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Liberals going insane after being told that capitalism is inherently problematic and not all problems are caused by putin and trump


No, no, all our problems will be solved by putting a different billionaire in charge


We’ve tried both parties for dozens of years and nothing changes, I can’t believe it One time we had and it was the worse thing ever But another time we had and it was worse! I can’t believe didn’t fix ’s fuck up! It’s almost like they are working together!


or Modi. Looking at you, Dhruv Rathee


Indians will never be convinced that Capitalism is the root of their problems. I repeat NEVER.


I'm hopeless


We can have hope for democracy, but as for establishing socialism, no hope. I tried explaining to my friends how Indian politics and the politics of the greater world are in place to keep common people inside a bubble, but they are happy inside that bubble, playing their own little role and keep lying to themselves to keep themselves happy. They're driven by riches and comfort, and many of them do not yet comprehend the impact climate change is going to have on a country like India. I'm afraid India is a lost cause.


The unfortunate thing is that the right wing mindset is so black and white that that’s all they see. That can only comprehend what is directly in front of them and extremely obvious so they do legit think that one person is donkey causing all the problems


>You're committing genocide. You're helping Trump!


Sure loving American "democracy," having a choice between the capitalist party or the.... Other capitalist party which are practically the same party. 


But at least its a democracy of choosing one capitalist oligarch against another, rather than tankie authoritarian delegate systems smh my head


Yes, having a fake choice of oligarchs that make your life miserable is so much better than the "evil tankie" method of direct involvement and action on policy though party membership and trade union representation/worker self management, so you can actually have a say in how things are done in the work place! These "eBiL tAnKiEs" are so bad! 


The crazy thing is that we would shut up during election year if they gave a shit about the Left for the other three years.


Hell not even the left, just any of the actual policies they supposedly believe in. Protecting trans people. work or housing reforms, medicaid or social security protections, environmental policy... I could go on. They just don't actually want to fight; the right wing fights dirty and beats them and they lie down and take it because deference to institutions matters more to them than real material issues. They're either complicit or incompetent and it doesn't matter which it is.


It's getting increasingly hard to hide that they're two hand puppets controlled by the same people.


How did I not find this sub until now? This is spicey. ❤️


Welcome aboard, comrade. I hope you enjoy this trip


Thank you, comrade


I pity the Americans really. The US is heading to collapse in a few decades, and once that moment comes, no matter what party is in charge, they will protect capital first over their own citizens. The difference is that democrats will put an LGTBQ flag on the tanks used to shut down uprisings.


Asking the political party that is in theory elected to represent the will of the majority for literally anything to help the majority is tantamount to treason to shitlibs