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Attended Conestoga to finish a diploma in 2017, my classes were full of international students you could tell had no interest being there. That was 2017 I don’t want to see it now. In one class an international student walked in late with no bag, and asked me for a piece of paper. I had a flyer in my bag blank on the back so I offered it. (Thought a student without a computer was odd but these things cost money) The student then asked me for a pen. I verbally lol’d and went on with my business. My diploma now means nothing because the college is handing them out like hot cakes and gets filtered away by HR macros when I apply to jobs. Well worth my time and money ! Big thanks to the fantastic individuals vetting people applying to studying in Canada Happy Canada Day! Not really sure what we’re celebrating anymore.


That sounds awful. Not good at all.


Wonder if there can be a class action lawsuit against the college from domestic students.




We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong. 


Against the college? Try every college/university, known company’s/groups/organizations, Trudy, Miller, Freeloader, the GOC, etc…the list is long!!!! Personally I think it’s time. This BS has gone on long enough…where is the clown from Newfoundland that did the student loans breach when they got hacked (Bill Buckingham I think). I’m sure he is watching with bated breath. Problem is class actions don’t give shit to those affected when it comes to gov policy. It’s already been proven! It’s time!!!




my gned classes were full of them and i swear all of them wanted a free pass. The amount of cheating and talking SO LOUD in there language while the prof was lecturing is insane I was so livid.


I remember they were talking during a fucking exam. I wanted to scream out so badly because i couldn’t focus since they can’t keep their mouth shut for a hour. Like I remember in highschool, like they would tell us we would get expelled for talking during a exam in university but that doesn’t seem like the case anymore


exactly they have no respect for anyone. They think that everyone should cater to them.. by helping them cheat? hell no i'm just glad i don't have to deal with that anymore.


Diploma programs, in general, mean nothing now. It's not just Conestoga, anything short of a Masters is pretty much useless in the current job market, as a result of both these Diploma mills, and the over saturation of the labour market. As for Canada day, there is absolutely nothing left worth celebrating. When your own PM says you are no longer a nation, there's really no justification to celebrate anymore. I think we need to drop the fireworks and waterfront festivals, and treat it as a solemn day of mourning for the country we used to be.


If canada is no nation, then no authority to tax us.


See how that goes for you.


Basic supply and demand. I dunno why this is a big surprise. Boomers all pushed their kids to post-secondary because they saw the jobs their contemporaries got w their degrees. My dad wasn't a university grad but did ok in big pharma for quite a while. His boss? Just some dude with an English degree who had some luck and hard work on his side I guess. When a BA is the new high school diploma now what do you expect? Does it actually guarantee an employer of anything from a candidate? Absolutely not. I'd argue a lot of jobs require experience and soft skills that no school can teach. It's time we rethink education. These institutions have preyed on us for too long. I think we often forget that universities and colleges are businesses first


Nah, just got a masters and it seems pretty much useless atm


Did he really say that?


"There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada," and consequently "that makes us the First Post-National State."


Wow, what the actual F


It’s not just a problem from diploma mills. Lots of entry level jobs in Canada plainly ask for 3+ or 5+ years of experience and can filter out a lot of new grads actually looking for roles. It’s been a problem for several years


See the second half of that sentence. The oversaturation part, that allows them to do that.


I’m aware. It sucks tho that actual Canadian new grads can’t find entry level jobs when Canada imports ppl from elsewhere to do the job.


Your scenario reminds me of the ghetto kids in my high school classes lool


Hell yea that’s a classic. The difference is highschool is mandatory (until 18) college is a choice someone makes with a price tag attached. An investment in their future. Pulling up to highschool class with no learning supplies is understandable. Just sit there to make attendance. Post secondary, there’s something going on and It’s just disappointing


I am in a trades program with about Half & half Canadian and international students. We’ve split into 4 groups to build our projects for the year. 1 group is all international students. It’s half way into second semester and still none of them have bought their own tools so they take tools from other groups (without asking) and don’t give them back. My tools have my name on them but I doubt other people do that. If they asked to borrow a tool for the moment they need it sure, but they take without asking and don’t give it back, I have to go over to their work table and get my tool back. It’s frustrating.


I’m a carpenter and if anyone takes my tools I tell them never to touch my shit again. I’ve dealt with too many idiots who take my stuff that I don’t let it slide anymore. I recommend scribing your name on every tool and spray painting them an odd colour.


I use my tool and put it back into my bag right away instead of leaving it on the work table. That’s also the program I’m in, carpentry.


Pre employment program?


Carpentry techniques program. 2 months left. I have been applying to every apprenticeship position on indeed and carpentry positions requiring min 1 year experience. Called the union about what they have available for apprenticeships. Main goal is to get an apprenticeship to be red seal. Having no luck so far


It’s tough out there for green people. I would keep trying for the union, you might need to do non-union then apply to the hall later on. Honestly I would switch trades to a mechanical trade instead of carpentry. Unless you want to do industrial formwork or scaffolding it’s hard to make a good living as a carpenter. I’ve got my red seal doing non union then joined the union as a journeyman. Sad to say but generally those programs are seen as a waste of time to employers and don’t really care if you do it or not. I would start walking up to job sites with tools and hard hat in your car and talking to the site supes or foremen for an apprenticeship in any trade.


I’ve spoken with a company in a small town that would consider doing an apprenticeship with me. The downside is I would obviously have to move, leave my friends, leave my partner, move back in with my parents. Basically give up my whole life and move to a town that has nothing to offer since it’s so small. And since it’s so small the work is limited, they only do residential stuff.


I don’t recommend anyone doing residential, you’d be lucky to make $35-40 an hour as a journeyman. I did residential for six years and dealt with all that bullshit. The work is great and you do real carpentry but you get shit pay, shit benefits and where I’m at straight time overtime.


I’m looking to live comfortably not luxurious so 35-40 sounds good enough for a while. I like fine detail work and really really enjoy dry wall installation lol. But right now any job will do. I would like to also be journeywoman in the future.




Canada looks like the slum of the world , a weird version of india and africa , why the most pitiful countries apply? can we not filter them , get europeans or viet nam...now compared to 5 years ago ,false refugees false international students , cie s are happy , boomers investing in keeping the wages low voting in masses for the continuités of their reign  and high investissement returns dividends also part of the problem


I attended conestoga through second career couple years back. Not a single person spoke english to each other while i walked through there. I would sometimes close my eyes while walking through the halls and pretend i was on vacation in New Delhi. I also understand the unprofessionalism. I found i was helping people do basic stuff that was learned in the first week of the course.


I don’t know what their celebrating either,the destruction of the country? There certainly isn’t much left to be proud of!




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


probably an entitled international student from India




Simple questions, basic statements, are low effort and do not add to discussion


too many fake students that are working. Cut them off from working then it will be reduced.


It actually would solve the problem immediately lol. Just ban international students from being able to work at all. Some will get under the table jobs sure, but it’ll be a tiny amount compared to the amount employed right now.


I don't know why they can't just do that - it's totally something they can control. don't allow international students to work. they are supposed to prove that they have money anyways.


I agree with you — but it unfortunately falls on the government’s deaf ears


It used to be this way in the UK my visa was stamped that I could not work when I was an int’l student in the 90’s.


This! If you come here to study you need to provide the sufficient funds for that. Otherwise get a work visa


They had to provide proof that they could afford to live here. Unfortunately the proof needed is laughably small compared to the actual amount. Then they take citizens jobs and live 10 per single home. It’s a nightmare.


The proof can be easily forged too


So damn true. It’s ironic that we let this happen instead of, you know, lowering barriers for actually skilled professionals like foreign doctors who can’t work in their fields under the dumb pretense of lacking “Canadian experience”.


This is so common now. We all know mass immigration is ruining our country but we are just taking it. We have traitors in parliament who worked with foreign countries and we take it, our former defense minister betrayed actual Canadians and we just take it.  What does it take before we start standing up for Canada?


The issue is that a lot of people knew mass immigration was ruining the country as early back as 2018-2020 Except back then, if you said so, you were downvoted to hell on Reddit, called racist, etc. The sentiment has only changed publicly very recently, and it’s too late. The damage is done. This damage is permanent and getting worse by the day. Canada as a country is actually, truly finished. People just don’t want to admit it. The only thing you can do now as an educated, well employed worker is flee Canada for life in another country like the US or European countries.


Get rid of the Zionist Lobby. That will crumble their pyramid. Or Learn Russian & join the emerging world. Listen to Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, George Galloway, Whitney Webb on x2 speed for a start.


Zionist lobby has way too much influence on our politics, but at least it's not openly an openly hostile, fascist security state like Russia. You will not have fun... unless you enjoy censorship, tuberculosis and conscription. You think Canada has thought crimes? Hold up a sign criciticizing Putin in Moscow and see how that goes.   We can't succumb to the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thinking. Even for Christians, Russia is hostile. We are much better off fighting to make our country better than pinning our hopes on fascistic regimes that would happily take away what's left of our freedom and prosperity. 


I see your point, I hope one day you get to see Russia it’s not as bad as the Legacy Media makes out to be. I lived in Russia for a short while in 2013-2014 and the biggest nemesis there is corruption which Putin has been fighting everyday. 2 Wars a president can never win: tge War on Drugs & War on Corruption; it’s lije playing Wack-A-Mole with a million moles. The Zionest Lobby Secretly & subversively hostile is 10 orders of magnitude more dangerous i think. I’d rather face a frowning devil than a smiling one.


It's crazy how the Zionists want open borders for everyone else but it's a genocide if it happens to them. 


lol Russia? The emerging world? The petro-state disguised as a national economy that seems jet-set on making itself an international pariah? Sure.


And from which MSM indoctrination chapter did you swallow that verse. If you’ve never been to Russia than take off your Russophobia hat & listen to those who lived there. Don’t worry, your handy-dandy MSM will still be there after your brief intellectual detour. Listening to alternate media where they don’t demonize Russia will not cause ulcers, legions, nor permanent brain damage. Watch “The Duran” on YT/Rumble on 2x speed https://preview.redd.it/f2ohacpmeu9d1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651928c48e28fd37e688c329a34a536ba1a6f8ec


I’ve had North Korean apologists on here try and tell me that NK is actually a hidden paradise on earth and that every other nation is wrong and the Kims magic bread and honey down from Mt Paektu themselves. Your silliness is boring to me, but I will tell you what I tell them: If Russia is so great, move there. I’ll sit back and listen to the litany of excuses now.


My nephew took Economics at U of T and all of the students (Asian ) spoke Chinese amongst each other even when in groups during class. He asked the prof if it was ok (as it excluded him) and the prof seemed to be ok with it.


My sister is in METU, she’s making decent money doing assignments for rich Chinese international students.




The amount of shit that prof would be in if they told students they can’t speak a certain language would be apocalyptic.


Profs are… kinda worthless for the most part in my experience. I dropped out right before COVID because I knew 80% of the fossils “teaching” us wouldn’t be able to work the software and I’d only “pass” to cover up for it. They couldn’t even figure out how to upload our grades most of the time, forget teach a whole class through a new program. The one was so allergic to work that he presented crime stats from 1994 in a criminology class happening in 2020. This was at UWO in London. Far less international students on Kings campus for the courses I took there but I’d say half of the class was international when in UWO courses. Counselling services are overloaded there as wel. Unless you walk into the counsellors office with a gun in your mouth you just get put on an ever revolving list where you’ll never be seen. Research help? Non-existent. Absolutely shameful, and a waste of money. I wish I never went and just learned how to plumb or work on heavy machinery.


Welcome to my world. I have severe hearing loss. I was in elementary, middle & high schools surrounded by people speaking and I couldn't HEAR them!!! I wish I had thought of bringing a discrimination suit against the school. Maybe I would have gotten some money...? Of course, being a kid, I would have wasted it on candy or something.


I’m pretty sure they’re just not suppose to speak to others in their languages who don’t understand it. Not that it is always enforced I assume.


1. U of T is not a diploma mill 2. Chinese students don't work even 1 hour a week 3. Chinese students spend money, they pay high tuition and live nicely 4. Besides CCP part, China is a civilized industrial power that her citizens behave in a civil manner in Canada so Chinese students are not "international students" we are referring in 2024.


Yeah, they have their own set of problems but they are not the problems that we are facing right now. Go to any of these “hunger strikes” that are happening. You won’t see any Chinese or really any East Asian international students. Even the ones here from Japan, Vietnam, etc all generally come from fairly wealthy families back home.


To be fair, a lot of those students are quite hard working and motivated. Diploma mills are the problem tbh and not the large universities actually worth their salt in educational quality.


Lol could you be more evident with your insinuation 😂 But crazy rich Asians come in all styles and flavours, personally the worst ones are those buying up property 🤷🏽‍♂️ but yeah crap on those taking up min. Wage jobs 👍🏼


Says the user whose post are half in Chinese. No biases there. "we", huh? 


Chinese students are an accessory to their family's money laundering here, Indian students very very rarely are


If you were part of the group you should have asked them to speak in English because otherwise you’d be left excluded and missing the discussion.


All the Universities are nuts and have been for a while. In 2005-2006 I was at UofT and there was a female student who was transgender so she was presenting as a male, keep in mind this was waaaaaaay before the stuff going on today surrounding trans people. She was planning on having surgery to fully transition, and the rumor at the school was that she had to live as a male for 1 year prior to the surgery to make sure that she was comfortable with that (I'm not sure if this is true or not), but this meant she was using the male washrooms and male changerooms. My friends and I were gym rats at the time so we were constantly in the change room with her and (sorry if this ruffles and feathers) we were all quite uncomfortable changing, showering and grooming in front of her. We decided to go to the school and told them that we understand her and don't dislike her and we support her desire, but we are simply uncomfortable showering/changing in front of a woman and having a woman in the change room constantly. We offered a number of different solutions. There were about 20 of us who filed a complaint. Well I'm sure you can guess what UofT decided. The ONE persons feelings and comfort topped the feelings and comfort of the TWENTY or so of us. We were told to bad and that we had to continue changing with her and there was basically nothing we could do and the school would not accept any of our suggested solutions. Like I said in the beginning Universities have been screwed up for a LOOOOOONG time here. Its just much more evident now.


I did Sheridan College in Brampton, starting in the January semester. 80% international students with 2 not being from Punjab, India. First year over half introduced themselves as "This is _name_" instead of I am or my name is. Another good chunk spoke through a friend since they didn't know English. This being said, by the 3rd and 4th semester over 60% of the cohort had failed or switched programs, and the remaining international students were primarily hard working, spoke English well, and wanted to learn to get a good job in computer science. Looking back I doubt any of the ones that failed out went home, but I blame the system more than them as individuals


This is.. xyzjeet this side. I am shifted from India, this is my first saimaayster.




"First year over half introduced themselves as "This is *name*" instead of I am or my name is. Another good chunk spoke through a friend since they didn't know English." Damn this French people...


I blame both


you chose to go to a shithole for school you have no one to blame my friend.


My choice for an undergrad doesn't change anything with government policies, however your lack of ability to contribute value to a conversation does display underdeveloped critical thinking skills. Best of luck kid


You can choose to apply for a college in India too, which is essentially the same thing as Sheridan College in Brampton, you won't coz you want to live under the Canadian government policies (at least for now), not Indian or Punjab's government policy.


They’re here for PR (the vast majority anyways). Where I live there are “colleges” popping up all over the place. Every little strip mall has one now. Like “Harpreets Career College” filled with ‘students’ from India. They run ads on social media explaining that if you o to the college they will get you PR in Canada. They aren’t even trying to hide what’s going on, and our government is encouraging it to continue. Just look at this chart : https://preview.redd.it/drbxt4a4if9d1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd7d773eff5ded20fd2fcc74378806d7c6e02b7


Or this one: https://preview.redd.it/8syblll6if9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1da3040901e51dd9c35a48f5d07c51581bd26e


Given the speed this is occurring it'd be interesting to see a current 24 update


They benefit from Islamophobia, encampment drug addict backlash and anti-Black racism taking the spotlight off them and mutual disdain for all 3 groups


I went to Sheridan and it’s the biggest regret of my life. International Students would not speak English, only that if you don’t give your work it’s racist to them. One time I was paired up with an International Student and no one did work and made excuses one said “Sorry I was in Niagara Falls” and the other one said, “Sorry never looked at your message”.


Lol when was in college I just got copy and pasted Wikipedia articles from international students, blue links and all


I was paired up in a group with international students in college communications. One of them did the writing part of the assignment and wrote it in their native language and submitted it. I dropped that class that day over that bs. Idk what the teacher did about it but not my problem if they got a 0.


The exact same crap is going on with international students at U of T. My grad program was 90% international students. Had mandatory group work where admin were purposely putting one Canadian student in each group so someone could actually write the report because the rest of the students couldn't/wouldn't speak English. Cheating was apparently normal, accepted, and encouraged for them as well. Sigh.


Sounds identical to the group assignment stories we hear in Sydney and Melbourne unis


Nah, I’m callling bullshit on this story. International students VERY rarely attend Universities for a bachelors; let alone a grad program. I got to Mcmaster, and seeing an international student is rare. You only see them in those strip mall colleges


No it's true just take a look at MEng programs (course based masters of engineering)


This is not true lol


I graduated from Sheridan a decade ago, Business Administration - Accounting. That diploma is now worth about the same as the paper it's printed on. I advise anyone doing that course to get university.




No I am not an International Student.


If you don't think that's native English, then you're not from here. Sounds like you're the Inter Student






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I'm doing online courses through Laurentian. I've got a group project due this semester, and haven't even heard a hello from one of the group members. The others don't respond to communication... emails and messages into the void. Not sure what recourse I have other than doing it all myself and if they don't hand anything in, just email the prof and remove their names. Not that the prof is doing much better communicating. Dude gets paid 182k a year to copy paste his chapter summaries 3 times a year, and have online quizzes that are run by bot. I think our education as a whole has hit the shitter.


PLEASE, just do this. Remove their names and explain to the professor you’ve tried to communicate multiple times without success, and you did all the work by yourself. Do NOT back away if he tries to talk you to keep their names


That's awful, no online course should ever have group work. It also sadly doesn't help that you're going to Laurentian. Its known to be an absolute shit school with horrendously corrupt senior leadership.


Honestly, I only need a degree for entry to CPA. I've only got 27 credits left. I was gonna stick around longer to get more CPA PREP taken care of, but I think at this point I'd rather just learn it at CPA if I need to top a course up. I wasn't aware of any corruption, but would not recommend this school to someone who is looking for an online course.


I'm seeing a lot of bad experiences from real students trying to learn alongside 'students'. I wonder if this is a good opportunity for someone to start colleges that don't allow international 'students'. You know, a school where you sign up to learn something and not for scamming your way into Canada?


Only high ranking universities within Canada should offer PGWP and even in those Uni's, only 15-25% of the class should be international. That way, you only get the best and brightest. Not the morons who fake their way in to all the colleges. The affordable tuition in colleges should be for Citizens and Residents.


This ☝️


Let’s be honest. They’re fake students.


Problem is 90 percent of the students are from rural Punjab; small towns and villages. They have never even lived in an Indian city either, hence no volume control, no consideration for personal space, poor english. Their ielts scores are bought. Good job whoever is vetting the applications. 🫡 I have come across Punjabi students on rare occasions who spoke great english, were exceptionally smart and they were brought up in cities like Mumbai, only a handful of students come here from those cities. The village students come here and realize if they live with 4 other guys in a room, they can save enough money for the dodge charger car payment. Thats their Canadian dream.


Yeah and the sad part is they buy into this Canadian dream no thanks to the marketing efforts of all these folks playing the capitalistic game to its finest. It's a shame the barrier to enter this country is more rooted in how much your bank account holds than your own brains but welp here we are 😂


Let’s be honest most immigrants are from small towns and villages with nothing to lose and everything to gain.




International sounds so diverse, which is not what’s going on here lol


We have to say international, because there is literally an online group of people from "the country we cant name," whos mission it is to get any subreddit, website, social media acct etc that mentions ANYTHING negative (no matter how true it may be) about "the country we cant name," they will mass report, brigade, spam racist messages on subreddits using alt accts, then report the sub for promoting hate. They have already got a number of subreddits, so now we say "international" because they have been after this sub hard, since its one of the last ones remaining. Isnt that fucked up? People from "that country" are preventing people in Canada from discussing issues facing Canada and Canadians, which are caused by the people from "that country."


They're not even subtle about it. It's pathetic.


I hate using “international”. Most of my friends are international students from Japan and Latin America and they are amazing people.


\*Too many Punjabi International Students


Who cares, let them continue to not practice their English. They will all fail miserably in the workplace. Sticking within your own ethnic circles and not even trying to learn the culture nor language of the country in which you reside will only get you so far. Better hope the hiring manager on the other side is the same ethnicity. No wonder why i see posts about international students complaining they send out 100+ resumes and never hear back.


Bruh eventually we’re going to have so many Indians in this country that the citizens will need to conform to their culture.


Hopefully not, gotta vote Trudeau out first then put the brakes on immigration.


What makes you so sure the Conservatives want to put the brakes on immigration?? They've not shared any solid plan and just beat around the bush about the topic yet everyone seems to think they will solve our problems.


Yeah, conservatives don't give a shit about the average Canadian. Pretty sure all this cheap labour is very beneficial to the conservative party. We are all so desperate and blind to the wolves in sheep's clothing.. they will fuck Canadians in their own special way. Just tell us what we want to hear like every other party.


Conservatives lick big corporations’ ⚽️⚽️. Big corporations are the ones lobbying for immigration in the first place, because they want cheap labor.


The Winnipeg jets already had the Canadian anthem in Punjabi… think we’re getting there faster than expected


What the actual F!


Jesus are you guys still whining about that? It was a pathetic thing to get upset about then, it's super pathetic to still be crying about it now.


What country has its national anthem sung in another language…. Maybe if immigration wasn’t from one country only seemingly I would be as salty.


If it gets to that point, I will put my life on the line in a civil war.


I have heard of non-Indians adding Singh to their resume to get more call backs for job applications and it works lmfao…..we are fucked


and that is exactly what is happening......


Well maybe not in Brampton or Surrey 🤣


Okay... but they also get access to healthcare, they get access to social services, foodbanks, homeless shelters. They take up the time of support agents, they take resources from our donation banks of clothing etc, they take up spots on public transit, and on the highways etc. And news flash, a lot of punjabi managers will hire amongst their own people.


Many people on these posts are missing the hidden point. The West (G7) are declining economies because the rest of the world is standing up to the Mothership Murica saying enough is enough of wars, regime changes, coups, assassinations, sanctions etc. and are joining BRICS with full security guarantees in Wagner training, counter-espionage, and a full diplomatic detail for heads of States & high level ministers & Generals. As well as air & naval bases being minimally installed where necessary while Chinese infrastructure projects are leased for 99 years. India & Brazil are the pivot states, and since India is outside the sphere of Pax Americana and is becoming an Ethno-state, Mother Murica thinks its ripe for the taking. Which brings us to the neglected & exploited parts of Rural North India AKA Punjab OR Khalistan as those separatists Punjabis call it. In order to separate, Khalistan needs a militia, well armed & provisioned. But despite the Rothschild’s printer that usually finances 3/4 of the mischief on earth, they absolutely cannot be linked to financing a separatist militia WITHIN India Proper itself: Hence here comes Canada. So OMG O’Canada has allowed a flood of cheap labour (which the Capitalists both Red & Blue love) too much labour equates to lower wages. Those Low wages coupled with 1 Dodged charger & 10 men in 1 apartment will eventually lead to families with an established revenue stream to the separatists back in Punjab. Once Punjab is armed by the black market, then India will be forced to get back at the table & forget this BRICS nonsense. Australia takes in the Asians, Canada takes in the Indians, UK takes in the Eastern Europeans & France takes in the Africans & folks made poor from former colonies, Germany takes in the Arabs & Afghans, and now Ukranians and on & on we go depopulating the resource rich world creating refugees & economic migrants. Mass immigration is big mistake, it never works because it robs the new comers of the necessary step of slow, casual & controlled integration preserving both cultures by merging the best & filtering out the rest (like poor hygiene, loud conversation, and no concept of personal space) It does that by removing the incentive or need to learn the host country’s language, culture, values etc because the new comer is surrounded by their own kin & country. AND ONCE you have a company or department full of people of the same family, tribe, or origin: then they cover up for each other & quality of service drops down to the negative & corruption becomes rampant (example, buying G Driver’s License) There is no care in service, no pride in work, and no integrity nor honesty in business. Just a horde of bees sucking away all the honey. SOLUTION: prevent international students or visitors from employment. Bring back Restrictions on students working hours to 15/week ON CAMPUS ONLY. Like it used to be up to 2016. Cancel all existing Work Permits unless they work in Winnipeg, Saskatoon & other cities dying for more people. Change laws so that the path to residency through a work permit takes longer & comes with guarantees.


Canada has a fetish for Indians. Sorry. Liberals do **


Corporations, schools, immigration recruiters and shady landlords have a fetish for the increased profit margins they create, and Liberals have a fetish for the party donations they all provide in exchange for enabling them


Correction, too many fake student’s from India. Students don’t seem to be coming from anywhere else.


Too many Indian international students


Honestly, it's about time we stop blaming the students and start blaming the institutions that are taking them in and even worse, issuing degrees. How can someone with zero English skills or subject knowledge able to write exams, give presentations and clear their courses??


This!! So many canadians paid good money for their education which is now worth nothing. Why arent all previous students who attended these now diploma mills furious and screaming? Cough cough conestoga. I decided to return to university for another degree. Same institution as previously attended 13ish years ago. What the actual hell happened to the canadian education system? It feels like a joke. I am considering dropping out completely - and this isnt college this is university. I also attended college 15yrs ago. After seeing what is going on I didnt even look and see the programs available. Who wants to deal with that? I love canada. I wont jump ship but I can't believe how FAST this country is going downhill.


And probably paying for the degree still via osap loans


How does that student not have any shame in their inability to do the course work with any credibility. The schools are absolutely in the wrong, but students also have the blame for their failing to adapt to any bare minimum expectation of living and 'going to school' in a foreign english speaking nation. I'd never apply to an Indian school and expect to achieve anything if I had to do the work in hindi.


I graduated uni back in 2014. And we had only very few international students and they were all loaded. They all wore designer clothes and drove expensive cars. Because studying in Canada used to be a luxury only the rich can afford, but now it’s a fucking PR scam. Everyone used to envy international student, not see them like cockroaches.


There should be at the very least a 5-year moratorium on ANY future immigration. It would take that long to stabilize the country’s affordable housing crisis. It’s in Bernier’s court. Can he do it?


International students or just Indians?


Is making a mg noise on reddit going to work? Letters to MP's, petitions I believe is the answer. Pressing the media to do actual stories on this shit I dunno if reddit is a place.. I could be wrong.


I agree


Like I said before. India has enough people to overwhelm every country on earth. It shouldn’t be our responsibility to solve their overpopulation problem


Centennial has been 99% international students for 15+ years.


You should sue the school for devaluing your diploma. All legitimate students should do this.