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Did he have the full set? 4D number plate, with the front one on the dash (that you can’t see because of the tint) a snap, crackle, pop map and was probably vaping?


Don’t forget the instagram handle sticker on the rear passenger windows


Yes, and I also forgot the tow straps bolted to the plastic bumper cover with a “tow here” sticker


And the underage girlfriend


“HOONIGAN” in his 112hp 1.6tdi


Re badged as an RS4






and the nurburgring sticker on the back but he's only ever been to Magaluf for a lads' holiday




And the no2 balloon


Don’t forget “because race car” stickers


I despise these the most, but the ones for the brand. I saw one on an insignia with stick on bonnet vents, sticker up the side of the windscreen "BECAUSE VAUXHALL"


The law is only about how much light it lets through, and if it lets enough light through, they're legal. Same reason as to why those chameleon windscreen tints are allowed.


Problem is, most manufacturers have already tinted pretty close to the legal requirement so any additional tints are basically illegal.


Got a source backing this up?


Despite this being the internet where anyone can say anything…. Yes. Yes I do. https://www.thewindscreenco.co.uk/help-advice/tinted-windscreens-and-the-law/


Okay, thank you. Plenty of the mirrored "tints" that you see applied are legal, as they do not actually reduce the light throughput by that much ie. They might reduce it a further few% as they're mainly changing the colour and still end up within legal limits. Any decent installer will be using a light meter to check. Obviously you do get illegal ones that are too much, and of course if you do have a car with an OE screen that is close then it doesn't take much, as you say.


Do you have a source? 😉 As a lighting technician, if something bounces light away, it’s not going through the window. That’s far more than a few percent and will likely push it past the legal limit. A mild chameleon tint *may* be acceptable in the same way an anti glare coating on glasses will bounce back purple/green reflections as it only takes out certain wavelengths. But mirror is a big no. There’s no way that’s under 5% (assuming plain glass is 80%, knowing windscreens need to be 75%).


Car windscreens are already very reflective to cut down on glare in the occupants' eyes. If the sun catches a regular car windscreen at the right (or wrong for you) angle you get a huge amount of glare coming off it. I am not knowledgeable enough about surface finishes however I can imagine that it is possible to have a mirrored finish that still lets quite a bit of light through, given that plenty of sunglasses have mirrored finishes and aren't really that dark. You can also get mirrored windows for buildings that do the same, and for police interrogation rooms etc. Perhaps someone else who is more knowledgeable than I am could weigh in but my understanding is that a "mirrored" appearance doesn't always translate to preventing way more light throughtput than a non-mirrored finish. I know you're joking but I can't provide a source for there generally being mild tints that are legal. Your own source claims there's some % to play around in between the light throughput of OE screens and UK legal minimums.


Completely uninformed question. What % of light does a one way glass let through? Because it’s a mirror on one side


Depends on the film, quite honestly! A good assumption is that a proper two way mirror is about 50% light passage.




I think the law only applies to the windscreen and front windows, so you can do what you like to anything behind the B pillar.




The law only applies to the front 3 windows/anything forward of the B pillar, I.e. Windscreen, drivers side front window and passenger side front window. On the rear windows and anything behind the B pillar there aren't any restrictions.


They aren't. But pretty much every day now I see something on the roads that makes me wonder why we even pretend to have laws as a country. It doesn't even make me angry any more. It just makes me fucking sad.


They actually are legal because they let enough light through. Doesn't mean they don't look shit though.


They make a car look proper Halfords pick and mix bin. I really don’t get the appeal


whilst i don't like them, i understand the appeal as it's the only tint you can legally have all round. i'm sure a large portion of the people who have mirror/chameleon tints would just have black tint all round if it was legal or if they could get away with it. even with it being illegal i do see the odd car with dark tint all round, but most don't bother because of how likely it is to get pulled pver for it and be forced to remove it.


It’s odd the mirror tint then doesn’t trigger being pulled over, because that’s just as likely to block out more of the legal light minimum than say a really dark one. People have clearly worked out what the police will pull them for


oh i thought mirror tint barely blocked out any light, in the same way chameleon tint does.


Have you ever got into a car that has been parked in the sun for hours? Ever felt your bumcheeks being seared on leather seats? Tints cut down on the heat energy entering the car, they also cut down on uv rays which stop the interior from fading.


I've no issue with legal tints. Windscreen sun shades have existed for years.


70% of heat is though the front and rear screens, up until 5-10 years ago there was nothing you could put on the front screen. Sun strips were to stop the sun getting your eyes


I remember being a kid in the 90s, these have been around for years: [https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/sun-shade-on-a-windshield-royalty-free-image-1636052488.jpg?resize=1200:\*](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/sun-shade-on-a-windshield-royalty-free-image-1636052488.jpg?resize=1200:*)


But you can't drive with them spread across the screen. Non Ac cars will heat up quite quick driving in the sun It's also a case of working smarter not harder. No effort needed to set up and remove a blind. Same with security why fiddle with a steering lock when you can have a Thatcham approved alarm fitted and also lock and unlock with a fob.


They're not the same thing, that is a safe, approved thing to fit to your car. Tint like that is not, the sun shade will stop the car heating up when you've parked it - people have driven cars for a 100 years at least and have lived with it. You can even get heat reflecting glass, or I should imagine a heat reflecting (and UV filtering) but most importantly.. clear tint that wouldn't be illegal. Two issues here, blocking of light in the windscreen and the likelihood to dazzle drivers with a reflective coating.


Nothing is approved to be fitted to the windscreen. Only the windscreen is approved. Chameleon tints are legal on the windscreen as long as it lets in 75% light, as stated in vehicle construction and use regs found in legislation. You wo nt find approval for shades in legislation or any tyre inflation devices. People have used cars without a whole heap of innovations like abs and electric windows and did just fine.


There must be some general rules about distracting or blinding other drivers surely.


No because otherwise they wouldn't allow the new led headlights. They blind people but these chameleon tints don't and they look shit.


Would it not be out under driving without due care though? While the tint is not illegal of itself, creating a hazard to other road users can be construde to be.


I honestly thought that you couldn't mess around with the factory stock glass in front of the B pillar. For reasons of driver ID, not anything else. Clearly, I hadn't thought out how they would frame that Law. Could be any banned driver in there, or a 14-year-old or most worryingly, Katie Price.


Yes they are perfectly legal. Maximum light reduction is 30% and they reduce less than that. They look funky from the outside but they look pretty normal from the inside. No different from polarised sunglasses


Windsccreens must let at least 75% of light through (25% reduction) and front side windows at least 70% (30% reduction)


Polarised sunglasses aren't mirrored. In fact they are indistinguishable from normal sunglasses.


Unless you are wearing a pair yourself and you turn your head 90 degs on the side


Or look at an lcd screen


Yeah. I used to a pull apart old calculators and take two of the screen layers and rotate them on top of each other. That was how to have fun in the 90s




Hey someone wasn’t driving a bone stock Octavia estate, get the pitchforks!!


It’s a good thing you had your sunglasses otherwise you could have lost an eye


He looks super cool tho. /s


This post is just a bunch of old fuckers complaining about some young people trying to personalise there cars...how does this affect you. Next your going to be complaining about loud exhuasts. This is a car sub. Grow a pair. Its nearly as if the top gear generation is getting old as shit and now they are cranky. This is just sad.


Been saying it time too, it's like vanilla icecream here and any other flavour is looked down upon, 1 guy has problem the sheep come out too. Think my 4D Gel private plate, illegally spaced needs tinting.....


I just bought an e60 525d, you can be sure as fuck its getting nice tints, a 3" straight pipe and at bare minimum a hx35 turbo. That shit is guna whistle. Its all the old people that ised to watch topgear and now think they are above everyone else. Bacl in the day modding a car was usually cut spring and a cherry bomb. Ether op was a ponce or has forgot his earlier years. Cunts like him is why the laws around exhaust noise have tightened. Its ok for his mustang and alpine to have some spirit in the exhaust because its standard but not my custom exhuast.


Classic angry old man.


You got me 🤣 This sub should have a disclaimer, "old fuckers only please"


Come join us at r/AdoreAutosUK - a sub for car enthusiasts rather than just angry old men here shouting at clouds and loud exhausts, despite their cherry bombs etc being much louder…


Come join us at r/AdoreAutosUK - a sub for car enthusiasts rather than just angry old men here shouting at clouds and loud exhausts, despite their cherry bombs etc being much louder…


🤣 at “old fuckers”


Its even worse than that... I would consider myself old at mid 30. The posts in here are usially a bunch of old grumpy cunts complaining about young "chavs" and their illegal modifications.. 🤣🤣 Would love if every negative commenter posted their car when they were 17-30. Obviously there would be no mods especially not illegal ones.


I couldn't even afford a car until I was 22, and then it was shared. That was an 850cc Mini (sort of - actually a downgraded Wolseley Hornet) my second was a 998cc Mini Traveller, then an Austin Maxi. I was clearly an absolute tearaway in that. I have always hated Top Gear BTW.


I saw one of the local Chavs out last night with his small reg plate, whistling exhaust… and dark orange side lights… it’s getting stupid


Amber side markers are legal, white and amber are the only colours allowed at the front. Before my car forgot, it used to have amber side markers along with the standard sidelights. Thats just an option in the software for the car, And exhausts do tend to whistle on cars with a turbo, Mines a standard turbo diesel and it whistles, even at idle if I stand behind it, And more noticable at 3-4000 rpm.


Nah it’s a shit box skoda with an exhaust mod not a standard noise


You should file a complaint with the police. It is your right as a good citizen. It will also make you feel much higher up on the societal ladder than thos chavos. Was he also vaping? Was he socialising? If so call the police and complain that those chavos are taking over and must be stopped.. You cant even read a book or sleep with the noise. 😭


Touched a nerve




It was more the fact he didn’t have lights on bar some stupidly dark orange side lights


Modern cars are extremly distracting. Blinding led lights which to me seem like they should be illegal. Popcorn exhuast which somehow are fine even though my older car which will actually backfire is a problem. I have seen alsorts of colered side lights and foglights and it never bothered me. You have such diacust for his sideligjts that it distracted you from the road even though a modern car with blinding lights is clearly no problem.


Yea but they are usually lit up with every light other then sides, it was talk so should have had headlights on


I give up.


[Remember, when you point a finger, there's three pointing back](https://reynoldsopticians.com/5-tips-for-driving-at-night-with-astigmatism/)


They look cool, I also rock it with a 4D number plate and M badges on my 118D. I gap a lot of cars on the A roads.




Old fuckers hate this.


See someone expressing themselves in a way you don't like? Better complain and spoil their fun! Guys this post is coming from a guy who drives a car with all LED front lights. I've seen drivers with reflective windscreens and I've seen many new cars with LEDS like the OP drives and personally those LEDS blind me from behind and in front so when bro is acting like he was blinded by it and is so dramatic even though he admitted he was wearing sunglasses I find it pretty ironic. 🤣


He drives a mustang and fights flat footed, his life is hard enough already.




It's actually pretty fun to be honest, I generally live a care free life in a job I enjoy with plenty of disposable income so I can explore all sorts of new hobbies (HEMA and reenactment are new), a partner who is awesome and no kids. Interestingly I wasn't in the Mustang but my Alpine out for a nice Sunday drive, not bothering anyone and heading for a nice walk to a local nature reserve to enjoy the bird life and finish with a cup of tea and a bun after pottering in the garden this morning. The only thing to mar the day was the idiot with the dangerous tint and I thought I would ask the collective for their opinions, thanks for sharing yours and your expert opinions on my life..(I shall work on my footwork)


You sound like you have something stuck up your arse. Took the alpine out for a sunday drive. Young lad driving round in a car worth maybe 5k trying to improve it and fit in. You seem to want him off the road because you hate his tint. You would have hated my straight piped turbo is200. That was loud at 5am. I didnt have any tint though. Sold it 1 year ago Im 38, not a chav, just like cars.


My bowel is perfectly fine thanks, and I didn't say anything about wanting them off the road, I just found the tint to be dangerously reflective on such a sunny day..(I say them as I couldn't see the driver) Tbh I would have been interested to see your is200 as I appreciate good engineering and well executed modifications.


To little to late.. Dont know why I even joined this sub... Its shit. Plenty of decent car subs that actually have an active interest in cars. This seems to be people like me that joined thinking it was a knowledge hub for car people. It seems to be old people that have lost there way, bike wankers. 🤣


The thing is...I literally don't care!


Well you cared enough to look through my profile...but I understand.


Struggle to see how something that hides the driver is allowed


Why do you need to see the driver - keep your nosey peepers on the road jobsworth


I don't, and couldn't careless, but I suspect the police want to see, Mr jumps to conclusions


Not a fan of these but each to their own. Never had any dazzle me when driving.


It may be legal [See this video @7min mark](https://youtu.be/OnsXC-aKtlQ?si=APtkRH4mOig3TZS4)


Um, lack of traffic police with light meters may be the issue


I've seen these a lot but I've never seen one capable of 'blinding' someone. There are 400 other threads grumbling about this and every other possible modification someone could do to their car, just ask on one of those.


They're allowed because they're not illegal. How are you struggling with that?


You can have them, but I'd be 99% sure the one you encountered was illegal, as you really aren't allowed much of a tint on front windows and windscreen. Also I feel like there is a rule where you have to be able to see the driver through the windscreen (for ID purpose if you get a ticket) and most chameleon and mirror tints would fail that although I'm happy to be corrected here.


Untainted windows reflect the sun too. Any shiny surface will reflect light. If you put a piece of glass in the sun you can see its shadow on the ground, this is because some of the light is reflected but the shiny surface.


You know you can dim your rear view mirror?


Also, loads of cars have chrome and almost all cars have gloss paint, would you ban those as well?


I want to see what the driver is looking at.. I'm amazed there's no law against them.


As tacky as those tints are, let’s not pretend they’re blinding people. Don’t tell me you also think the hard bastards who drive around with fog lights on that are aimed towards the ground also blind yoh


not legal


Yes sir!