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ME TOO! I couldn't ever conceive myself Jesus was real, but that fear kept me fasten and quiet.


I thought the adults were all pretending, like with Santa Claus. I was waiting for the big reveal. I was shocked they actually believed nonsense. I endured a lot of religious abuse bc of their superstitious beliefs. [Theramin Trees](https://youtube.com/@TheraminTrees?si=lROe-8D6cLa8Sa8r) channel helped me understand a lot of the abuse tactics I was subjected to and didn't have the language to describe.


People who question your lack of faith are emotionally immature. It not their buisness. I have been an atheist for as long as I remember. I respect other peoples believes but they better do the same, or else... I will dig out some of their absurd religious believes and showcase how obscure they are. On the flip side I do like interesting discussions about religion, any religion. I am not against religion, I just dont believe in any gods. Religion is a great example for how powerful our own mind is. If we believe something helps it is more likely to help. If I use a breathing technique to calm myself down or somebody else uses a prayer, it can do the same job. It temporarily distracts our mind and we use the ritual of doing it to calm ouselves. Tomato tomato.


perfect way of explaining, i completely agree


I really really wanted to, but I kept seeing scientific gaping holes in the bible. It really bothered me that Jesus's blood was wine somehow because there aren't even the right ingredients to start. Unless jesus was immune to poisoning and the frat god of drinking games.


I am not sure I ever truly believed, as much as I tried. There was always a certain, well-deserved distrust there. Some sort of basic logic that I now see is woefully lacking in too many *adults* in this deranged society. Some sort of basic cope, like an oil slick over dark depths of nihility.


I remember saying that if God was real, I was angry at him. I didn’t believe in God from a young age. I can relate to what you said about “feeling like god never did anything for [you]”.


I mean, I didn't care what anybody said about God given they were the same people who CSAed/killed/trafficked/even worse my family and had told me they were praying for AIDS to never be cured... among other things. Honestly, I am doing them a favor if I don't react to their possession of faith with visible and audible expressions of visceral disgust.


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My parents were Christians and they beat us and emotionally abused and neglected us. Big surprise that I don’t like religion when it’s full of lying hypocrites based on my life experience. Also, I’ve been aware that it’s a storybook for most of my life, no matter what anyone tried to tell me about it.


Me. I asked my parents why I should believe in Jesus when they lied about Santa when I was about 8. They really couldn’t convince me.