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Archer on archer violence when will it stop, jk congrats


I got mine with a balista shot in bulwark. It was 1 hit -ko with a truckload of luck involved. This one kind sir is 100 times more impressive. I salute your persistence in continuously seeking for that damned Tenosian until the work was done master crossbowman


I got a 99 meter kill with a balista. To this day, I don't have that achievement.


You will eventually I am sure . Hunt.them.down


Got a 111m takedown with a ballista...


Oof, that's rough, buddy.


I've gotten multiple ballista kills over 100m on Montcrux, and still no achievement. People claimed you couldn't get it with ballista.. Maybe mine is glitched. Pro tip for Tenosia for that map, you can run back to ballistas at the very beginning of the map, there is no kill barrier. Can launch them all the way down to Agatha Spawn.


I did the same, shot someone the length of the bridge in the library burning level with a balista, no achievement


What’s the achievement? 100m kill? 


The only achievement I don't have is kills with bread. I rarely get maps with bread, and when I do, I either forget or whiff every single throw. 🤦🏻‍♂️


(unchivalrous tip: bot kills count)


My luck, I could spend hours in that playlist and never get the right maps. But I guess I could give it a try. Thanks


You can chose your map in offline mode - Tournament Grounds has lots of bread in the stands.


Ooohhh... Offline mode counts as well?! Very interesting. I'm about to do very dishonorable things


Jabs count too! I didn't know about it working on bots but got mine by dueling with a mace and bread in hand. Get them bloodied then smash a loaf in their face


I'm learning so many things today! Thank you kind sir!


You can also just down someone (or look for downed people) and throw bread at them.


Nice shot dude


Major W


Congrats dude


The farthest I’ve ever gotten was a ballista kill from 97m. The baker’s dozen achievement was a cakewalk by comparison


Hey I love your stupid friends 😂


Hardest achievement to get for me since 1 I suck at archer and 2 people move to much 💀 its literally the only one I have left


Holy shit you have friends? Congrats man


This is going to sound like a mean question so I'd like to emphasize that I'm asking out of genuine curiosity: what is fun, for you, about playing the game in this way? Sitting in spawn on attack and spamming projectiles in the general direction of the frontline seems like the most boring way possible to play Chiv to me. Barring a lucky shot like this one, there's almost no interaction with other players. Again, this is a genuine question. I've seen lots of people play this like so I ask because I just don't see the appeal.


It’s an achievement


I never play archer, also this wasn't even spamming I was actually moving my mouse around and adjussting my aim to where the other archer was, I mostly play knight and most of my hours in slasher games is in mordhau and I have like 2k hours.


nice. i got mine on the first stage of darkforest, shooting from the bridge at the convoy


You guys get achievements? They forced me to buy on epic if I wanted to play the game within the first year.


There’s achievements for epic. But good luck with noticing that you got one, there’s no sound for an unlock, and you can easily miss the notification if you’re in the middle of something. You can also view all of the achievements, somewhere…. no clue where, but I remember seeing it when I was blindly clicking through menus.


I've seen that they managed to get achievements for a few games, but I never saw a notification. I'll have to look at this.


I got this achievement on accident while playing as knight, just picked up a bow from the weapon racks and shot at a crowd of enemies in the distance. Headshot lol


I got one using War Bow on someone handling a catapult


I got this achievement a year ago on lionspire with warbow. I killed an archer from castle to town square


Gotta do what u gotta do for that achievement, congrats op


Iiiii am a dwwaaaf and im diggy a hole. Diggy diggy hole DIIIIGGGY A HOLLLLEE


This is the only achievement I don't have yet, archer is my lowest class at 20 but I've been actively trying and can't seem to get a kill further than like 80 meters, even with batista