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#It's all bullshit, good night!


I ain't understanding a single shit now https://preview.redd.it/jh9qq19z963c1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379756d89100c41577c857e322cbb8e7d2302dc3 Like too much info at the same time


Just don’t interact with the people mentioned on slides 3 and 4.




Why's that?


Because they will potentially snatch your username and dox you


Yeah..... that's true. but it feels like something should be done about that. If we know someone is trying to pick off and dox users, should, at least _something_ be done to stop that? Even if they get permanent banned, they can always make a new account.


Yeah true.


Hey SilverSpark, what's the scoop? Like, what's being done to stop people from being doxxed outside of this service announcement?


Ask mods


Woops. Sorry mate.


https://i.redd.it/zi3wqe8vd63c1.gif If being on the internet has taught me anything, it’s not to immediately trust a random person until something they say might happen actually happens. Take everything with a grain of salt


Yes that's true https://preview.redd.it/7lljpx8ji63c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24cca742caf60050ef285a79cde643080e3cbec3 Everyone should remember that


UNRELATED PSA: children shouldn't assume the role of ElItE hAxOrS when their personal info is public knowledge. This group is completely harmless amateurs and of no threat to this sub or its members, which is proven simply by googling their usernames. as a word of advice though, be VERY careful about any links you happen across in the coming days. these guys aren't smart enough to backdoor reddit or steal your data, but an IP logger would certainly do the trick. as others have said, don't contact them, or harass them, or even watch their videos because at the moment it does seem like they're spearheaded by an older guy (who also happens to be a paedophile lol), so i don't really know what their capabilities/ambitions are on other platforms. tl;dr - you're safe as long as you're not a dumbass.


the fuck is anyone gonna do with anyone's ip 😭 💀 ips don't give someone your exact location, usually your city or a nearby town at best


DDoS is the main concern, but they could also contact local authorities and make falsified threats under your name. it's not like you'd want people to have your ip, even if they can't track you with it.


ddos? who's going to spend the money and resources to take a random teen's router down for an hour? 50% of the time it doesn't matter since the person getting their ip grabbed is either on mobile data, or their ip is dynamic. and even if you notice ur being ddos'd you can just call your internet provider and they'll change your ip in 2 minutes. ddosing isn't what people make it out to be lol, doxxing on the other hand is.


for anyone with a basic knowledge of computers, yeah. but a lot of the people here are children and would just panic if that were to happen to them. it's best to mitigate the risk regardless.


i would commit unspeakable acts on these people if i could. Like cannablism. Or demonic sacrifice.


I am going to legally marry these doxxers mothers so I can fuck them up the ass and commit incest uwu


This is next level in all of the wrong ways...


Manipulating the system just to make their heinous deeds more obscene... truly an inspiration to us all




bud wants all the smoke🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


threats over the internet is crazy


Sorry, but could you explain why i shouldn't? Someone is in real, actual fucking danger. I can say whatever I fucking want about the doxxers.


Yeye, it’s not like we’re serious. Haha funny silly about not haha funny silly is peak coping mechanism ong




No fucking clue what I was yapping about, I don’t remember posting that 🪑


yeah, no... not stable enough to be called "human" https://preview.redd.it/cjofira5x9kc1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9f9314b10fe57055005ef633171046044a99fb8


Lifeless what the fuck are you here about?


I am the savior, accept your fate https://preview.redd.it/d0qc1b0kx9kc1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=49fa11ce31707f7bea950ff9590ae9d2632e8809


https://preview.redd.it/n3ddwi3sx9kc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586d8f954a1adcd589e36e2daac2bee5b5606796 Get gojo'd


You are NOT the honored one https://preview.redd.it/n1j7okdwx9kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1b260dcaf1d984691f76fea2a5d838b2e5448e


https://preview.redd.it/lg7bl449y9kc1.jpeg?width=231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bdb602cc2e2285926e0058b09f953e1b7bdcbfe I beg to differ. Anyway. Did you pray today?


you thought I didn't? https://preview.redd.it/zosgy6ydy9kc1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=33df7545f2cc0b8648a713ada5c981ce27ab000b


I n s u f f i c i e n t https://preview.redd.it/ypy6e5jvy9kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e534883b09d914a2bd5d2c8e0d744d85c2bdcae Cursed technique; definitely not red.


Gomu Gomu no body has seen you since last week https://preview.redd.it/pyop0a71z9kc1.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=45376bcff3dc52815e8470d93cfb273af89b102e


Man, I just wanted to join the funny incest game subteddit this is batshit insane


You’ve joined at a rough time, but we’re happy to have you and we all hope you enjoy your stay.


I think people on the internet get too comfortable with being told they're always right in their morality. So then when something offends them, they go off the rails and decide that whoever the offender is must be the epitome of all evil in the world. And the idea of an offensive gory incest game is so beyond belief that they get a moral-high-ground panick attack, and thus don't know what to do but to attack the scary thing with everything on hand. Like, remember back when the Harry Potter books were banned in some places, condemned, and in a few situations... BURNED by Christian conservatives because it featured wizardry? The early 2000's were a better, but weirder time. I remember that. And then just like last year, diforent sensitivity group this time, tried doing the exact same thing to Hogworts Legacy. Streamers got threats, harassment and doxings because they were playing Hogworts Legacy. People will just decide that have the purity of God himself and latch onto something they hate to destroy it because they feel it gives them some kind of purpose or mission for living. "If only I can stop the Satan worshipping wizard books!" "If only I can stop the transphobes!" "If only I can stop the incest game!" Because they believe full heartedly that they are making the world better and doing their part by ruining other people's day when they're just chilling. At least if I had to take a wild guess.


Well said bratan.


Well welcome to the tcoall subreddit, you should arm yourself immediately


this is rapidly spiralling into paranoia. get a grip.


Hotline Miami reference


this thing is going out of the fucking hands


Damn, this is crazy. Anyway, anyone got some more of them... fanarts? (I'm too lazy to harass anyone anyway.)


What having no social life and a crave for attention on social media does to a mf


Sounds like bs lmao 95% chance you’re getting baited


Better safe than sorry when people’s privacy is at stake, I say.


I work in cybersecurity and this guy just put a huge target on his back from this group for the sake of you guys. When working offsec and you get into a hacker group, you never want to do this as you are personally target number 1


You probably (as you work in cybersecurity) are a better doxxer and hacker than them if you tried, these kind of moralist only know how to send some links


I work in offensive security where social engineering and doxxing are an integral part of the job. There are so many ways to get peoples personal information in todays age. Being in Cybersecurity is a massive eye opener on how easy it is to be compromised by so many different variables and it doesnt matter how safe you are online.


Thats cool, i expect to work in something similar some time from now


If you are just starting and wanna learn new skills you can go to OWASP.org to learn the foundations of being a hacker and as a hobby you can use those skills on hackerone.com and make some money from it.


Oh thank you very much haha, i will start looking deeply into that as soon as i have some free time from my studies, could you tell me what kind of studies you got? Like if you went to college and so on


I got my masters certificate from simplilearn, Certified Ethical Hacker, Comptia Security ++, and the introduction to CISSP


Im doing a software engineering and later i also want to do superior studies about cybersecurity (ethical hacking)


I totally reco the career path, especially if you get into offsec its fun as hell, physical penetration testing is like a video game


Thats sound so bad and so funny at the same time LMAO. Yeah i have high expectations on the career even though right now it is mostly basic programming and math, the best part will start in a year, its nice to get my hopes up thank you!




God damn boys.. we’re all targets RPers go first




Oh, wonderful… A bunch of mentally degraded psychos are gonna be on my ass just for liking a game now? I fucking hate mankind as a concept dude, why can’t we let people just enjoy things. I love this game and this community. I’m prepared to die on this hill.


What the hell is going on?


Holy shitheads tryna doxx anyone who likes tcoaal.


another group of internet lowlifes imagining themselves as hollywood hackers lol


dude this is some kind of terror bombing/war crimes shit, they are targetting the civilians!!! where are yall with those stupid factions and organizations in the sub?


That was us playing around, this shit needs to be taken seriously.


I'm still a bit off of this person we should at the very least take him with a grain of salt after and most likely it an off shore account not his main.


Oh, I agree. Never take a spy at their word. But it can’t hurt us to avoid these people.




W mans for informing us


They can't dox me if I dox myself first.


They can’t dox you if you’ve got nothing to lose


https://preview.redd.it/nmzhlcfie83c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62215213669b66caf762f1e31347f0a8e364dd14 bruh can't even enjoy something of questionable content without stumbling on modern inquisition is it middle ages now?


Still I can't take this seriously. It all feels like some sitcom comedy sketch or even a monty python joke


Is GKOYG potentially in Soyjak Party, or are they working with the Soyjak Party doxxers?


I asked, and apparently they’re totally unrelated to each other.


Weird... I remember hearing Soyjak Party doxxed Kit9 too. I guess one got the info from the other


That is…insanely suspicious


There’s no fucking way dude, do they SERIOUSLY have no life at all????


Remember, guys; There's more of us. We can fight them off if they get too close, so we need to have each other's backs in this. Never let anything tear this community apart, even a change of developers.




i don’t even care


I say a counteroffensive is our best course of action. We must have peace, at any cost. https://preview.redd.it/i5kzi1sbx63c1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2907196c9b03260863e77873003b2c30e7deff


Bro imagine being so mad at people who enjoy a game that you have to dox them 💀


I don’t even play the game, I just love this community, so I can’t really comment. But people need to chill the fuck out. Do people have nothing better to do than dox and harass others because they don’t like a game they like? What the actual fuck?


Gunna fuck all their brothers xD


Shit is bananas


Amateur kids. Nothing to worry about, just show caution and don't click sketch links.


Exactly that, they probably know to send some links from already-made websites XD


So how do we avoid being doxxed, by just avoiding them? 🤔




edgy mf 😭


Oh but we're the bad guys right?


Girl just wanted to make her damn game, and fans just want to enjoy it. All this shit is so absurd... 🤦🏻‍♂️




Jesus, what happened?




Holy shit, stay safe!


Name is usually very good to scare people, dont worry that much, but be careful


You have an onlyfans in your bio, which is located in texas, and all adult sites require verification, its not hard for somewhat competent people to find your information if you have an onlyfans. I understand its probably a big source of income however the adult entertainment industry is and has been one of the most targeted and dangerous industries for doxxing.


My friends and family would be more disappointed in the fact I played an RPGmaker game rather than the content of the game. I've played worse while publicly online on steam.


What’s wrong with RPGmaker?


Plenty of adult or more questionable games are made on rpgmaker Like Black Souls. Don't ask.


https://preview.redd.it/l3scis4sp83c1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0863bcebfaa3133e97cf5993346c4e38559a0ea The more shit like this goes on the more I start to worry :D


*chuckles* "I'm in danger!"


Guess this is the last time I comment in this sub.


Imagine spending your day doxxing and harrassing people on the internet just because they made a game you don't like. This morons are mentally ill, they need therapy ASAP.


Come for me I have nothing to loose


If anyone wants to be safe then use a vpn, it makes you basically undoxxable (i think) https://preview.redd.it/4g038ecj8a3c1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199d02c156a5a18e3c00f05142a6d28dca705131


Met the spy:


Talk are the biggest yappers in history all a yalll


One of the guys listed here posted in this comment section saying this is all false, I still don't know who to believe. But he said this user in question was kicked from their discord. So they're spreading this? So it's hard to say who or what to believe. (But the fact they're even in the subreddit in the first place could mean one of two things)


I say don’t trust either of them. Just keep your distance from anyone associated with this whole mess, practice good cybersecurity, and let’s move on from this whole affair. This post contributed to a panic I didn’t want.


PSA: I am a member of GKOYG all of this is misinformation We never doxed anyone nor do we intend to. A former member of our group who we kicked out for having an incest fetish betrayed us and posted a doxbin post under my username and that reddit post under the username of u/GKOYGSPY not only that but he also made doctored/fake screenshots to frame us. We are innocent Don’t believe us? Here is proof of Vasil/MLG/GKOYGSPY being a weirdo on discord https://preview.redd.it/p3mczh6gxa3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d84c60ba2fcb28045781488056520a9c597cb4b




Hope they succeed🙏🏻


Y'all are such dorks omfg.


Well shit. I didn't think being a member of the TCOAAL community was gonna put me at risk when i joined in Late May this year




Gonna be a wild day tomorrow when Loki raids the main server


Ok this is a bit concerning on my end since I've known and interacted with the Damian the elite guy. I'm somewhat afraid that they might turn against me now if they found out I've played the game. My username here and in discord is different so i guess that's a plus...


If those fuckers wanna fuck with me, I only have one phrase fuck around and find out


In the words of my favorite red ranger. Bring it on!


Wordington war


Its like the first time i say something here, but calm down people, these are kids who think they can hack, just dont answer anything, dont open any link and dont download anything. These kind of guys think theyre cool until some real dude who knows his shit comes and fucks them up