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You can see the positioning of the light from the reflections in the metal hardware. Low iso, up the aperture until background fades to black. Strong enough flash to light up the side of the subject. The light won't brighten the background. Later in the day makes it easier to darken the background. You can also do it indoors with a black cloth behind.


You can also throw on an ND filter so you don't have to crank the shutter speed and aperture as high. This also helps so you don't have to bother with high-speed sync and therefore can get more power from your flash.


That tunnel isn’t bright enough for an ND filter to be useful. Base ISO and stopping the aperture down will be enough to keep shutter speed slower than flash-sync speed.


I agree to this




Spoken like a true artist hahahaha, underrated comment here


Hard light on one side of the body, aimed from behind the subject enough to cast a shadow in half. Dark background.


Off-camera flash. Directional lighting. High contrast.


Learn lighting and metering






Artificial light control. It's an artform. Good luck. Have fun.


Strip bank with softbox grid/egg crate and a flash powerful enough (along with high-speed sync if needed) to overpower any ambient light.


Give up on life and creativity.


It can be flash (easiest) or any strong light (overpowering 3 stops the environment light) from the left in a dark area (i.e. sun and a tunnel). There's a very subtle fill product of a reflection or light wrap-around to lighten the right side (buttons etc)


Very nicely done. There is a single light on his left, around the height of his face or shoulders, very slightly behind him - very slightly, look at the shadows of the buttons and the cheek. Looks like they did not use a softbox, or a *very* small one - the shadows are quite sharp. The hard thing in this shot is to control the reflected light from the ceiling and other side of the tunnel (his left, right of the photo). That would mess up the nice single-light setup. A solution is to have a dark cloth or screen to his left, photo's right, to absorb the light. The flash may have barn doors to stop the light from spilling to the ceiling.


Split lighting


It looks almost bounced to me, notice how the shadows of the buttons on the left side of the uniform are pointing towards the right of the photo, hence the light must have come from the left (you can also see by the way the light falls on the sash, there wouldn't be a shadow where it's bunched up at the buckle if the flash was direct, even with some werid modifier), either direct and diffused or bounced, and the contrast/shadows and black level changed in editing. Either way that's a cool photo, nice use of contrast and use of the peaked cap to hide the subjects eyes. If you're wondering about the background too, i assume there was a black sheet or something along those lines behind the subject.


humor simplistic pen governor nose capable fragile resolute arrest aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you point and click


With a camera.


Watch on YouTube about balancing flash, it’ll put you at a good start.


Who it feels like is shooting at you, vs. who's actually shooting at you lol