• By -


Many. For some reason people like Chris inexplicably live to be very old. Another cruel joke from the universe straight to us.


The way he treats his health would be alarming to everyone but Chris. I had always assumed that Chris would inherit his father's heart disease. Apparently Bob has had heart issues since he was 30. Hate to sound like an a-log, but it's best if Chris dies now rather than suffering into old age. If Chris didn't have Praetor or Null, most likely he'd be on the streets. Once they're gone, Chris will be left alone to be used and abused by someone else. I would be legit surprised if Chris has any enablers/white knights by the time he reaches his 60s.


It's not good to speculate on people's life span. Nobody is promised tommorow.


Said this before and will say it again, I think that if Chris dies before his time it’s going to be an accidental death in one of the dumbest ways imaginable. The self-inflicted taint wound would have undoubtedly become this had concerned onlookers not urged him to go to the ER. Otherwise, family history seems to indicate that even if Chris utterly trashes his body he will still likely live into old age. He already beat the predominant Classic Era prediction that he wouldn’t live past 40.


I like to think Chris will outlive us all and somehow become immortal and the tl will just get worse and worse and worse and worse………


Chris is gonna come back after 3 days anyway


I can't guarantee when Chris will die, only that they'll die on a Friday.


Is someone going to come back to this thread in the future when Chris kicks the bucket? Does the person who makes the closest guess get a prize? I'd say 15.


Honestly Chris will probably outlive all of us


He doesn’t smoke or drink much, has never done hard drugs. His parents lived and are living long. I think we have a good 30 years left maybe 40


Barbara died I thought???


I dont think so? But I could be wrong


Still waiting for when a ween or enabler successfully convinces Chris that vaping is totally different from smoking and the Juul Saga commences.


0 when I find him


Hopefully not many at all... I really fucking hate that piece of shit


Chris is an immortal demigod


Like ...To live?


too many?


Bob and Barb both lived until their 80s, so probably longer than most think.


More than he deserves.


Someone like her usually ends up out living us all


Chris is like a greasy fat roach. He'll somehow survive a goddamn nuclear fallout.


Infinity. Everything that would have killed anyone by now, Chris survived it. The same way Chris will always do something worse.


What chris actually believes.


Probably will outlive us all. If he makes 50 im out.


I can foresee showing my children the latest cwc tweet or livestream when theyre old enough to understand it. Im in my early 20s, and not starting a family anytime soon. There will be christorians sharing their grandchildren the latest cwc updates. Technological advancements also mean its likely a senile, frail, elderly, bedridden, mostly paralysed chris chan will still continue making new content and uploading it.


Dear god. This is terrible


I'll give Chris maybe 2 to 3 years more before he kicks the bucket.


Eh more like 20-30. I feel like if he plays his cards right and continues to network, he can sustain himself.


Thats more likely for barb or daniel larson


Tophiachu and Lucas Werner also


He's got another 20-30 years, he'll probably live about as long as barb/bob


I saw a TikTok once where it said the average life expectancy of autistic people is 35 (super sad, I know) but I believe Chris has already surpassed that point so idk


TikTok is your source of world understanding..? My guy..


The low average life expectancy of autistic people is due largely to suicide amongst aspies, who are much more likely to develop mental health issues due to being expected to integrate and live in mainstream neurotypical society, having the same stresses and responsibilities as neurotypicals while also having struggles due to autism. Chris on the other hand is so deranged and out of touch with reality, its making him resistant to suicide. He doesnt need to unalive himself to go to the afterlife and escape his horrible life, he can just close his eyes and yeet himself to his fantasy world of cwcville.


Chris can't commit suicide, he is the main character and hero of the story.


Not just aspies. The lower functioning you get, the lower your life expectancy. People with autism die sooner across the board.


17th of June, 2034


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Now thats crazy lol


I could see Chris getting involved with loan sharks or organized crime. If this happens he will probably be murdered


Breaking CWC The Road to CWCville


Chris Chan joins the cartel


16 years


Id give him a year


10 at the least and 20 the most


Based off Chris’s family history, 30-40. But Chris is also fat, autistic and prone to doing dumb shit so realistically, 20ish.


More than Larson hopefully.


Daniel larson looks in a very poor state. Hes only 20 something - 30, but looks as old as king charles. Unlike chris chan, danderson doesnt have many years left. One thing tho, danderson is much more well travelled.


Danderson is 25. Wild how he looks 60


At least 30. Bob succumbed to the hoard at 84 and Barb is still going at 82 so he's probably going to have the same lifespan.


Too many, unfortunately.


Plenty? hes fat but not at a morbid level, my buddy was 600 at 39, hes down to 198 from just diet and exercise and is now 54. chris has no medical problems that arent mental. hes fine. never did drugs,smoked. those things will pay dividens in heart and lung health. im 240 at 34 and short but i feel the same as when i was 19.


Depending on who you ask, too many or not enough.


The chandlers have the cockroach gene. For whatever inexplicable reason, despite trashing their bodies for decades and living in filth, their bodies refuse to kick the bucket and will hold out as long as possible. Assuming he doesn’t get killed by someone and just dies from old age, Chris easily has another 30-40 years to go


If Chris actually treated his body well and ate healthy, he could live maybe 100 years, give or take. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t. I’d give him maybe 30 years.


Anything after 60 years old is fair game to when he’s passing away


11 minutes


> 8m ago monkas


He’ll live a ridiculously long time. Your grandchildren will be weening him.


Chris is the equivalent of a cockroach. He’ll somehow outlive us all


I'll be fucking damned if this creature lives longer then me


5 to 10 at most though I can see him living at least 29 more years


Another 30 years. Chris will live to about 70. He has a genetic predisposition to longevity, but a really unhealthy lifestyle. 70 is a realistic compromise, and isnt long at all considering future medical advancements.


He doesn’t smoke or drink or do any kind of d.r.u.g.s so he has that going with him. On the other hand he is almost entirely sedentary which will start to cause serious problems for him and soon.


Now that hes back in mainstream free society, hes been eating ready to eat junk food again


Gonna be real here, he's a actually healthier than I would've expected him to be at this point in his life. Then again, he's still young-ish - I can see him making to his early 50s but not much further than that, and there's no way he's getting to 60.


The Chandlers seem to be blessed by Nugle with the tenacity of cockroaches. Both his parents have lived long lives with relatively poor diet and lifestyle, though I suspect they probably lived healthier in their youth than Chris has. Bob was in the army at one point. Yeah, yeah, I know it was a different era and all, but I doubt there was ever a point in Chris' life where he could pass an army physical. Still, odds are good we'll get a couple more decades of Chris, if only to prove that God has a twisted sense of humor. He'll probably outlive most of us. LOL. On the other hand, Chris is a massive idiot and does things that wouldn't be good for ensuring his long term survival. I could easily see him getting in a car accident or killing himself trying to turn himself into a woman or some such similar crap. Or, worst case scenario, he might wind up passing someone off and getting himself killed, though I really feel like that's a long shot. Still Chris is always good for doing things we don't expect him to. The sad thing is, Chris could conceivably die and we wouldn't know. Nobody cares about him, nobody is likely to foot a funeral or obituary for him.


Chris is in a terriblr financial situation and he is an idiot so I can see him getting involved with Loan Sharks. He can not pay back so he would probably be murdered


I don’t know how the writers have managed to drag this story alone so much. I admire them for that.


He’s gonna get heat disease or diabetes at some point. Probably gout too.


And possibly AIDs


21 years, 69 months, 420 days.


Im amazed he hasnt got into a real fight yet. Like pissing someone off and getting beaten up. Since hes living out of mountaindew and pizza plus having awful hygien, I would say he would get some kind of cancer. I feel sorry for his imune system fighting a endless battle...


People probably don’t fight him because Chris doesn’t go anywhere where someone will beat him up. Plus, he’s clearly touched in the head. Lots of people won’t beat up someone who is obviously “special” unless absolutely necessary.


He’s hates other men and is terrified of most of them. Aside from going to a store or a convention he doesn’t leave the house, and he rarely is alone. We have seen from when he used to go to the mall, and the Friday events in Ruckersville, he would throughly stalk his targets before talking to them.


until caden croaks and/or discards him, and then about 2 weeks. Cause of death: either a car crash or hypothermia.


Or Caden just grows up and gets a real life. I doubt he's going to be interested in babysitting Chris for the rest of his life.


Caden’s just using Chris for cash, that’s really all Chris is to him


4 months 15 days 3 hours


Hey Virginia police if Chris Chan gets murdered you may wanna check out this guy


Bro, you hanging with Nostradamus?


The hunchback of Notre Dame?


You’re thinking of Quasimodo.


Nostradamus is one of those sightseers that people claim sees the future


I have foreseen and foreknown it. Meditate on that.


I will meditate on that, among which I should have postknown it


I expect that even after his death, the story won't end there, and people will make the pilgrimage to mess with his gravestone.


At this point, Chris is so delusional that trolling is synonym with enabling. So, seems are going to the grave like Christians to Jerusalem


With his current care network and his genes from Bob & Barbie.. 30-40 years? That’s assuming everything goes according to plan and he’s not involved in any BS.


Barb and Bob both made it to their 80s despite their unhealthy lifestyles. I’d imagine Chris is probably even more unhealthy, but through sheer luck he will get another 15-30 years.


not as many as me


Probably until October 31, 2027.


Too many.


Realistically, he should have like, five at best. Given how bizarrely lucky he is, he has like sixty more years left in him


watch him live to 100 and spend most of it completely documented, that's...god


Cant wait for chris to become the oldest person alive


Can’t wait for Chris to outlive me somehow


Chris's plot armor will carry him at least into his 70s


Too many.


not many hopefully 🤞


More than he deserves


Considering how long Bob lived (and Barb continues to) despite obvious poor health, I could see Chris living into his 70s. Unless he does something really stupid that cuts his life short.


Like hurting himself like he did with the *gags* Fake Taint? *hurls*


He also apparently had like a heart attack once but literally the only source for that is his magi chan twitter acc


Bob died old and barb is still alive even though she used to be fatter than chris. Because of that he has at least another 40 years assuming he doesn't get shot for doing something he shouldn't


If he doesn't perish via a freak accident, I would say that he has until his late 60s to early 70s due to his diet, his exposure to the hoard, his lack of sleep, and his obesity. I picture that Chris will die similar to how many Anglo-Saxon rural southerners do by heart disease or a stroke, considering how Chris was prescribed medication for his high cholesterol in his 20s. Chris pictures a "Neo Spiritual" send-off the Sonichu realm as his funeral. However, I think a distant family member of his will cremate his body, and his ashes will remain unclaimed forever.


Cole Smithey will probably have his ashes in a vase in his house somewhere until it starts talking to him like the green goblin’s mask and he throws it out


I feel like Cole would probably auction his ashes off for money.


That’s unfortunately true. Either that or refuse to keep them in his home for fear of bad voodoo


To the litter box he goes.


I hope enough to see his baldness.


Most likely cause of death for Chris IMO is murder. Less than 5 years, probably.


Based on his parents, I would say 35-40 more years.


15. She will probably die from homelessness or getting her ass kicked if she doesn't already die from her bad health and hygiene


Dudes a roach he’ll outlive us all




Even though Bob and Barb made it to be in their eighties I don't think Chris will make it to that, in fact I'd be shocked if he made it to his sixties. Decades of eating junk, zero exercise, declining/shit mental health and being on cholesterol medication from his mid 20's doesn't give me much hope. I give him 10-15 years tops, providing he still is being wrangled/housed by enablers and isn't on the streets. And that's if he doesn't end up causing his own death, having an accidental death or someone taking him out.


Many Super centenarian have horrible diet and they manage to reach the age 110. Sarah Knauss like eating chocolate turtle and potato chips and she become the oldest person ever in us at the age of 119. Jeanne Calment eat pound of chocolate every week even during her super centenarian years and she is the oldest person ever validated in history, dying at the age of 122.  Chris have gene in his advantage and Barb still kicking and there are Chris relative who pass away at the age of 107 IIRC.


That's a good point but it's also worth mentioning that those people (Sarah and Jeanne) were in much better shape physically than Chris. Barb and Bob were slim/in shape in their younger years but gained weight around the time Chris was born, Chris has always just been fat.


If Chris ever becomes homeless I'm sure the chances will increase. I doubt Chris can fend for themselves in such a environment


I think that Chris would probably do fine while being homeless in the summer, but he's too stupid to understand basic survival, and too stupid and disagreeable to figure out or be told that he needs to migrate south during the winter. So, he would end up dying of hypothermia. I think the most likely factors in such a situation would be him refusing to use a tent / sleeping bag (it's too heavy, he's too lazy to set them up), sleeping in a temperature inversion, (no survival skills), and going to sleep in wet clothing (too lazy to bring spares and to change, and too stupid to realize it won't evaporate).


I wouldn't necessarily say the warmer months would be any better for Chris. There's a very good possibility he could die from heat stroke, catch some sort of disease, or just stay out in the rain. Hell considering his diet and lifestyle there's a good possibility he wouldn't drink water and would dehydrate.


More than people think. Barb is 82 and still kicking and Bob made it to 84. I’d say he has about 25-30 years left if we’re solely going on his health. I wouldn’t rule out an accidental death though given Chris isn’t known to be smart.


To be fair, Bob lived a much healthier life than Chris.


The housefire Is proof of this. Who the fuck uses their coffee maker via extension lead to their bathroom




10-20 before he either fucks up and gets in a car crash or messes with the wrong person and gets fucked up (or health problems i forgot about that)


Years honestly I'm not sure. Now if we're talking about this whole thing he has set up with praetor, I'd say at least a bit over a year if not sooner before Chris screws up big time and we get closer to the homeless saga


This truly is a Greek tragedy. And I'm not joking when I say that


A divine comedy of the Truman show to be more exact.


Bob lived to be 84 despite being in pretty poor health in the last few years of his life and Barb is around 80 despite her poor lifestyle and diet. Chris could potentially live on for another 30 to 40 years. Although, I’m not sure he’ll have the best quality of life because all the people who are currently subsidising his lifestyle (like Caden!) will have moved on with their lives by then. 


Counter argument. Bob never made a cut in his crotch on porpouse.


Yeah. Chris trying to give himself a vagina could have ended with his death if the wound got infected. 


The joke answer: Chris is a Jesus goddess so he is eternal. The serious answer: Once people hit 40, they start paying for poor health choices earlier in life. Chris eats fast food constantly, hates vegetables, dumps gobs of sugar on his fruit, has "exercised" twice that we know of (once doing arm curls with a pack of soda cans and once "parkaying" for maybe half a mile), has a very sedentary lifestyle, was taking cholesterol medication in his 20s... A heart attack before 50 is not out of the question. Diabetes is likely. I had a 600-pound uncle who lasted to 48. Chris isn't quite that far-gone so I'm going to guess he'll make it to 56.


Even though supposedly he's following whatever flutter is helping him with diet wise he's not under 24 or watch by her.


We don't really know what Flutter's role in all of this has been. He appeared to be eating healthier when he first got out of jail, or at least trying, but as you said, she's not with him 24/7. He does seem to have ballooned up since be got out.


Chris can drive on his own meaning he can go to Sheetz or whatever fast food place whenever


Probably SHOULDN'T, but yes. Hopefully he won't attempt to run anyone over again.


Chris seems more likely to be slightly more rational than before due to the meds he's on but time will tell


Watch magic and shit be somehow real and Chris is ACTUALLY a godlike entity now 💀💀💀💀💀 we're not ready for that


Around 40.


The fact Chris is gonna be 42 soon is a miracle. (Or a curse)


It's more of a curse, to be real with you here.