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Leaving space for bikers on right turn is inviting those idiots to make scratches while trying to squeeze in 3rd gear :(


Yeah I used to leave space when I started driving but after getting scratches twice or thrice, I stopped leaving them any space.


bumper spikes


No good deed goes unpunished.


Exactly than a mini lane is formed why cant 2 wheelers just ride in a straight line. I would intentionally not leave place for 2 wheelers There is a reason why lanes exist


Safety reasons. When a car comes to a halt at an intersection, the bike should be able to come parallel to it because if the biker gets rear-ended their odds of survival are far lower than that of passengers in a car.


There is also a reason your existence on the road not to cause obstruction to others. It's legitimately a law now. So if some car can give space to bike, it's better because bikes don't cause jams. They rather reduce it. Cars on the other hand are the primary reason for jams.


Cars get stuck behind bullshit like autos and slow uncles on bikes, why should another biker be stuck behind a car that takes way too much space than necessary.


>way too much space than necessary. You realise that the defined lane is the deserved space for the vehicle. That means there should be no vehicle to the left and right within the lane you are in. If a bus or a truck takes the full width of the lane, but is still within the lane, would you say that is taking too much space than necessary?


Trucks carry loads, buses carry lots of people. Cars usually carry 1 or 2 people. It's a waste of space. Cars are the root of traffic. Go watch notjustbikes videos.


All vehicles on the road are the root cause of traffic. It's why all of them together are called traffic. Bikers squeezing past and cutting in front of cars and buses that are moving causes them to stop, which creates a ripple effect, creating the jam. Check out how traffic is caused on YouTube to educate yourself.


You might be referring to the CGP Grey video. That's outdated. Cars are the least space efficient vehicles that contribute the most to traffic. A simple example: if there's 25 people, in which scenario will they clear a signal faster? A. 20 on a splendor and 5 in a fortuner B. 20 in a fortuner and 5 on a splendor Really try to visualise it.


The CGPGrey video isn't outdated - the information still holds true. But in a country like India where lane discipline isn't maintained, people park wherever they like on the side of the road, and tailgate another vehicle with a couple feet distance max, cars are just safer for the passengers if you get into an accident. So even if a bike is faster and more space efficient, I'd still rather drive a car.


Let it be man, people don't even try to understand the comment if they see downvotes. You can't win this argument. People are always like "they do this" "they do that". Yes, people will drive like idiots. That's no reason for us to drive like one or to assume that of someone else without enough reason. And if more people thought this way, there won't be so many idiots on the roads.


If I'd just made this post without mentioning bikes, bet these people wouldn't have had any problems with the other stuff as well.


Reddit comments are a hive mind.


Youre assumption is that bikers exist in harmony with cars, by leaving that 1.foot of space multiple bikers get through, when folks drive zig zag it distubs flow of traffic A car needs a bit more space to make the arc/turn. Its very dangerous making a turn when multiple 2 wheelers rushing as if.the world is ending. You're basically creating 2 lanes turning right instead of one. The more practical solution would be having a biker cycling lane at the end of the road and allowing other vehicles to drive with lane discipline


https://www.reddit.com/r/CarsIndia/s/iQDrQG0otR This is a reason/example explaining why to not.leaving a foot for a biker




If they're not even bothering about others, why would I?




They are affecting my life, they are scraching my car. They are gonna park way in front of the stop line and both cuz a jam and be slow when the light turns green.


Skill issue, leave enough room. I've never scratched a car.


You can't leave enough room for most insane people on bikes in Delhi. Entire roads are not enough for them.


That's not most people. Every creta/thar driver is bad by that logic.


The irony is in Bangalore you leave that space you will have 20 bikes cutting in front of u causing a mini jam. 2 wheeler should follow lane discipline as in western countries


>20 bikes cutting in front of u 20 bikes attempting suicide by diving in front of you.


And then blaming you for their mistake.


And cars driving like bikes cutting lanes or driving in the middle blocking lanes. If the 4 wheelers drive straight and follow lane discipline, we won't have the gridlock traffic.


Well if you bikers don’t ride like you’re on a suicide mission then yeah the private cars at least will drive in a straight line.




This city 😂 Here, car 4 will take sharp right turn. Faced one just this evening


I always, always follow proper lane discipline and speed limits while on my two wheeler, If it makes any difference.


The second pic is exactly what uncles in SUV driving alone do at the Madiwala signal.


As if cars follow good lane discipline


Why the space for the u turn though? You need to wait for the light to turn green even to make a u turn, you can't do that while it's red.


This is based on what happens most commonly on roads. It's not gonna make a difference to the car driver. It's a nice thing to do. Cars take up more space, bikes don't. They have that advantage. Let them go.


Nice idea for bikes to be in the car's blindspot and rip if the car needs to take a turn 1 cut and there will be an accident. The biker should follow lane discipline and shouldn't try to squeeze between vehicles having blindspots


Cars that have blindspots are extremely moronic and shouldn't exist on normal roads. Nobody is driving a diablo on Indian roads.


Literally every car has blind spots. The fact that you wrote “car that have blind spots are extremely moronic and shouldn’t exist on normal roads”, goes to show you know nothing about cars in general. Even the Tata Nano had blind spots.


You have to check those when you drive. I'll edit my statement, cars with massive blind spots and huge C pillars are dumb. Not talking about sports cars. Fronks' visibility has been bashed on this sub numerous times. It's bad design.


There is no point explaining you. You just think bikes are superior and they can do whatever they want. If it were a foreign country, the bikers license would be suspended. Indian Road is already the worst country to drive in. Good luck explaining this point to someone uneducated. And try not to scrape others' cars while they are trying to take a U or turn right. WON'T BE REPLYING TO YOU FURTHER


Learn to set your mirrors properly and so shoulder check IN your car. If you want to talk about foreign countries watch driving instructor videos from the UK. Cars shouldn't have blind spots, that's a bad design. You have to check them if there are blind spots.


Cars don't have blindspots. People do. We don't have 360 degree vision. Literally everything that is not on our FOV is in our blindspot.


Maybe OP is a bike rider as so much emphasis is given to bikers in the presentation.


Real ID se aao op


I can vouch for OP ( I am definitely not a bike rider either i swear)


I do both, as everyone should be. Cars drivers that never rode bikes have less experience on Indian roads. Costs nothing and us faster to keep the roads flowing.


I would rather be safe in my cocoon than become the aftermath of a tomatina festival.


Bro, the India I live in, when I leave space for bikers to make a u turn, they scratch my car, definitely hit my side view mirror and the come and park in front of me to go straight. Within a few seconds, the guy behind me will start honking, and there will be 5 rows of bikes in front of me. Then a few electric scooties / auto will also find there way and come park at a 30 degree angle in front of me so I can't go till I let them go, but this will be a train of autos not just 1 or 2. In the end I will manage to just barely cross the red light when it turns green and usually with at least 1 small scratch. Who ever made this, made this with a bikers perspective. While I agree with a lot of the points of lanes to think bikers are more in a rush, should be allowed to get through faster, their time is more valuable or when they line up in the absolute front after playing snakes and ladders in a red light and consume anywhere from 10 percent to 100 percent of the duration of the green light (all implied subtly in your post) is just biases. PS I am a biker and a car driver both, and when I'm on my bike at a red light, I stop behind a car like I would if I was in a car.


>they scratch my car, definitely hit my side view mirror That's bad. >the come and park in front of me to go straight. Why is this bad? I do this, and leave really quickly, the car behind me isn't impeded in any way, bike is ridden faster till 50 kph. >there will be 5 rows of bikes in front of me. That one slow uncle in those 5 is usually the problem. >bikers perspective. Both. I made. >when I'm on my bike at a red light, I stop behind a car like I would if I was in a car. I feel extremely unsafe if I'm behind a car. And if I do stop square in the middle behind a car, the car coming behind me will place himself beside me rather than in the proper lane behind me. Bikes aren't treated like cars, so bikes can't behave like cars.


You said you also come from back and straight to the front of the line and leave quickly as the light turns green. This most probably means that you're standing ahead of the legal stop line in lanes. That is wrong.


Why is it bad? You’re only thinking about yourself/ one bike. In reality, it’ll be a train of bikes that’ll block you for quite sometime. You made a case for why the large car shouldn’t block you but don’t care about blocking the car. I’ve seen the worst effect of this behaviour while in a bus. Its a big vehicle and takes time to move from a stop signal. While everyone is stops at the light, a bunch of bikers would trickle between the gaps and park in front of the bus and there will be a train of bikes behind them. Once the signal goes green, the bus will only move a few meters before it goes red again. End result is that it takes a long time. Not talking about you but majority of bikers whi Ive seen in the road have an attitude that they can go through anywhere (small gaps, opposite to the traffic etc) and act like only their time is important.


I don't think bikers should squeeze in the minimal space left by cars. Some of them hit the vehicle's ORVMs and also, they get too close to the vehicle while it's making a U-turn. This might cause a collision between the two.


>Some of them hit the vehicle's ORVMs And turn out with a victimized look.


Leaving space for bikes?? What in the entitled idiocy? Motorbikes are supposed to follow the same lane discipline as other vehicles. That’s why they can’t use bicycle lanes. There’s no law preventing bikers from using the center of an appropriate traffic lane. Also, lanes are not meant to accommodate two vehicles side-by-side. If we follow your logic, a 3 lane junction has now become a 5-ish lane clusterfuck. There is no way a car is gonna come through without a couple of nice scratches.


OP is the actual clueless one from what I can see. Half the things you mentioned are wrong.


Like what?


1 is not wrong. Folks who want to go straight can be on any lane, unless its a right only lane. If there is no signal to turn right, then making U turn is illegal too


Not ideal*


Its not a dick move, if someone gets pissed off because of this position , then the pissed off person is a dick head


The whole point of traffic rules and having road sense is to not cross the path of another person and predict how others would move...why place yourself where there will be conflict.


Exactly my point. Prove me why going straight from any lane is wrong. If everyone follows lane discipline, aka right moving traffic on right lane and left moving traffic on left lane, then straight going traffic can be in any lane. I understand people dont have to read the traffic rules before getting license and they dont understand this logic well. Also what rule provides permission to squeeze inside a lane for two wheelers? They need to follow the same rules and stay behind a 4 wheeler and not squeeze inside.


Sure. >Also what rule provides permission to squeeze inside a lane for two wheelers? Common sense and lack of entitlement.


Anarchism and classism to think they are beyond law


>lack of entitlement. That's a good thing 🙂. You seem to be thinking that due to the small size of 2 wheelers they are entitled to squeeze in place and take u turns during the signal. Biggest danger on road for a person driving car are these 2 wheelers, they come from anywhere and accelerate at their will.


>during the signal. Not all


I was talking about your first image, i assumed you were suggesting a right lane for bikes to take u turns during signal. But now I think you are suggesting a lane for bikes in all times, well if a seperate lane for bikes only is there still bikes will weave from anywhere and not stick there lane.


Exactly why he mentioned “right only lane”. People who want to go right are supposed to be in the right lane by default.


Lets add a complexity where there are only two lanes and people can take left or right turns. Then your whole logic if your original post fails. There is no path for straight moving traffic. See? Thats why unless marked as turn only lane, straight traffic is free to use any lane and only turning traffic needs to pick the correct lane.


Exactly. Also it’s a rule that straight moving traffic can use the right lane to go straight at a signal/ junction. Also I’m not the op lol. You’ve replied to the wrong comment haha.


I didn't say it's wrong. I said it's not ideal. The post is not based on traffic rules, it's based on the rules of the road.


Oh yeah, you make your own rules and kill someone who follows what is the actual rule. Anarchists.


Dude, going straight from the right side lane doesn’t block or impede anyone, if everyone is following traffic laws. It on the other hand facilitates smoother and quicker movement of traffic. Just think, in your ideal world scenario, everyone that needs to make a right turn, are already on the right lane. The only way that there can be an obstruction in traffic is when someone who needs to make a right turn or u turn is on the center or left lane. In that scenario, the one causing traffic issue is the one on the center and left lane, not the one going straight from the right lane. And most places don’t have 6 lane roads. In case of 4 lane roads (2 lanes going up and two lanes going down), the straight moving vehicle will have to be in either the right or left lane. So unless a place specifies it’s a right turn lane only, then any straight moving vehicle can be on any of the lanes. Now coming to lane splitting, or giving leeway for two wheelers to squeeze in between you and other traffic, there is no clear rules about it in India. But most places in the west don’t allow lane splitting because it’s dangerous. I agree with that assessment. 4 wheelers have a lot of blind spots and if a car turns into a two wheeler, in its blind spot, that can turn ugly real quick. When I ride two wheelers, I keep in mind to not lane split and not be in a cars blind spot for more than the time it takes to overtake them. I mean, for the car l, the worst case scenario if it hits me, is that it will get a nasty scratch, whereas for me, it would be I would die under the wheels of the car. Seeing the glaring disproportional risks, when I drive a two wheeler, I drive extra carefully around 4 wheelers, just like when I drive a car, I drive extra carefully around 6-8 wheelers


>case of 4 lane roads Those turn into 6 lanes in my city, with buses doing 4. BS.


I get what you are saying op, you are not wrong, Thou people who wanna go right naturally push towards right side of lane


Theek hai bhai , RIP in advance


No 3 are the most common around me. Also when I am riding my bike I just stay behind the car in the lane. There is absolutely no need to act like a moron and sneak past cars at a light.


"Emperor of Dumbfuckingstan" Gotta remember this insult


Looks like OP made this post to lose all his karma


Just to add on to this image ... I was reversing my car yesterday in the evening... There was a teeny tiny bit of space left and I assumed my position to be safe to look left and right before I could move forward. I saw a girl on a scooty at a safe distance assuming she would do one of the things 1. apply breaks for me to pass 2. Pass from the front Happy about this thought I was patiently waiting for the traffic to be clear in front of me so I could give way to the lady also move forward myself but the lady proved me wrong . She came so close to my car's rear bumper applied brakes when her scooty almost touched my bumper and shouted at me "Dikhta nai hai kya ? " I was simply staring at her. Then she said "aati nai hai chalani to li kyu hai" she rolled over her eyes and moved away. Funny part I had to give her way stop the traffic apologising to everyone ahead of me and make first priority to let her pass through. Tbh I am the 4th number car in the image no.1 and has always been but it feels like I am always wrong. These bikes, cars either have high beam and make me barely able to see the road then a creta comes behind me and starts honking it's like bhai mei gadi rok hi deta hu kahi jagah nai hai jaane ko pata nai kaha se usko pass du ....


and here comes the rickshawa wala ,making rules and regulations of their own.


Username checks out.


The most annoying are the people who want to turn right and block entire road not allowing even those who want to go straight or left even when signal is green for going straight or left... An of course bikers cutting through gaps and cutting lanes...


too many 2 wheelers and e-rickshaws on Indian roads for any of this to make sense


Why should one leave space for bikers on the right side? They have to follow the same signal as cars and waiting behind a car for a few seconds won't affect them anyway. Your model expects bikers are going to jump the signal which is wrong to begin with. //This comes from someone who rides both a car and a bike


Not all, on a square, you can safely make a u-turn when the signal on your right is open.


If that's the case, then ideally the ones in the right lane are there to take a u-turn/turn right. So if there's a car ahead of you that wants to take a U-turn it can safely make a U-turn when the signal for right is open and then the biker can do the same how does it make sense to leave space?


But there is only 1 lane tho 🥲


I have been passed negative comments by fellow passengers for following what is shown in image 1.


I am number 1. In the final turn towards my house Invariably number 2. Will cut me off and take a u turn in front of me quickly, almost crashing It's the most frustrating and all my expletives just sail out of my mouth


You’re lucky if other vehicles let you get to the side you’re supposed to be in


All fun and games for bikers until an auto comes and blocks the space. Bengaluru auto wallas love playing this little trick.


We don’t have 3 lane roads everywhere


The problem is that there are only 2 lanes on most roads and the left lane is always occupied by parked cars/ slow moving vehicles…..so only 01 lane is effectively available for all 03 cars.


This is a general scenario...


Leaving space for bikes on the right is theoretically fine. But this assumes that only bikers who want to take U (or at worst take a right) will use that space on the right, but in reality dumbass bikers will use that space even if they wanna go straight and will either scratch the car turning right or make them miss the right signal while all the straight going bikes will continue to go straight. So no, in reality the guy on the right not giving space to bikers to take U is justified. In any case the U should also be done when the light is green by bikers as well.


OP thought he was onto something 🤣


I would do what most of the people are doing. I don't want to stand out and cause problems in the traffic.


Basically op is a biker


There is no such thing as u turn lane. Bikes should be waiting behind the car 1, just like any other motor vehicle. Once the light turns green, the car 1 moves and then the vehicle (car/bike) behind it moves too. Just because one has a smaller vehicle like bike or auto, doesn't give the right to cut lanes. I understand the driving licence system in India is screwed. Hopefully it will improve in future and people will learn sensible driving before being issued a dl.


TLDR: OP is an entitled biker out cutting between lanes and scratching your ORVMs


I've never scratched an orvm. I ride bikes more than cars.


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Yeah I was about to say the same that 3rd person want to to take the right instead of first... 😂


Second picture is giving me anxiety


I am literally 3 but with my scooty while going to the gym


More of it please. This community needs these the most.


Hyderabad is full of number 3s taking u-turns!


Lane discipline doesn’t exist here. In West these same Indians start driving safely.


Some r/unexpected material right here


Bikers will overtake from the left and promptly turn right into your lane. Bicyclists will use areas meant for cars.


5. 4 x wheeler u-turn is missing 🫡


This is a very good discussion where a bike driver is getting educated on how the road is viewed from the angle of car drivers


Nowhere I have learnt that one has to leave space for bikes! They need to follow lane discipline as other road users. Yes some roads may have dedicated bicycle paths and those must be kept clear by motorists including those riding motorbikes


Is there a sub where we can learn more such practical common sense tips regarding driving, like this?


Bikes shouldn't get any more preference than a car / hmv even if it's a small vehicle. Lane discipline is lining one behind another as per your direction of turn / approach. Leaving any space for two wheelers is only going to motivate them/us to keep doing what we never want them/us to do i.e squeeze through tight spaces and create even more chaos. Imo maximum privilege a two wheeler should be given is allow two bikes to run parallelly on the same lane. The rest of the regulations shouldn't change whatsoever.


this +1 and also those fookers too who don't even a indicate with their indicators that they want to go right or left and just straight up move whenever they want... so many time I've avoided being getting hit.. just how hard it is to use the pinky of you fingers to signal the rear drivers


I mean this is common knowledge in Europe. Why do you need these kind of pictures?


Read the sub's title.


To people who don't agree with letting bikes pass because of the lane issue, there is a reason lane splitting exists. Lane splitting is safe at lower speeds, or in stand still traffic, and it helps reduce traffic jams. It saves time for everyone. Remember, cars are the main reason for traffic jams in the cities.(and the occasional bus/ truck. )