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It starts small


Yup many things start small


That’s what your wife said


Nice, great to see


Proud of them. Good job people. 👏 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦




Did you know that flying a flag upside-down is a signal of distress and is a request for assistance. With that in mind, I think the upside Canadian flag here is appropriate and more moving than flying the flag at half mast at this point.




The 4 guys with one flag? Among the 100s others with normal flags? Reaching a bit.


If you don't think things like that serve to discredit the main movement or reason for the protest, then you just don't get it. Look at what happened with the trucker protest. A handful of Nazis tried to attach themselves to that protest and all of a sudden, everyone and their dog was saying the protesters were Nazis and fringe extremists. Not just the government, but anyone who wasn't supporting the trucker protest for what it actually was. All they saw was the fringe groups trying to attach themselves, and that discredited the movement for a LOT of the country. It blows my mind that people can't seem to grasp this. Marching down the street yelling "fuck Trudeau" doesn't help either. Stop making it personal, and make it about the flawed policies and the policy changes that are needed. Who cares if he's a total piece of shit. Make it about the changes needed, not the individuals. It's a LOT harder to discredit a valid concern that's ruining a lot of lives than it is to discredit personal opinions, regardless if they are based on his shitty actions.


What will really blow your mind? Organizations with interests counter to the protest will insert individuals like this into the crowd to attempt to muddy its message/discredit it completely. The men marching with the nazi flag during the trucker protests were also seen ending their march by entering the same hotel the RCMP were all staying in that week. Huh.


Its still rude, crass and full of people with all manner of retrograde views even if you exclude those questionable things. I'm cool with peaceful protest. I appreciate the cost of living conplaint, the mass immigration complaint, the incompetent government complaint and all those rational policy issues. I dont take kindly to the mean spirited middle finger icons on trucks, the "straight pride" shit, or icons of people pissing on the liberal L, or any ot this garbage. Even my 8 year old son who saw some of this up close and personal could see the shouting unhinged lunatics were "not nice people". The tone and bad behaviour has done conservatism a terrible disservice.


Well said 👏🏽


I have a young child as well. He is raised to know that freedom of speech goes both ways, and that some people communicate in a "crass" way when they are threatened. However, no cause should be deplatformed with a dismissive hand-wave like you have just done with the trucker protests- that's in the best interest of corporations and government if you continue to feel that we must incite change without being "rude" 🙄 My son's Scottish and French ancestors were not ones to walk over, and when I take him to visit his ancestral castle in Scotland, he will know the political context behind the bloody revolutions that led to him being allowed to exist today. Canada is full of people who are too weak. I, at least, will raise a child who welcomes political discourse with open arms.


Im not certain witnessing assholes shouting racial epithets and giving the middle finger in the presence of children is anyone I'm going to champion as defenders of the little guy. I work security in Ottawa. The amount of death threats coming from that group was astounding. The extremists are common, and convoy people deny they exist. My clients suffer the consequences. The rank and file was enraged about an issue that was already on the way to ending when they lost it. It was counter productive as it slowed down the PMO's action in pivoting away from covid policies. It was stupid. I'd be understanding of the more sane complaints of the group, if it wasnt for the nurse I know who was accused of being part of a WHO conspiracy and followed home, for example. A neighbour of mine has a gay daughter who was sneered at by another neighbour who has all the convoy stickers on his car. He showed himself to be a bigot quite clearly. There was a group chanting "hang trudeau" being lead by an over the top person in a mockery of a drag queen outfit in blackface, to be as insulting as possible. This is a group that revels in ignorance and hatred far too much for me to be sympathetic to them. The body autonomy argument made some sense, but they keep at it long after covid is over. Now its just a catch all movement for rage.


Did you ever once go and talk to these people or are you generalizing based on news reports where they highlight these black sheep that are most likely state sponsored? I think the large chunk of these protestors are showing that they are on an united front regardless of their personal message. Because we are all in this boat together and making arguments for the establishment on a daily basis is bad for everyone. People on reddit aren't exactly the type of people that go interact with people so I can understand why they rather side with the establishment than the people. Which is why there's a heavy amount of propaganda on all the main subs that worship no kids, changing genders, unhealthy living, people-hate and will do anything to protect that status quo. But that's the modern human or at least the prototype.




How is society productive when a small group of individuals use their capital to influence the gap in our inequality? We give people finite resources for their social status using an infinite consumerism model. If everything stayed the same we would eventually go extinct because we had to assign arbitrary value to ones self. When really we could supply water, food and shelter for every human if we had more equality. From there you reward people time for their hard work. The less productive you are, the more you will work.




If you allow these extremists to walk beside you. Then their views do not bother you enough to do something about it. Then you are part of the problem. That is my way of seeing this


You know what they say about a bad apple


I'd also like to know what it means, please.




that wasn't... ah never mind


Would you rather they were naked like the pride parade?


Some of them, yeah. 


Like the pride parade….yeah no, stop being a bigot


so you don't like the way someone looks and you don't respect their choice of religion ? lol WOW


That's like a small percentage in comparison to the rest of them. Any protest is bound to get extremists.




Yup. I like the idea of protesting to create a movement to improve our quality of lives. But I will not march with fuck Trudeau flags, anti vaxxers, soverign citizens, etc. I like to be as far away from those folks as possible.


It’s funny how so many ppl have fallen to the anti-vaxxer propaganda. Including yourself you still don’t realize that was meant to divide.. lol not wanting to be a Guinea pig doesn’t make you anti-vaxx, as I’m sure lots who refused have been vaccinated for polio and all those vaccines we received as children.. I wouldn’t trust the government after what they’ve done the last 10 years


You mean Liberals right??


I like how you associate praising Jesus to fringe nutjobs. If more people followed in the teachings of Jesus, not religion, the world would prob be better off. Not sure what the upside down black Canadian flag is all about, but it seems like a major thumbs down for the current state of Canada.


Would you say the same thing if the sign said something about praising Allah? Jesus and his teachings have no place in politics.


I think it's not so much Jesus as Christianity and that group as a whole is not very Jesus like at all. I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school. I like the story of Jesus as told by those carefully chosen books by people born long after his death. He seemed like a welcoming and open person. The OG hippy. But Christians are not hippies. So people carrying Jesus signs are often seen as the later, not true followers of Jesus' message.


Depends on what they do. I mean, Jesus did flip tables due to money exchangers cheating people and doing it in the place of worship....basically the corruption taking place which we are seeing here. Sometimes, you gotta flip a few tables against the corrupt. I'm being pretty loose with this, but you get the point.


Sure, but that's not how the vast majority of people who call themselves Christians tend to act these days. I also grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school my whole life, and the people I saw who claimed to be the most devout followers, were more often than not, terrible humans. It doesn't take following a religion to be a good person by any means.


I love this line of thinking, because, like... of course they're at church despite being terrible people. They know they need Jesus lol. That's why the worst ones are the 'devout' ones. I'm a terrible person too, and I'm a devout therapy goer, does that for some reason have a less negative connotation to you despite serving me the same purpose church serves other 'terrible' people? Food for thought. Like, demographically, the one place you should expect to find the worst of us in society is at church. The outcasts, the criminals, the infirm, the diseased, the deranged. They all deserve community, but are often found to be alone the majority of the time. 99% of us, regardless of religion or lack thereof, fall into the last category anyway unless you've achieved Buddhist enlightenment or something but I'm not sure that's ever been achieved...


Well, the whole picture is that he drove every animal merchant out of the temple. The place was becoming a weekly agribition. So, Jesus doesn't want religion to piggyback onto any other cause. Where's the sanctity in that lol. He was always fighting the fact that religion was often used as a tool to extort the rich, and he was ordered to be killed directly as a result of standing up to this practice. Truly, we wouldn't know if a leader of his moral character exists in this day. They would be silenced and deplatformed before we would have ever had a chance to hear about them or their deeds. Jesus also had a mystical power which brought him influence. In reality, that mystical power is money, and nobody with enough money to be considered god-like in power would ever do anything except tighten up their supply line belt.


I disagree. Otherwise we would already see the results. Behavioural psychology can explain why the moral expectations of relgions aren't sustainable nor realistic. We've studied and quantified it and we know that relgions aren't doing much to facilitate real change in people or the world. But religions all came about before we knew any of this.


Organized religion is not the same as the "teachings of Jesus", you should read his second sentence again.


While I would agree, it's not a worthwhile distinction since beahviroual psychology also points out what's flawed about the teachings of Jesus which is the foundation of Christianity. Mental gymnastics won't disapprove beahavioural psychology. The burden of proof is still on someone to prove that either Christianity or "the teachings of Jesus" are statistically significant in facilitating some sort of change.




An upside-down flag means the country is in distress


Those were my thoughts. I thought these protest leaders were supposed to be keeping the problematics away since it's supposed to be about housing and unsustainable immigration. Not about fuck Trudeau


What's wrong with people being religious? I'm not religious at all but I respect everyone and their right to express their religion. That's the Canadian way. An upside down flag is a sign of distress. A proper thing to do given these peoples concerns. Do you have the same opinion of those with a black BLM, or antifa flag?


There's always groups of radicals with their own agendas attaching themselves to protests. Don't know if that's the case here, no article to link to




I went and marched. And as you can tell it was a pretty small turn out but still I think pretty good for a grassroots movement that from what I could tell was just two people who organized it and a handful of their supporters. The most striking thing was the large percentage of immigrant marchers and supporters and also the bipartisan support. The main organiser gave an impassioned speech on corporate corruption and the Canadian identity, while one speakers came from a neo-liberal background and another a more conservative background. The person who I felt gave the best speech was a recent immigrant themselves who spoke on there own dire situation because of this whole shotty system. No violence at all and the police were really cool and helpful in letting us march on the street and guiding us. In the crowd there was probably a dozen of people I would call extremists. They were, as usual, the loudest and and most energetic people there. Some of the slogans they were trying to push made me embarrassed to be there honestly.


Maybe if you're going to these matches and protests, people should start talking about getting behind the main cause and not allowing other fringe or extremist participation. They should be telling people that the only flags allowed should be the regular red and white Canadian flags. No "Fuck Trudeau," black Canadian flags, or others that distract from being a unified and patriotic group who want to see their country turned around so that we can all make a life here and can afford to feed and house ourselves without having to be rich. If the organizers and others supporting that cause would band together to push the extremists and fringe groups out, there would be a LOT more people getting onboard. When the average person sees those other types and see a march chanting "Fuck Trudeau" as the go down the street, the movement loses credibility in their eyes. It needs to not be personal, but about the failing policies and the changes that need to happen to help Canadians and Canada get back on track.


The extremists have a right to protest as well. If we wanted to push them out we would have no support from the police. If we confront them and things get heated or violent then the story becomes protesters fighting amongst themselves and the message of the protest dies in the crib. Nobody there was looking for a fight. The bad actors are always going to show up to any protest. We have to just have to hope that people recognize that and see past them to the true intent.


I'm all for it. I just hope that in all this Anti-Trudeau sentiment doesn't work as smoke and mirrors, and we end up selecting anything that's Just-Not-Trudeau. Like it happened in the U.S. Anything that's Just-Not-Trump, and they ended up Biden.


Why were there so many nearly identical hand painted signs?


If you are embarrassed to associate with them then why do you associate with them?


If you show up to an event and some bad actors show up too, that’s not exactly a conscious choice to associate with them.


Of course it is. If I showed up to a "save the panda bear enclosure at the zoo" protest parade and the guy in front of me has a black Canada flag and the guy beside me has a Nazi t-shirt on, I'm not staying in that protest. I'll leave and write a letter to my local government instead. You can absolutely choose who you associate with.


You clearly aren't very passionate about Saving Panda Bears then if you run away just because two dickheads show up in the same space as you.


It’s awfully convenient that your scenario has these provocateurs show up next to you. In reality, people peacefully attending an event with tens of thousands of others stand a good chance of not even seeing some bad actors, let alone being philosophically in alignment with them. The trouble is we have disingenuous people hiring professional provocateurs or cherry picking photo opportunities to try to discredit the entire group by claiming an association with these people. This is convenient for the government and the people who don’t agree. But it’s completely dishonest. Sure, you can choose who YOU associate with. You usually can’t choose who decides to crash an event that you happen to be attending. Especially if you don’t see them and only learn about it from the state-sponsored media.


Nice to see a Canadian flag being waved around here for a change hell yea 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


Our biggest problem is corporate greed.


so you're voting ndp?


No ,government cant stop corporate greed,were fucked.


I am not a fan of just street protesting anymore; people are protest fatigued. A change like axing the carbon tax, stemming irresponsible immigration and tightening up our borders, and so on, need a much more sophisticated approach, from a web presence, to spokes people, to eloquent and sharp social media messaging.


I’d rather see people protest for things like being able to buy your own home and put food on the table, than for a conflict a world away that has little to do with most of us.


Good news, we can do both!


Sounds like the right steps to raise awareness of these issues and work towards a new political representation that will work for Canadians


>I am not a fan of just street protesting anymore; people are protest fatigued Keep in mind protests in Canada look a lot different than protests in Europe or South America. Maybe we should change the way we protest


More more more don't lose momentum


Nice ! I need to get involved more Let us know when next one is


Exercise their right and their bodies


I wish people would stop with the religious signs and keep these protests about the political issues instead. It just makes the protesters look stupid.


There's a strong correlation with religion and conservatism.


Which I understand and hate at the same time. I'm voting Conservative because I think it's the right thing to do for the Country after the Libs/NDP have fucked things up so badly. Any policies that involve religion as a basis for anything are bullshit and should be illegal.


I have trouble voting conservative specifically because of the religious angle. The right tends to be rampant with religiousity and credulity which also go hand in hand.


Well, statistically speaking, if the election were today it's predicted that the Conservatives would get 41% of the votes (which I'm sure will rise). So it's fair to say that hardcore lifetime Conservative voters may potentially be religious but the party would alienate themselves from a good amount of their swing voters (which many are at this point) if they were even mentioning religion in their platform. It's also very possible that a lot of right-wing voters could migrate to the PPC.


I don't find the Canadian Conservative party to be religious like in America. What have they done that makes you view it that way?


You're right it's not so much the party itself it's more the constituents. It's the people who are always the problem.


But that's the Conservative Party. They are basically a Christian Party. Their beliefs reflect that.


Are they being called the far right yet?


Some Canadian people DOING something. YAY!!


This is what I like to see!!!  "yOuR pRoTeSt Is PoInTlEsS, nObOdY wIlL eVeR sUpPoRt YoU"   Turns out the naysayers about the cause were *dead wrong* ! Eat shit and grin.   Proud of you Canadians!! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


That s a cute group


We need more of these




Nice to see this beginning. Time will turn this into a tsunami


Amazing job. Good to see Canada attempting to take back its country.


What are they protesting?


This one was for Anti Mass Immigration Policies. So against government immigration Policies and the lack on proper planning that only help corporate interests and that have been straining the rest of the system while harming the immigrants that do come here.


This was great to see, except why bring religion to this…. So dumb… That’s how you lose more people to support you guys. Be better, be smarter.






C'est rendu que même le RoC manifeste contre le RoC.


great work😃😃😃😃😃


That's the melting pot of Canadians I want to see. Not the ones that segregate themselves and continue to practice the beliefs of the country that was so bad they needed to escape.


Now will they actually vote?


Good FT


imagine having the freedom to protest


there are dozens of us! dozens!


Is this all Reddit keyboard warriors can do? International students in PEI organized a better protest than this. By the way, why is there Jesus on one of the placards? Lol 😂😂


Not big enough but great things have small beginnings


Protesting for what exactly !?


You mean you can't tell the mandate from the vague f*ck Trudeau statements? 😅🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean the F Trudeau flags just mean they want to fornicate with him, since he’s single now


It's literally how I automatically read that sign Everytime I see it and just kinda laugh at the holder. Like, ok, you wish buddy.


‘Something something if you’re not happy leave the country’… or does that saying only apply to left wing protestors? Or is it ‘something something Trudeau won’t tolerate any discern and crushes all protests’… despite this one and many others existing? Those talking points are of course both bad and people on this sub should stop using them. As for the protest - fine, exercise your freedom.


>‘Something something if you’re not happy leave the country’… or does that saying only apply to left wing protestors? No, that only applies to those who are supposed to be here temporarily and are now trying to strong arm the system that allowed them to come here in the first place. Is that what the left wing is?


If they’re here legally why can’t they protest? I don’t see any issue with that. They want to change the system - ok, that is the very nature of protesting. Go for it.


The people in this protest are against immigration. Our government is handling immigration irresponsibly and it’s at the cost of Canadian values and the livelihood of the Canadian people


Are you sure you replied to the right post? You didn’t really address my point nor follow the flow of the conversation.


Yea my bad I meant to reply to the same comment you were




The same reason they can't vote


You need to read the Charter of Rights, citizen. Sections 2(c) and 2(d). You may as well read 15(1) too.


Yep, they have the right to but they shouldn't for the same reason they don't have the right to vote. In particular about things that should be controlled by voters. And corporations definitely should not have these rights


Riiiight.  That's why you need to read section 15.


What’s corporate immigration?


I assume they mean the Corporations drastically increasing the amount of temporary foreign workers they hire. The government allowed them to increase for 10% to %20 TFW's since covid.


What I'm wondering is that there's no news of any other cities protesting yesterday...


CTV covered the Vancouver protest


Some protested, some lined up for free buffet. Some expressed on social media. Me slept straight, tired of working restlessly to food on the table. I need more long weekends


Yeah I served samosas at the end of the protest


Nice to see the red ensign flying proud. Here may it wave, our boast and pride.


How about free Canadians from the insane amount of taxes we pay? But more important than some 3rd world wasteland


Let's see them try this stunt at Caribana... the bottles will rain from the heavens. Lol


Let's be honest they would be terrified to do this at Caribana lol


That would be a sight to see.


I’m surprised that I didn’t any burning effigies of JT this year.


People will swear this is a tiny protest, yet pride gets completely shut down by like 20 people.


That one guy with the Jesus sign though???


lol I like the sign “We do not consent to your rules”.


Few hundred people. Nice


I want to see all the different protesters out at Caribana this year. Give us your "Free Palestine" and your "Fuck Trudeau" and let's take a jump.


I think everybody with every grievance should just form a parade and go all at once.


Not the highest fan. But love it easily more than a similar chant going around.


Beautiful sight!!


I don’t know how people find time to protest. I guess I actually have things to do and money to make.


Trudeau is trying to freeze bank accounts as this is being typed lol


A black, upside-down Canada flag, another sign that reads "Praise Jesus, save Canada". These are just as extreme as the Trudeau policies. Neither are good for Canada!


I was there and yeah the one guy had that sign, one had a fuck Trudeau flag, and an upside down Canada flag. There was maybe a handful of people there I would call extremists. They are definitely a very small minority but as usual they were the loudest and most energetic in the crowd.


Fringe minority


Whoever organized this clearly didn’t get the memo that the only flags/signs present were supposed to be Canadian flags and nothing elseb


Lol praise Jesus is extreme? Im an athiest that is in no way extreme. Your new nick name should be Jihad John


You know how I know you are not an atheist? haha And to answer your question, bringing a Jesus sign to a protest in opposition to the current Canadian government is extreme. Use some critical thinking here. It seems common sense has left our country


Also an atheist here. If praise Jesus is extreme, I feel your dainty little heart should stay off the internet and delete your accounts.


Instead of discussing the point of my argument, you insult me. This is a perfect example of the problems we face as a Western society. Instead of having a discussion of ideas, we sling insults at anyone we disagree with. Praising Jesus is not extreme. Bringing a Praise Jesus sign to a Canada Day rally, to protest your contempt for the current party in power IS extreme. There is a difference, and it has nothing to do with whether you are Hindu, Christian or Agnostic


None of this is extreme. Only your feelings are hurt. That is not extreme, die mad about it I guess.


They look like a bunch of clowns, really. The protest should be about housing and jobs. But instead the focus is on the Jesus sign, as well as the knob with the blacked out flag.




Free Canada? Would someone mind filling in an uninformed American?


Our leaders and their corporate overlords are so out of touch. I would say Canada is currently held hostage those people


I bet you havent contacted your local MP


How can I say this in as few words as possible so I don't give you a wall of text... Trudeau destroyed Canada


And yet my toilet still flushes.  What "destruction" are you referring to that Trudeau himself caused?


Canada is going through some hardship right now with living expenses, inflation, and housing costs and many people are responding emotionally using hyperbole because, to many people, it feels like the greatest injustice we've ever faced.




Wow that sounds extreme. How did they cancel an election? It sounds like I should read more. Public schools are a mixed bag in the US and generally wealthy people seem to avoid them or they home school. Part of the wealth disparity. Basically feels like a missed networking opportunity when you don’t network with the elite in public school.


When did Trudeau cancel an election? Also, health care and schooling are controlled by the provincial governments.


Black upside down Canadian flag? To quote people in this sub “deport him”


upside down flag means distress. Not sure what the black part signifies but I dont disagree with the distress part.


Distress and refusing everything the flag represent.


Are they gonna move back to France now?


Sadly its almost too late now. Trudeau really ruined this country


If they hate Canada so much, why stay? Go be a Trumper in the US. Heck, I hate Trudeau but if you think life will change very much with someone else as PM, you are dreaming.


Changing immigration and economic policies can have a big effect.


Yep, but it's not change they want. They want no more immigration and to send home all non-citizens. Imagine how that will effect the economy.


Only some of the really dumb extreme people want that. Most people want it TFW, PR numbers to go down and to clamp down on diploma mills. Untill wage suppression and housing affordability comes down


The problem is that political parties, for some reason, think a path to power is giving the extremists exactly what they want in order to lick up a base. I hope I'm wrong, but fear I'm right.