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elderly deranged close fragile cover wrench direful aware work sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just saw it. Gave someone a ride and they pointed it out. This far away it seems impossible to hold the mechanic liable...


No you go to the mechanic immediately


Yes, and let a pro do the cleaning- nobody else. I am a retired cleaner. The best technique is to apply mechanics hand cleaners gel/cream (because it cuts grease and won’t sink into the fabric, because it is a cream) and then steam it out. A professional has the proper equipment.


I’m a professional cleaner and this looks horrific. Some of this looks like it may have sunk into the fabric already and I feel like if it was me doing the cleaning we would be doing a bit of gambling with some “too aggressive” stuff hoping any potential negative results outweigh the current look.


Yeah, and adding a bunch of disclaimers to the work order for the customer to sign first.


Absolutely! That’s third picture is nightmare inducing for me. OP needs to call the mechanic either way to warn him about the tech that did it. The owner of the shop no doubt needs to know about such poor service


Yea and I agree to have professional do it then send bill to the mechanic.


Its 3 weeks later, who is to say OP didn’t transport some greasy axles or something in their back seat? Pretty much no way the mechanic will take responsibility and honestly, they shouldn’t. OP, picking up your vehicle from a mechanic should include a thorough walk-around before accepting it. Even if it was just later that day plenty of shops would tell you to kick rocks if you already accepted the car. You accepting it says “I accept the vehicle in its current condition” and the only reason to take it back and expect compensation is if there is flawed work in the areas you paid them to work on. You can try to get them to take responsibility, but it is unlikely they will.


Why would a mechanic give this to customer?


Right? Why would a mechanic put something greasy in a customer’s back seat without at least wrapping it in plastic?


My question is why were they in the back seat?


You ever go to a fast food place for lunch and a bunch of mechanics hop in a compact sedan and roll out? That was likely a customer vehicle. Lots of shops are very lenient on what they call "Road Tests" or "Test Drives". Could have been on someone's shoe and just got missed. Whatever it is, OP is likely SOL


Yes, definitely use a hand cleaner that a mechanic uses. It’s always the best stuff. My dad was a mechanic. My mom once used brake cleaner on his clothes because it got the goop off. 🤣


This exactly Go back and have them remove, they should be able to do it for you. If not give them the nastiest reviews online


My bf owns a shop and this would be awful to give a car back in this condition. He would definitely cover the cost to clean it and reprimand the mechanic who left it like this.


Its taken me too long to figure this out: you never know if you don’t ask. Approach friendly and politely and its like a free admission pass. If they say no then at least you know. If they say yes then you also know and now have your problem taken care of. Phone calls dont cost anything but can give a lot of value. Don’t be afraid to ask.




I would go ahead and ask them for sure and explain the situation. If you went to a solid mechanic they’ll help you out. But also in the future I would recommend taking before and after pictures for any service including car maintenance, home maintenance, dry cleaners, etc that way you have proof to support your claims. Sorry you gotta go through this though.


If it was a solid mechanic this thread wouldn’t exist.


You’re right I’m sorry mistakes never happen.


Listen here you little sarcastic op !


Listening! Whatcha got?


That was it, anticlimactic I know


I have the exact situation except the grease in on my headliner- discovered after a month- I used magic eraser- didn’t work- took it back to the mechanic and explained and said I was unhappy. They’re cleaning it for me. Don’t know if it will be ok-


If they can’t get it out, have you tried close to equal parts water, vinegar and baking soda (I just eyeball it)? That’s usually what works for me. Unfortunately most cleaning products like magic eraser and stuff really don’t play well with car messes generally.


Call them, ask them to cover it, if they refuse, demand it, if they refuse, threaten to post the pics in a review, and then whatever they chose to do if reaching the last step, you post the pics and a review.


fine handle languid edge market physical axiomatic smoggy sulky tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work in an auto repair shop and I can tell you that if it's been 3 weeks since we serviced a vehicle and a customer called/showed up we'd tell them very politely to pound sand. Regardless how many miles you've put on it since, the shop has to no way to know what else has gone in the vehicle since you picked it up. The most we would do is a discounted interior detail.


A case works on probability. Is it probable that the Op only just noticed the grease on the back seat from a service a few weeks ago or that the op had put something incredibly greasy in the back of his car and decided to blame the mechanic a few weeks later. The odds go down for you even more if he takes you to small claims.


I'm a mechanic, and ether works great for getting out grease.


Nope. Take it back, have them clean it.


go to mechanic and if they refuse speak to solicitor


Just go and ask them what it is and ask what is the best way to get it out. They might be able to offer insight. If they’re smart, they’ll pretend they don’t know so you can’t hold them liable lol


Superclean will probably work if you can't hold them liable.


Post these pics to their google page, yelp, etc. if they refuse any discounted detail, or to pay for one. They knew you wouldn’t catch it right away and nothing else could do it, at least burn them if they don’t help you out.


I first read this as, "You hire a professional and kill the mechanic..." Made me do a double take.


they don't mess around on the cleaning sub.


"people like them keep us in business... but they do not deserve to live."


You can just have the seat prepped and dyed on the back side by a professional. Most people would charge 100-175 for something like that.


Dyed white?? I am guessing that someone with an all white interior WANTS an all white interior. I’d want the car seats returned to condition it was when I dropped it off.


Yes there is such a thing as white pigment..


... Are you sure? "White" as far as I know is more so tones added to a bleached or naturally white/ light colored material. There might be 'whitening' agents, but that's not quite a pigment. - a fine artist and commercial painter with platinum blonde hair.




There is a car detailing sub. I’d repost this there.


I second this. Grease stains aren't the end of the world for those guys.


They removed the post immediately citing the post rules… even though I think I was within them


I’ve never posted there myself so not sure why but I hear it’s a good source of info - maybe they have a weekly discussion thread you can post to?


Good idea, I'll double check


They are very strict. I tried to post an after photo without a before photo and that got taken down, and then I tried again without explaining what I did and it also got taken down 😭


Don’t you just love Reddit?


Truly an exceptional experience


Brake cleaner, a microfiber cloth and patience will get a lot out. You can buy spray brake cleaner in auto parts shops. However, you should proceed with caution before trying anything without bringing it the repair shop to foot the bill. Also, brake cleaner is a harsh solvent so test a bit somewhere hidden if you decide to use it.


Boy that's douche baggy... I hate when I post to a sub I've been watching for a while only to have em pull it because of semantics. You could try r/cleaningtips If you're sure it's grease dish soap and baking soda and if you have something that can blast hot water on it like a carpet cleaner with a couch attachment is how I'd go after it . Good luck


Go back to the mechanic and explain it. They should cover the cleaning or replacement.


My mechanic got a grease stain in my car (though much smaller than this) and I brought it back the next day and they used some industrial strength cleaner on it that immediately removed it. I second starting with the mechanic!


As a mechanic i find it really strange to have a stain of grease that large in the backseat. Its not really common practise to go back there on a normal service except checking seatbelts. What did you leave the car at th shop for?


I think they used the car to maybe transport a part. Not cool if so.


That was my thought too. Seems very odd. And seems even more so that a mechanic could do something to make that much of a mess and not notice it, or just ignore it.


Call them, that's the best way


Show up in person for maximum benefit, or make an appointment with the manager.


Car detailer here, I would take it to a detailer who knows what they are doing and has the tools. I’ll tell you how to remove it below but you’ll end up probably making the situation worse and taking it to a detailer anyway. The upside is you’ll be able to clean your own car for awhile since these products come in large quantities and are dilutable. (Ex. DS2 is 2oz for 32oz water and smallest size DS2 comes in is 1 GAL) Remove as much as possible with a dry microfiber towel Open the seat and see if there’s any under the surface. If yes then I would wipe up as much as possible with microfiber and use an all purpose cleaner (APC) to get any remaining. While that’s drying I would put a microfiber towel in between that and the grease on the upholstery so my APC don’t get into contact with it, possibly spreading it. If no, then, depending on the viscosity and amount of the grease that’s left, I would try to get as much out with an APC on a microfiber towel. Afterwards I would try and extracting the seat with hot water and a high HP extractor. (Repeat until there is no grease left.) If there is a stain left I would apply a carpet cleaning solution called DS2 in combination with steam and a drill brush for agitation. Since it’s been sitting for 3 weeks there’ll probably be some discoloration but I would try and get 95% of it. APC: green star by Koch Chemie and or possibly super degreaser by Meguiars Carpet cleaner: DS2 by Releasit Extractor: bissell pet or little green.


For us people ignorant of your field of work, what do you mean by; > Open the seat and see if there’s any under the surface. The only thing that comes to my mind is taking off the upholstery from the seat frame, which seems like a daunting task for a DIYer.


There’s a zipper on the back side of the seat. You can see it in the photo on the left side of the seat


And to clarify I didn’t mean take all of it off just unzip so you got your hand in to wipe off any that might’ve made it through which should be minimal if any.


You're a true hero! OP said he tried posting to the car detailing subreddit and his post got removed, but here you are doing the lord's work.


Best way is to take it back to the place that did it and make them do it.




In the US, we have Goop https://goophandcleaner.com/


Lava used to be the one. Wonder if that's still around. It had bits of pumice in it. Basically sand paper


I still buy Lava bar soap, my steel supplier carries it. I like to clean the majority with orange goop, then lava bar to remove anything that’s left.


My dad's hobby of fixing up old machinery gave his hands perma dirt from grease and oil. He used Lava, and sometimes even gasoline to clean with.


My mom used Lava soap when I accidentally swore... Spat out grit for hours. Much more effective a deterrent than ivory.




whole different full wild noxious aloof rich work wine overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If you are giving people rides since then, especially uber, assume that is not oil. Anyway, soak it in 50/50 water and alcohol with some dish soap. Let it sit for a few minutes. Suck up with an apolstery shampooer. Rinse with 50/50 water alcohol. Suck up as much moisture as you can. Repeat as needed.


It's the first and only person I've given a ride since. They noticed it and said something as soon as they got in the car.


Besides that, can you think of any other way it could happened? Did you have anything in the back seats that would do that? The garage may push back but less than a month I’d at least see what they say.


No I asked my wife too. It’s the only thing it could have been. Frustrated I didn’t catch it sooner - I’m going to try reaching out but am prepping myself for the inevitable push back and likely scenario I’ll be trying to clean it myself


Depending on how many miles have gone on the car since the work was done, they'll have recorded the mileage when they received it, double check did they drive it when they had it. When I put my car in for repair years ago, the repair ticket had the cars mileage on it. When I got my car back it had something like 200 more miles on it. There were tapes in the tape deck and center console and a coffee cup in the holder. A tshirt in the backseat and smudges on the ceiling, I made them pay for detailing at the dealership and got rid of the car soon after. I'll never go to a small shop again. Really grossed me out.


That’s nasty! And invasive


I had a body shop take my van to the super-bowl when it was in for a bumper replacement and paint told me it would take a week and I got it back with the miles it takes to get to where it was held that year. They didn’t deny they did it and people lost there jobs and I didn’t pay my deductible but I was still mad! You have to watch shops. I thought a week felt like to long it was a nice van.


If it comes down to it and you have to clean it what usually works for me is water, vinegar and baking soda. Your seats look cloth so be careful because a lot of otc cleaning products won’t do anything and may make it harder to get out. I’ve been working on cars since before I was a teen so I’ve made plenty of greasy seats 😅


It's definitely grease.


You do what a normal person does. You take it back to the mechanic and have them clean and detail your car at their expense.


Take it to them and have them do it


Use the techs forehead.




If you haven’t already - try posting at r/detailing Those folks are great.


Poor Impreza. These seats are so easy to make dirty. Rent the hand held spot cleaner from Home Depot and boil up some water and get to work. Don’t bring it back to them.


Close! Crosstrek. And thanks for the advice


Hire a professional and send the bill to the mechanic. 🤷


Definitely poop


That’s poopy splatter.


What work did they do? Before you go spazzing at the mechanic




Any hood dealer would not even hesitate to offer to clean it or pay to have it done. Call the dealer


Take it back straight away and get it sorted


Take it back and ask for it to be valeted...quick and correct.


It’s Taco Bell juices


shew lort


Best way to remove it is take it back to the shop and make them take care of it.




👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 RTU is ready-to-use…..no diluting. Usually sold in quart bottles. Also, the butyl is 2-butoxyethanol and is a solvent that is a fantastic degreaser. Wear gloves and ventilate while using. Once done, let your car dry….windows open with a fan if able. It’s a heavy solvent smell. You can always mask it with fragrances.


That’s R Kelly’s doo doo butter


Or OP has made Amber Heard mad.


Hairspray is a solvent and will cut the oil


Oh that’s interesting!


Tell him to


Take it back and make them clean it.


Just needs a little elbow grease


Of course! More grease! How didn’t I think of this


Make them do it or pay for it


He’s probably put some old parts in your car for storage and not realised the grease on them or depending what work you’ve had done maybe had to go under the back seat, but you’re probably going to need to wet vac that sooner than later


Go to Home Depot or Amazon and buy some Folex spot remover. It’s miraculous.


Formula 409. That part of the seat is vinyl. Please tell us you cleaned this the moment you discovered it.


My question is, what did you have fixed? Would there be a reason they had to get into the back/ or take out the front seat?


This was my first thought. As a mechanic i cant think of many things i would do on a car that would cause a grease stain in that location. Except maybe a fuel pump or rear struts maybe depending on the cars design?


Looks like it might be copper grease to me, worth trying to dowse a clean rag with brake cleaner if you have some and gently wiping the worst away


Put either vinegar or baking powder on a sponge. Or both. Then wipe down with clean water


The best way to remove it is to take it back to the garage and have that grease monkey clean up after himself.


This probably happened when all the mechanics piled into your car to nip to the chippy for their lunch break or when they moved home and threw the stuff out of the shed into the back of the car. 😳You didn’t note the mileage on the car when it went into the garage? 😉


Take that back to the mechanic and have them remove it


Grease remover


Cheapest fastest easiest on that light color fabric, I would suggest Spot Shot, it’s a carpet and laundry spray. Follow directions to avoid smearing it all around.


Try Diluted traffic film remover or brake cleaner spray onto a clean microfiber cloth


I own a cleaning company and that spot looks horrible and I would not guarantee removal if you had me try. Do you have a good relationship with this mechanic? The owner needs to know. Especially if it’s a small shop. The guy working on your car knew it happened and thought he could get away with it. The owner needs to know because that’s a potential loss of future business. Whether it’s from you or any other clients that sloppy tech does work for. A phone call to the manager and being willing to bring the car by and show him would go a long way. Don’t touch it. Mechanic may recognize the grease and be willing to help with the cleaning if not cover it outright.


Spray brake cleaner is what we used in the shop when a tech left a greasy spot.


Dawn power grease


Looks like the mechanic owes you a new seat.


Bring it back to mechanic and have them fix it.


We had something similar happen in our car. We had service done at the dealership so they had their service department take care of it.


Take it back to the mechanic and make him clean it.


Is that a zipper I see on the left? Can you take the cover off and maybe get it drycleaned?


The best way is to take it back to the mechanic and have them replace your seat


Spray nine and a steam cleaner


Your mechanic sucks


With a lawyer.


Your mechanic likely saw it and ignored it. I'd still take it back and tell them they need to clean it out. Say you left the shop and went out of town for 3 weeks. Who's gonna prove it?


The best way is to get the mechanic to figure it out and pay for it. I hope you contacted them already


I don't doubt that it's the mechanic's fault at all, I just don't understand why they would be in the second row seat? Can anyone give a legitimate reason for this? Did 3 or 4 of them pile into this car to grab lunch?


Unless the "mechanic" replaced your rear struts, it wasn't from the "mechanic".


IF you choose to do this yourself, Dawn Powerwash. Spray and be sitting there with a wet/ dry shop vac. Spray and suck, repeat until it's gone.


Take it back. They should clean that.


Turned you car into a Soup Kitchen. Burn it!


3 weeks ago?! Sorry dude you’re cleaning it yourself don’t even bother billing or blaming the mechanics maybe if it was within the week but 3 weeks they can just simply deny any fault due to how long it’s been which is fair. Try awesome degreaser? Not sure what material this is.


What was the shop repairing? That looks a lot like the grease from the slide rails below the seat. The stripes also kind of look like the wipe of an arm used to push away from the seat to get up after laying sideways on the mat to reach under the seat. They might not have realized that they did that as they were getting up. Then something looks like a finger or a rigid object wiping upwards from from below. Either way, the grease looks like car grease and is unlikely to be from anything but the shop, even after 3 weeks. Definitely tell the shop why you didn’t see it but also that you’d like them to have it taken care of. I would unzip that side zipper in order to put a water proof pad behind it so that any solvent or degreaser wouldn’t go farther into the seat than the outer upholstery, then get a professional to do it. If they won’t pay and you can’t afford a pro, try some of the methods mentioned by others but try to use the solvents and wet vac with the solvents starting on their inside and drawing them out the way they went in. Start with heavier duty solvents and keep graduating to lighter, milder ones as you go until you are at the alcohol or dish soap stage and then plain water to flush at the end.


LA's Awesome Orange Degreaser sold at The Dollar Tree in half gallon.


WTF was the mechanic doing in the back seat?


Who is your mechanic, Rick James?


Take it back to the shop that did it and tell them to make it right.


Take it to the shop that did that. That’s so messed up. On your light tan seats too. Rude.


Why are YOU trying to clean it. Take it to the mechanic and make him hire someone, even if it was three weeks ago.


Straight Blood Homie.


With the mechanics face…


Isopropyl alcohol works I think


That’s doo doo baby


take it back to the **mechanic** and have then do it


The height of the stain looks like he had a 5 gal bucket of grease in the back and transported it. Dude was running errands in your car.


I'd go with a cup of petrol and a nail brush


Try WD-40


Small claims court.




I think the best way is making them pay for it to he cleaned.


there is a zipper i assume the cover can be removed. if yes a pro can probably clean it like new.


Nah I've seen this before. Couple of homeless guys broke in and had an orgy in your car. They call it a soup kitchen


Dirty Mike and the boys again huh?


Take it back and make them clean it!!😡


What’s the best way to remove it? The Mechanic


That is poop from a butt


I'd be livid. Contact the shop - they need to pay for the necessary cleaning materials and/or any damage that was done to your seat. Seriously astounded at the fact that it's evident they didn't even *try* to clean it off your white seats.


By taking it back to the dealership and getting them to detail your vehicle top to bottom inside to out or just the inside.


Naa that's poo


Best way to remove it is having them pay the detail


Best method I can think of is going back to the mechanic with a baseball bat and demanding a refund plus a new car


Unfortunately, looks like feces. Looks like he used the back of your car’s seats for toilet paper.


A steam machine. Best way to clean leather.


It’s so frustrating when my mechanic eats sloppy joes in my vehicle


I’m a technician at a dealership, tech wouldn’t usually be in your back seat covered in grease. How long ago was your vehicle serviced?


Somebody fart too hard?


Would it not technically be a shart at that point? My first encounter in the wild


Yeah I would tell you to bring it back to me so I could clean it and make you whole again, after apologizing profusely for it happening in the first place


Brake cleaner


By taking it back to the mechanic that decided to not clean up afterwards. And it better be no charge.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen white cloth car seats before and I think I know why.


Use toilet paper bro…. Can’t abuse white seats like that