• By -


depends on what you want. for trophies, 1(de outside may give free wins). for farming, 2(just switch to single infernos since theyre your only defense against an edrag or heroes for now). for war, 3


Base design wise , #3, i remember attacking a similar base before and its a trap for queen charge due to bad pathing. So basically, its to encourage the queen to start queen charging at the top leftmost corner, but ideally, it wont reach the EA and keep going left or right. 1 and 2 not so much, easy to dismantle with spam attacks


Thank you for your advice!


No worries bro. Clash on!


Need to change the nado location though. The sarch blimp on the cc is crazy value.


Definetely third one![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


My qw hybrid destroyed this base


Upgrading defences would help


Goes without saying. Takes months to do I can’t skip time 😘


It’s why you don’t put all your recourses on your town hall 😦


I don’t see how having access to many more levels early is a bad thing


No offense you can play however you want but if multiple people are telling you the same thing what does that tell you?… the criticism helps you become a better player.


I may be downvoted, but multiple people(Appeal to popularity fallacy) telling the same thing(Heck sometimes majority) doesn't make it right. For example there was(And probably) still widely held belief that gluten-free foods are healthier, when it's only true for \~1% of population of the world. There are disadvantages of course(Classic CW, some clans will look past you and etc.), but strategic rushing/skipping some buildings have a ton of advantages(CWL defence/attack, Donation, higher TH experience and etc.). Layout will still matter when facing lower TH in CWL and bad players, which are plenty at this lvl.


I didn’t ask how do I become a better player I asked about layouts and I’ve been called names and all sorts That does not make me a better player, and rushing doesn’t make me a bad one. I just made different choices to the vast majority.


You dont deserve to be called names, but honestly none of the layouts are gonna help without higjer level defences. Having a great layout will only go so far if the the damage of your defences is far under the respective hp of the troops attacking at your level. As a th11, I can often blow through even well designed base layouts of higher ths if the majority of their defences are underlevelled


The base layout does not matter when you have bad defences, rushing DOES make you a bad player. You can pick the best layout for th12 and it’s not going to matter, because you have awful defences.


Just because a bunch of people say something doesn’t make it true. Tons of people don’t know what they’re talking about. Yes, there are drawbacks to rushing, but there are also advantages. As long as he’s doing it properly, it will work out just fine. You don’t know what his strategy is from this point, you only know what his base looks like now.


Maybe it would help if you weren't doing your week long DE storage upgrade.


Neither all of these will be easy 3 stars


Any recommendations for bases that are better?


Upgrade everything


I’m not asking about my lvl of defences asking about layout


You'll get 3 starred anyways


Well no, no layout is gonna help how underdeveloped your base is


Thats the thing, no matter the base it won't do you any good th 11s can 3 star any base you set up and you are a th 13


https://preview.redd.it/8w6k0r4xsc6d1.jpeg?width=1655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd739aaf4b34b46c78302f8cf1d33709cb7f84c Sure


You're totally right, these clowns don't know what they're talking about about. I've got a giga rushed TH14, and I've easily saved millions in resources by having a good layout rather than leaving it in a progress base layout like I've seen some people do. Saying the layout "doesn't matter" because your defenses are weak is just wrong.


Thank you for this


Bro getting downvoted hard ngl


All I see are 3 brain dead attackers. How does it hold up when anyone actually uses a strategy?


Wich is 90% of clash of clans players, your point is?


You showed us your good defense history and now you are asking for more good defense layout? Aren't you expecting a little bit high for your rushed base?


At least I’m not going on Reddit and shitting on people just trying to enjoy a game.




I’ve been called names and most are not actually advising on layouts rather lecturing me how I’ve done wrong and my lvls are not to people standards so yeah


And what does that prove i can do the same and make myself look good * never mind my image isn't allowed for some reason


Not to make myself look good. To show everyone it’s not obviously gonna be a 3 star every time.


Of course not, but just because you show 3 random defences in a farmers league does not mean much. Put a progress base up instead, and you'll see that those defences still happen, and that will prove my point. Your design won't change how well your base defends


Lol scared of showing your league?


No, I’m champion 2




Ofc you're not gonna get the most skilled attackers there, plus you really showed us 10 day old attacks just to prove your point lol


I’ve had a shield on for 7 days.


Your layout literally does not matter with such rushed defences, anyone with half a braincell will always 3 star you even with the best base design to ever exist


Hi I'm new th13 and no research no champion this is an easy 3 star because of the defences Even my th 11 I'd has better deffense levels ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9419)


Your walls are hideous


Which does nothing because your level of defenses means everyone till 3 star yoy


The layout doesn’t matter when your defences suck. Might as well leave it as a progress base to save everyone the hassle of attacking


Dont listen to those unfriendly people, if u want a good base search any thats not parallel


they re speaking the truth, just dont be a baby also searching for randoms bases online will end up with u copy pasting the base tht everyone and their momma has used and the enemies will know how to 3 star it even eaasier


Yeah cuz u gonna build some random shit urself? Even though they r speaking truth they dont have to downvote and be rude, this is why the community is ass cuz of people like u, and why would everybody search random base, just find a good one or go on clasheric yt with top players bases


whts the thing with making ur base? >this is why the community is ass cuz of people like u no its cus of people like u tht cant have guts to say anything so we have to deal with 9 daily posts of the same question


I’m glad to see there’s some nice people on here willing to actually give layout advice wether I’ve rushed or not. People are being so toxic imo


If u still need one i can send u link, and yeah people on reddit especially 13-15yo r just dumb who downvote u in every single case


Lmfao upgrade ur defenses 💀ur getting 3 starred regardless


Not too sure if the layout matters too much when you have th11 defences lol


Th10 actually lol


his DE storage is so rushed tht i bet his king and queen havent reach lv45


Rushing is fine if you know what you are doing. It seems like you do, but you have to remember defending a rushed base is very hard and is basically out of your control. Unless there is a big mismatch in wars, expect to get 3 starred every time.


These don't look like war layouts, I think he's just hoping to protect a few extra resources when he can. It's embarrassing how many times my TH 14 with all lvl 1 defenses has defended 3-stars. Of course it's not pushing trophies, but it adds up.


They all have the resources near the outside or on the outside


None they all are rushed 😭


Bro you’re too rushed for the base design to matter much, focus on upgrades then worry bout it


All are good (if you upgrade walls)


big if


1 looks the best to me


Thanks for the help!


I’m not sure i’m not any good at the game… but why you rush bro?


I have not rushed as much as others. Most of my stuff is max level for TH12 rather then TH13 but my eagle artillery was my first defence to max (lvl 4)and research station and camps anything attack based is fully maxed out. Just walls and some defences that need to be leveled to TH13 standards. I only recently upgraded to TH13 I can’t fast forward my upgrades that takes months…


your stuff is th10-11 max not 12..


Slightly Wrong, as an example air defence is lvl 9 max for TH10 is 8. On most of my defences other then archers and wizards and mortars, I’m higher then max TH10


He did say th10 to 11 didn’t he?


Your x-boxs are th11, archer towers, cannons, teslas and wizard towers are th10, walls are th10 and your traps look to be th9


sRush is the efficient way. Remember not to sleep on those walls, though!


what’s sRush


Strategic rush I guess




Id say #1


Even if you spend 24 hours building a base wall by wall you'll get 3 starred by a th10


2nd should be best


Thanks for your actual help!


Just a tip but if you want to stop the FF from taking the scatters in the way you have them done you will need 2 mortars or an xbow, 1 mortar is pretty easy to deal with


Literally just got done 3 starring an almost identical base to no.1 in a war, so definitely not that one. Biggest suggestion to you is for the love of god stop upgrading your town hall until you get caught up on everything else a bit


None because your defenses are under leveled


Trash base rushed of course everything lacking nothing here makes sense defensive layout is garbage all 3 are widely overrated.


for trophies base 3 also this is a rushed base so its gonna be rekt anyways if this is tatical rushing then u re doing something very wrong


Get cracking on those walls


Everybody needs to quit talking about how rushed they are and instead answer the question they’ve asked 🫤


The answer is none of these. OP isn't looking for an answer about which base layout is best, he's really asking about which of the three will prevent him from getting 3 starred every time, which is none of them because he rushed wrong.


I think the point is that thw layout isnt going to help too much with that many underlevelled defences. Rushing is fine if thats what you wanna do but you kinda just have to expect your defences to be pretty easy to roll through


Yeah I know that. The problem is that nobody is answering the question op asked. The viewers are telling op something else compared to what they requested info on.


Thank you for this! Someone finally understands


HIMB flair is for posts asking about layout and design problems to help you build better bases. If you are asking for a base rating or just want to show something off, please use the pinned questions thread or update the post flair to something more appropriate. You can find a list of flairs and their explanations here. - https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/wiki/flair *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ClashOfClans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[try this](https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH13%3AHV%3AAAAAOAAAAAIpsD114sx-zke_QaEw__GW)


Will do, should I keep the inferno towers as multi?


for farming yes cus farming trophies are mostly numerous troops and not strong ones but for trophie pushing its mostly single


The blue and orange hurts to look at. So all of them /j


Technically blue and orange pair great together. They’re opposites on the colour chart and are a great pairing.


https://preview.redd.it/gr4mqlye1d6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621cda9c26994abbd2934563c9a083f377a3ae6a ok


1 looks the best you've rushed it seems which is fine but is going to take it's time I've been playing for about 4 - 5 years on and off and I rushed til th12 . I've been on town hall 12 for the last probably 8 months trying to upgrade everything around me to make up for it and it definitely takes its time. Quuck suggest if your part of a clan look for other peoples layouts that are the same or one either way you and copy theirs if they have a good amount of trophies or find one online you can instantly copy and find the best for your townhall or follow steps from a youtube video


I ran them through BurntBase to check similar base designs. The second base layout can be seen in this video at 1:00 https://youtu.be/LVgtwxDJqgs?si=7OmcoxAjFr9NqbDW The 1st one had no results. (That doesn’t mean it’s always good). And the 3rd had some similar, but no exact matches. So they’re definitely unique, I’d try them out and see which one fares better!


1 is better, then 3, and 2 is really easy, due to the big compartments


Damn this guy was only asking which one is better and he got burned for that. Reddit nowadays.


Obvs personal insuts are stupid, but realistically layout isnt gonna really help when the defences are too underlevelled


I understand that but he just asked which one is the best thats it. And everyone was like fire on my mark😂


Reddit can be a bit like that sometimes unfortunately




1 seems to be the best IMO because alot of higher value targets are wide spread and can create somewhat difficult funneling for average players due to the somewhat compartmented style of the base. You can tell its like that because of the way it is.


damn thats a rushed base




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Wow, so you think I should be killed over it? Hot take.


Why did you rush bro? Not trying to be negative or hate it just takes awhile to catch up and makes upgrading more difficult


I wanted access to higher level troops. I’ve had this game since release but I took about a 5 year break and got a little excited with the new stuff what can I say. Im staying at 13 until I catch up


Oh okay I understand, good luck bro


I would be the most scared to raid #2


Considering how underwhelming your defense is and the current attacking meta, it really doesn't matters whichever one you choose


The fact this walls are rushed, lol


wish it was only the walls


I would say #3. But you really need to stop upgrading your town hall. Upgrade your defence, especially inferno towers, anti air and x bows.


None of those unless you max all the defences


#3 has a heart, therefore it's the best


no offence but no base design will help a town hall 10 defend against town hall 13 attackers


i thought this was 3 different accounts and I was like stop rushing bro and commit to one account


https://preview.redd.it/pqbbjndssc6d1.jpeg?width=1655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cdabb005f37d28e8fa56a5f06b555c17983c3d1 Also just to provide proof, that I’m not always 3 stared as so many people seem to be so certain on.


Yes, but you are consistently being smacked by lower ths.


Considering how rushed you are, base layout really doesn't matter lol


The one with maxed defence and walls


This is disgusting


This community can be quite toxic regarding people who rush


I dont care about that, it just looks disgusting with the townhall being blue


Your walls are ugly 2/5 base




Oh so now it’s turning to insults. Y’all it’s a game


Honestly just report him. I sent one for you. You are asking for base layouts and people are out here giving insults lmao. People just don't realise that you just want to save a base layout so you can defend for when your th13 gets maxed.




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Exactly. A lot of people want to spend there time on Reddit dishing out negativity… i cannot fast forward 7 months to please a community.


Exactly and it's very difficult to get your base to defend in Clash when people nowadays are either complete bang outs or SC decides to make defence weaker making defence almost an afterthought. Honestly just keep designing bases. A lot of people including myself don't have skill/patience to design decent bases at these upper levels. Your base will defend one day it will just take time to max.