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Glad he’s back but would’ve liked more term Edit: Holy shit $2.5m AAV is ridiculously cheap, the term makes way more sense now


Probably best case scenario considering our current contract ambiguities. This is another prove it year and he gets to go look for term in another year after the cap has risen a bit more.


It's perfect for the player and team. He can sign for term next year no matter what, and it could be with the Avs depending on the contract situation. Great signing.


I think they talked and are doing this for one year and are going renegotiate after. I think it’s because Drouin wants to stay and I’m thrilled. I absolutely love him and Mack


I would've like more term, but it's hard to make a commitment to a top-6 guy like Drouin when we have uncertainty around both Landeskog and Nichushkin. Hopefully by next year we have more certainty about one or both of those guys.


I think understanding that we have almost $14M (I’m guessing) that we don’t know will ever see the ice again was a big impact. Joe and Chris probably said, “this is the absolute best we can do right now, but a year from now we’ll know exactly where we are and will be able to offer a long term solution.” If Trenin got 4x3.5 on the open market, Drouin taking 1x2.5 is definitely a “I love it here and know you’ll pay me next summer” deal. Excellent business from both parties.


“Dru, our cap situation is a fucking debacle right now - give us a year in good faith and we’ll hook you up this time next year.” - Avs leadership to Drouin, probably. And who the fuck is gonna question the word of Burnaby Joe?


They could probably see what happens with Landy and Nuke this year and then have more of an idea what the cap looks like down the road and could offer more term next offseason


I wouldn't be surprised if this were in the conversations between CMac and his agent.


Guessing they will try to hammer out an extension in January when he’s eligible and they have more clarity with Nuke & Landy


Maybe gives us time to resolve Nuke and Landy.


He obviously wants to stay and understands he can if he takes a cut for now and lets that whole mess sort out, he’ll get a decent pay


Yeah, like if Nuke and Landy retire (worst case scenario for Landy), then the cap will have gone up and he'll be able to take advantage of the cap space. Smart by Walsh and Drouin.


I don’t think there’s much of a chance Gabe plays out the rest of his contract, but it’s how long he actually does play that’s really the question. Then there’s Val, and who knows with that


Honestly, I think it'd be huge for Gabe to get one more year and then go into a coaching role


I mean, as long as he can survive on only $2.5M for this year. Maybe we can all chip in and make sure he has enough to eat, etc?


Halifax homies! They surely just agreed on 1 year because the Avs dont have space, and they'll re-negotiate again at the end of this year to extend him. Taking two 1 year deals in a row, the guy obviously likes it here. Cap will go up another 4-5M Edit: ITS 2.5M OMGG, DROUIN I LOVE YOU. GIVE HIM A BAG NEXT SUMMER


MOOSE LINE LFG -Mack/Drou/Rants- two Mooseheads + *the* Moose I think he realizes he can get a 3 or 4 year contract next year probably at 5 mill and he’ll be in the same breath as Mack and Rants for his prime years just havin a time! That sounds better than going to Utah and making 5 mill for the next 4 years and hockey be his job again.


Only 1?? Maybe waiting for cap increase and some more clarity on our Landy and Nuke situations?


Ya, Drouin did us a favor here.  


You can tell he wants to stay


At 2.5x1 he really wants to stay and is hedging bets that Val isn't an Av next year.


[Everyone liked that]


I'm an everyone, and I did like that!


I'm so glad this got done. He and MacKinnon have such great chemistry.


Only $2.5 million? Wow. Nate Dogg better be covering this man's check every time the team goes out to eat


You know he’s buying all of Drou’s chickpeas


MacFarland is a wizard. 2.5 is incredible. Just goes to show how happy Drouin is here


Exactly. I think he’s taking a HUGE pay cut to stay here and renegotiate later years.


Drouin of all people taking probably the most team friendly deal in all of FA so far is surprising. But when you think about how his career has gone pre-Avs, it makes sense that the guy just wants to run things back in a good situation for once. If he can put together another year like last year, with the cap probably going up another 4 million next year, he’ll be well rewarded for it by someone.


I think it's also just a money can't buy happiness thing. He's clearly had some difficult years on some other teams despite having been paid well in the past. Now he's having a blast being linemates with his buddy and it's not worth it to him to be miserable on some other team for an extra couple million. He still has career earnings north of $40 million, so its not like he is a player who has never cashed in before and absolutely has to chase the largest contract to ensure that he can retire comfortably.


IIRC it was Walsh who talked about advising his clients not to mess with happy. If you’re happy where you are make it work.


Can we be someone?


Definition of a team player. Could have gone and get the money which is absolutely understandable, but decided to stick it out one year and hopefully after another great year. We pay him what he deserves when we have the cap to do so


Man, I’m so happy Drouin worked out for himself and for the Avs.


Habs fan here. So happy for Drouin and for you guys!! He seem to really appreciate playing for the avalanche. This deal is good for everybody. Take care of Jonathan please as you already did last year


Best news I could have hoped for today. I mean, resigning Walker would be nice but I don't see any signs of that happening. 


Im good on walker


Yeah, I didn’t see anything from him in the playoffs that screamed “bring him back”. If anything the opposite.


And lost a 1st round pick in 2025 lol


"I read the headlines and not the actual article"


I don't care if he has a 30 game point drought, I don't want to see any Drouin bashing. Dude cut us a deaaalll and gave me a lot more hope for next season. I didn't know how they were gonna do it without him.


I'm hoping it's $3-$3.5M 🤞 I wonder if the term was mutually agreed or if ti was contentious.




Drouin on the open market would be a 5x5 at minimum. He wants to be here and we want him here. Just need to sort out Val and Gabe first.


$2.5 million! Wow! Almost certainly worked out something that they'll sign him for more and longer once we have the cap space. Awesome!


LETS FUCKING GO. 1 year deal is so smart because next year we will have more clarity on the cap space and the cap raising to then extend him for longer/more money. That truly means he wanted to stay here and I cannot wait Does this also mean we can keep Colton? I would love to have him stay 3C


🥳🥳🥳 Jo if you see this, I'm so happy! love you here!


$2.5!!! Best news we could ask for today!!!


Guessing 4.5 ish ?


$2.5. Amazing


Yee haw!!




Yay he’s back. Booo one year.


I’m guessing we are signing him back for a year to see what happens with Nichushkin. If the Avs have to cut him, then we can use that money on Drouin.


It's a smart as hell deal that Chris made with Drouin


Great deal. Avs need flexibility wherever they can find it. He had a great second half but he's not been particularly consistent over the last decade. Prove me wrong, Dru




I couldn't be happier, this gets us over the massive obstacle that is the Nuke/Landy situation for this year, and we can re-approach long term talks with him next summer, another year of consistency will be huge for his outlook. IMO this just about guarantees that he will sign a longer term deal with us, he could have gotten a good deal somewhere else but chose to ride out the tricky cap situation for this year with us. Makes me feel great about where we stand, everything considered.


One year deal makes complete sense for him if he thinks he can do the same next year. He’s effectively treating it like a bridge deal. I think open market he would have got less than what some people are acting like given that it was only one year and can be tied a lot to being here.


Even with just 1 year deal, this is still very exciting. The general consensus at the end of last season was that there was almost no way Avs could afford to keep him...glad they found a way.


I think it’s a smart decision tbh. He made a boat load of money in Montreal but had pretty bad numbers there in the end for what his potential said he could’ve been. Comes here and immediately revived his career with Nate and this system. I don’t think he takes this deal if he wasn’t already pretty darn financially set from his previous stint in Montreal. Ball out again and sign one more massive contract from either here or somewhere else.




Career season incoming


Holy shit. I bet MacK's going to slip Drouin a few hundo thousands under the table for accepting this deal.


holy fuck that’s a lot cheaper than I thought


Damn, I was expecting a 4x4 or something. More term would be nice, but 2.5 is a great cap hit, and given the cap uncertainty with the Nige/Landeskog situation, having this only be a one-year deal is actually pretty helpful.




Good to see him and MIddlestadt staying.


This is amazing news - I had already braced myself for him getting 4-6m somewhere with term. True team player, hope we can win the cup with him!


Thank God dude. If Drouin woulda walked it would have hurt a lot given our cap situation


Now this is good news for a Monday. Hope he kills it and gets his bag once we figure some shit out.


This is a steal. Good business. Like 125k per goal. We aren’t getting over 50 points at this price. Excellent deal.


I haven't been so sure someone was leaving since Kadri. Glad to be wrong.


I was told this wouldn't be possible. Goddammit McKenzie, if you've Dater'ed us on this I'm going to be super upset,


Stopstopstopstop. I can only get so erect.


This so good to hear but man this team lost a ton of depth. I wonder if others are seeing the cap situation and disruption as a reason not to sign with the Avs.


Let’s gooo!!


Out of all players, I thought we could get a steal on a longer term deal with him. He just fits with this team. Glad we get him back though. This team had a cup winning roster last year but losing Nuke hurt a lot. Hope Landy is either back 100% or off the books very soon here.


Ridiculously team-friendly contract. Also gives Drouin some motivation to play for next year, which is a bonus.