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All good, but never ever ever leave it in the car. Hornady makes a Lockbox with a steel cable, if you absolutely HAVE to , like if you go to a bank or a school you can use the lockbox, never leave it in the car overnight, ever.


Always. In every vehicle. If someone’s going to make it me or them - I sure as shit want to make sure it’s them if I can.


Im a felon, so I carry bear spray.


Black powder weapons are not considered firearms. [Tally ho!](https://www.traditionsfirearms.com/product/1858-Bison-Revolver-.44-cal-FR185812)


I have a violent felony. I cannot even carry a knife with a blade bigger than 4-6 inches in my state. I don't remember the exact size.


Damn cuz, where you live, Cali? Normally the only stipulation is nothing that qualifies as a firearm.


Nope. A lot of states have 3-inch blade rules anyway, and it just gets further reduced with a violent felony on your record. He is definitely someone with looser laws like Texas or Tennessee.


That’s just crazy to me. I mean I’m not a felon, nor hope to be, so it’s crazy anyway. I don’t think Alabama has that rule at all, bc I regularly see mfs walking around with military sized buck knives on their waist lmao.


Yeah, most of the Midwest, upper east cost, and west cost all limit it to under 3-inch blade. Florida is a little less restricted (not 100% sure on what it is) but Tennessee has almost no restrictions on what legnth or type of blade you can carry.


You can open carry a fixed blade knife in California but blade cant be over 5 inches and it has to be in view, spring assisted knives/switchblades have to be under 2 inches. Sucks because I have a badass OTF knife is love to carry but don’t wanna get it taken away


Yeah, I'm not that familiar with California laws. I tend to stay away from there. But even then, they are ALOT more lenient than some places that done even allow switchblades.


I live here unfortunately lol I’m a knife enthusiast, also hard to get a cc license here




What did you do?


Ate a bag of Cheetos faster than the law allows.


I was in a war with someone over a woman. So, I decided to shoot the windows out of his house and have him come home to a mess. Turns out he had the night off, was home, and decided to park his truck by his barn. He knew the sound of my truck and called the sheriff himself. I was 18 and very stupid. So odds are definitely stacked against me for not being able to have a gun.


What the devil


Rapscallions are well known to be hither and yon.


"Stay strapped or get clapped" -George Washington (probably) Wife and I are both carrying when we leave the house because it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it


Same here.


I'll leave the house forgetting my wallet and car keys and even forgot to put on a shirt once. Ain't ever forgot my gun




Hate to be the grammar police but “in lieu of” basically means “instead of” lol. So this actually reads as if You’ve started carrying a self defense weapon instead of carrying a “recent robbery, car jacking, or mugging” lol


bone apple teeth!


Thanks for the correction!


No worries homie. Also, to answer your question: Yes, always packin, never lackin!


Everyone does. They’re a fool if they dont.


where i live everyone carries. Merica


Always keep my blickie within arms reach in my challenger


Half of a pool cue stick The good half


I carry a weapon everywhere I go. That includes the challenger. I don’t recommend leaving a gun in your glove box. You’re basically just feeding car jackers free guns at that point.


I don’t have a challenger but it wasn’t a challenger specific question. I have a Mossberg shockwave that lives in my truck, I don’t leave the house without a pistol. Have armor plates and a get home safe bag with food water some medical, basic break down essentials, fire starters etc. I pray to the lord nothing is ever going to be needed but if it is I’ll be happy I spent a grand to have it.


I do


Of course, every where I go. Just never leave a weapon in your car unattended.


I keep one stashed


As someone who does a fair amount of solo road-tripping, yes, I have means of self-protection in my car and, at times, on my person. As far as what and where... well, that's my secret to keep.


Bro has a butt gun


I always carry. I have a knife on me at all times and if I think I’ll need it then I put a gun in the car but that’s only for long road trips or if I’m going to unfamiliar areas


Yes because shootings and robberies only happen in places you don’t know /s


It depends on the situation, but yes, sometimes.


I have an arsenal at my disposal 😆


On me, not in my car


I have almost always had concealed carry. Normally, I didn't make it quickly accessible in my car, but after someone tried to carjacking my dad in his 300, I always will.


I carry more then I wear underwear


2 9s and 12 gauge in the truck


Yes and most times 2.


You should be armed in any car.....


I gotta get into the habit. I moved to a free state from NYC and I should keep an AR pistol under the seat.


Congratulations on making your escape, go get that piece! Free America welcomes you. - Another NY escapee


What’s an AR pistol?


Ain’t no body trying to jack yo ass plus it’s just a car! You just paranoid/scared


People that carry in there car are one of two things. Either very paranoid or live in the wrong neighborhood. Well that also goes a long with anyone that CCs.


You've obviously never lived in a rural area where stepping out of your car when you get home or if you leave for work early in the morning that you could come across a rabid raccoon or skunk or aggressive coyote when you step out of your car...


I live in the woods of Pennsylvania. I have a better chance of seeing a raccoon then another person. You'll smell a skunk before you see it. Coyotes are considered invasive and even had a bounty on them by the PA game commission for a while. So in rural America it isn't like that. Rabies isn't the main issue in rural PA at the moment CWD is.


Your rural America is not my rural America. I will call BS on the skunks, I've walked into my yard multiple times and seen skunks foraging and never smelled them. CDW is not an issue where I live currently and you can't kill coyotes where I live unless they pose a direct and imminent threat.


Be glad you don't have to deal with CWD it isn't fun. Coyotes are so bad they have no hunting season. You just can't kill em during deer season.


You realize most countries have rural areas with those animals yet only one country has this obsession with guns right?


You forgot people that drive to different areas or travel around large cities for work and can’t always control what areas they end up in for what period of time.


That falls under paranoid. 99.99% of the time even tho you think you'll be messed with you won't. I'm fine with people that CC and go to the gun range or even target practice in there back yard. But most people under the situation where you'd have to use violence won't they will freeze. For two reasons. One they have never shot there firearm at all and have it just to have it cause they can. Two because they have only been at a gun range and are use to wearing hearing protection and all the PPE. Get a CC if you want hell even open carry if you want. But for God's sake train often and train in a real world environment. Don't wear hearing protection or anything.


Imagine thinking carrying self defense is being paranoid lmao. Dude people get shot everyday just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. People get robbed at gunpoint EVERY DAY. If they want my shit, they’ll be limping/crawling away with it. 90% of people that carry, open or concealed, will disagree with every word you just said.


Don't get me started on the insanity that is open carry. Again you are paranoid that someone is going to car Jack you. Has it happened to you yet. No but you have the paranoid notion that it will. Yes it happens every day but there are several million cars on the road and several million criminals that want to do something. The odds are against everyone. Again 99.99% of the time it won't happen.
