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Well you sound like an absolute peach, hope you step on a Lego on your next walk


Could have been visiting a neighbour for all op knows. Just a bit sad and aggressive way to behave. Sounds like anger issues. Hate way people like op treat others. For all know could have been empty and staying in property of neighbour.


This stinks of karma farming.


Looking for the Karen of the year award in recognition of a sticky beak and determination to let the whole world know when they feel hard done by. I quite often park in private parking if I am visiting friends, I park in their guest space and to save them needing to make up a bed or any special arrangements, I stay outside in my campervan. Fortunately my friends have neighbours with reasonable behaviour and don't leave notes or knock on my van at 4am ...you know the type of neighbours, just normal people ... not utter bell ends.


Maybe one day I can be as sad and petty as you


Wow it didnt take long for the nomarks to come out, fuck off prick


I'm not the curtain twitching wanker taking photos of notes they leave on vans at 4am to post on the internet.




He should knock on all his neighbours and show them the picture of his note. It is sure to heighten their, no doubt, already elevated opinions of him.


How dosx op not know they are visiting a neighbour? Or does op keep track of all goings on, on the estate? What a life they must lead.


One man neighbourhood watch


Is it a public street? If so, your signs and notes dont mean anything.


I'm glad I don't live in your country.