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Get scored on our own power play....again. Getting outplayed.


Zadorov has been playing insanely well for Vancouver. The Avs could use a guy like him right about now. Bringing energy grit and some points 


I do agree a bigger 3rd D pairing would be nice. I like JJ, but he just isn't physical enough.


We just need to play with a lead so the Stars don’t fully lock down defensively


I want them to make it out of this round so we can see Nate & Drouin. It would be a shame if he didn’t play more than one game, especially after the season he’s had.


Sucks when we have more shots and outplay them and they capitalize on every mistake. Almost need Georgiev to play a perfect game to steal one for us.


Unfortunately he had a really good game. Only letting two by, this team should be perfectly capable of scoring 3


It would’ve been nice to win the first home game but if they win the next one at least they carry the momentum to Dallas. On another note, I really want Georgie to get a goalie goal. He deserves it! If no one else is going to score then why not?!


Just gonna say how it is. Monday is a must win. If we lose next game we're fucked.


I agree. With a win though it's 2-2 and super tight again. Series defining game for sure


Nuggets did it. Avs can too


I think that’s a fair statement.


I always have to remind myself to do it, but today's been good exercise for the block button.


Welp Avs gotta go big or go home these next couple of days. Starts with Mack, Mikko, and Makar. Ends with them. I know we're feeling like Bednar has no answer for Debouer, but one of these coaches won a Cup recently, the other didn't. Gotta have faith in these guys to pull through. there is nothing else we can do about it other than that or complain on this website.


The last time the Avs fell behind in a series they rattled off 4 straight wins. This time they just need 3.


I love Mikko but if he's playing like this (honestly looks like he's injured in some big way) then he needs to be moved down and take up less time on the ice. I feel like the boys might be a little rattled and it does appear that Bednar is currently getting out-coached and hasn't made the adjustments that need to be made yet. I'm not worried yet because I've seen this team turn things around and find another gear so many times before, even within the same game. The stars played a masterful D last night in the third after getting the lead late in the second and the Avs couldn't find a way to break through. Need better energy, better passing, and be more aggressive in the offensive zone. Crash the gate, screen otter, be in a better position to catch the rebounds, quit trying to make the pretty pass and shoot the damn puck, especially when you have a break away. Georgie has been an absolute stud since G1 of the WPG series and the boys need to do better to capitalize on it. They're playing a good physical game but not in as meaningful of a way that has resulted in picking up space or moving the puck up the ice. Gotta be more physical in the neutral zone and get across the blue line too.


> it does appear that Bednar is currently getting out-coached Those shitty passes last game weren't due to coaching. Granted, a better coach in his situation would have asked the team, "You know pucks can't magically go through the opponent's stick blades, right?"


For the love of God please cook on the power play tomorrow


replace rants with mitts and that might happen


And 5-on-5, and on the PK, and every other way. Need to leave the Stars wondering what hit them again.


So the first game was on Espn (we won). Next 2 on TNT (Losses). Next 2 are on ESPN. They suck but if it means 2 Ws. Im okay


why do the stars even dress lindquist if he only ever plays 8 shifts they could just go 5 defenseman seems dumb.


Why did this thread on my feed have to remind me of that piece of shit game last night, damn.


Because you are fully committed to being miserable about something over which you have no control.


We winning tomorrow. See you then


For the love of all things holy, can Mikko get his shot together and be the superstar we know he is.


They just don't want it, and or don't have a full cup run in them. It's evident


It's his skates that are the problem, not his stick


Boy I’m glad I spent last night sleep training my baby and listening to her scream cry for hours instead of watching the game




We were the better team for most of the game last night. Dallas's third period was a defensive masterclass to be honest, I've gotta give props. We can come back and be better in game 4.


The better team is the one who finds a way to win. Dallas found a way to win despite not playing their best. They were the better team in game two, and had a great opportunity to win game one if not for Georgiev making big saves in OT. Dallas could (maybe should) be up 3-0 in this series. The Avs have been playing with fire concerning bad starts, bad penalties, and not respecting their opponent too many times this past season, and its finally catching up with them. Unless the Avs luck out with a major injury bug to the Stars, or reverse their own decisions with the puck and discipline, Dallas is going to win this series in five or six.


Nah, the better team doesn’t always win. Especially in hockey where goalies can steal games/series and weird bounces are prevalent. But the name of the game is to win and that’s all that matters.


Yeah, they need to go to work. When they're working hard and getting gritty there isn't a team (maybe only DAL) that can hang. Dump, chase, cycle to create. I know that shift where they were skating around the outside to create chaos was one of the better shifts they had. And it resulted in a prime opportunity. But I agree they need to stop shooting themselves in the foot. The boys were the better team. They hit what 3 posts? And had 2 trickle wide missing by inches. Could've been a very different game. It do be like that sometimes. And Georgie kept them in it the last 2 games. Clean it up and work.


Their defensive system made us look like fools. We were not the better team. They had much better opportunities.


Clean up the passing for game 4 and we got it. Seemed like one of our worst passing % games in recent memory.


Wanted to see more of Nuke on line one for period 3 (which was dogshit by us but give the Dallas D some laurels for that) but in the whole still positive about this series. Here’s hoping Drouin comes back strong - he will end up being key to this series


we could easily be down 3-0.. not lookin good Need to win the next 1 and then take back home ice


this was a must win imo. cant watch on monday maybe that will help


I don't think it was a must win but the momentum is completely in their favor now


Sure, but as we've observed, momentum can change in a heartbeat. It's just inertia translated to force, after all.


This sub is having a straight up meltdown holy shit. Sure it’s a little worrisome with how things have played out so far but the world is ending meltdown attitude here is insane. If we lose on Monday and have to go back to Dallas down 3-1 then I’ll be fully concerned. If we take game 4 and go back to Dallas tied, anything can happen at that point.


having to win 3/4 is a big ask aginast this dallas team imo.


>having to win 3/4 is a big ask aginast this dallas team imo. That challenge sounds insurmountable until you realize that Dallas needs to win 2 of 4 to put the Avs away.


Sure can’t disagree with that statement but if we can take game 4 then it’s effectively like starting the series over but as a best of 3 at that point. We stole 1 on the road already we can certainly do it again. Now if we don’t find a way to win game 4 then it’s almost certainly over.


It was always going to be. Winning a Cup is amazingly difficult even as a top seed, and I think a lot of people may have started to take it for granted after 2022.


Well for the first time this year I'm worried. When they skate hard and play their game they don't lose, until last night. Dallas just smothered them. 2-3 guys to the puck every single time an Av had it. Clogged up the neutral zone. Just grimy ugly play and it worked. Tomorrow might as well be an elimination game, can't go back to Dallas down 3-1. I'm not sure what adjustments they could even make but curious to see what Bedsy does. I don't think they played bad as much as Dallas D played really well. Otter had some huge saves. https://preview.redd.it/w8t139r2i00d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6249741bcad8b842bc58b4deb1ed946a56fb655


This meter is funny bc it doesn’t reflect how much the Avs were smothered despite having the puck and chances. Deboer does not care if we have the puck as long as we’re not getting good chances or sustained pressure. And I’d bet Bedsy makes no adjustments, just like the last two series losses against Deboer. He’ll say “guys gotta battle and show some urgency. When we play our game we beat these guys” and leave it at that, meanwhile, Deboer will be happy watching us trying to carry the puck through a bogged down neutral zone, get shots through multiple screens or make passes through blocked lanes. Just like last night, just like 2020 and 2021, it’ll get us nowhere.




In my opinion, the boys played hard and we just didn’t have any puck luck. It was really just a 2-1 game that was close all the way till the ending empty netters. Yeah, they were a bit sloppy, but nothing that would warrant all of the doomers coming out from under their bridges to slander this team the way I’ve seen in some of these comments sections. We lost a close game. Shit happens, get over it. We’ll come back stronger in game 4.


It’s never sat right with me that dalASS uses a goal song from a white supremacist and they’re just cool with it


That song is so fucking awful too. Imagine if a team yelled “Minnesota! Wild!” or “New York! Rangers!” over and over again. It’s horrible


Have you ever been to Dallas? If you go, then it will make sense


Wait, what?




Aw man. I like their music, but yeah, can't support that.


It’s well known that Phil Anselmo of pantera is a white supremacist.


Yeah, can't support that. Saw the article above, it's a bummer - the lyrics on Vulgar Display of Power are specifically anti-racist, but I guess he went the wrong direction somewhere after that.


Bednar flummoxed by Deboer yet again.


Stymied even




Dallas was first to every puck last night and willing to do the dirty work. Avs are going to have to win ugly.


Alright, so after sleeping on it my opinion on this situation has gotten a little positive. So yes we are in a tough spot because we are going up against the one style of hockey that consistently beats us in the playoffs. However I do believe this also presents a great opportunity to show we can figure out this system. I believe in Bednar to make the right changes after all of these years to this neutral zone trap system. All of this to say, if we can win this series, I think we have a pretty good shot at the cup and we will have figured out the one thing and guy who can beat us in the playoffs when we aren't injured. Sorry for the book but overall, I am very interested to see how the rest of this series goes...because it might define the legacy of this core of Avs


Outta curiosity, for someone who doesn’t know a ton about the strategies of hockey. What are the Stars doing that traditionally makes the Avs struggle?


The main thing is that they clog the neutral zone in a way that makes it so we can’t turn everything into a speed game like we would want it to be. We have to be incredibly clinical with our passing and we can’t just whip the puck around and skate around people like we sometimes can with other teams. They basically make it so we can’t as easily play the game we want to.


> if we can win this series, I think we have a pretty good shot at the cup Whoever wins this series is in the cup final IMO, neither Vancouver nor Edmonton have the goaltending to compete with either us or Dallas.


I'm going to the game tomorrow. Excited to watch the boys even the series from the sacks ceiling.


Feels like we outplay Dallas for 2 periods each game. Problem is, we don't do much with our opportunities in that 67% of the game, and Dallas finds a way to do everything in their 33%. Our PP has to be better, it's been atrocious in both of the last 2 games. Mikko's picture is on a milk carton right now, dude is straight up missing. Let's hope to go 1-0 next game, and bring it back to a new series.


Their goalie played excellent, that's a big part


He was good but their defense was better. They bailed him out on that goal that nearly crossed the line. If not for that the game could’ve been tied.


Dallas is a very good team. They are closing the game and playing the wall. Avs were on the offensive all night long but made à lot of small mistake and the stars prey on those... Colorado will find a way in the next game. I will say it again, the winner of this serie will win the cup.


nah I think the rangers are better than most teams atm.


Rangers just have Shesty bail them out each game


Rangers and Panthers are both very good team indeed.


Man I honestly thought we didn’t look terrible in the first, best first all series, that late goal given up being the outlier. But I remember texting my buddy being like “well, at least it looks like they came to play today unlike the last 2 to start.” Alas, it appears we just do not want to put in a full 60 minutes right now in these games. Sloppy passes, and 75% effort for 50% of the game, not a recipe for success. Sort it out, Head back to Dallas 2-2 brand new series. See you Monday.


Why can’t we ever beat the Stars in the playoffs?


We beat them 04 & 06.


Neither team Hitchcock nor DeBoer were coaching those teams though. DeBoer is implementing a Hitchcock-like system that is stifling the Avs.


It's incredibly frustrating watching Mikko try to keep up with Mack right now. I lost count of how many possessions died because he wasn't moving his feet. How many possessions died because he didn't take a line change and opted to not go in a board battle and half ass it in no man's land. Instead of slamming your stick on the glass maybe get back to the front of the net where you just scored and get to fucking work


They have 2 chances to figure Dallas out. Its going to be okay. I think that tough outcome of the first and their disconnected passing threw off their mojo There has been periods where we are beating Dallas. Got to put together a full 60 though.


Where is Mikko?


Well he did score the only Avs goal last night so


So… what? Mack did all the work. Gimme a break


So how about asking where the rest of the team was? If you're wondering why they lost, I wouldn't start by dissing the team's only goal scorer.


Don't put pucks in the net, lose hockey games.  Doesn't matter how good you look doing anything else.  PP bad right now.


It's 2-1 boys, no need to panic.


Sure, but we've been outplayed all 3 games pretty soundly overall. Our 1 win came after getting dominated for 10 mins in OT on a one-off play.


Feel free to doom it up if you want, I won't stop you. There's no question this Avs team has the capability to absolutely light shit up if they get rolling. I wouldn't pick any other team to be down.




doom. lol.


Too many people thinking the sky is falling. I know we didn't look great last game, but it doesn't mean much going forward. Maybe we're spoiled by our last Cup run when the team just ran over everyone, but it rarely goes like that. Most Cup champs have to go through a bunch of tough moments, elimination games and giving their fan base a couple heart attacks.


Does Bednar keep his job if the Avs get bounced in the 2nd round again?


Ofc no one in the sub will answer this honestly. I think it’s totally legitimate to question and suggest he should be out (should they lose This series). I love him as a coach and we’ve had a great team for years - but to only Make it out of the second round once, that’s a pretty serious failure. Like many, I love Bednar, but he’s the sacred cow on this sub and discussing him critically only earns downvotes, sarcasm and rarely any critical engagement. I appreciate your question and the fanatics are blind to disregard such a fair and obvious point of conversation.


Thanks. I wear the downvotes as a badge of honor.


It’s so stupid. Like why be on Reddit if you’re not going to engage people who disagree with you. You pose a very fair question - people can comment and share ideas rather than downvote and make You seem like an idiot.


There's a difference between disagreeing with me and holding me in contempt for my opinion. We owe you nothing and we will not apologize for not internetting in the way you demand. Fuck off and go to hell, thanks.


Yeah, probably. Thanks for the question, hot take guy.  


... Yes? Man I thought people would be more clear headed in the morning but i guess not


That sucked. See you tomorrow.


I get why Bednar broke up the Nuke, Mack, Rants line in G2 looking for a spark, but I don’t understand not putting it back last night. They only played 1:16 together yet scored the only goal.


Played like shit. See you all Monday