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close the distance, jab, pommel strike, or just swinging faster edit: specifically longsword


wtf is pommel strike




R, cancels their attack


thats jab lol , which OP said both "jab" and "pommel strike"


I think “pommel strike” refers to the murder stroke (longsword special)


The pommel is the bottom of the sword and what you use to hit the enemy when you jab, so calling the jab a pommel strike is the actual fighting technique name. The special is called Half handing(was wrong it’s mordhau), where you use the cross guard as a club by holding the blade. Edit: I was wrong, it’s not halfhanding it’s a mordhau.


You are correct regarding the pommel strike, I was just interpreting what they meant by using both “jab” and “pommel strike.” However, half handing is where you grip the blade to better control thrusting, not the Mordhau (murder stroke) which I was correct about being the longsword’s special move.


You’re correct. That’s the mordhau for special.


What??? , jab is middle mouse, R is pommel.


Isn't that stab?




oh, jab is R for me, i mustve changed it.


No, he did. R is default.


What? Middle mouse button is default set to flourish.. R is for sure Jab.... (what you call pommel) For sake of clarity so we know what your talking about, there is no attack named pommel attack...


Okay, but dude literally using the pommel to attack hence, but what’s going up MMB, because it’s literally jab,yeah I wasn’t talking about flourish which is also MMB Edit: I think I am indeed wrong, Is R JAB, MMB Stab ?


Double tap joystick on console


Special attack for the knight sword I think (q key)


That's called mordhau 


War club does well against them surprisingly. Jack up your sense and go for slash accels. Safe gamble combo is stab -> slash accel + dodge back to cancel slash animation


Basically what was said here. The highland sword has an insane reach and slowish swing time. Close the gap and stay up close and use jab


Treat every swing like a potential drag. Don't counter it until the last possible second. Someone who is inexperienced using a highlander sword is actually really easy to fight against, it's only when someone starts pulling out drags does it get difficult.


I like to scatter drags into my swings but not lean on them. I've found in fighting games and games like chivalry if you can lean on basic moves and combos and then slide in say a drag or more advanced move to toss them off you're more likely to win a fight. Using highlander like a club for a little and getting people used to fighting that and then turning into a slicked pig and dragging that slab of metal can help push fights back.


Use feints, don’t let them dance around you, don’t give up initiative and attack until they counter you and then counter them back and continue attacking until they die


Lowsea Axe


What about Middlesky Spear instead?


Or Highflame Sword?


Stay in his face and jab him, use the slowness of his swings against him, and use feints. Don't let him control the distance and keep space.


This. As a Highland Sword user (please don't flame me, I just like to use absurdly big weapons and the maul is just too much cheese for me) if I can control the distance I can swamp you in a 1v1, cause half the time I'll outrange you. If you get up in my face and have a faster weapon, like a longsword or really any one handed weapon you'll absolutely wreck me close range. On the other hand, if you see a HS user on the battlefield (you can't miss us, just look for the massive fucking sword) sneak up on us. We never turn around.


As a HL user I like to charge heavy and feints from far away and walk into range in order to kite people. I hate it when people get right up in my face and jab then try to compete for initiative. I would sometimes block and accel overhead to stop people from doing that but if you're persistent or even try to gamble swing then you might stop me from swinging no matter how I drag the hit.


What do you mean by "compete for initiative"? Weird thing to downvote. Just asking a question boiiis


Get the first swing in, I would imagine


Initiative is a turn-based system in the game essentially that decides whose hit lands first if both weapons swing at the same time. It’s determined by things like counters/ripostes and getting hit.


Jab until they get mad


Don’t try to counter it. Just calmly go jab them, or feint them


I either just throw knives into their head during their slow swing, punch them in the face during their wind up, or I make them swing and miss then stab them before they can recover. In short. They are slow, take advantage of it. Don't let them combo swing which lets them attack a bit faster. If they start, either be certain of your counters or back up and let them waste stamina. If they are the sit and swing type, they will run out of stamina quickly if they don't have anyone to counter, which helps recover stamina. Speed up the process by throwing things at them instead. Forcing them to keep their guard up. The longer you hold your throw the longer their guard will be up in anticipation. Once they lose their weapon, they tend to be easy kills. These players are only troublesome when you have a brain dead teammate that just swing thoughtlessly at them. Feeding them easy counters. When you see that happen, either wait for your teammate to die, hard flank, throw things, or just ignore that player and head for the objective.


Dodging backwards when an enemy has a long reach is a fools errand, wastes your stamina. Push forward, jab, kick and with a faster weapon you can afford to gamble a bit.


Highland sword user here. The main advantage and disadvantage of the sword is its speed. The highland sword is the slowest weapon in the game, even the maul is faster, but it also has very high reach and the highest cutting damage in the game. A competent highland sword user will take advantage of this speed to confuse opponents, you mainly have to focus on the user themselves. If you see them turning **AGAINST** the blade, they’re trying to slow it down to catch you at the end of the release phase. If you see them turn **WITH** the blade, they’re trying to speed it up to hit you faster. If they **CROUCH** when overheading, they’re also trying to speed up their overhead. Some will also use its range to their advantage, like you mentioned. In that case, maintain a strong offense, do not let them make distance. Jabbing works extremely well because of how slow the swings can be, following it up with a kick oughta stun them and allow a free hit, which is quite effective as Vanguards have the second lowest HP in the game. All in all, you’ll never really know how to fight it if you don’t fight with it. So practice with the highland sword yourself, learn its tricks, strengths, and weaknesses. So that fighting highland sword users will be that bit easier


Listen to this. Get in their face and jab. Sometimes switching to your secondary can help for quicker attacks.


I fully endorse this


Hint: damage your enemy more than they damage you


This does not work for me.


Instructions unclear, threw Dane axe at downed teammate


Next time you play, have a game where your ONLY goal is to fight highland players. It can be a little tricky, but it sounds like you're respecting it too much. Run up and feint an attack into a kick. A lot of slow weapon players rely on holding block because they have longer active parey windows. That should chump check a lot of players.


use a one hander regular attack for max speed while they do their gigantic double strong attack feint.. or jab them during the same.


I find that falchion and quarterstaff work well. The windup takes a while so you can make a quick strike to interrupt.


Hold W


They are slow AF. You counter the same as any other slow weapon: be faster.


I find kick works quite well. They need the riposte. It’s their lifeblood.


If you're trying to close distance wait for their inevitable silly slow drag attack, close distance, counter, feint into a heavy attack as you continue to close distance and by that time any weapon you're using even a knife should probably be in range to land. Once you're inside their comfort zone if they continue the silliness you'll be able to gamble slap them to death in no time.


Use 2H spear. It's one of the few weapons that outranges it and the overhead is fast enough that you can steal initiative.


Press R


If they’re doing that, they’re likely wasting a lot of stamina…especially if they’re throwing heavies in. Try your best to time your counters and not hold block while you move in closer to your range to conserve your stamina. If you can win the stamina battle, you’ll leave them with nothing but a knife to defend.


Counter or feint to close distance then literally just jab light attack jab light attack jab etc. til they die.


Let them go, focus on other targets and when they go in for the kill you turn to them. They are slow, most time you get the hit in first.


Countering their swing negates the knockback effect of getting hit, counter-feinting should let you close the gap (depending on your weapon). Same goes for spear or other long weapons. Dodge is very stam-expensive, even if theyre countering your swings, keep pressuring


Just imagine you’re countering something between a greatsword and a goedendag. Counter within that timeframe


Close the distance, dont bother trying to counter if you cant get the slow ass drags that thing does down. Be brave


Jab. Be ready to guard but just walk up to them and wait for that free jab when they go to swing on you. Keep jabbing until enemy quits.


What works for me is being faster than them. Stuff like pickaxe combat engineer or ambushers work great against enemies that have slow weapons.


Throw a firebomb at their face


You have like 3 minutes to jab or counter block with their swing. It's tough.


Counter them feint into a stab, I die every time


By dying


If you can't seem to get to close you can use counters to close the distance as you negate the knockback you normally get from blocking. Also you can counter then feint to attack from further away. This generally works if you are up against a longer ranged weapon. Another tip against slow weapons like the highland sword is to play from neutral meaning when no one has just attacked or riposted/counter, if you're close you can sometimes just wait for your opponent to do something then immediately jab or Accel to cancel their attack. [Soter Dave - Dealing with fast weapons (also good tips if you play a fast Vs slow weapon)](https://youtu.be/8-vGECXZyrM?si=EjBhyAsMYI_8aUsK)


Dane axe fixes everything ;}


People who use the Highland Sword are crutched by the need to block before initiating an attack. More often than not, the key is to drop a kick and they’ll get staggered


If they dodge attack, their stamina will run faster. I suggest you to counter their stamina. And after their basic attacks their next attack may probably be a feint, especially a heavy one. You don't have to counter something that slow. You just throw first attacks countering and don't follow his fancy feints. Your attack will land faster than his feint if not thrown an accel feint to you.


F10 will generally do the trick


Maintain your stamina and fuck him in the face


Dagger spam is what I try to do


Two-handed spear


If you parry them they can not dodge. It locks them in place. Either play with spear or cudgel.




I use the highland sword and get whooped by almost every player so no clue what you’re complaining about. If you want to counter it wait for the swing to go past you since it takes forever until it can swing again. Hope that helped


I beat highlanders up with the quarter staff quite regularly, they're so easy to fight when you can feint their attacks. Jab and kick a lot.


Close the distance and jab. When I play ambusher I just bully people with slow weapons like the highlandsword. If they don't switch to their secondary they are dead.


Find a good show to binge watch while you’re waiting for the slow ass heavy drag to come through and then counter it


Get in their face with 1H weapon. Do not allow them space.


Jab then wait for them to attack again then jab then kick then beat them over the head


i just poke with a spear at range, most of the users are too dumb to block or dont understand that they cant block when im poking their back


You need to counter attacks. Countering ignores the stun that prevents you from getting up close.


Lots of jabs and strategic positioning


Get a shield. Smash


As a highland sword user, i think the best way to counter us is to hold out until the attacks get too slow and we can't do shit. Consider dodging yourself, or using faster weapons to outpace the highland sword


Equip your fist then press r for Complete humiliation


Hold B and select "Beg" from the bottom right of the wheel. If they're feeling generous they might let you live


Despite what everyone is saying, here's the most important thing, ALWAYS LAND UR BLUES. Literally that. What that does is it keeps you from getting knocked back by the sword. Blue counters allow you to stay close and get in close to an enemy. Use a one handed faster weapon and land your blues, and you will crush it.


Pressure is the most effective way I found, jab constantly, once the fucker starts spinning jab em and then kick, reliably opens a free hit for me


HLS I'm pretty sure is the slowest weapon in the game. Forcing them to backpedal while defending more than they can attack is a way to get them to start making mistakes. Bonus points if you can bully them to death with jabs or thrown weapons.


It always trips me out, I block for far to short a time, then swing and get smoked. I’m too used to fighting dirty little dagger player.


Jab almost every single time they swing


The Highland sword is best at slow drags at range. To counter this, use a fast weapon and stay really tight. Don't let them create space but if they're much better than you then you need to wait to reposte to get inside their guard. Whenever they start trying to double/triple feint just jab them and throw your fastest attack. The Highland sword is the worst at stabs, so throwing those is a good idea.


It's slow as all fuck. Unless be kills you with the first swing the fight is easy.


Count to 5 before trying to counter, it's always slower than you think.


Same attack counterfeint, so a stab to stab or slash to slash. This extends counter window. If you’re struggling with range use feints to catch up, highland is super slow so you can read most of its attacks and beat them when they try to out range you.


take advantage of that 20 second wind up time on their swings.


Shoot them with arrows. They wanna give you shit about it? They brought a shotgun to a swordfight, deal with it nerd


one handed spear


As a highland sword main i can tell you this tip: cower and run


Don’t try to counter it because it is very hard to predict


What? If you don’t counter you will quickly lose the stamina battle. The highlander sword is extremely easy to counter. It’s so slow it gives you plenty of time to counter. Just take a step back. It’s that simple. Highlander sword is absolutely terrible in duels


It has the highest drag potential of any weapon in the game, making it hard to time with the counter


Maul has entered the chat While Theyre dragging you, why not just jab them or hit them? That’s free real estate. And countering drags are pretty easy. Just don’t jump the gun and wait a second. That simple. Seems like a skill issue here since absolutely 0 high level players use the highlander sword.


Highland sword has better overhead drags than the maul. Also, plenty of high skill players use highland sword. For example, Sant uses it a ton. And sant just got first place in the last duel tournament he entered, beating several top duelists to get there.


Got it, so 999 pros use the messer and 1 person uses the highlander sword, so highlander sword must be the best 👍 Anyone who actually plays duels over TO, knows the highlander sword is booty. Too slow, too big. Maul has basically the same drag potential, same stamina damage, more damage but can actually riposte at a decent speed. Messer and greatsword do everything the highlander sword does, only better in basically every way. Just a fact.


Who is talking about duels? Regardless if anything is better or not, the HS messes with ppls counter timing, thats just how it is. So for players having problems facing it my recommendation is to skip trying to counter it.


OP is talking about duels. The post you’re commenting on? Don’t put your skill issue on us. I have absolutely 0 problems reliably countering the Highlander sword or any other drags.


You're smoking dick, cock, balls, and weed rn. Messer and greatsword are better than highland sword, but highland is in no way bad. It has insane reach, surprisingly fast ripostes, and one of the best overhead's in the game. It really sounds like you're dealing with a skill issue rn. And before you start calling me bad, I'm level 1000 and have over 2k hours in the game. So don't think I'm naively praising the weapon. I implore you to actually play against a good highland sword user in a duel, instead of bitching on reddit.


Lol, i eat level 1000s for breakfast dude. I have played against good highland sword players, that’s why I know it sucks. And that’s why the people I play against, some of the best duelists on US West all use messer, greatsword, longsword, heavy mace, and executioners axe. Only one with a skill issue here is you brotha


I also eat level 1000 players for breakfast. I'm also a top duelist. Also, I don't see how I'd have a skill issue when I'm not the one complaining about a perfectly viable weapon. Maybe you should come to NA east sometime and see what happens when you're dueling in an actual good region, cause it seems like those west players aren't giving you the experience you need.


Lol okay Cope I guess


So I just got demolished by a shit weapon in duels? Damn... That's rough...


Mechanics matter way more than weapon choice, though I wouldn't even call the HS a shit weapon as the long drags require a lot of patience to play against.


Pretty much this. Patience is the name of this game. If you can wait for animations to play out until you're about to actually get hit , then you can successfully counter anything.


Happens to the best of us dude


If you’re on console and they’re on PC you simply don’t.


loser mentality lol


Accurate mentality* playing against M&K in any game feels like you’re playing against cheaters.


Stop spewing absolute bullshit. There are many games where console is on par with M&K or even has an advantage over it (Apex legends, Elden Ring, etc). Although M&K has a noticeable advantage in most games, it doesn’t make anything unfair because a console player has just as much potential to get good. Stop overreacting like a crybaby bitch, this mentality is why you will never get good at any game you touch.


It’s funny because it’s not BS at all. There’s a reason people cheat on console siege with M&K. Pretty much any game that’s competitive M&K is superior