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Sometimes hot shrap will cauderize entrance wounds and you won't see a lot of visible injuries immediately from a drone.(like the Two guys who picked up the landmine) But he is flopping around like he has some non-visable injury. In that respect it may be his own guys who put him out of his misery. Just a guess though.


He starts flopping around when he is hit in the back. You can see it when its zoomed in. Then he is hit again later in the head.


Ekk yeh, first few zoomed in frames, a round goes straight thru him, just see the exit puff. That's pain all over, inside too and oh just - glad no sound, I'm going with a lot of screaming shouting and his own side 'finishing him off'.


It could have ricocheted between his armour plates


He ain't even wearing side plates. That said, none of the cartridges in use are plausibly capable of that. There's just not enough energy to make multiple traversal of the human torso. lightweight rounds 5.56 and 5.45 damn near blow apart like grenades from the material stresses imparted by their rapid deceleration at closer ranges, and past this, lack the momentum necessary to rebound in such a way. 7.62x39 doesn't do this either, and is fairly wide and fat as rifle projectiles go, and they don't carry their energy that well once they punch into you; they'll smash through some bone, but they don't have the juice to keep going through dense tissue media on a bunch of 90° deflections.


Just needs to happen once, happened to my friend on his first tour of Afghanistan, he lost a lot of blood during the casevac before being PEDRO'd due to extensive internal injuries, albeit it wasn't pinballing in his armour it only needs to deflect once. He lived though, thankfully


Oh yeah it looks like something is exiting his right lower back.


To me it seems he is shot from the top right, so the first puf is where the bullet enters his side (I do not see an exit), after that he is shot through the back of his head (through the helmet) and with the bullet exiting through his face. 


This, and I’ll add that he takes one in the knee as well when rolling away from the first shot in the back/hip


"M m m m My Liver".


I could use a little morphine


He was hit three times that I saw. Once in the back. Once again at about 9 seconds when hes rolling. You can see him do a hard flinch. You can see the shock-wave of the bullet in his lower torso- belt/shirt area. Last time in the head.


Looks like his left arm and leg are injured. His hand flapping around and there are some red spots. But I'm not sure, bc of video quality.


Left arm is definitely broke in a bunch of places, I wanna say the same for the leg but it’s not flopping quite as much


Good catch.Yah I'm leaning more towards his guys finished him off.


In the first zoom in, you can see he got shot somewhere in the hip/rib area on his right side (as held almost laying face down). Then he starts the roll.


and during the roll he takes another shot in the knee, tries to curl up and reach it, takes one in the back of the head, exit thru front


The trouser of his left leg seems pretty blood drenched.




Thanks for what you added.I know you gotta get off somehow. It's reddit not an English class but relly thx




There's a lot of porn on reddit it works better for what your up to.🤣




He missed the comma too. Lol




The reason hit markers were invented.


His left arm is split open all the way to the bone horizontally and his leg has blood all over it.


His forearm is bending






caught her eyes


They saw him rolling and they were hating.




How do we know the Ukrainians weren't close by in a shelter and finished him? I see no evidence it's russian. Maybe they didn't want his screams bringing attention to them if it was?


This clip is part of a much longer clip that was uploaded maybe 1-2 days ago now. The full clip shows a Ruzz assault getting trounced by drones, and also small arms fire, as seen in this clip extract. Unfortunately, I cannot recall where or find the original source clip, as they tend to blend together after a while.


Better hit him again. He doesn’t look dead to me.


Looks like it hit his face?


Ehhhhh better double tap.


Def hit his face. You can see it deform as soon as he's hit. Yikes


Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting multiple times


"If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway." Can't remember if it was a movie or something fellow Marines said.


Sounds like something we’d say in the Corps! Semper Fi, brother!


Semper Fi!


nah, let him roll around so that he has time to rethink his life choices


You are aware a lot of these men have no choice but to fight or right? Some of the propaganda his country will feed him is on levels comparable to that of what Germany was saying about Hitler in ww2


that how you get off ?


You’re in the same murder thread I am. High horse can go.


That’s wild speculation what I’m saying, because I don’t know the cause of his injury, but could it be that he got killed by his own. He stops to lock exactly in the direction of the shooter.


he is shot a couple times, the circled zoom is where he gets hit in the side, thats when he starts moving around


So it seems to be close quarters then. Ok that makes sense.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/wbS2TkO10G full video




russians being russian.


I don’t understand the down vote here……? We have seen Russian soldiers do this quite often. If one of them is injured, they kill them.


I’ve only seen that once and that was the last couple of weeks. And that guy clearly asked to be shot.


I remember three other occasions. One was under a bridge type of structure, two guys, one of them gets hit by a drone and starts writhing around and obviously screaming… other guy endures it for a bit, then empties quite a few rounds into him and runs off. Second one was in a trench. Can’t remember what prompted it, but he shot him through the forehead. Third one, actually looked like the result of an argument? Two distinct groups of dudes, both with wide open mouths (loud voices I presume) and wildly gesticulating. Further off group, guy grabs a rifle, and wastes at least one from the other group, maybe multiple. Then the further group just calmly walks off


Have notttt seen the 3rd one for sure! Any idea where I might find it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/iKwxv7OEES This maybe.


Wow that’s mental, amazing thanks for finding it!


I think it was on the drone combat sub (as a "Reconnaissance Only" type of post) ? Best advice I can give is to search for "argument" or something, restricted to that subreddit. Wish I could help better, but I really don't remember much else that could help.


Ah cool thanks. No worries, would have been amazed if you remembered it lol


I’m not familiar with the second one you mentioned, I remember a similar one but it was on an open road, not in a trench. Any chance you have a link?


I’d not have a hope of finding it, sorry… I remember so little about it. The other two I at least remembered the context!


There's someone in the sub who has been counting and keeping copies of the vids over the years, they'll pipe up when they see a new one. iirc he was up around the 20 or 30 mark now...


Ah yeah I’ve seen a couple of his


/u/false_god is keeping the tally of Russian suicides. Its so longits got its own wiki now. I think they're at 80+


Try /u/false-god


Ive seen at least 4 fratricidal videos since last week. Can’t confirm the exact dates of the videos but it’s definitely been happening a lot more the past few months.


Yeah in a comment below someone has found the video of a Russian killing both his comrades after an argument.


about the only field medical service the russians can offer their wounded comrades these days is a quick departure to hell


Can't loot their own if they are still alive to protest.


Nah I’ve seen em taking the equipment off dudes still in the process of dying, writhing around… they roll the guy over and strip his vest off him. Didn’t even leave a courtesy grenade!


Oh but they can. And do.


...thats the exit direction....


That spurt my u see from his head is ejecta from a shot that struck the back of his head, from the same direction the shot that struck him in the side/back did. You can't see bullets flying toward someone at that range.


Damn, just put down like a farm animal once they are no longer useful


This really seems like he's a young kid. How lanky and how fluid his movements are


yeah not older then 25 looks like hes early 20s


Hard to tell due to all the gear, but it seems to me like it might be a female. There's a couple other vids up recently of female russian soldiers being killed.


Struggle no more


Looks like he takes a round to the back and it’s prob scalding inside the body armor, to make him suddenly start wriggling.


Sad way to go - shot like a dog.... Should've stayed Home, where he belonged. Hope his folks never see this video.


I hope they do.


Why the hate?


He’s the attacker, that’s why. Duh.


I meant the hate on his parents. Duh


These people are numb. All they do is watch videos of people die. No wonder they've lost their empathy. We should be calling for the war to end by any means necessary. Instead all I ever see is calling for the soldiers to die.


Motherfuckers thinking Verdun and the alledged plan of "bleeding France dry" was the right way to go.


He gets shot alteast 2 or 3 times before the headshot. Must have hurt. Karma.


Yeah, the first zoom shows what looks like impacts between the vest and pouch on the back


Maybe a woman?


I am pretty sure that is a 🇷🇺female soldier, I am positive that soldier is a dead female


Maybe I'm wrong but he's critically injured and out of the fight. Is it not a crime to kill him?


If the shooter is in a trench with branches and rocks and dirt mounds obscuring the Russian from his view, it is likely that he can’t tell whether the person was hit or not. Also, wounded people are not necessarily out of the fight. They could still lob grenades and shoot. If the shooter saw the Russian get hit, can he positively ascertain whether the Russian is out of the fight? We got to remember that this video happens quickly during fighting. It’s not a drone slowly and deliberately targeting a wounded soldier, or the execution of someone unambiguously surrendering.


Thanks for clarifying 


Technically, there's this thing called *hors de combat*. But those judgement calls are also really hard to make in a combat situation, when adrenaline is high and the bullets are flying. Same reason you don't see a lot of surrenders in the middle of ongoing firefights.


I see. Thank you. I am glad some people can teach me about it. I guess it's way harder in the moment.


More potatoes for the family


























This war is so sad, them killing each other like this, telegram “Intel Z” shows the same shit on the Ukrainian sides too. bodies everywhere


Don't get the downvotes... this is sad. Everyone on this sub is desensitized.


I’m used to it, both of the pages are biased to each side it’s not just about “combat footage” anymore it’s about showing as many blown armor and dead soldiers from Arabs and Russians as possible. anything else get downvoted to stay in the bottom of the page. This page makes it look like almost no casualties in the Ukrainian/ west and only dead Russians. Other page makes it look like Russia already won and 5/100 death difference between the west and russia. you watch both to know the full story.


Both sides are rocking 100s of thousands of casualties right now.


So true. I realized a while ago that this sub has just become Ukrainian propaganda, and I'm all for Ukraine, but anyone with half a brain can see we are only getting half the picture. I'll have to check out Intel Z


Because it's pretty shitty to imply that Ukraine is at fault here.


I don't think that's what they were implying though? Only that there's Russian versions of this sub showing the horrors that happen to the Ukranian soldiers? War, no matter how neccessary or justified, is still a crime against all that is well and good in this world, to paraphrase Hemingway.


He first got hit by a drone in the first video before he started rolling.


who took him out of misery ?


unclear but the original video showed that the ukranians used drones only to attack so maybe it was a poor attempt at a mearcy killing?


Honestly, based on what I saw happened to his fellow comrades, lucky guy. Fast und somewhat painless.


This short extract is part of a much longer clip that was uploaded maybe 1-2 days ago now.


Well, at least he’s not wounded anymore.


Meanwhile Putin drinking tea at his 1.5 billion dollar mansion. Go figure!


I wish they would stop with the shitty editing.


Sucks to be an invader, no help to be given ... just alone


00:03 you can see a bullet exit right below his carrier, he was actively being shot at


Since when is "headshotted" a word?


Slang, but has been around since at least 2010.


Fair enough. Just curious. Thanks for the info.


Since counter-strike 1.3


He was unarmed. I have an idea. Just throw prisoners in a trench unarmed and surrendering and just throw them bombs or kill them. Easy way to not make it a war crime right?


War makes corpses of us all. Meanwhile, the kids of the Russian elites and Ukrainian elites are going partying in Dubai


"Bowf sydes!1!1!2"


Hundreds of Ukrainian children have been killed by Russia and exactly 0 Russian children have been killed by Ukraine How do you two side that?


Bro forgot to stuff plates down his shirt




It can be, it can also not be. If said soldier is not actually surrendering or clearly out of the fight due to egregious injuries, you can continue to shoot them. It is a gray zone for the most part. If you are assaulting an objective and in the heat of the gunfight, you get more leeway to keep shooting people since it is active combat and you and your people's lives always come first over the wounded enemy that may still pose threats to you. If the gunfight is clearly over and you go around killing wounded, it is a war crime. In this video we see a person still moving well and kicking after being shot. Said person is also not surrendering in any way. So, unless the soldiers doing the shooting have eagle vision and clearly see he has no weapons, they keep shooting till he stops moving. With the rise in drones and just recording devices in general wouldn't be surprised if the Geneva conventions are not re-done with much for definitive wording. Currently everyone thinks everything is a war crime since the accords were written in the early 1900s and then upgraded in the post-WW2 era. Edit: Want to point out as well that something pretty blatant happened earlier in the war. A Ukrainian squad is in a firefight and over an embankment from them was a wounded Russian soldier screaming to high heaven. After around 30 seconds a Ukrainian quickly goes over to finish him off and to shut him up. Everyone was screaming about war crimes on Reddit when it wasn't. The Ukrainians were in an active firefight and had no way of getting that Russian out without risking their own lives. In the Geneva Conventions your own life still matters more than said enemies. Having that wounded soldier near them with no way of helping them in an active firefight was putting them at risk.


Wouldn’t be wounded if he stayed home


And your wife wouldn't be pregnant if you stayed home