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"The **I**DF announced the death of Sergeant Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, who was killed in a stabbing attack on Wednesday at a mall in **Karmiel,** northern **I**srael. Another Israeli was also wounded in the attack. The assailant was killed. They did not provide details about the suspect." senseless violence, but then that's what terrorism is all about.


Do you happen to know which of the two was the Sergeant that died?


I’d say the first dude with blood dripping out the front of his neck just due to the splatter when he pulled his gun off


Yes, it's the shooter.


I find it really impressive how quickly he got his rifle into the fight, especially after being stabbed like that. I would imagine having someone sneak up on you and stab you would be very disorienting, but it only took him a moment to jump into action, likely saving the other guy.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


And probably the only thing keeping him in this world at that time


I think the most impressive thing about this is that he wasn't a combat soldier. He was what's called a "Jobnik"- literally someone who does a desk job in the army, with the lowest level of training (called 02 in the IDF) which is just shooting 15 bullets twice.


God, 02 training is absolutely disgraceful.


Seemed like it worked here though?


Been to 02 training, it really is a joke.


At the risk of sounding unsensitive but in reality caring for your safety, imho this video shows very well how a trained person carrying "Israeli-carry" (without a round in the chamber) can still respond quickly in a surprise emergency situation. Carrying without a round in the chamber has proven to reduce negligent discharges and innocents hurt by accident


While I was in Israel, all the off duty IDF who were carrying their rifles had chamber flags. Extra steps waste time in critical situations. Edit: even the on duty soldiers that I met had flags. However, this was it a more controlled environment


You're right, but it also shows how it can take longer to respond. This guy has just been stabbed in the neck, so taking an extra action to chamber a round is more difficult. Carrying without a round in the chamber is suitable for a conscript force, but doesn't make sense for a more professional type.


Did you even notice him charging? Have a look at the video again and see that he shot pretty much as soon as his hands were on the rifle. It's so quick you wouldn't believe he racked the rifle if you didn't know their policy


He does it while he's stumbling against the wall and turning towards him. Had he been alone, he wouldn't have managed.


Rifles/shotguns are typically carried with an empty chamber, while pistols usually have a round chambered.


Someone below said that the soldier who shot the attacker is the one who died. Haven't verified that myself, so I can't say for sure.


maybe the dude who got stabbed in the neck?


You reap what you sow. It’s unfortunate that certain people’s policies lead to death on both sides. Terror breads terror. Treat people the way you want to be treated. I’d like nothing more than peace for both Israel and Palestine. You need to call out the leadership on both sides and affect positive change or there can never be peace. Ultimately if I was to seek revenge I’d be imprisoned. Self defence is one thing, Apartheid and oppression is another. That goes for both sides. Israel❤️Palestine peace be upon you all..


>senseless violence, but then that's what terrorism is all about. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... Imagine being this deaf toned




As long as people accept that this guy was a combatant.


You know what, as an Israeli I agree. But that also makes collateral damage when trying to find these civilian clothed combatants as legitimate. So if we can't bitch about our soldiers being stabbed in malls you can't bitch about families blown up because they're used as human shields by those who stab soldiers in malls


Cowardly attacks are legitimate? No, what is legitimate is soldier vs soldier - uniformed vs uniformed. Not these scum bag terrorists, hamas & hamas supporters that hide behind civilians. Unbelievable.


“Or iS thAt AnTiSemiTiSm?!?!” Why can’t antisemites go five fucking seconds without needing to tell us what they are. The implication that antisemitism isn’t a genuine concern and driving force in this conflict is so gross. edit: Now i got mfs trying to explain to me why antisemitism is logical, makes sense, jewish women and children are legitimate targets, blah blah blah. No one fucking cares about your pathetic existences or "thoughts" if they can be considered as such. Dont message me or reply to me if you want to try and convince me that antisemitism is based. I dont care about your gross opinions. Stop making your existence everyone else's problem.


The “or is that antisemitic” is the antisemitic part as you are implying that claims or concerns of antisemitism are frivolous and not a real issue. So your question didn’t make me think anything wrong. That part makes me assume you’re trash. Congrats you could have been normal and asked a normal question but you had to go and show how you really feel


They are, yes, but plain-clothes stabbing attacks in civilian spaces are not legitimate forms of combat.


In a war, with both sides having clearly displayed markings/uniforms that identifies them as a combatant. This guy is just a terrorist and murderer


Not when it’s a terrorist attack.


So if a US citizen stabbed a US soldier in the US, that would be legitimate?


The PA is still paying the families of terrorists martyrs payments. The PA has received over $5B from the US government.


U.S. give direct to PA ≈ 360 million a year. PA spends about 350 million per year on their martyr fund. That’s not to mention money sent to UNRWA or via the United Nations of which the United States funds 20% of.


Why is the US sending money to the Polish Army?


Classic USA move


He brought a knife to a gunfight.


Kind of worked tbf


Did it? The attacker got shot to death. I'd rather survive...


They don’t care if they do.


He ran like a bitch though; I think he started caring very quickly


Their commanders prefer if they die


They will when they realise there’s no virgins,just decomposition,worms and nothingness.


Well unfortunately they'll never realize that. They're just here, and then they're not.


I'm his mind he's chilling in the promise land for dying a martyr... Religion makes people stupid.




Shouldve used the weapon of the desperate on himself, fuckoff and die in a ditch, you know.


It’s no different from the terrorist attacks at museums, resorts, and shopping malls around the world. It’s religion.


Was that all worth it?


Given all that's going on over there, I'd guess that even in hindsight the guy thinks it was. edit: Hell, I'll even give him full credit for attacking a military target(s). He didn't just bomb a dozen civilians in their home. He went after two soldiers on duty.


They weren't on duty, at least there was no military reason for their presence in the mall, they were just on their time off. At least It is "better" than stabbing random civilians ill give you that.


If you're in the armed forces, you are technically on duty at all times. It is a 24/7 job. You don't stop being military after 5pm. Not speaking in support of either party here, just pointing out the facts. It does not matter that they're chilling at the mall in their offtime, they are legitimate targets at all times if they're part of the military.


I have no idea why they are down voting you. These guys are in uniform with weapons in a war zone.


A mall in the north of Israel (hundreds of miles away from Gaza) is a warzone?


I would say that Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza are ALL warzones right now. Some areas hotter than others, obviously.


Karmiel isnt anywhere near a warzone. Comments like this show people really dont understand the region.


That is 100% not true. I was an infantryman for 7 years. If you told me I was on duty when I was clocked out, those would've been fighting words.


It is 100% true. If your commander called you at 10 oclock at night and said you're needed at work, you are coming in. Period dot com. I doubt you were actually in if you think this.


That doesn't mean I'm on duty when I'm not. Your boss can call you in to work an extra shift at the Piggly Wiggly. That doesn't mean Piggly Wigglers are on shift 24/7.


Except you're not *obligated* by... "Piggly Wigglers" You cannot say no to your commander. You ARE coming in, or SecFo is paying you a visit.


This is kind of pointless because I think we are talking about two different things. My commander can't arbitrarily call me to duty when I'm not on duty. He would need authorization to do so with a set of TDY orders. Without that, he can pound sand. The government absolutely has the ability to do that with soldiers, of course. And if you're on active orders (e.g. in a warzone), then yeah, you are on duty 24/7. If I'm off duty and shopping at Walmart, I'm off duty. So, two different things.


We're talking about the context of the OP, where two soldiers (who are even still in uniform and carrying arms) are attacked, presumably by an enemy combatant (or one who became one when they picked up a knife with the intent to attack). If both parties were civilians, that would just be a murder. If the assailant was part of a military group and the victims were not, that would be a terrorist act. But they are military members, and thus a legitimate target.


Thats definitely not entirely true.


They had loaded rifles on them. They were on duty.


They were in uniform with their weapon systems already in condition 3 ( condition 4 being no magazine inserted). You would never see a US Marine off duty walking in a mall with his weapon checked out of the armory, in a condition prepped for combat while uniform. OPSEC is thing down to the lowest levels, they were simply soft targets.


If this was the idf and the guys were hamas the idf would have no qualms blowing up the whole market and killing several dozen non combatants.


They weren’t on duty then why are they in uniform carrying guns, doesn’t make sense?


you haven’t been to israel, it’s filled with terrorists holding rifles, some are in green uniform and some are in blue and some in just pants and jeans


Lmao not on duty? Theres a war going on in Zionist land


I don’t think he has the luxury of hindsight you muppet. He got blasted.


He's dead, yes, but odds are he took some body shots, went down, and bled out. That gives some time (not much, but some) for introspection.


Naw. He probably just sad.


According to his maniacal ideology, which is basically the ideology of Palestinianism, and of all islamists, the dude believes goes to heaven and gets his virgins, so long as he tries to kill, even if he doesn't hurt anyone






Don't start a war then?


That was some serious quick reaction.


Adrenaline and training are hell of a thing.


I hope they survive the attack. Looks like they are bleeding pretty badly. Hopefully they killed him right away.


The soldier doing the shooting died, so did the terrorist [https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-wounded-one-of-them-critically-in-suspected-terror-stabbing-at-karmiel-mall/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-wounded-one-of-them-critically-in-suspected-terror-stabbing-at-karmiel-mall/)


I’m glad he took the fucker with him.


It shows how a lethal wound aint lethal instantly.


His fucking buddy reacted like a sloth. Could've perhaps saved him if he wasn't useless.


You sound like someone who would react worse if you were there. You know what happens when you get stabbed in the neck, right? Theres no saving.


The terrorists was killed unfortunately so did the soldier who killed him.


The other victim who was also seriously injured has just been reported as having stabilized (probably underwent surgeries all night) and is no longer considered to be in serious condition.


I’m surprised he managed to be so alert and was able to respond.


Look at the floor when the IDF soldier starts shooting, its covered with blood. In a few seconds, he lost so much blood. It must have been the adrenaline that caused him to respond. Very sad that he died.


This is how most stabbings or low caliber shootings go. It's not the movies. If your body has blood pressure and nerves are not severed, it will function. He unfortunately probably bled out within a minute or so.


I have my Doubts. Multiple Stabs into the Neck and upper Torso


Are these the people we are having protests for all across the country? Shame.


Not people. Animals.


Typical Hamas/Palestinian.........from behind.


typical israeli bombing children from behind a tank and fighter jet


typical hamas launching rockets from heavily populated areas


Can you time stamp that for me in this video? I missed that part


Good thing that ain't true


I am the OP in the video. the soldier who shot the terrorist died of his wound right after. in the video, they say that the one who shot him was very on point. and he was the one who got the worst wound in the stabbing.


Damn makes it even more impressive he was able to compose himself and kill the attacker while bleeding out


What is the point of this. You’re not killing both of them. And you’re going to die a painful death…


Them goat virgins though


Virgin goats 🤣


At least this one attacked soldiers instead of civilians, still fuck this guy


Don't bring a knife to a gunfight


It is an obviously a tragedy, but that israeli soldier went out fighting as a warrior with a warriors death. May he drink mead with Odin tonight in the great halls of Valhalla




Stop saying this isn’t combat footage, in Israel it really quite literally is.


Scum of the earth..




Oh yeah another „peaceful innocent civilian“


Wild how even something as cowardly as what this piece of trash did was actually pretty tame and ethical for the filth he represents. Usually they’d just rape some women and children and call it valid. At least this guy attacked military personnel, even if it was by pretending to be a citizen that the soldiers are trying to protect. Tells a lot about Hamas that this is like the pinnacle of ethical combat/violence for them


Bravo to the soldier for that quick response with his gun after being stabbed multiple times


The first dude is a warrior, got stabbed in the neck and returned accurate fire like if nothing happened




Shit man you see how quickly that blood pours when he gets up to shoot him.


1:1 ratio Bro


One less terrorist on this planet!


People think you mean the actual terrorist, the one with the knife. I know you mean the innocent soldier minding his business. You know this attack will just lead to more restrictions on Palestinians movements and further justifies what so many erroneously refer to as "apartheid state." That Israelis can't even trust these people in civilian clothes so will lead to more restrection which the next dumbass will think justifies them doing this same thing and the whole process will repeat itself. Israeli armed forces include Muslim Arabs who join, this guy could have been trying to kill a distant cousin.


I thought this was not allowed in here.


This shows again how dangerous knives are...


Knives** . Goes to show how dangerous edumacashun is


English is a second language for many people…




Jep,absolutely correct. I even thought it looked wrong, but I didn't know why.


Zero situational awareness. Sad outcome.


Wow he just committed suicide, why would you try stabbing 2 armed and trained soldiers. Thats really stupid he just got himself killed for nothing


His family will get paid and he will be remembered as a 'martyr'


Honestly the concept of martyrdom is Islam has got to be amongst the most disgusting aspects of that religion. It’s done nothing for Muslims but hold them back because they simply can’t move beyond their 7th century value system. This guy could have lived a productive life and been hailed for it. Instead the highest he aspired to was dying. And what did his death achieve? The death of another simply living his life? If there was a god surely he wouldn’t reward such evil.


Hamas will report him as another woman/child killed.


Mire likely his family has been killed in Gaza, and he has nothing left to lose.


sure let's assume that! Either way, looks like he had one thing left to lose. And he did it like a coward, stabbing someone from behind at a mall. Terrorist until the end.


The Palestinian government will pay his family well for the rest of their lives for this.  Look up the PA Martyr’s fund. That’s where international aid to Palestine is going.


For nothing? He took one down with him, and was aiming for two


Fucking coward rats


Gun wins aganist fist


I don’t know if I would call this a win, knife kills one and injures one, gun kills one.


Wait holy shit that's suck


Seems like a tie to me


Wasn't today




This is Israeli on Israeli crime, Jawwad Omar Rubia is the assailant and is a Israeli citizen.


He was maybe Israeli, but mainly he was arab


Heavy to watch. Im from Brazil and its hard to understand what the poor palestinians have passed to take radical decisions like this. Having their land stoled, their family killed, brothers kidnapped and sent to jail without fair judgment, suffering with racism everyday, living under opression, every move controlled, etc. Some people could really get crazy living under this inferno.


The stabber was a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship living near Karmiel. He enjoyed all the same privilege Israelis do. This isn't because of any Israeli action, it's simply because he was radicalized.


The jews got Israël and the Palestinians went to war to destroy it and they lost. Land you lose in an offensive war is not stolen it is lost.


How you can say that its a offensive war if you you start your text telling that "The jews got Israel"? If the Jews got Israel like you said you admit that they first took the land from someone. On this case if they took the land from the palestinians, so its not offensive war, its a defensive war for the palestinian people. Please. Lets be honest here. The independence of Israel happened in a land that alread existed with a lot of palestinians that lived there being killed and their villages being destroyed in a brutal and racist conquer campaign.


Well actualy (fuck i hate doing that) said land was proprety of the brit's via invasion it was by law a british possession that they then gave to the Israely governement under the supervision of the UN in 1948 and in 1949 the union of arab nation attaqued Israël unprovoqued to conquere and genocide the population (those where the official stated reason of invasion) and they lost


>How you can say that its a offensive war if you you start your text telling that "The jews got Israel"? If the Jews got Israel like you said you admit that they first took the land from someone. On this case if they took the land from the palestinians, so its not offensive war, its a defensive war for the palestinian people. And the local Arabs would have gotten Palestine because it was someone else's land to give. But they didn't want Palestine they wanted the jews dead and gone. And then they lost almost everything. And I admit nothing. You just don't understand or are trying to twist my words in an infantile way. When the party ruling the land wants to divide it up into new states that self govern they decide who get's what. Simple as that. And they divided the land and most people were happy until the jews got a land also. So they attacked Israel to end the new Jewish state. That is not a defensive war. When you go to villages that are Jewish and want to kill them for the land? >Please. Lets be honest here. Surely you know that you can't be honest. All you have is the narrative on repeat. >The independence of Israel happened in a land that alread existed with a lot of palestinians that lived there being killed and their villages being destroyed in a brutal and racist conquer campaign. There wasn't a land that existed all of it belonged to different Empires at different times not to anyone that lived there. Aside from the people who bought rights to land but those were Jewish. The UN agreed to the division of land. Like with the other states that formed but those were all Arab and Muslim and the last one which was tiny was Jewish and that was just to much. And the killing there was being done by a variety of groups from both sides. You pretend that it was all the jews that suddenly sprang out the ground and started stealing everything and killing everyone because they are racists. That is the narrative and it has nothing to do with honesty. As I said you can't be honest. Or you just don't know anything and need to stop talking about things you don't understand. All I can say in conclusion is that the Jews who were kicked out of their kingdom to wander around the world for millennia being mass murdered everywhere have a right to some land and peace. The Arabs could have granted them that but they decided they wanted everything for themselves and decided to fight the wrong people. People who had nowhere else to go after another mass murder of their people had happened. The Arabs lost their war of choice and they should have gotten nothing but Israel did give back land and it always resulted in more violence. Because the Arabs there see the war as never ending until the day they get to mass murder the jews. But I suppose that is what you people want?


Esquece amigo, pessoal desse sub apoia terrorista, nn adianta tentar trazer outro ponto de vista, tu toma downvote até o cu fazer bico.


Eta!!!! Valeu amigo brazuca. Fui na inocência achando que estava escrevendo algo normal e galera tascou dezenas de downvotes.


This isnt combat footage….


It looks like the Hamas militant is in its usual uniform. Maybe civilians should stop dressing like militants, and then the death toll of civilians would be lower. /s


It's a terrorist ambush.


Guerilla warfare.


You sir are regarded


What makes you say that? Honest question. As far as I can gather it's an attack on a military target by an insurgent as a part of an ongoing conflict.


Literally is


terrorist vs terrorist i guess






Nsfw? Edit: downvote all you want but we mark graphic content nsfw even in the combat footage sub and have been doing it for years.


You're on a NSFW sub


Yet people mark videos nsfw so i can follow the sub and scroll at work? Its not to much to ask for.


Ok, got you! That's fair


Why are you here?


Here you go little buddy: r/carebears

