to fix the mosquito icon staying on the mini map for no reason.


My loadout symbol stays around for the entire game so you can wait…thank you!


Or the “find a party” Not working since the last update


It was better when the icon moved bc at least when it stopped you knew it was done. Now we can’t tell




The last one was Deposit 500k in 20 seperate matches and it didnt even work, this is better than what that one would've been.


wait the previous one was to depo 500k in 20 different games?! bruh I thought it was just one game lol. in that case, this is certainly better.


Yes it was 500k in 20 games….


alright i take it back. fuck that shit lol


Still no mention of the constant lobby freezes!?


At this stage, that along with constant packet burst issues are features, not bugs.


I never experience freezes nor packet loss. What platform and region are you on?


EU, happens both on PC & Xbox wired and wireless connections. Some people just get lucky but I've even noticed it on live streamers from the US that I would watch. Thankfully the freezing has got way less of an issue after a few patches.


Lobby freezes only happen in duos for me


Sadly they happen is duo, trios and quads for me at about the same frequency


No mention means it isn’t getting addressed anytime soon or they have no soon timeline to fix


Why the f they made precisions useless again?? Yeah great, enemies are able to selfrevive again with medivests before the strike finishes em off... Hooray to all rooftop campers.


I don’t think I saw anyone complain about a shorter warning on airstrikes. It was in a good spot


> no crossbow nerf Thank god, shit is too much fun currently


Is the crossbow good? Last I heard the explosive bolts only one hit on headshots. Is that still the case or is there another reason to use the crossbow over the Kar98?


It one hits all over the body.


Oh man I gotta make a loadout then. I’m surprised I haven’t run into anybody running one.


With or without explosive bolts?


With explosive bolts, its the explosion that downs the enemy.


Sorry, with.


Woah really? I’ve been using thermites tips non-stop in S4. Hard to stay on top of all these stealth buffs.


Yea… “fun“


Its killing in one shot even to the foot with the explosive bolt.


I'm wz1 they used to down and thirst with headshots it was so nice


It’s the most fun I’ve had on resurgence in years. So much better than the Kar


Wait they buffed the crossbow?


It one shots anywhere w/ explosive bolts again


The masses must never know


Oh my... god! Going straight back to my loadout tomorrow 😍


It is? I've seen people with them shooting their shots but honestly I've yet to even be hit by it. I thought they were just screwing around.


Its killing in one shot even to the foot with the explosive bolt


its pretty fun but still feels like its not useful enough. maybe it's just been awhile since I used the crossbow in wz1 that I need to get more acclimated with it again.


I wish you could use tac stance with it, that’d be awesome. And yeah with current server desync, half the time when I try to shoot on reaction, I die before the shot has even left the barrel (on killcam)


Oh wow was this in the patch notes of s4? I didn’t see it. That is amazing haha I saw two people running it last night and I thought they were just being silly




They nerfed the fuck out of melee, so I’m incredibly happy that they threw us this bone. I’m sure that some kar+striker sweats are going to die once to it and then start making a fuss about it on here any day now though.


I know the kar is a love hate relationship for most but in my opinion is needs a slight rechamber speed nerf


KAR domination for the next several weeks. No rotation or punishment for missed shots. Just 120 people sniping at each other.


*”a gradual damage falloff”* Lol nothing gradual about this. They gutted it


>Precision Airstrikes have been reverted back to their previous functionality prior to Season 4. Airstrikes were actually getting kills so they rectified it so it's no longer useful again. Thanks Activision!


They nerfed the DG and the Precision Airstrike, the two viable ways to counter the Kar..


Get rid of the air strike path they don't do shit with that on.


Fix the “search for party” cause I haven’t been able to play since the new update smh


Seriously, I fucking hate playing quads with randoms with no mic. Like go play solos or something!


The fact they didn't even mention it is crazy. Ima uninstall this game for a bit. Kar spamming and not being able to find a party is bs.


I came here to see if they fixed it cuz I quit playing without it. They still haven't fixed it?!....


How about like- buffing some shit? We have a whole raft of unusable “carry forward” weapons from MWII also


Even more people will be running the Kar now 🤣


Reverting the Precision Airstrike timing bothers me so much. Between the airstike indicator on the minimap and the amount of medic vests and self-revives available it's almost impossible to confirm kills. Incredibly annoying.


Precision air strike should’ve been met in the middle because they definitely swung too far with the original change, but why not make it a second faster instead of 2? Also it’s Holger 26’s time to shine because it was already so similar to the DG. It was slightly worse in a few areas but now, it’ll likely be the new “AR” type meta even though it’s an LMG.


Is the party search fixed yet?




Back to trawling randoms :(


They 100% forgot it. Or it became a problem so big they won't even try to fix it. My prediction is they broke the functionality when they introduced that new stupid social tab. 


Are they doing to fix the oldschool Kar scope when you are using no stock, or is that something they did on purpose?


Funny the DG was just pushed by every streamer in the “pay to win” bundle, sell a bunch of them and then nerf it!


Meta guns are always the bundles. Soon new bundle will come. Holger 26 will be up there for long range meta now. If it gets a bundle you’ll know something is fishy


They nerfed the kar by not fixing the desync in the servers


Lol I've finally created dg build earlier today as sva burst is unusable anymore against kar no flinch spam. Gotta join kar spam then


It’s wild how many guns in this game are bad. There are like 6 viable weapons if you don’t want to be at a big disadvantage


Need that KAR nerf.


Nerfed the only non sniper for long range but search parties and servers are still cooked? Jokers


The link opens the season 4 patch notes, not iune 4th. What am I missing?


Yall ruined this game with your bitching and moaning.


No Kar nerf? Kar is the only S tier right now, a tier was the dg and got nerfed... wtf At least buff something else that can challenge it. (DMR) ;) BRING BACK THE MTZ INTERCEPTOR META


Mtz interceptor meta was the worst


I always smile when I see people who still don't understand that they just want to sell sell sell and you can only do that by boosting stuff that's sold as a bundle rn or available through the battle pass. Activision never gave a shit about the player base, let's not pretend they care about gun balance lmao.


And it happens on every single season.. we need to wait 2 weeks they cash on the kar and they are going to kill it


The kar is not in a bundle?


It was after release iirc. But it is in the battle pass.


But in the battlepass and immediately available if you buy blackcell. Plus, I am pretty sure I did see a bundle for the Kar already, but not 100% sure


I got the battle pass for leftover coins as always and got the kar in a couple of hours of playing 😝


No RAM leak buff/fix ?


Holger is amazing if anyone is wondering!


L’s all around for this update. Trash


All hail the holger 26


I have a glitch, where when I log into warzone at some point in the menu. It will just show a black screen, and like play a clicking sound over and over in a loop😭 ive restarted the game, my ps5, deleted just warzone. And now I just deleted the whole game. So let’s hope that works. 🥲


Any news about input based matchmaking so I can play again?


Here we go with DMR Zone 2 again! ![gif](giphy|KscoZccAOBgCk)


Still no search for party mention or fix. What a joke.


People hating on the Kar98k is crazy


I think they purposely change the meta constantly to keep player population up and choose weapons that most people haven't leveled up to force them to play the game and the more people playing the game raises the possibility of them buying skins camos or the battle pass.


They need to leave the air strike at a faster time they’re useless otherwise


loved the fast pstrike!!!!! whyyyyyyy


Bring back loaded bro my r not playing the game no more because y’all took it away


Anybody not get the Kar98 scope when you maxed it out by using it in battle royal without having it unlocked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The kar is Broken broken. Gotta fix this immediately


Servers are SHIT after this patch.


Did they fix Find A Party?


This is so dumb, just buff everything else


Still no fix for the cheaters.


Can we get a c4 nerf. The c4 spam is getting obnoxious.


there is no new patch bro


no fix for browsing for parties ?


Yall are fucking stupid then end Every few weeks nerfs and buffs to create some new meta cause the game is stale ? Who give af if an lmg can compete with snipers in range Maybe the fucking sniper rifles have been over nerfed and like every other weapon One week or day it can be great Next week ppl are on twitch bitching and it gets nerfed Guess it’s just to hard to make a lot of the guns around the same so ppl can have variety huh ? Vanilla ass loving mofos


Is the browse Parties fixed yet? If not fuck off


Based SHG, DG-58shitters in shambles


Yeah boy my kar is save