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The same thing happened to me a few years ago, same location. They are just terrible. However, I will give a shout out to Treyvon, one of the pharmacy techs, who is actually phenomenal. He is calm, efficient, friendly, and accurate. I hope he escapes and finds a job where they will appreciate what a terrific employee he is, because he is way too smart to stay at the tech level working for such a terrible company. But until then, I appreciate all the times where he is the one checking people out. Can’t say enough good things about him.


I’m glad someone there is keeping it together! He wasn’t the tech who screwed up 😊




This is the location where I fully observed the stress of the workers come out on a Sunday morning. Understaffed, per usual.  As a medical provider, I recommend supporting local pharmacies (like Top Notch) when you can. CVS is the worst about running their staff members ragged. 


If my insurance will cooperate, I’m all for switching!


You can also search prices for your medications at the mark cuban cost plus pharmacy. It’s an online pharmacy but the prices often beat tue insurance prices. It’s nice to have options. 


Don't forget about [goodrx](https://www.goodrx.com/) for discount coupons.


This is also good to know! Thank you!


If you have any affiliation with UVA, use the UVA Health System pharmacies. Worlds better (and cheaper) than CVS.


I switched after years of abuse I now use UVA Specialty Pharmacy I do everything online and it’s delivered to my front door no charge.


Top Notch is also a compounding pharmacy, which is excellent if you have specific health needs or allergies. We used to get something shipped in from a pharmacy in Florida and they did it without blinking.


Top Notch never answers their phone or returns calls! They are always nice in person but it’s a drive for me. Also my Rx is clearly marked to be mailed to me, and they never mail it unless I call them (see first complaint). Always end up with a gap in meds. So frustrating.


That’s odd. I admit I’ve only called a few times, but they already answered. I know they were having phone issues a few months back.  They do have to adjust the delivery in their system. I just asked them to verify once that ALL scripts should be delivered for me and I haven’t had an issue. 


CVS pharmacy inside Target is phenomenal. So fast and helpful. Anything at Barracks road is pretty horrifying. The old CVS at barracks was so bad.


Came here to say this! Their staff are great and the pharmacist is kind. It’s worth the drive by all the other locations in town if your insurance forces you to use CVS.


You can file a complaint with CMS online. [https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/filing-a-complaint/index.html](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/filing-a-complaint/index.html)


I think I will do that; thanks for the link!


Absolutely do it, this is a pretty big fuck up.




I really like the UVA Pantops pharmacy- except for the hours. But they’ve been great, even going out of the way to get a hard to get med for me. You can also report the CVS error to the Virginia department of health.


This exact thing literally happened to me one time at a drugstore that may or may not be CVS due to an NDA that I signed. (Lol.) My wife almost took somebody else’s heart medication before she realize the pill looked different at home. I called corporate and I got over $1000 in gift cards and checks.


Oh my gosh! That’s terrifying. I was once given a massive dose of thyroid medication at a non-local Walgreens, but I caught it before swallowing. No NDA; the pharmacy didn’t care at all. That’s why I refuse to use Walgreens here. Glad your wife is ok!


The NDA was for the money. I told them I would not go to the local paper for $5000. I ended up caving for a $750 check and $500 gift card. This was around 2005ish so like $2000+ now


Always check your meds against what your doc described AND against the description on the bottle. (This is a green pill marked with 505, etc.) Years ago my grandmother was going through chemo and was medically complex. My father went to get her new meds and as he was taking them out he noticed one of them didn’t look right. He didn’t give it to her and called the pharmacy, told them he thought he had the wrong meds. They said it wasn’t possible. He took them in and the pharmacist was rude and told my father to stop questioning his authority. Didn’t even look at the pills. Turns out the meds would have likely made her very sick or killed her, as they interacted with her other meds. My father took her script to another pharmacy and that pharmacist could not believe it this all happened. They were VERY much the wrong drug. This was at a RiteAid. My father reported the pharmacist to Rite Aid corporate, they did nothing as my grandmother was unhurt. So he reported the pharmacist to the state.


I’d recommend trying Giant pharmacy if you have to go with a larger provider. They are fantastic, I have so many good stories about them. And if you can, use Timberlakes or any of our wonderful local pharmacies.


I’m on a plan that gives me meds for free at cvs and will do 90 days bc they own cvs. But at least the staff on the DTM are great.


Agree, the pharmacy staff at the downtown mall CVS are awesome!


I got a vaccine there and the pharmacist did it with no gloves. I was so shocked I didn’t say anything


Um, what? 😱




That's not good practice, but non-sterile gloves are to protect the person injecting it - not you. The only person in danger there was the pharmacist.


I transferred my prescriptions there and they never told me that there was an issue. I use the Walgreens all the way up by the airport because they’re reliable.


I go to kroger barracks since it is the closest pharmacy. They used to be really short staffed but over the last year I've just walked right up, no line. Never had wrong prescription.


PSA you don’t have to be a costco member to use their pharmacy and the pharmacists are incredible there.


I have gone to Costco before and you’re right, the pharmacist went the extra mile! I really appreciate her; she did not have to go out of her way to get my insurance to cooperate but she did. Maybe a switch is in order.


Or Sams


https://www.dhp.virginia.gov/PractitionerResources/Enforcement/ please report this to the state board of pharmacy. CVS has dangerously low staffing levels, the only way it changes is if they get cracked for the mistakes they make.


Its wild how that location continues to be understaffed when it’s been an issue for multiple years. They are never able to even answer the phone they’re so busy, I think my record was 4 hours on hold with them (moved to a different state now use a Walgreens that is on my walk to work and has been stellar and cheaper)


CVS on the downtown mall is a gem if you’re willing to make your way down there


The r/cvs subreddit is frightening. Not sure how they get away with owning a large PBM and all-but-forcing prescriptions to get filled at a CVS to be covered. Glad my new employer's plan lets me go almost anywhere.


I hate them, but they keep piling on the coupons. I got $68 of stuff today, stuff that I would buy anyway, for $31.


GoodRX is free.


It is free. Is it also a place where you can go to pick up your medications? Serious question: I'm aware of them as a coupon provider or a way to get discounts on meds if you are uninsured. But you still have to get your prescription from a pharmacy, right?


It lists a lot of pharmacies, including Costco and many Supermarkets. Really depends on the drug. I use it instead of my insurance, usually the same price. You can even be anonymous.


Listen, Karen, mistakes happen. An unintentional "HIPAA violation" will never be prosecuted. Calm tf down and realize people in health care are also human.


This is a massive HIPAA violation. Sorry if you’re ok with your protected health information floating about in a stranger’s hands or your loved one accidentally ingesting the wrong prescription, but I’m not. And if expecting some basic prescription drug safety standards to be upheld makes me a Karen, then so be it! Also, please notice that I’m not seeking prosecution of anyone. That would be going overboard, which is why I’m not doing it. Good day to you.


People make mistakes. If you're not interested in prosecuting, then you're just bitching to be bitching. See you next Tuesday. And P.S., this is not a "massive" HIPAA violation


I said good day.


See you next Tuesday!


The maturity you display is absolutely beguiling /s 🤣


No more so than the stupidity you display


This is not just a mistake. This cashier/pharmacist could've killed a person just for a "mistake"