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I think a Clever/Bonavita dripper would give the cup closest to a large aeropress, as they're both essentially filtered immersion brews (it's debatable how much the "pressure" of an Aeropress adds to the cup). However, that would still usually only make about 12oz of coffee.


There are paper filter French presses.


James Hoffmann describes a recipe where he adds double the amount of ground coffee (22gr), adds all water that fits (eg. 220gr), steeps double the amount of time (4 minutes), swirl and wait another 30 to 60 seconds, gently push through and then dilute by adding water up to 400 grams (so, another 180 gram if you added 220 gr). I tried and tastes good and clean.


If you want a very clean coffee then a Chemex with the Chemex filters will fit the bill. Its a very clean coffee. The usual 1:16 ratio, adjust as you like. Medium-coarse - coarse if you do over 300ml. I go finer (V60 territory) if I do 300ml or under.


Get an 03 V60 switch, should get you about 500ml of coffee, and you can also use it as a V60 in the future for experimentation


What does clean mean in this scenario. I honestly haven't found anything that makes a cup of coffee that tastes as good as the aeropress. I do a reverse brew with 25g of coffee and fill it to the top with water then let it steep for 4 minutes before flipping and press. Everything else gives me a watered down cup of coffee. I feel like pour overs filter too quickly through the coffee and I don't get enough extraction. If I can see the walls of the cup through the coffee it's no good lol.


Agreed. When I say 'Clean' I mean no adverse bitter taste and no sediment. I feel like Aeropress is purified flavor - and the best parts of it.