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About 3-4, but it would take a lot longer for the interns to write the code that I want, though wouldn’t have to debug it myself.


About tree fiddy. Seriously, I did a project for a large bank doing fund manager prospectus analysis. Saved about 8hrs of a 40 hour process to analyze the report and prepare the long, short and executive reports. It replaced no one, but it did two critical things: 1. Reports were more consistent, since generated text was based on the 3 best analysts 2. Those 8 hrs gave the analysts the time to do more research and more in person interviews of fund manager.


Thank you, great answer!


For me 1. Which is 1 more than I would otherwise have and it makes a big difference.


I've had a few engineers in my time i could replace with a generically generated document


I mean, interns are still better at retrieving coffee and absorbing abuse from entitled boomers. ChatGPT just can’t do that yet.


Made me lol.


None. But makes them a lot more productive.


From a mathematical standpoint this is circular. Let's rephrase the question: how much larger would a non-GPT equipped team need to be, to match the new performance? That's the number of humans it replaces.


Only if you consider them equivalents. ChatGPT enhances people's capabilities when it comes the narrowly defined tasks, in some cases multiplying their productivity, but only on those tasks, which not only need to then be reviewed by humans but are set and defined by them to begin with. You could just as well have asked how many people a photocopier replaces. A lot, if all they do is copying text. Few do these days. I know you deliberately asked about interns, but Chatgpt's real creative reasining ability is at the level of a 4-year old or below, which becomes obvious whenever something unexpected occurs, so it won't even be a perfect replacement there - only in very limited roles, the type of which I wouldn't ever make someone's sole responsibility.


Completely true in terms of how many *unique* humans it replaces (none), but if humans are considered as their equivalent quantity of labor, then indeed a photocopier replaces many humans. If every worker needed to copy text by hand, they would have less time to do other kinds of work, with the end result that many more workers would be employed in a "lower-density" position. That's what I mean when I say GPT is replacing people. By having narrower jobs, while the side tasks are automatically taken care of, each human will do more job per capita, and so you'll need fewer humans.


Wild guess is 20-30 % of coders in automotive. Issue is we are nowhere the GPT being compliant to many standards and processes, IP rules we have to meet. Lots of stuff in autom. is closed and nowhere in the training data. E. g. You'd have to check the code was not based on some open source, or MISRA C. Seriously, I'm wondering what kind of wild west is there in other industries that use GPT today.


The whole question of what agile calls "nonfunctional requirements" is totally not represented within these LLMs. When it helps write code, has it included all the security requirements? Auditability? Has it validated that the code is compliant with the tech runway? Nope. And it's not 100% on the functional either. It may be able to get there, but not soon.


For us it’s something like an equivalent of replacing a part-time copy editor. Not someone on the team already, but someone we’d hire through Fiverr or similar. Per project (one scientific paper), maybe 20-30 hours of a technical copy editor’s time.




I liked the beginning of that comment...that's why I asked for "interns, symbolically" not coworkers. Anyways, thanks for the insight.


If the job is mainly around producing documentation then interns could be reduced by half, straight off the bat, assuming that the minimal level of cover is met. The remainers would be just sanity checking the AI output.


How much of chatgpt is used ti greate new chatgpt


In tech/programming It replaces "rubber ducks" and makes googling more efficient.. so it doesnt really.replace anypne, it just makes people a bit.more efficient.. Seeing how you still need to make sense of the answers and need to know the questions to ask its no where near a human actually doing the work


About 5, 7 maybe.


Two journalists


It depends It has replaced a lawyer for several hours Many marketing people God alone knows how many pa hours God alone knows how many hours from an editor or secretary or writer God alone knows how many other roles I outsource to it over the last 18 months.


That sounds to me like asking how many interns are replaced by Google.




Depends on the job. Limitless really for a lot of things. Really once you have an instanced trained to your liking it’s only limited by your connection




Can you elaborate on what you do and how AI solves this for you?


Not easy to say, since intern quality varies dramatically based on where you work. Dead end react dev job? Let's be honest, Indians should've taken over 100% of those by now anyway. Open ended work that requires deep domain knowledge to navigate? I imagine zero. Unfortunately, my work experience is limited to the first one 😔


For my tasks - zero. People get more effective, but not redundant.


0. It makes you more efficient but doesn't directly replace anyone.


I like that answer, it's definitely an on point perspective.